IPv6 with Hurricane Electric
- This how-to describes the method for setting up 6in4 tunnel on OpenWrt.
- It relies on Hurricane Electric IPv6 tunnel broker and supports static/dynamic setup.
- Follow DDNS client to use IPv6 tunnel broker with dynamic address.
- Follow IPv6 with Hurricane Electric using LuCI for web interface instructions.
- Provide IPv6 connectivity for LAN clients.
- Access your LAN services remotely without port forwarding.
Command-line instructions
Register a free account with Hurricane Electric IPv6 tunnel broker and create a regular tunnel.
Install the required packages. Specify configuration parameters for the tunnel. Set up a static IPv6 tunnel.
# Install packages opkg update opkg install 6in4 # Configuration parameters HENET_PEER="" HENET_IPV6="2001:db8:1f0a:1a2::2/64" HENET_PFX64="2001:db8:1f0a:2b3::/64" HENET_PFX48="2001:db8:1f0a::/48" # Fetch WAN IP address . /lib/functions/network.sh network_flush_cache network_find_wan NET_IF network_get_ipaddr NET_ADDR "${NET_IF}" # Configure tunnel uci -q delete network.wan6 uci set network.wan6="interface" uci set network.wan6.proto="6in4" uci set network.wan6.ipaddr="${NET_ADDR}" uci set network.wan6.peeraddr="${HENET_PEER}" uci set network.wan6.ip6addr="${HENET_IPV6}" uci add_list network.wan6.ip6prefix="${HENET_PFX64}" uci add_list network.wan6.ip6prefix="${HENET_PFX48}" uci commit network service network restart
Use ping6 and traceroute6 to verify you can reach IPv6 services.
ping6 openwrt.org traceroute6 openwrt.org
Check your internet connectivity.
Collect and analyze the following information.
# Restart services service log restart; ifup wan6; sleep 10 # Log and status logread; ifstatus wan6 # Runtime configuration ip address show; ip route show table all ip rule show; ip -6 rule show; nft list ruleset # Persistent configuration uci show network; uci show dhcp; uci show firewall
Dynamic address
Reconfigure IPv6 tunnel for dynamic IP address.
# Configuration parameters HENET_TUNID="123456" HENET_USER="USERNAME" HENET_UPKEY="UPDATEKEY" # Configure tunnel uci -q delete network.wan6.ipaddr uci set network.wan6.tunnelid="${HENET_TUNID}" uci set network.wan6.username="${HENET_USER}" uci set network.wan6.updatekey="${HENET_UPKEY}" uci commit network service network restart
Default route
Provide IPv6 default route with source filter disabled.
# Configure network uci -q delete network.wan6_rt uci set network.wan6_rt="route6" uci set network.wan6_rt.interface="wan6" uci set network.wan6_rt.target="::/0" uci commit network service network restart
Cake SQM
Process IPv6 traffic as separate flows when using cake SQM.
# Configure network uci set network.wan6.tos="inherit" uci commit network service network restart