PowerDNS is a versatile nameserver which supports a large number\\ of different backends ranging from simple zonefiles to relational\\ databases and load balancing/failover algorithms.\\ PowerDNS tries to emphasize speed and security.\\ \\ This package contains several tools to debug DNS issues. These tools do not\\ require any part of the PowerDNS server components to work.\\ \\ * dnsbulktest: A resolver stress-tester\\ * dnsgram: Show per 5-second statistics to study intermittent resolver issues\\ * dnsreplay: Replay a pcap with DNS queries\\ * dnsscan: Prints the query-type amounts in a pcap\\ * dnsscope: Calculates statistics without replaying traffic\\ * dnstcpbench: Perform TCP benchmarking of DNS servers\\ * dnswasher: Clean a pcap of identifying IP information\\ * ixplore: Explore diffs from IXFRs\\ * nsec3dig: Calculate the correctness of NSEC3 proofs\\ * saxfr: AXFR zones and show extra information\\ \\
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