ZBT WE526 (WE1626)
Other page for this device: ZBT WR8305RT Please explain why this other page is valid for the WE526/WE1626 --- tmomas 2019/10/27 16:25 zbt itself recommended to use wr8305rt images for we1626 2020/08/10 alex
UART test points are available under the MAC address sticker https://prnt.sc/twywje
Firmware download links
Please explain what these files are, where they come from, why they are only accessible via archive.org, and why anybody should trust those files. --- tmomas 2019/10/27 16:29
- OpenWrt (7620-openwrt1505-20161202.bin): https://web.archive.org/web/20191027123331/https://cdn-06.anonfile.com/WeV8q792nd/90dab0f6-1572180185/7620-openwrt1505-20161202.bin
- Stock ZBT old design interface (ZBT7620_3.0.0.4_382_0-g55b2dc9.trx) (I recommend this one for stability): https://web.archive.org/web/20191027123737/https://cdn-10.anonfile.com/F7Wcqc90na/818bb7b0-1572180446/ZBT7620_3.0.0.4_382_0-g55b2dc9.trx
- Stock ZBT new design interface (mt7620-MT7620N.bin): https://web.archive.org/web/20191027123911/https://cdn-05.anonfile.com/UeW9q09dne/8639ec3c-1572180538/mt7620-MT7620N.bin
(Firmwares uploaded by 29c)
Hardware Highlights
Install over recovery: Plug lan cable in LAN1-4, off router pressed reset button and on router, configure your lan, open browser and install upgrade image