Bridge firewall

  • This how-to describes the method for setting up bridge firewall on OpenWrt.
  • Follow Splitting VLANs to be able to filter traffic between VLAN ports.
  • Follow Wireless configuration to isolate wireless clients from each other.
  • Filter and intercept transit traffic on bridged interfaces.

Assuming a setup with bridged LAN and WAN interfaces. Install the required packages. Enable bridge firewall intercepting DNS queries and filtering transit traffic from eth0 to eth1.

# Install packages
opkg update
opkg install kmod-nft-bridge
# Configure firewall
cat << "EOF" > /etc/nftables.d/
. /lib/functions/
network_find_wan NET_IF
network_get_device NET_DEV "${NET_IF}"
NET_MAC="$(ubus -S call network.device status \
"{'name':'${NET_DEV}'}" | jsonfilter -e "$['macaddr']")"
nft add table bridge filter
nft flush table bridge filter
nft add chain bridge filter prerouting \
{ type filter hook prerouting priority dstnat\; }
nft add rule bridge filter prerouting meta \
l4proto { tcp, udp } th dport 53 pkttype set host \
ether daddr set "${NET_MAC}" comment "Intercept-DNS"
nft add chain bridge filter forward \
{ type filter hook forward priority filter\; }
nft add rule bridge filter forward iifname "eth0" \
oifname "eth1" drop comment "Deny-eth0-eth1"
uci -q delete firewall.bridge
uci set firewall.bridge="include"
uci set firewall.bridge.path="/etc/nftables.d/"
uci commit firewall
service firewall restart

Set up DNS hijacking and DNS filtering.

If you have your firewall disabled and have kmod-nft-bridge installed, then you can do this easily. This will classify HTTP(S) traffic as AF23. Not practical, but a start.

Save the following to /etc/nftables.conf

flush ruleset
table bridge dscp {
    chain dscp_set_af23 {
        ip dscp set af23
        ip6 dscp set af23
    chain prerouting {
        type filter hook prerouting priority 0; policy accept;
        meta l4proto tcp th dport {80, 443} jump dscp_set_af23

Run the following code. Add it to /etc/rc.local to make it persist.

nft -f /etc/nftables.conf

Use nslookup, ping, ping6 on LAN clients to verify the firewall configuration.

Collect and analyze the following information.

# Log and status
service firewall restart
# Runtime configuration
lsmod | grep -e bridge
nft list ruleset
# Persistent configuration
uci show firewall
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  • Last modified: 2024/11/01 16:42
  • by vgaetera