UCI networking options cheatsheet

This is a cheatsheet for quick lookup of networking UCI options, useful for experienced users.

The globals section contains interface-independent options affecting the network configuration in general.

config globals 'globals'
	option ula_prefix 'fd27:70fa:5c1d::/48'
Name Type Required Default Description
ula_prefix IPv6-prefix or auto no (none) IPv6 ULA prefix for this device: auto - auto-generate a new ULA prefix
packet_steering boolean no (none) Use every CPU to handle packet traffic

The device section is optional when L2 and L3 is the same device, i.e. MAC and IP on the same physical interface.

config device 'lan_br'
	option name 'br-lan'
	option type 'bridge'
	list ports 'eth0.1'

Other example: enable flow control for interface eth2:

config device                          
        option name 'eth2'                        
        option rxpause '1'             
        option txpause '1'
Name Type Required Default Description
name string yes (none) L3 device name.
Needs to match the device option of the respective interface section
macaddr string no (none) MAC address overriding the default one for this device, e.g. 62:11:22:aa:bb:cc
type string no (none) If set to bridge, creates a bridge of the given name using L2 devices listed in ports and wireless interfaces assigned using the network option in the wireless configuration
ifname string no(*) (none) The base L2 device required when using the macvlan device type. Install the kmod-macvlan package if necessary.
ports list no (none) List of L2 device names.
rxpause string no (none) controls the receive (RX) flow control. Setting it to 1 enables RX pause frames, which allows the interface to signal the sender to pause transmission when overwhelmed by incoming data.
txpause string no (none) controls the transmission flow control (TX). Setting the value to 1 enables TX pause frames, allowing the interface to temporarily stop sending data when the receiver indicates that it is overloaded.
autoneg string no (none) by setting to 1 enables auto-negotiation that determines whether the interface will automatically negotiate the best link parameters (such as speed, duplex mode) with the connected device.

TODO: move everything related to bridges and layer 2 here.

config interface 'lan'
        option device 'br-lan'
        option proto 'static'
        option netmask ''
        option ip6assign '60'
        option ipaddr ''
config interface 'wan'
        option device 'eth0.2'
        option proto 'dhcp'
config interface 'wan6'
        option device 'eth0.2'
        option proto 'dhcpv6'

Common options options valid for all protocol types.

Name Type Required Default Description
device string yes(*) (none) L3 device name, such as eth0.1, eth2, tun0, br-lan, etc.
Needs to match the name option of the respective device section.
:!: Do not specify wireless interfaces as their names and behavior can be dynamic and unpredictable, instead assign wireless interfaces to bridges using the network option in wireless configuration.
This option may be empty or missing if only a wireless interface references this network or if the protocol is pptp, pppoa, 6in4, etc.
mtu number no (none) Override the default MTU on this interface
auto boolean no 0 for proto none, else 1 Specifies whether to bring up interface on boot
ipv6 boolean no 1 Specifies whether to enable (1) or disable (0) IPv6 on this interface (Barrier Breaker and later only)
force_link boolean no 1 for protocol static, else 0 Specifies whether ip address, route, and optionally gateway are assigned to the interface regardless of the link being active ('1') or only after the link has become active ('0'); when set to '1', carrier sense events do not invoke hotplug handlers
disabled boolean no 0 enable or disable the interface section
ip4table string no (none) IPv4 routing table for routes of this interface, see: ip rule show; ip route show table <ip4table>
ip6table string no (none) IPv6 routing table for routes of this interface, see: ip -6 rule show; ip -6 route show table <ip6table>
Name Type Required Default Description
interface string yes (none) Specifies the logical interface name of the parent (or master) interface this alias belongs to; must refer to one of the defined interface sections
proto string yes (none) Specifies the alias interface protocol
ipaddr ip address yes, if no ip6addr is set (none) alias IP address
netmask netmask yes, if no ip6addr is set (none) alias Netmask
gateway ip address no (none) Default gateway
broadcast ip address no (none) Broadcast address (autogenerated if not set)
ip6addr ipv6 address yes, if no ipaddr is set (none) IPv6 address (CIDR notation)
ip6gw ipv6 address no (none) IPv6 default gateway
dns list of ip addresses no (none) DNS server(s)
layer integer no 3 Selects the interface to attach to for stacked protocols (tun over bridge over eth, ppp over eth or similar).
3: attach to layer 3 interface (tun*, ppp* if parent is layer 3 else fallback to 2)
2: attach to layer 2 interface (br-* if parent is bridge else fallback to layer 1)
1: attach to layer 1 interface (eth*, wlan*)

FIXME please check if this is still true or not: At the time of writing, only the static protocol type is allowed for aliases.

config rule
        option mark   '0xFF'
        option in     'lan'
        option dest   ''
        option lookup '100'
config rule6
        option in     'vpn'
        option dest   'fdca:1234::/64'
        option action 'prohibit'

Both rule and rule6 sections share the same set of defined options.

Name Type Required Default Description
in string no (none) Specifies the incoming logical interface name
out string no (none) Specifies the outgoing logical interface name
src ip subnet no (none) Specifies the source subnet to match (CIDR notation)
dest ip subnet no (none) Specifies the destination subnet to match (CIDR notation)
tos integer no (none) Specifies the TOS value to match in IP headers
mark mark/mask no (none) Specifies the fwmark and optionally its mask to match, e.g. 0xFF to match mark 255 or 0x0/0x1 to match any even mark value
uidrange integer/integer range no (none) Specifies an individual UID or range of UIDs to match, e.g. 1000 to match corresponding UID or 1000-1005 to inclusively match all UIDs within the corresponding range
suppress_prefixlength integer no (none) Reject routing decisions that have a prefix length less than or equal to the specified value
ipproto integer 0-255 no 0 The ipproto element allows you to specify a protocol number in IP rule configuration, enabling rules to target traffic based on the protocol. This aligns with the IANA Protocol Numbers. The ipproto value is an unsigned integer and must be in the range of 0–255.
invert boolean no 0 If set to 1, the meaning of the match options is inverted
priority integer no (incrementing) Controls the order of the IP rules, by default the priority is auto-assigned so that they are processed in the same order they're declared in the config file
lookup routing table at least one of (none) The rule target is a table lookup, the ID can be either a numeric table index ranging from 0 to 65535 or a symbolic alias declared in /etc/iproute2/rt_tables. The special aliases local (255), main (254) and default (253) are recognized as well
goto rule index The rule target is a jump to another rule specified by its priority value
action string The rule target is one of the routing actions outlined in the table below
disabled boolean no 0 Specifies if the rule should be set or not.
config route 'net172'
        option interface 'lan'
        option target ''
        option netmask ''
        option gateway ''
Name Type Required Default Description
interface string yes (none) Specifies the logical interface name of the parent (or master) interface this route belongs to; must refer to one of the defined interface sections
target ip address yes (none) Network address
netmask netmask no (none) Route netmask. If omitted, is assumed which makes target a host address
gateway ip address no (none) Network gateway. If omitted, the gateway from the parent interface is taken if any, otherwise creates a link scope route; if set to no gateway will be specified for the route
metric number no 0 Specifies the route metric to use
mtu number no interface MTU Defines a specific MTU for this route
table routing table no main Defines the table ID to use for the route. The ID can be either a numeric table index ranging from 0 to 65535 or a symbolic alias declared in /etc/iproute2/rt_tables. The special aliases local (255), main (254) and default (253) are recognized as well
source ip address no (none) The preferred source address when sending to destinations covered by the target
onlink boolean no 0 When enabled gateway is on link even if the gateway does not match any interface prefix
type string no unicast One of the types outlined in the routing types table below
proto routing protocol no static Defines the protocol ID for the route. The ID can be either a numeric value ranging from 0 to 255 or a symbolic alias declared in /etc/iproute2/rt_protos. i.e. kernel, boot, ra, redirect, static
disabled boolean no 0 Specifies if the static route should be set or not, available since OpenWrt >= 21.02.
config route6 'default'
        option interface 'lan'
        option target '2008:a:a:c::/64'
        option gateway '2008:a:a:b::2'
Name Type Required Default Description
interface string yes (none) Specifies the logical interface name of the parent (or master) interface this route belongs to; must refer to one of the defined interface sections
target ipv6 address yes (none) IPv6 network address
gateway ipv6 address no (none) IPv6 gateway. If omitted, the gateway from the parent interface is taken
metric number no 0 Specifies the route metric to use
mtu number no interface MTU Defines a specific MTU for this route
table routing table no main Defines the table ID to use for the route. The ID can be either a numeric table index ranging from 0 to 65535 or a symbolic alias declared in /etc/iproute2/rt_tables. The special aliases local (255), main (254) and default (253) are recognized as well
source ip address no (none) The route source address in source-address dependent routes. It's called “from” in the ip command.
onlink boolean no 0 When enabled gateway is on link even if the gateway does not match any interface prefix
type string no unicast One of the types outlined in the Routing Types table below
proto routing protocol no static Defines the protocol ID for the route. The ID can be either a numeric value ranging from 0 to 255 or a symbolic alias declared in /etc/iproute2/rt_protos. i.e. kernel, boot, ra, redirect, static
disabled boolean no 0 Specifies if the static route should be set or not, available since OpenWrt >= 21.02.
Type Description
unicast the route entry describes real paths to the destinations covered by the route prefix.
local the destinations are assigned to this host. The packets are looped back and delivered locally.
broadcast the destinations are broadcast addresses. The packets are sent as link broadcasts.
multicast a special type used for multicast routing. It is not present in normal routing tables.
unreachable these destinations are unreachable. Packets are discarded and the ICMP message host unreachable is generated. The local senders get an EHOSTUNREACH error.
prohibit these destinations are unreachable. Packets are discarded and the ICMP message communication administratively prohibited is generated. The local senders get an EACCES error.
blackhole these destinations are unreachable. Packets are discarded silently. The local senders get an EINVAL error.
anycast the destinations are anycast addresses assigned to this host. They are mainly equivalent to local with one difference: such addresses are invalid when used as the source address of any packet.
Type Description
unicast the route entry describes real paths to the destinations covered by the route prefix.
local the destinations are assigned to this host. The packets are looped back and delivered locally.
broadcast the destinations are broadcast addresses. The packets are sent as link broadcasts.
multicast a special type used for multicast routing. It is not present in normal routing tables.
unreachable these destinations are unreachable. Packets are discarded and the ICMP message host unreachable is generated. The local senders get an EHOSTUNREACH error.
prohibit these destinations are unreachable. Packets are discarded and the ICMP message communication administratively prohibited is generated. The local senders get an EACCES error.
blackhole these destinations are unreachable. Packets are discarded silently. The local senders get an EINVAL error.
anycast the destinations are anycast addresses assigned to this host. They are mainly equivalent to local with one difference: such addresses are invalid when used as the source address of any packet.
config interface 'wan6'
        option proto '6in4'
        option mtu '1424'                          # the IPv6 tunnel MTU (optional)
        option peeraddr ''              # the IPv4 tunnel endpoint at the tunnel provider
        option ip6addr '2001:DB8:2222:EFGH::2/64'  # the IPv6 tunnel
        option ip6prefix '2001:DB8:1234::/48'      # Your routed prefix (required!)
        # configuration options below are only valid for HE.net tunnels. ignore them for other tunnel providers.
        option tunnelid '123456'     # HE.net tunnel id
        option username 'username'   # HE.net username used to login into tunnelbroker, not the User ID shown after login in.
        option password 'password'   # HE.net password if there is no updatekey for tunnel
        option updatekey 'updatekey' # HE.net updatekey instead of password, default for new tunnels
config interface 'lan'
        option proto 'static'
        option ip6assign '60'
Name Type Required Default Description
ipaddr IPv4 address no Current WAN IPv4 address Local IPv4 endpoint address
peeraddr IPv4 address yes (none) Remote IPv4 endpoint address
ip6addr IPv6 address (CIDR) yes (none) Local IPv6 address delegated to the tunnel endpoint
ip6prefix IPv6 prefix no (none) Routed IPv6 prefix for downstream interfaces (Barrier Breaker and later only)
tunlink Logical Interface no (none) Tunnel base interface. Define which Interface, for example WAN, should be used for outgoing IPv4 traffic to the Remote IPv4 Address
defaultroute boolean no 1 Whether to create an IPv6 default route over the tunnel
ttl integer no 64 TTL used for the tunnel interface
tos string no (none) Type Of Service : either “inherit” (the outer header inherits the value of the inner header) or an hexadecimal value. Also known as DSCP.
mtu integer no 1280 MTU used for the tunnel interface
tunnelid integer no (none) HE.net global tunnel ID, used for endpoint update
username string no (none) HE.net username which you use to login into tunnelbroker, not the User ID shown after you have login in, plaintext, used for endpoint update
password string no (none) HE.net password, plaintext, obsolete, used for endpoint update
updatekey string no (none) HE.net updatekey, plaintext, overrides password since 2014-02, used for endpoint update
metric integer no 0 Specifies the default route metric to use

:!: This protocol type does not need the device option set in the interface section. The interface name is derived from the section name, e.g. config interface sixbone would result in an interface named 6in4-sixbone.

:!: Although ip6prefix isn't required, sourcefilter is enabled by default and prevents forwarding of packets unless ip6prefix is specified.

config interface 'wan6'
        option proto '6rd'
        option peeraddr ''
        option ip6prefix '2001:838:ad00::'
        option ip6prefixlen '40'
        option ip4prefixlen '16'
Name Type Required Default Description
peeraddr IPv4 address yes no 6rd - Gateway
ipaddr IPv4 address no Current WAN IPv4 address Local IPv4 endpoint address
ip6prefix IPv6 prefix (without length) yes no 6rd-IPv6 Prefix
ip6prefixlen IPv6 prefix length yes no 6rd-IPv6 Prefix length
ip4prefixlen IPv6 prefix length no 0 IPv4 common prefix
defaultroute boolean no 1 Whether to create an IPv6 default route over the tunnel
ttl integer no 64 TTL used for the tunnel interface
tos string no (none) Type Of Service: either “inherit” (the outer header inherits the value of the inner header) or an hexadecimal value
mtu integer no 1280 MTU used for the tunnel interface
iface6rd logical interface no (none) Logical interface template for auto-configuration of 6rd
mtu6rd integer no system default MTU of the 6rd interface
zone6rd firewall zone no system default Firewall zone to which the 6rd interface should be added

:!: This protocol type does not need the device option set in the interface section. The interface name is derived from the section name, e.g. config interface wan6 would result in an interface named 6rd-wan6.

:!: Some ISP's give you the number of bytes you should use from your WAN IP to calculate your IPv6 address. ip4prefixlen expects the prefix bytes of your WAN IP to calculate the IPv6 address. So if your ISP gives you 14 bytes to calculate, enter 18 (32 - 14).

config interface '6pe'
        option proto 'l2tp'
        option server '<LNS address>'
        option username '<PPP username>'
        option password '<PPP password>'
        option keepalive '6'
        option ipv6 '1'
config interface 'wan6'
        option device '@6pe'
        option proto 'dhcpv6'

Most options are similar to protocol “ppp”.

Name Type Required Default Description
server string yes (none) L2TP server to connect to. Acceptable datatypes are hostname or IP address, with optional port separated by colon :. Note that specifying port is only supported recently and should appear in DD release
username string no (none) Username for PAP/CHAP authentication
password string yes if username is provided (none) Password for PAP/CHAP authentication
ipv6 bool no 0 Enable IPv6 on the PPP link (IPv6CP)
mtu int no pppd default Maximum Transmit/Receive Unit, in bytes
keepalive string no (none) Number of unanswered echo requests before considering the peer dead. The interval between echo requests is 5 seconds.
checkup_interval int no (none) Number of seconds to pass before checking if the interface is not up since the last setup attempt and retry the connection otherwise. Set it to a value sufficient for a successful L2TP connection for you. It's mainly for the case that netifd sent the connect request yet xl2tpd failed to complete it without the notice of netifd
pppd_options string no (none) Additional options to pass to pppd

The name of the physical interface will be “l2tp-<logical interface name>”.

config interface 'wan6'
        option proto '6to4'
config interface 'lan'
        option proto 'static'
        option ip6assign '60'
Name Type Required Default Description
ipaddr IPv4 address no Current WAN IPv4 address Local IPv4 endpoint address
defaultroute boolean no 1 Whether to create an IPv6 default route over the tunnel
ttl integer no 64 TTL used for the tunnel interface
tos string no (none) Type Of Service : either “inherit” (the outer header inherits the value of the inner header) or an hexadecimal value
mtu integer no 1280 MTU used for the tunnel interface
metric integer no 0 Specifies the default route metric to use

:!: This protocol type does not need the device option set in the interface section. The interface name is derived from the section name, e.g. config interface wan6 would result in an interface named 6to4-wan6.

config interface 'wan6'
        option device 'eth1'
        option proto 'dhcpv6'
config interface 'wan'
        option proto 'dslite'
        option peeraddr '2001:db80::1' # Your ISP's DS-Lite AFTR
Name Type Required Default Description
peeraddr IPv6 address yes no DS-Lite AFTR address
ip6addr IPv6 address no Current WAN IPv6 address Local IPv6 endpoint address
tunlink Logical Interface no Current WAN interface Tunnel base interface
defaultroute boolean no 1 Whether to create an IPv6 default route over the tunnel
ttl integer no 64 TTL used for the tunnel interface
mtu integer no 1280 MTU used for the tunnel interface

:!: ds-lite operation requires that IPv4 NAT is disabled. You should adjust your settings in /etc/config/firewall accordingly.

:!: This protocol type does not need the device option set in the interface section. The interface name is derived from the section name, e.g. config interface wan would result in an interface named dslite-wan.

config switch
        option name 'switch0'
        option reset '1'
        option enable_vlan '1'
Option Name Type Required Default Impact Notes
name string yes (none) defines which switch to configure
reset boolean 1
enable_vlan boolean 1 Default may differ by hardware
enable_mirror_rx boolean no 0 Mirror received packets from the mirror_source_port to the mirror_monitor_port
enable_mirror_tx boolean no 0 Mirror transmitted packets from the mirror_source_port to the mirror_monitor_port
mirror_monitor_port integer no 0 Switch port to which packets are mirrored
mirror_source_port integer no 0 Switch port from which packets are mirrored
arl_age_time integer no 300 Adjust the address-resolution (MAC) table's aging time (seconds) Default may differ by hardware
igmp_snooping boolean no 0 Enable IGMP snooping Unconfirmed if can be set. Unknown how it interacts with interface- or port-level IGMP snooping.
igmp_v3 boolean no 0 Unconfirmed if can be set. Unknown how it interacts with interface- or port-level IGMP snooping.
config switch_vlan
        option device 'switch0'
        option vlan '1'
        option ports '1 2 3 4 5t'
config switch_vlan
        option device 'switch0'
        option vlan '2'
        option ports '0 5t'
Option Name Type Required Default Impact Notes
description string no (none) A human-readable description of the VLAN configuration
device string yes (none) defines which switch to configure
vlan integer yes (none) The vlan “table index” to configure May be limited to 127 or another number. See the output of swconfig dev <dev> help for limit. Sets defaults for VLAN tag and PVID.
vid integer no vlan The VLAN tag number to use See the output of swconfig dev <dev> help for limit. VLANs 0 and 4095 are often considered “special use”.
ports string yes (none) A string of space-separated port indicies that should be associated with the VLAN. Adding the suffix t to a port indicates that egress packets should be tagged, for example '0 1 3t 5t' The suffixes * and u are referred to in docs:guide-user:network:switch with reference to certain Broadcom switches in the context of older releases.
config switch_port
        option device 'eth0'
        option port '3'
        option pvid '3'
Option Name Type Required Default Impact Notes
device string yes (none) defines which switch to configure
port integer yes (none) The port index to configure
pvid integer no Port PVID; the VLAN tag†† to assign to untagged ingress packets †Typically defaults one of the VLAN tags associated with the port. Logic not clear when there are multiple VLANs on the port. '0' can occur. Certain values have been rejected; logic not clear on limitations. ††May refer to the VLAN “index” rather than the VLAN tag itself (unconfirmed).
enable_eee boolean no 0 Enable “energy saving” features
igmp_snooping boolean no 0 Enable IGMP snooping Unconfirmed if can be set. Unknown how it interacts with interface- or switch-level IGMP snooping.
igmp_v3 boolean no 0 Unconfirmed if can be set. Unknown how it interacts with interface- or switch-level IGMP snooping.
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  • Last modified: 2023/10/07 02:30
  • by vgaetera