User guide
- Architecture
- DHCP client scripts
- High availability
- Integrating an OpenWrt network device in your network
- IPv4/IPv6 transition technologies
- MAP IPv4-over-IPv6 encapsulation
- Multipath TCP and OpenWrt
- Network configuration /etc/config/network
- Network interface aliases
- OpenWrt as client device
- OpenWrt as router device
- Particularities of Single-Port Devices
- Routed Client
- Router vs switch vs gateway and NAT
- Static configuration
- Tunneling interface protocols
- UCI networking options cheatsheet
DSA Networking
- How to use OpenWrt behind a Freebox Crystal with IPv6 bridge
- How to use OpenWrt behind a Freebox with IPv6 delegation
- IPv6 configuration
- IPv6 extras
- IPv6 multicast
- IPv6 on L2TP softwire
- IPv6 troubleshooting
- IPv6 with Hurricane Electric
- IPv6 with Hurricane Electric using LuCI
- NAT64 for a IPv6-only network (Jool)
- NAT66 and IPv6 masquerading
- WIDE-DHCPv6 client configuration
Routing examples
- Routing example: Bridged DMZ
- Routing example: GRE
- Routing example: IPv4
- Routing example: IPv6
- Routing example: OpenVPN
- Routing example: PBR with iproute2
Traffic shaping
- Brain Fuck Scheduler
- Class Based Queueing
- CoDel
- Deficit Round Robin
- Example1: Traffic Prioritizing with PRIO
- Example2: plain simple bandwidth/traffic sharing with HTB
- Example3: traffic shaping and prioriziting for multiple users with HFSC
- Example4: HFSC + FQ_CODEL + FLOW classifier
- Example5: Traffic Prioritizing with HTB and MAC filtering
- Fair Queue CoDel
- Hierarchical Fair Service Curve (HFSC)
- Hierarchy Token Bucket
- Linux Packet Scheduling
- Netem (Network Emulator)
- QoS (Network Traffic Control)
- QoS configuration /etc/config/qos
- Random Early Detection
- SQM (Smart Queue Management)
- SQM configuration /etc/config/sqm
- SQM Details
- Stochastic Fairness Queueing
- Token Bucket Filter
VLAN (Virtual LAN)
- Extending the router ports with a managed switch with VLANs
- Splitting VLANs
- Switch documentation
WAN (Internet access)
- Accessing the modem through the router
- Bridge mode
- Connect to ISP using L2TP with dual access
- EasyCwmp (CPE WAN Management Protocol daemon)
- How to configure Motorola cable modems (DOCSIS)
- Internet connection
- IPTV / UDP multicast
- ISP Configurations
- Poor Man's Bridge Mode
- Scripts to get information from modems
- Simple WAN Failover with 3G/LTE WWAN - Using a second router in the same LAN
- Smartphone USB reverse tethering with OpenWrt
- Smartphone USB tethering
- TR-069 / CWMP
- Using multiple WAN IPs
- Using multiple wan with multiple routers
- WAN interface protocols
- X Play
Multi-WAN (Internet access through more than one modem/device)
- Multiwan
- multiwan: Connection to spare internet provider
- MWAN with netifd
- mwan3 (Multi WAN load balancing/failover)
- mwan3 install using filesystem (not luci)
WWAN (3G/4G/LTE and similar)
- Dealing with monthly GB quotas
- How to send AT commands to device
- How to use LTE modem in QMI mode for WAN connection
- ModemManager
- USB mode switch
- Use 3G/UMTS USB Dongle for WAN connection
- Use cdc_ether driver based dongles for WAN connection
- Use NCM USB Dongle for WAN connection
- Use RNDIS USB Dongle for WAN connection
Wi-Fi configuration
- Bridged AP
- Configure A(ccess) P(oint or 'hotspot') + STA(tion or 'client')
- Configure Wi-Fi encryption
- Connect to client Wi-Fi network
- Country code for Wi-Fi operation
- Exceeding transmit power limits
- Identify Wi-Fi connection as metered on Android automatically
- Identify Wi-Fi connection as metered on Linux automatically
- Identify Wi-Fi connection as metered on Windows automatically
- Introduction to 802.1X
- Routed AP
- RSN preauthentication
- Setting up DAWN and band-steering
- Setting up usteer and band-steering
- Setting up Wi-Fi repeaters with multiple SSIDs with separated private, tor and guest network
- Table of capabilities for wireless chipsets
- USB 3.0 and Wi-Fi problems
- Wi-Fi /etc/config/wireless
- Wi-Fi Extender/Repeater with relayd
- Wi-Fi on/off buttons
- Wi-Fi toggle
- Wide area Wi-Fi coverage
- Wifi Roaming
- Wireless Access Point (aka "Dumb" Access Point)
- Wireless overview
- Wireless Repeater/Extender with WDS
- wpa_supplicant
Guest Wi-Fi
- Guest Wi-Fi basics
- Guest Wi-Fi extras
- Guest Wi-Fi on a dumb wireless AP using LuCI
- Guest Wi-Fi using CLI
- Guest Wi-Fi using LuCI
Mesh Wi-Fi
- 802.11s - The Mesh11sd Project
- 802.11s Rapid Deployment
- 802.11s Wireless Mesh Networking
- B.A.T.M.A.N. / batman-adv
- IEEE 802.11s Wireless Mesh Networking
- OLSR Mesh
Wi-Fi Extenders/Repeaters
- Extenders/Repeaters - an Overview
- Travelmate, a connection manager for travel routers
- Wi-Fi Extender/Repeater with Bridged AP over 802.11s Mesh
- Wi-Fi Extender/Repeater with Bridged AP over Ethernet
- Wi-Fi Extender/Repeater with RelayD
- Wi-Fi Extender/Repeater with WDS
- Wi-Fi Repeater using AP+STA mode