PBR app

PBR app provides an advanced policy-based routing solution.

Install and enable PBR app.

# Install packages
opkg update
opkg install pbr
# Enable PBR
uci set pbr.config.enabled="1"
uci commit pbr
service pbr restart

If you want to manage PBR settings using web interface. Install the necessary packages.

# Install packages
opkg update
opkg install luci-app-pbr
service rpcd restart

Support unmanaged protocols like OpenVPN.

# Support OpenVPN
uci add_list pbr.config.supported_interface="tun*"
uci commit pbr
service pbr restart

Create rules with a lower numeric priority value when using Tailscale.

# Support Tailscale
uci add_list pbr.config.supported_interface="tailscale*"
uci set pbr.config.wan_ip_rules_priority="1"
uci commit pbr
service pbr restart

Disable gateway redirection in the VPN client configuration. Route LAN to VPN.

# Route LAN to VPN
uci add pbr policy
uci set pbr.@policy[-1].src_addr=""
uci set pbr.@policy[-1].interface="vpn"
uci commit pbr
service pbr restart

Forward WAN port to a webserver running on Arrange this policy above more generic ones.

# Forward WAN port
uci add pbr policy
uci set pbr.@policy[-1].src_addr=""
uci set pbr.@policy[-1].src_port="443"
uci set pbr.@policy[-1].proto="tcp"
uci set pbr.@policy[-1].interface="wan"
uci reorder pbr.@policy[-1]="1"
uci commit pbr
service pbr restart

Prioritize routing between local subnets and Arrange this policy above all others.

# Prioritize local subnets
uci set pbr.config.webui_show_ignore_target="1"
uci add pbr policy
uci set pbr.@policy[-1].dest_addr=""
uci set pbr.@policy[-1].interface="ignore"
uci reorder pbr.@policy[-1]="1"
uci commit pbr
service pbr restart
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  • Last modified: 2023/10/16 20:26
  • by vgaetera