Logging messages

The OpenWrt system logging facility is an important debugging/monitoring capability. The standard logging facility is implemented using logd, the ubox log daemon. This is implemented as a ring buffer with fixed sized records stored in RAM. The ring buffer records can be read using logread on the router, streamed to a file or sent to a remote system through a TCP/UDP socket.

# List syslog
# Write a message with a tag to syslog
logger -t TAG MESSAGE
# List syslog filtered by tag
logread -e TAG
Usage: logger [OPTIONS] [MESSAGE]

Write MESSAGE (or stdin) to syslog

        -s      Log to stderr as well as the system log
        -t TAG  Log using the specified tag (defaults to user name)
        -p PRIO Priority (numeric or facility.level pair)

Examples of using priority and tag values:

logger "example"
logger -p notice -t example_tag "example notice"
logger -p err -t example_tag "example error"
# Fri May  8 00:23:26 2020 user.notice root: example
# Fri May  8 00:23:31 2020 user.notice example_tag: example notice
# Fri May  8 00:23:40 2020 user.err example_tag: example error

The logger utility comes from the BusyBox but you may replace it with the full version from linux-utils by installing the logger package.

The message format differs based on the destination (local logread, local file, remote socket). Roughly it can be viewed as:

<time stamp> <router name> <subsystem name/pid> <log_prefix>: <message body>

The logging message facility and priority are roughly equivalent to syslog implementations (see linux /usr/include/sys/syslog.h). The local 'logread' executable puts the facility.priority after the time stamp. Logging to a remote socket puts a numeric value before the time stamp.

For some common OpenWrt messages see log.messages. FIXME - the log.messages reference is way out of date but a useful placeholder.

logd is a default OpenWrt logging daemon provided by ubox package. It listens on /dev/log unix socket to record syslog messages. It's configured in /etc/config/system. After changing the file, run

service log restart
service system restart

to read in the new configuration and restart the service.

There are three basic destinations for log messages: the RAM ring buffer (the default), a local persistent file, a remote destination listening for messages on a TCP or UDP port.

The full set of log_* options for /etc/config/system are defined in System Configuration

Additionally it sends log messsages to UBUS and you can listen them with ubus subscribe log.

This is the default interface to read log messages. It's provided by the ubox package.

It is a local executable in /sbin/logread that will read the ring buffer records and display them chronologically.

To show all log messages that contains a specific text (like a daemon name) and follow (like in tail -f) use:

logread -fe firewall


-s <path>		Path to ubus socket
-l	<count>		Got only the last 'count' messages
-e	<pattern>	Filter messages with a regexp
-r	<server> <port>	Stream message to a server
-F	<file>		Log file
-S	<bytes>		Log size
-p	<file>		PID file
-h	<hostname>	Add hostname to the message
-P	<prefix>	Prefix custom text to streamed messages
-z	<facility>	handle only messages with given facility (0-23), repeatable
-Z	<facility>	ignore messages with given facility (0-23), repeatable
-f			Follow log messages
-u			Use UDP as the protocol
-t			Add an extra timestamp
-0			Use \0 instead of \n as trailer when using TCP

The logread can be also used to stream logs to a remote Syslog server. It's used internally by the /etc/init.d/log. You can configure the streaming in the /etc/config/system.

Please note that if you install the syslog-ng then the logread command will be overridden with it's own /usr/sbin/logread that has less options.

In order to log to a local file on the router, one needs to set the following options:

config system 
   option log_file '/var/log/mylog'
   option log_remote '0'

The /etc/init.d/log script will start additionally the /sbin/logread -f -F /var/log/mylog -p /var/run/log command to dump messages from a ring buffer into the file.

In order to log remotely one needs to set the following options in /etc/config/system

config system
   option log_ip <destination IP>
   option log_port <destination port>
   option log_proto <tcp or udp>

For the destination port, if you'll be manually reading the logs on the remote system as an unprivileged user (such as via the netcat command given below), then specify a high port (e.g. 5555). If you're sending to a syslog server, use whatever port the syslog server is listening on (typically 514).

Additionally, the firewall3 default is to ACCEPT all LAN traffic. If the router blocks LAN-side access, add the following firewall3 rule to /etc/config/firewall to ACCEPT tcp/udp traffic from the router to the LAN-side.

config rule
      option target 'ACCEPT'
      option dest 'lan'
      option proto 'tcp udp'
      option dest_port '5555'
      option name 'ACCEPT-LOG-DEVICE-LAN'

and then reload the rules using service firewall restart.

For the LAN-side station/client, there are a large number of mechanisms to listen for log messages. One of the simplest is ncat:

ncat -4 -l 5555
# Read UDP logs with ncat or python3
ncat -u -4 -l 5555
python3 -c "import socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.bind(('', 5141))
while True:

Log messages are in traditional syslog format (RFC 3164 / 5424), beginning with a priority number in angle brackets (e.g., <30>) and lacking a terminating newline. The above netcat method will therefore yield somewhat messy output. The python log reader above will most of the time get the line breaks into the right spots. A cleaner solution is to send messages to a remote machine's syslog daemon, in which case they will appear in the remote system's logs. See Receiving Messages from a Remote System for server configuration instructions for rsyslog.

The advantage to using TCP is reliability - it logs every event. The disadvantage is it can cause some performance degradation on the router if the logging level is high. There is a section on iptable event logging which can cause a noticable latency in traffic throughput using TCP socket logging.

If you want to test the logging out, just run a command like

logger testLog "Blah1"

and it should be written to the configured destination. If an event is not logged, check:

* /sbin/logd is running; it should have an argument of -S <log_size> indicating the size of the ring buffer, * logd is configured correctly in /etc/config/system, * restart it using service log restart and check for warnings/errors

To automatically manage large collections of daily, weekly, or monthly logs, you may want to use logrotate. Here's an example that rotates a persistent log on a USB storage each night keeping it for 1 week.

# Install packages
opkg update
opkg install logrotate
# Configure logging
uci set system.@system[0].log_file="/mnt/sda1/logs/system.log"
uci set system.@system[0].log_remote="0"
uci commit system
service system restart 
# Configure logrotate
cat << "EOF" > /etc/logrotate.conf
include /etc/logrotate.d
/mnt/sda1/logs/system.log {
    rotate 1
        service log restart
        sleep 1
        logger -p warn -s "Log rotation complete"
# Configure cron
cat << "EOF" >> /etc/crontabs/root
58 23 * * * logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf
service cron restart
# Debugging
logrotate --verbose --debug /etc/logrotate.conf

The logging mechanism discussed here uses logd. There are other packages that provide the same functionality:

  • syslog-ng - is better supported in OpenWrt and used by default by some manufactures like Turris.
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  • Last modified: 2024/12/28 23:00
  • by stokito