Suite of NTFS utilities for doing neat things with NTFS.\\ Contains: \\ - mkntfs - Create an NTFS filesystem.\\ - ntfscat - Dump a file's content to the standard output.\\ - ntfsclone - Efficiently clone, backup, restore or rescue NTFS.\\ - ntfscluster - Locate the files which use the given sectors or clusters.\\ - ntfscmp - Compare two NTFS filesystems and tell the differences.\\ - ntfscp - Copy a file to an NTFS volume.\\ - ntfssecaudit - Display ownership and permissions, check consistency\\ - ntfsfix - Check and fix some common errors, clear the LogFile.\\ - ntfsinfo - Show information about NTFS or one of the files or directories within it.\\ - ntfslabel - Show, or set, an NTFS filesystem's volume label.\\ - ntfsls - List information about files in a directory residing on an NTFS.\\ - ntfsresize - Resize NTFS without losing data.\\ - ntfsundelete - Recover deleted files from NTFS.\\ - ntfsusermap - Define mapping of Windows accounts to Linux logins\\ \\
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