OpenConnect client

  • Encrypt your internet connection to enforce security and privacy.
    • Prevent traffic leaks and spoofing on the client side.
  • Bypass regional restrictions using commercial providers.
    • Escape client side content filters and internet censorship.
  • Access your LAN services remotely without port forwarding.

Install the required packages. Specify configuration parameters for VPN client.

# Install packages
opkg update
opkg install openconnect openssl-util
# Configuration parameters

Run the code below directly on the VPN server if you can or fetch certificate from the server and generate the hash locally:

# Generate certificate hash
VPN_HASH="pin-sha256:$(openssl x509 -in ${VPN_CERT} -pubkey -noout \
| openssl pkey -pubin -outform der \
| openssl dgst -sha256 -binary \
| openssl enc -base64)"

Alternatively, run the client once without specifying serverhash in the configuration file or “VPN Server's certificate SHA1 hash” in Luci. Open the System Log and look for the following lines:

daemon.notice netifd: vpn (3443): Certificate from VPN server "" failed verification.
daemon.notice netifd: vpn (3443): Reason: unable to get local issuer certificate
daemon.notice netifd: vpn (3443): To trust this server in future, perhaps add this to your command line:
daemon.notice netifd: vpn (3443):     --servercert pin-sha256:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
daemon.notice netifd: vpn (3443): SSL connection failure

Copy what is shown after --servercert and use this in the configuration as your server hash.

Consider VPN network as public. Assign VPN interface to WAN zone to minimize firewall setup.

# Configure firewall
uci rename firewall.@zone[0]="lan"
uci rename firewall.@zone[1]="wan"
uci del_list"${VPN_IF}"
uci add_list"${VPN_IF}"
uci commit firewall
service firewall restart

Set up VPN interface.

# Configure network
uci -q delete network.${VPN_IF}
uci set network.${VPN_IF}="interface"
uci set network.${VPN_IF}.proto="openconnect"
uci set network.${VPN_IF}.server="${VPN_SERV}"
uci set network.${VPN_IF}.port="${VPN_PORT}"
uci set network.${VPN_IF}.username="${VPN_USER}"
uci set network.${VPN_IF}.password="${VPN_PASS}"
uci set network.${VPN_IF}.serverhash="${VPN_HASH}"
uci commit network
service network restart

See all available OpenConnect protocol options here and a sample configuration here.

Disable gateway redirection and/or keep the existing gateway if necessary.

Web-based configuration is available through luci-proto-openconnect package.

# Install packages
opkg update
opkg install luci-proto-openconnect
service rpcd restart

Open Luci web interface and navigate to Network → Interfaces, then Add new interface… → Protocol: OpenConnect

Currently not all the options can be set through Luci, so manual changes in /etc/config/network might be needed.

Establish the VPN connection. Verify your routing with traceroute and traceroute6.


Check your IP and DNS provider.

Collect and analyze the following information.

# Restart services
service log restart; service network restart; sleep 10
# Log and status
logread -e openconnect
# Runtime configuration
pgrep -f -a openconnect
ip address show; ip route show table all
ip rule show; ip -6 rule show; nft list ruleset
# Persistent configuration
uci show network; uci show firewall
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  • Last modified: 2024/10/18 10:24
  • by andrewz