Broadcom BCM63xx

This page provides an overview of the Broadcom BCM63xx series soc , which share many similarities with the BCM33xx SoCs (with the exception of the BCM3302, which is a standalone CPU). The difference between the two being that the DSL core in the BCM63xx is replaced with a DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS core in the BCM33xx series.

The Broadcom BCM63xx SoC integrates ADSL/ADSL2+ capabilities, routing functions, and support for external Wireless NICs.

This SoC family is widely adopted in xDSL platforms globally and is considered one of the most successful xDSL platforms. Its success is attributed to the ease of transitioning older platforms (e.g., BCM6345) to newer ones with minimal software changes.

Architecture information:

Older BCM63xx SoCs are based on the MIPS32 Big Endian instruction set, with architectural similarities to the R4000 microprocessor.

Newer BCM63xx SoCs have transitioned to the ARMv7a Little Endian instruction set, exemplified by chips like the BCM63138.

The support for Broadcom 63xx is at this state :

  • Runtime detection of the SoC: Full Linux support on which the kernel is running.
  • Ethernet / switch: GPL driver.
  • USB OHCI, EHCI: GPL driver.
  • Watchdog: GPL driver.
  • SPI: GPL driver, with minor bugs.
  • Dual core: supported in BMC6368/6362/63268 and no support in BCM6358.
  • NAND flash chips are supported since r13271 (kernel 5.4).
  • SPU (Secure Processing Unit): The Cipher Engine has drivers since Linux kernel 4.11, but still not integrated into OpenWrt/LEDE
  • Wifi core: not supported, initial work: WIP: bcm63xx: internal wireless support
  • FAP (Broadcom Forwarding Assist Processor) not supported. This looks like some kind of hardware NAT.
  • No available drivers (neither binary, nor GPL) for DSL, ATM, VoIP, on-board SLIC/SLAC,

Certain Broadcom SoCs, including the BCM6358, BCM6361, BCM6362, and BCM6368, feature dual cores. However, the BCM6358 is limited to using only one core. While the kernel includes SMP support (see smp-bmips.c), fully utilizing both cores is complex. The second CPU must be explicitly initialized, and the current interrupt (IRQ) code only enables interrupts on the first CPU. Consequently, only userspace processes can access the second core, while all interrupt handlers remain tied to the first core.

SMP/CMT Broadcom 63xx

SoC CPU MHz Dual Core RAM NAND USB Device USB Host PCMCIA / PCCARD PCI PCIe Wireless NIC Switch ADSL2 ADSL2+ VDSL VDSL2 Fiber OpenWrt
333 DDR 2.0 2.0
320 DDR2 2.0 2.0 12.09
bcm6329 320 DDR2 2.0 2.0
bcm6335 140 SDR
bcm6338 240 SDR 1.1 10.03
bcm6345 140 SDR 1.1 10.03
256 SDR 1.1 1.1 10.03
300 DDR 1.1 2.0 10.03
300 DDR 2.0 2.0 10.03

400 DDR2 2.0 2.0 r32923
400 DDR 2.0 2.0 12.09
400 DDR 2.0 2.0 12.09
400 DDR 2.0 2.0

400 DDR2/3 2.0 2.0

400 DDR2 2.0 2.0
400 DDR2 2.0 2.0
400 DDR2 2.0 2.0
1000 DDR3 3.0 3.0 ?
1000 DDR3 3.0 3.0 ? ? ? ? ?
  • The third digit, when set to 3 (like in BCM6335, BCM6338) denotes a single-chip and cost-reduction oriented design.
  • There are also some other variants like bcm6341, which is a DSP used in VoIP products in conjunction with a BCM6348 SoC.
  • The bcm63138 supports, G.inp and SRA.
icache dcache
SoC CPU version Core Size (kB) Associativity Linesize (bytes) Cache policy Size (kB) Associativity Aliases Linesize (bytes) Cache policy
BCM6348 BMIPS3300 V0.7 0 16 2-way 16 VIPT 8 2-way 16 VIPT
BCM6318 BMIPS3300 v3.3 0 64 4-way 16 VIPT 32 2-way 16 VIPT
BCM6358 BMIPS4350 V1.0 0 32 2-way 16 VIPT 16 2-way 16 VIPT
1 16 2-way 16 VIPT
BCM6368 BMIPS4350 V3.1 0 64 4-way 16 VIPT 32 2-way 16 VIPT
1 64 4-way 16 VIPT
BCM6361 BMIPS4350 V7.0 0 32 4-way 16 VIPT 32 2-way 16 VIPT
1 32 4-way 16 VIPT
BCM6328 BMIPS4350 v7.5 0 32 4-way 16 VIPT 32 2-way 16 VIPT
BCM63168 BMIPS4350 V8.0 0 64 4-way 16 VIPT 32 2-way 16 VIPT
1 64 4-way 16 VIPT

VIPT = Virtually indexed, physically tagged

See →

  • SSB: 6348, 6358, 6368
  • BCMA: 6318, 6328, 6362, 63168, 63268

Hardware random number generator

Only available in BCM6362, BCM6368, BCM6816. GPL supported. bcm63xx-rng.c dev-rng.c

To take advantage of this hardware feature, rng-tools should be installed.

BCM63xx SoCs have cryptographic hardware accelerators. The Cipher engine accelerates the IPSec protocol by using dedicated hardware blocks. BCM63XX SoCs (all family? FIXME) are implemented with the Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) and Authentication Header (AH) IPSec protocols:

  • AES and DES/3DES hardware encryption and decryption.
    • AES in both Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode and Counter (CTR) mode. Can be performed in 128-, 192-, and 256-bit modes.
    • DES, 3DES in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode
  • HMAC-SHA1 and HMAC-MD5 authentication in hardware.

This what Broadcom calls SPU (Secure Processing Unit). The driver is available with GPL

The SPU drivers has been added since Linux kernel v4.11 →

But there isn't still support for SPU under OpenWrt/LEDE.

Serial Peripheral Interface

Two types of SPI controllers are present in BCM63xx:

  • SPI : Not available in 6318, 6328, 6345
  • HSSPI: High speed SPI, only available in 6318, 6328, 6362, 63268 SoCs

By default only one or two (more in newer SoCs) Slave Selects are available. Additional Slave Selects are at GPIO lines, but they need to be enabled.

(SPI) Slave Select 0 Slave Select 1 Slave Select 2 Slave Select 3 Slave Select 4 Slave Select 5
(HSSPI) Slave Select 0 Slave Select 1 Slave Select 2 Slave Select 3 Slave Select 4 Slave Select 5 Slave Select 6 Slave Select 7

Snippet code example for enabling these extra slave-selects at GPIOs:

/* BCM6348 */
	u32 val;
	/* Enable Extra SPI CS */
	/* GPIO 29 is SS1, GPIO 30 is SS2, GPIO 31 is SS2 */
	val = bcm_gpio_readl(GPIO_MODE_REG);
	val |= GPIO_MODE_6348_G1_SPI_MASTER;
	bcm_gpio_writel(val, GPIO_MODE_REG);
/* BCM6358 */
	u32 val;
	/* Enable Overlay for SPI SS Pins */
	val = bcm_gpio_readl(GPIO_MODE_REG);
	val |= GPIO_MODE_6358_EXTRA_SPI_SS;
	bcm_gpio_writel(val, GPIO_MODE_REG);
	/* Enable SPI Slave Select as Output Pins */
        /* GPIO 32 is SS2, GPIO 33 is SS3 */
	val = bcm_gpio_readl(GPIO_CTL_HI_REG);
	val |= 0x0003;
	bcm_gpio_writel(val, GPIO_CTL_HI_REG);
/* BCM6368 */
	u32 val;
	/* Enable Extra SPI CS */
	val = bcm_gpio_readl(GPIO_MODE_REG);
	val |= (GPIO_MODE_6368_SPI_SSN2 | GPIO_MODE_6368_SPI_SSN3 | GPIO_MODE_6368_SPI_SSN4 | GPIO_MODE_6368_SPI_SSN5);
	bcm_gpio_writel(val, GPIO_MODE_REG);
	/* Enable SPI Slave Select as Output Pins */            
        /* GPIO 28 is SS2, GPIO 29 is SS3, GPIO 30 is SS4, GPIO 31 is SS5*/   
	val = bcm_gpio_readl(GPIO_CTL_LO_REG);
	val |= (GPIO_MODE_6368_SPI_SSN2 | GPIO_MODE_6368_SPI_SSN3 | GPIO_MODE_6368_SPI_SSN4 | GPIO_MODE_6368_SPI_SSN5);
	bcm_gpio_writel(val, GPIO_CTL_LO_REG);
/* BCM6328 */
#define SEL_SPI2                 8
#define PINMUX_SEL_SPI2_MASK     (3 << SEL_SPI2)
#define PINMUX_SEL_SPI2          (2 << SEL_SPI2)
	u32 val;
	/* configure pinmux to SPI extra Slave Select */
	val = bcm_gpio_readl(GPIO_PINMUX_OTHR_REG);
	bcm_gpio_writel(val, GPIO_PINMUX_OTHR_REG);
	val = bcm_gpio_readl(GPIO_PINMUX_OTHR_REG);
	val |= PINMUX_SEL_SPI2;
	bcm_gpio_writel(val, GPIO_PINMUX_OTHR_REG);
/* BCM63268 */
#define GPIO_MODE_63268_HSSPI_SSN4		(1 << 16)
#define GPIO_MODE_63268_HSSPI_SSN5		(1 << 17)
#define GPIO_MODE_63268_HSSPI_SSN6		(1 << 8)
#define GPIO_MODE_63268_HSSPI_SSN7		(1 << 9)
	u32 val;
	/* GPIO 16 is SS4, GPIO 17 is SS5, GPIO 8 is SS6, GPIO 9 is SS7*/   
	val = bcm_gpio_readl(GPIO_MODE_REG);
	bcm_gpio_writel(val, GPIO_MODE_REG);

We can locate slave selects on the board by toggling the state of them.

  1. Build a firmware with devmem enabled in busybox and kernel
  2. Use this script to blink a slave select
    # Toggle the SPI_SS_POLARITY, "blink" the SPI chip select
    # Example: "blink" the chip select 2
    # ./ 2
    #6328 6362 63268
    DEFAULT=`devmem $SPIBASE`
    OFF=`printf "0x%x" "$(( $DEFAULT | (1 << $1) ))"`
    ON=`printf "0x%x" "$(( $DEFAULT & ~(1 << $1) ))"`
    while true; do
    	devmem $SPIBASE 32 $OFF
    	echo "[OFF]: $SPIBASE 32 $OFF"
    	sleep 1
    	devmem $SPIBASE 32 $ON
    	echo "[ON ]: $SPIBASE 32 $ON"
    	sleep 1
  3. Use a voltimeter or a led (with a 270 ohm series resistor) to see if the candidate for the SPI slave select on the board blinks

The script is only valid for HSSPI.

General Purpose Input/Output

On bcm63xx boards the GPIOs are used for diferent purposes:

  • software leds: the GPIOs are controled by the linux kernel, and can be user configured by using led triggers drivers.
  • hardware leds: the GPIOs are multiplexed to act as pure leds controled by hardware. The GPIO functionality is lost, avoiding to control them with OpenWrt. They can monitor LAN activity, serial activity, and so on. They can be software controled again by writing some particular registers of the SoC.
  • buttons: configured as inputs, software controled using the polling method. Can be configured by the user to trigger events.
  • other hardware: some GPIOs are wired to hardware specific interfaces, such as PCI, PCMCIA, ethernet, UART, SPI, and so on. They are multiplexed and enabled by OpenWrt during initialization of the board devices.

See BCM6348 GPIO pinmux

The amount of GPIOs of each SoC model is different:

BCM6333 BCM6338 BCM6345 BCM6348 BCM6358 BCM6368 BCM6318 BCM6328 BCM6362 BCM63268
GPIO count 5 8 16 37 38 38 50 32 48 52

When having more than 32 GPIOs they are splitted between 2 gpiochips. The labels in the Linux kernel are:

  • bcm63xx-gpio.0
  • bcm63xx-gpio.1

A few GPIOs are shared with external IRQs on most SoCs except BCM6338

External interrupts IRQ_EXT_0 IRQ_EXT_1 IRQ_EXT_2 IRQ_EXT_3 IRQ_EXT_4 IRQ_EXT_5
BCM6318 GPIO32 GPIO33 ? ?
BCM6345 ? ? ? ?

*) Guessed


  • IRQ_EXT_4 and IRQ_EXT_5 aren't defined in the kernel driver
  • IRQ_EXT_4 and IRQ_EXT_5 aren't implemented in BCM6358 SoC (OpenWrt ≤ Barrier Breaker). Proposed patch for Barrier Breaker →
  • IRQ_EXT_4 in BCM6348 cannot be managed because it seems there isn't enough CP0 CAUSE registers to do the job.
  • In Chaos Calmer version the external IRQs are broken →

Since LEDE Reboot there is full support for external IRQs with “gpio to irq” translation. →;a=commit;h=dd7079e79a

Snippet kernel code example: a button press triggers an IRQ, printing something on the console. Tested on BCM6348, Openwrt 12.09 and GPIO33 connected to an external button.

#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/err.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/spinlock.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <bcm63xx_cpu.h>
#include <bcm63xx_io.h>
#include <bcm63xx_regs.h>
#include <bcm63xx_irq.h>
static irqreturn_t gpio_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id)
	printk("my IRQ triggered!!!!\n");
	return IRQ_HANDLED;
int bcm63xx_button_init(void)
	int ret, irq;
	printk("TEST IRQ (GPIO-button)\n");
	irq = IRQ_EXT_1;
	ret = request_irq(irq, gpio_interrupt, 0, "bcm63xx_extIRQ", NULL);
	if (ret) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "bcm63xx-extIRQ: failed to register irq %d\n",irq);
		return ret;
	printk("Mapped IRQ %d\n", irq );
	return 0;

bootloader: Some devices use redboot such as Inventel Liveboxes. Most of the others use cfe with a built-in LZMA decompressor. CFE is not using standard LZMA compression arguments, and most noticeably, changes the dictionary size, so beware. Thomson routers have their own bootloader.

There is released source code for RedBoot (Inventel Livebox), and probably can be modified to work with other routers. Also there is some source code for uboot.

On several CPE (Customer-premises equipment) hardware devices and especially on smart phones, the OEM bootloaders are feature poor (no netboot, no booting from a USB stick, etc.), obfuscated (require some magic values to be correct) or completely messed up and make it cumbersome, difficult or impossible to install free software on the device. It is thus paramount to always have at least some products available, that have OEM bootloaders that keep installing free software easy (cf. generic.flashing). And it could be interesting to port such bootloaders to devices, which happen to come with a restricted bootloader. Compare the available bootloader out there, their license, available code and feature sets. Please also remember that available source code it NOT enough, it has to be under some license, that allow for modification and redistribution.

bcm63xx boards have U-boot support thanks to the developer Álvaro Fernández (Noltari). Currently only available for the RAM bootloader version. The ROM version requires low level initialisations to be integrated into U-Boot (TODO).

There is an official broadcom u-boot port for 63137/63138, 63158, and 63178; it is able to replace cfe, but there is no GPL release of this yet.

There exists an utility to backup the entire flash:
You must connect your PC with the bcm63xx router via serial TTL port while CFE is running. Then execute cfetool with a command like this, maybe different with different boot address / flash sizes.

./ --read=dump.bin --addr=0xB8000000 --size=0x1000000 --block=0x10000
--addr=0xB8000000 -> Flash Memory Address (see CFE bootlog --> Boot Address)
--size=0x1000000 -> 16Mb Flash
--block=0x10000 -> Memory dumped each iteration (default is 10Kb 0x2800)

cfetool expects the serial port used is /dev/ttyUSB0 in your PC, but you can change it with “--serial=/dev/ttyUSB1”.

Note: not all CFEs have internally the dm/sm command, as a result of this cfetool may not work with some devices. Alternatively you can dump the flash via traditional methods like JTAG or with an OpenWrt ramdisk firmware version.

On the BCM6348 the MPI interface is wired to both the flash chip and the miniPCI interface. The CPU clock configuration is strapped from 5 pins on this interface. These 5 pins use pulldown resistors (4.7 or 10 kohm) to configure the CPU clock:

Flash pin DQ0 DQ8 DQ1 DQ9 DQ10 CPU clock (MHz)
mPCI pin AD27 AD28 AD29 AD30 AD31

Example of CPU clock modification → Comtrend CT5361 overclocking

Note: only tested on BCM6348KPBG

The same pins used in BCM6348 are also used in the BCM6368 SoC. 4.7 kohm pull down resistors are also used to configure the CPU frequency.

Flash pin DQ0 DQ8 DQ1 DQ9 DQ10 CPU clock (MHz)
mPCI pin AD27 AD28 AD29 AD30 AD31

CPU BrandPage
Broadcom BCM6328ADBTechdata: ADB P.DG A4001N1
Broadcom BCM6328ADBTechdata: ADB P.DG A4001N A-000-1A1-AE
Broadcom BCM6328ADBTechdata: ADB P.DG A4101N A-000-1A1-AE
Broadcom BCM6328ADBTechdata: ADB P.DG A4001N A-000-1A1-AX
Broadcom BCM6328ActiontecTechdata: Actiontec GT784WNV 5A
Broadcom BCM6328Arcadyan / AstoriaTechdata: Arcadyan / Astoria AR7516 (Orange / EE Bright Box)
Broadcom BCM63281BillionTechdata: Billion BiPAC 7700N
Broadcom BCM6328ComtrendTechdata: Comtrend AR-5381u
Broadcom BCM6328ComtrendTechdata: Comtrend AR-5387un
Broadcom BCM6328Comtrendcomtrend_ar-5381u, Techdata: Comtrend AR-5381u
Broadcom BCM6328Comtrendcomtrend_ar-5387un, Techdata: Comtrend AR-5387un
Broadcom BCM63281D-LinkTechdata: D-Link DSL-2640S A1
Broadcom BCM6328D-LinkTechdata: D-Link DSL-2730U C1
Broadcom BCM6328D-LinkTechdata: D-Link DSL-2740B/1B F1 (EU)
Broadcom BCM6328D-LinkTechdata: D-Link DSL-2750B T1
Broadcom BCM63281D-LinkTechdata: D-Link DSL-2750u C1
Broadcom BCM63281D-LinkTechdata: D-Link DSL-2750B B1 (EU)
Broadcom BCM6328D-Linkd-link_dsl-2750b_t1, Techdata: D-Link DSL-2750B T1
Broadcom BCM6328InnacommTechdata: Innacomm W3400V6
Broadcom BCM6328IntenoTechdata: Inteno XG6846
Broadcom BCM6328NETGEARTechdata: NETGEAR DGN2200 v2
Broadcom BCM63281NetgearTechdata: Netgear DGN2200 v3
Broadcom BCM63281NetgearTechdata: Netgear DGN2200 v4
Broadcom BCM6328NuComTechdata: NuCom R5010UNv2
Broadcom BCM6328SagemTechdata: Sagem F@ST2704 V2
Broadcom BCM6328SercommTechdata: Sercomm AD1018
Broadcom BCM6328SercommTechdata: Sercomm AD1018 NOR
Broadcom BCM6328SercommTechdata: Sercomm AD1018 v2
Broadcom BCM6328SercommTechdata: Sercomm AD1018 v1
Broadcom BCM6328Sercommsercomm_ad1018_nor, Techdata: Sercomm AD1018 NOR
Broadcom BCM6328Sercommsercomm_ad1018_v1, Techdata: Sercomm AD1018 v1
Broadcom BCM6328TP-LinkTechdata: TP-Link TD-W8960N v4
Broadcom BCM63281TechnicolorTechdata: Technicolor TG582n DANT-1
Broadcom BCM63281TechnicolorTechdata: Technicolor TG582n DANT-T
Broadcom BCM6328TechnicolorTechdata: Technicolor TG582n DANT-V
Broadcom BCM63281ZTETechdata: ZTE ZXHN H108N v1
Huawei EchoLife HG510
Netgear DM111P
Dynalink RTA1320 (Nateks Unispot21)
Siemens CL 110
Zhone 6211
Zhone 6212-l2/-l3
tp-link tp-8840
Thomson SpeedTouch ST516 v6
Thomson SpeedTouch ST530 v6 (same as above with USB port)
Swisscom Internet-Box Light RTV1900VW
CPU BrandPage
Broadcom BCM6338ComtrendTechdata: Comtrend CT-5367
Broadcom BCM6338D-LinkTechdata: D-Link DSL-2542B/3B D2 (EU)
Broadcom BCM6338D-LinkTechdata: D-Link DSL-2640U/BRU/C C1
Broadcom BCM6338IntenoTechdata: Inteno XG6749 v1.0
Broadcom BCM6338SiemensTechdata: Siemens S1621-Z220-A
Broadcom BCM6338ThomsonTechdata: Thomson TG585 v7
CPU BrandPage
Broadcom BCM6348ASUSTechdata: ASUS WL-600g
Broadcom BCM6348ASUSasus_wl-600g, Techdata: ASUS WL-600g
Broadcom BCM6348AsmaxTechdata: Asmax AR 1004g 1
Broadcom BCM6348AsusTechdata: Asus DSL-N13 1
Broadcom BCM6348BTTechdata: BT Home Hub 1 1.0, 1.5
Broadcom BCM6348ComtrendTechdata: Comtrend CT-536+
Broadcom BCM6348ComtrendTechdata: Comtrend CT-5361
Broadcom BCM6348ComtrendTechdata: Comtrend CT-5365
Broadcom BCM6348ComtrendTechdata: Comtrend CT-5621
Broadcom BCM6348ComtrendTechdata: Comtrend HG-536+
Broadcom BCM6348Comtrendcomtrend_ct-536, Techdata: Comtrend CT-536+
Broadcom BCM6348Comtrendcomtrend_ct-5361, Techdata: Comtrend CT-5361
Broadcom BCM6348Comtrendcomtrend_ct-5365, Techdata: Comtrend CT-5365
Broadcom BCM6348Comtrendcomtrend_ct-5621, Techdata: Comtrend CT-5621
Broadcom BCM6348Comtrendcomtrend_hg-536, Techdata: Comtrend HG-536+
Broadcom BCM6348D-LinkTechdata: D-Link DSL-2640U(B) B2 (RU)
Broadcom BCM6348DavolinkTechdata: Davolink DV-201AMR
Broadcom BCM6348DavolinkTechdata: Davolink DV-2020
Broadcom BCM6348GigasetTechdata: Gigaset SL2-141-i
Broadcom BCM6348HitachiTechdata: Hitachi AH4051
Broadcom BCM6348InventelTechdata: Inventel AOLBox D5213
Broadcom BCM6348InventelTechdata: Inventel Livebox 1 DV3210
Broadcom BCM6348InventelTechdata: Inventel Livebox 1 DV4210
Broadcom BCM6348InventelTechdata: Inventel Livebox Pro V1 DV4410
Broadcom BCM6348LinksysTechdata: Linksys WAG54G v1.1
Broadcom BCM6348LinksysTechdata: Linksys WAG54GS v1.0, v1.1
Broadcom BCM6348LinksysTechdata: Linksys WAG54GX2
Broadcom BCM6348NETGEARTechdata: NETGEAR DG834G v4
Broadcom BCM6348NETGEARTechdata: NETGEAR DG834GT
Broadcom BCM6348NetCommTechdata: NetComm NB6PLUS4W Rev1
Broadcom BCM6348NetCommTechdata: NetComm NB9W
Broadcom BCM6348PirelliTechdata: Pirelli Alice Gate2 Plus Wi-Fi AGA
Broadcom BCM6348PirelliTechdata: Pirelli Alice Gate W2+ Vela
Broadcom BCM6348PirelliTechdata: Pirelli DRG A125G
Broadcom BCM6348SagemTechdata: Sagem F@ST2404
Broadcom BCM6348SagemTechdata: Sagem F@ST2604
Broadcom BCM6348T-Com / TelekomTechdata: T-Com / Telekom Speedport W 500V
Broadcom BCM6348T-Com / Telekomt-comtelekom_speedportw500v, Techdata: T-Com / Telekom Speedport W 500V
Broadcom BCM6348TecomTechdata: Tecom GW6000
Broadcom BCM6348TecomTechdata: Tecom GW6200
Broadcom BCM6348TelseyTechdata: Telsey Alice W-Gate
Broadcom BCM6348TelseyTechdata: Telsey CPVA502+
Broadcom BCM6348TelseyTechdata: Telsey CPVA502+W
Broadcom BCM6348TendaTechdata: Tenda W548D
Broadcom BCM6348ThomsonTechdata: Thomson ST7G
Broadcom BCM6348ThomsonTechdata: Thomson ST585 6
Broadcom BCM6348ThomsonTechdata: Thomson ST706WL
Broadcom BCM6348US RoboticsTechdata: US Robotics USR9108 A
Broadcom BCM6348ZTETechdata: ZTE ZXDSL 531B(II)
CPU BrandPage
Broadcom BCM6358Alcatel-SbellTechdata: Alcatel-Sbell RG100A-AA Rev 0
Broadcom BCM6358BTTechdata: BT Home Hub 2 Type A
Broadcom BCM6358ComtrendTechdata: Comtrend CT-6373
Broadcom BCM6358Comtrendcomtrend_ct-6373, Techdata: Comtrend CT-6373
Broadcom BCM6358D-Linktoh:hwdata:d-link:d-link_dsl-2650ubrud
Broadcom BCM6358D-LinkTechdata: D-Link DSL-2740B/1B C2
Broadcom BCM6358D-LinkTechdata: D-Link DSL-2740B/1B C3
Broadcom BCM6358D-LinkTechdata: D-Link DSL-2740B E1
Broadcom BCM6358D-LinkTechdata: D-Link DSL-2740U C2
Broadcom BCM6358D-LinkTechdata: D-Link DVA-G3810BN/TL A1
Broadcom BCM6358D-Linkd-link_dsl-2740b1b_c3, Techdata: D-Link DSL-2740B/1B C3
Broadcom BCM6358D-Linkd-link_dsl-2650ubrud, toh:hwdata:d-link:d-link_dsl-2650ubrud
Broadcom BCM6358HuaweiTechdata: Huawei HG553
Broadcom BCM6358HuaweiTechdata: Huawei HG556a C
Broadcom BCM6358HuaweiTechdata: Huawei HG556a B
Broadcom BCM6358HuaweiTechdata: Huawei HG556a A
Broadcom BCM6358InventelTechdata: Inventel Livebox 1.2(Mini) BlueDSL 8G
Broadcom BCM6358LinksysTechdata: Linksys WAG160N v1
Broadcom BCM6358LinksysTechdata: Linksys WAG160N v2
Broadcom BCM6358NETGEARTechdata: NETGEAR DGN2200 v1
Broadcom BCM6358NETGEARTechdata: NETGEAR MBRN3000
Broadcom BCM6358PirelliTechdata: Pirelli AliceGate AGPF
Broadcom BCM6358PirelliTechdata: Pirelli FastWeb DRG A226M
Broadcom BCM6358PirelliTechdata: Pirelli DRG A226M
Broadcom BCM6358PirelliTechdata: Pirelli DRG A226G
Broadcom BCM6358SFR (Société Française de Radiotéléphonie)Techdata: SFR (Société Française de Radiotéléphonie) Neufbox4 (NB4)
Broadcom BCM6358T-Com / TelekomTechdata: T-Com / Telekom Speedport W 303V Typ B
Broadcom BCM6358T-Com / Telekomt-comtelekom_speedportw303vtypb, Techdata: T-Com / Telekom Speedport W 303V Typ B
Broadcom BCM6358TP-LinkTechdata: TP-Link TD-W8960N v1
Broadcom BCM6358TelseyTechdata: Telsey CPA-ZNTE60T
CPU BrandPage
Broadcom BCM6361AztechTechdata: Aztech DSL7002GRV(S)
Broadcom BCM6361Aztechaztech_dsl7002grv_s, Techdata: Aztech DSL7002GRV(S)
Broadcom BCM6361BTTechdata: BT Home Hub 3 Type B
Broadcom BCM6361NETGEARTechdata: NETGEAR DGND4000
Broadcom BCM6361SFR (Société Française de Radiotéléphonie)Techdata: SFR (Société Française de Radiotéléphonie) Neufbox6 (NB6)
Broadcom BCM6361SercommTechdata: Sercomm SHG1500 VS2
Motorola NVG510 Commonly used with AT&T copper Uverse, which supports VOIP but not TV. (Motorola GPL source). Also on WikiDevi
CPU BrandPage
Broadcom BCM6362HuaweiTechdata: Huawei HG253s v2
Broadcom BCM6362NETGEARTechdata: NETGEAR DGND3700 v2
Broadcom BCM6362SagemTechdata: Sagem F@ST2504n v.6
Broadcom BCM6362TP-LinkTechdata: TP-Link TD-W8970 v3.0
Broadcom BCM6362¿ZTETechdata: ZTE ZXA10 F660 2.0
Freebox Server
ZyXEL P-870HN-51b (commonly shipped to VDSL2 customers by Sonera in Finland)
ZyXEL P-870HN-53b (commonly shipped to ADSL/VDSL customers by T-Mobile in Czech Republic)
NETGEAR VVG2000 (sold to VDSL2 customers by Bezeq in Israel)
D-Link DSL-6740U (sold to VDSL2 customers by Bezeq in Israel)
Cisco 867-VAE
Inteno DG201
Actiontec Q2000 (commonly shipped to VDSL2 customers of Centurylink/Qwest)
CPU BrandPage
Broadcom BCM6368ADBTechdata: ADB AV4202N
Broadcom BCM6368ADBTechdata: ADB P.DG AV4202N
Broadcom BCM6368ActiontecTechdata: Actiontec R1000H
Broadcom BCM6368ComtrendTechdata: Comtrend VR-3025u
Broadcom BCM6368ComtrendTechdata: Comtrend VR-3025un
Broadcom BCM6368ComtrendTechdata: Comtrend VR-3026e v1
Broadcom BCM6368Comtrendcomtrend_vr-3025un, Techdata: Comtrend VR-3025un
Broadcom BCM6368HuaweiTechdata: Huawei HG622
Broadcom BCM6368HuaweiTechdata: Huawei HG655b
Broadcom BCM6368HuaweiTechdata: Huawei HG655d
Broadcom BCM6368HuaweiTechdata: Huawei HG622u
Broadcom BCM6368NETGEARTechdata: NETGEAR DGND3700 v1
Broadcom BCM6368NETGEARTechdata: NETGEAR DGND3800B
Broadcom BCM6368NETGEARTechdata: NETGEAR VVG2000-1
Broadcom BCM6368ObservaTechdata: Observa VH4032N
Broadcom BCM6368PirelliTechdata: Pirelli AV4202N
Broadcom BCM6368PirelliTechdata: Pirelli PRG AV4202N
Broadcom BCM6368ThomsonTechdata: Thomson TG789VN
Broadcom BCM6368ZTETechdata: ZTE ZXDSL 931WII v1
Broadcom BCM6368ZyXELTechdata: ZyXEL P-870HW-51a v2
Broadcom BCM6368ZyXELTechdata: ZyXEL P-870HN-51b
Broadcom BCM6368ZyXELTechdata: ZyXEL P-870HN-53b
Broadcom BCM6368ZyXELTechdata: ZyXEL P-870HNU-51c
BT Smart Hub (Distributed by BT since Summer 2016)
CPU BrandPage
Nothing found
Plusnet Hub Two (Distributed by Plusnet since October 2021)
CPU BrandPage
Nothing found
Zyxel VMG8924-B10D (commonly shipped to Tiscali customers in Italy)
CPU BrandPage
Nothing found
Airties Air 5650 (commonly shipped to TTnet Hipernet customers in Turkey)
D-Link DSL6850U
SmartRG SR630N - 5-port VDSL modem, already runs some custom linux distribution
SmartRG SR505N, also a VDSL modem, maybe working with Tomato?
ADB VV3212 (Distributed by Slovak Telekom)
Actiontec T1200H
Actiontec T2200H
Actiontec F2250
Kasda KW5212, also a VDSL modem.
CPU BrandPage
Broadcom BCM63168ActiontecTechdata: Actiontec C1000A 1
Broadcom BCM63168ComtrendTechdata: Comtrend VR-3032u
Broadcom BCM63168Comtrendcomtrend_vr-3032u, Techdata: Comtrend VR-3032u
BCM63168D0SagemTechdata: Sagem F@ST3864OP
BCM63168SercommTechdata: Sercomm SHG2500
BCM63168Sercommsercomm_shg2500, Techdata: Sercomm SHG2500
Broadcom BCM63168SkyTechdata: Sky SR102
Broadcom BCM63168SmartRGTechdata: SmartRG SR505n
Broadcom BCM63168, Broadcom BCM4709TP-LinkTechdata: TP-Link Archer VR900v v1.0
Broadcom BCM63168ZTETechdata: ZTE ZXHN F660 2.3
Broadcom BCM63168ZyXELTechdata: ZyXEL P8702N
Inteno DG301 (commonly shipped to Sonera customers in Finland)
Technicolor TG799Svn v2 (commonly shipped to Telia customers in Sweden)
Zyxel C1000Z
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  • Last modified: 2024/11/21 07:50
  • by g-lacier