This package provides the Boost v1.68.0 libraries.\\ Boost is a set of free, peer-reviewed, portable C++ source libraries.\\ \\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\ | Warning |\\ | In order to build all of the Boost Libraries, it is necessary |\\ | to use, at least, GCC version 5 (C++14 support) and, it is necessary to |\\ | compile the kernel with Full Language Support. |\\ | Without these requirerements, the following libs will not be available: |\\ | - Boost.Locale |\\ | - Boost.Coroutine2 (header-only library - requires C++11) |\\ | - Boost.Fiber (requires C++14) |\\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\ \\ This package provides the following run-time libraries:\\ - atomic\\ - chrono\\ - container\\ - context\\ - contract\\ - coroutine (Deprecated - use Coroutine2)\\ - - coroutine2 (Requires GCC v5 and up)\\ - date_time\\ - exception\\ - filesystem\\ - fiber (Requires GCC v5 and up)\\ - graph\\ - - graph-parallel\\ - iostreams\\ - locale (Requires kernel being compiled with full language support)\\ - log\\ - math\\ - program_options\\ - python\\ - python3\\ - random\\ - regex\\ - serialization and wserialization\\ - signals\\ - stackstrace\\ - system\\ - thread\\ - timer\\ - type_erasure\\ - wave\\ \\ There are many more header-only libraries supported by Boost.\\ See more at\\ \\
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