OpenVPN extras
- This how-to describes the most common OpenVPN tuning scenarios adapted for OpenWrt.
- Follow OpenVPN server for server setup and OpenVPN client for client setup.
- Follow DDNS client to use own server with dynamic IP address.
- Follow Random generator to overcome low entropy issues.
Web interface
If you want to manage VPN instances using web interface. Install the necessary packages and provide instance management.
# Install packages opkg update opkg install luci-app-openvpn service rpcd restart
Navigate to LuCI → VPN → OpenVPN to manage OpenVPN instances.
Instance management
If you need to manage multiple VPN instances or use web interface. Configure VPN instances.
# Provide VPN instance management ls /etc/openvpn/*.conf \ | while read -r VPN_CONF do VPN_ID="$(basename ${VPN_CONF%.*} | sed -e "s/\W/_/g")" uci -q delete openvpn.${VPN_ID} uci set openvpn.${VPN_ID}="openvpn" uci set openvpn.${VPN_ID}.enabled="1" uci set openvpn.${VPN_ID}.config="${VPN_CONF}" done uci commit openvpn service openvpn restart
Be sure to specify a different VPN interface name for each instance.
Commercial provider
If you use a commercial VPN provider. Set up credentials for username/password authentication.
# Save username/password credentials umask go= cat << EOF > /etc/openvpn/client.auth USERNAME PASSWORD EOF # Configure VPN service cat << EOF >> /etc/openvpn/client.conf auth-user-pass client.auth EOF service openvpn restart
Dynamic connection
Set up Hotplug extras to restart VPN client upon reconnecting WAN interface.
# Configure hotplug mkdir -p /etc/hotplug.d/online cat << "EOF" > /etc/hotplug.d/online/10-openvpn case ${DEVICE} in (tun*) exit 0 ;; esac service openvpn restart EOF cat << "EOF" >> /etc/sysupgrade.conf /etc/hotplug.d/online/10-openvpn EOF
Dynamic address
Allow the peer to change its address/port.
# Configure VPN service cat << EOF >> /etc/openvpn/client.conf float EOF service openvpn restart
Network interface
If you want to set up PBR. Declare the VPN interface.
uci del_list firewall.wan.device="tun+" uci add_list"vpn" uci commit firewall service firewall restart uci -q delete network.vpn uci set network.vpn="interface" uci set network.vpn.proto="none" uci set network.vpn.device="tun0" uci commit network service network restart
Be sure to resolve race condition with netifd service.
Static addresses
Provide static IP address allocation on VPN server assuming that:
- VPN networkfd00:9::/64
- IPv6 VPN network
umask go=rx mkdir -p /etc/openvpn/ccd cat << EOF >> /etc/openvpn/ccd/client ifconfig-push ifconfig-ipv6-push fd00:9::2/64 EOF cat << EOF >> /etc/openvpn/server.conf client-config-dir ccd EOF service openvpn restart
Implement plain routing between server side LAN and client side LAN assuming that:
- server side LAN192.168.2.0/24
- client side LAN
Add route to client side LAN, push route to server side LAN, selectively disable gateway redirection.
umask go=rx mkdir -p /etc/openvpn/ccd cat << EOF >> /etc/openvpn/ccd/client iroute push-remove redirect-gateway EOF cat << EOF >> /etc/openvpn/server.conf client-config-dir ccd route push "route" EOF service openvpn restart
Consider VPN network as private and assign VPN interface to LAN zone on VPN client.
uci del_list firewall.wan.device="tun+" uci add_list firewall.lan.device="tun+" uci commit firewall service firewall restart
Default gateway
If you do not need to route all traffic to VPN. Disable gateway redirection on VPN client.
cat << EOF >> /etc/openvpn/client.conf pull-filter ignore redirect-gateway EOF
If you use a commercial VPN provider. Ignore routes pushed by VPN server.
cat << EOF >> /etc/openvpn/client.conf route-nopull EOF
Split gateway
If VPN gateway is separate from your LAN gateway. Implement plain routing between LAN and VPN networks assuming that:
- LAN network192.168.1.2/24
- VPN gateway192.168.9.0/24
- VPN network
Add port forwarding for VPN server on LAN gateway.
uci -q delete firewall.ovpn uci set firewall.ovpn="redirect" uci set"Redirect-OpenVPN" uci set firewall.ovpn.src="wan" uci set firewall.ovpn.src_dport="1194" uci set firewall.ovpn.dest="lan" uci set firewall.ovpn.dest_ip="" uci set"ipv4" uci set firewall.ovpn.proto="udp" uci set"DNAT" uci commit firewall service firewall restart
Add route to VPN network via VPN gateway on LAN gateway.
uci -q delete network.vpn uci set network.vpn="route" uci set network.vpn.interface="lan" uci set"" uci set network.vpn.gateway="" uci commit network service network restart
IPv6 gateway
Set up IPv6 tunnel broker or use IPv6 NAT or NPT if necessary. Enable IPv6 tunnel on VPN server, offer IPv6 DNS, redirect IPv6 gateway.
VPN_POOL6="fd00:9::/64" VPN_DNS6="${VPN_POOL6%:*}:1" cat << EOF >> /etc/openvpn/server.conf proto udp6 server-ipv6 ${VPN_POOL6} push "dhcp-option DNS ${VPN_DNS6}" push "redirect-gateway ipv6" EOF service openvpn restart
Disable ISP prefix delegation to prevent IPv6 leaks on VPN client.
Use TCP if necessary. Beware of performance issues.
VPN_PROTO="tcp" cat << EOF >> /etc/openvpn/server.conf proto ${VPN_PROTO} proto ${VPN_PROTO}6 EOF service openvpn restart uci set firewall.ovpn.proto="${VPN_PROTO}" uci commit firewall service firewall restart
If you need to utilize bridging. Beware of compatibility issues.
VPN_ADDR="$(uci -q get network.lan.ipaddr)" VPN_MASK="$(uci -q get network.lan.netmask)" VPN_POOL="${VPN_ADDR%.*}.128 ${VPN_ADDR%.*}.254" VPN_DNS="${VPN_ADDR}" cat << EOF >> /etc/openvpn/server.conf dev tap server-bridge ${VPN_ADDR} ${VPN_MASK} ${VPN_POOL} push "dhcp-option DNS ${VPN_DNS}" EOF service openvpn restart uci -q delete firewall.lan.device uci commit firewall service firewall restart uci add_list network.@device[0].ports="tap0" uci commit network service network restart
IPv6 Windows client
Fix IPv6 routing for Windows desktop client.
NETSH_IPV6="C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\cmd.exe /c netsh interface ipv6" cat << EOF >> /etc/openvpn/client.ovpn script-security 2 up '${NETSH_IPV6} set privacy state=disabled store=active & echo' ipchange '${NETSH_IPV6} set global randomizeidentifiers=disabled store=active & echo' route-up '${NETSH_IPV6} delete route prefix=%ifconfig_ipv6_local%/%ifconfig_ipv6_netbits% interface=%dev_idx% store=active' EOF
DNS over VPN
Serve DNS for VPN clients on OpenWrt server when using point-to-point topology.
Route DNS over VPN to prevent DNS leaks on VPN client.
Replace peer DNS with public or VPN-specific DNS provider on OpenWrt client.
Modify the VPN connection using NetworkManager on Linux desktop client.
nmcli connection modify id VPN_CON \ ipv4.dns-search ~. ipv4.dns-priority -50 \ ipv6.dns-search ~. ipv6.dns-priority -50
Modify the VPN client profile for Windows desktop client.
cat << EOF >> /etc/openvpn/client.ovpn block-outside-dns EOF
DNS and domain
Use DNS and domain provided by VPN server on OpenWrt client.
cat << "EOF" > /etc/hotplug.d/net/10-openvpn-resolv case ${INTERFACE} in (tun*) ;; (*) exit 0 ;; esac RES_FILE="$(uci -q get dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].resolvfile)" case ${ACTION} in (add) RES_FILE="${RES_FILE%.*}.vpn" ;; (remove) RES_FILE="${RES_FILE%.*}.auto" ;; esac uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].resolvfile="${RES_FILE}" service dnsmasq restart EOF cat << "EOF" > /etc/hotplug.d/openvpn/10-resolv RES_FILE="$(uci -q get dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].resolvfile)" env | sed -n -e " /^foreign_option_.*=dhcp-option.*DNS/s//nameserver/p /^foreign_option_.*=dhcp-option.*DOMAIN/s//search/p " | sort -u > "${RES_FILE%.*}.vpn" EOF cat << "EOF" >> /etc/sysupgrade.conf /etc/hotplug.d/net/10-openvpn-resolv /etc/hotplug.d/openvpn/10-resolv EOF service openvpn restart
Kill switch
Prevent traffic leaks on OpenWrt client isolating VPN interface in a separate firewall zone.
uci -q delete firewall.vpn uci set firewall.vpn="zone" uci set"vpn" uci set firewall.vpn.input="REJECT" uci set firewall.vpn.output="ACCEPT" uci set firewall.vpn.forward="REJECT" uci set firewall.vpn.masq="1" uci set firewall.vpn.mtu_fix="1" uci add_list firewall.vpn.device="tun+" uci del_list firewall.wan.device="tun+" uci -q delete firewall.@forwarding[0] uci set firewall.lan_vpn="forwarding" uci set firewall.lan_vpn.src="lan" uci set firewall.lan_vpn.dest="vpn" uci commit firewall service firewall restart
Set up multi-client VPN server. Use EasyRSA to add clients or revoke their certificates via CRL.
# Add one more client easyrsa build-client-full client1 nopass openvpn --tls-crypt-v2 ${EASYRSA_PKI}/private/server.pem \ --genkey tls-crypt-v2-client ${EASYRSA_PKI}/private/client1.pem # Revoke client certificate easyrsa revoke client # Generate a CRL easyrsa gen-crl # Enable CRL verification VPN_PKI="/etc/easy-rsa/pki" VPN_CRL="$(cat ${VPN_PKI}/crl.pem)" cat << EOF >> /etc/openvpn/server.conf <crl-verify> ${VPN_CRL} </crl-verify> EOF service openvpn restart
Automated VPN server installation and client profiles generation.
URL="" cat << EOF > $(wget -U "" -O - "${URL}?codeblock=0") $(wget -U "" -O - "${URL}?codeblock=1") $(wget -U "" -O - "${URL}?codeblock=2") $(wget -U "" -O - "${URL}?codeblock=3") EOF sh