Linksys EA8500

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Install OpenWrt

Layer0 raw flash, 128 MiB
Layer1 mtd0-9
various systems
bootloader config
firmware 1st copy
40 MiB
firmware second copy
40 MiB
Linksys configuration
32.5 MiB
Layer2 various
12800 KiB
1280 KiB
1024 KiB
256 KiB
256 KiB
256 KiB
3 MiB
37 MiB
3 MiB
37 MiB
Layer3 sqashfs
around 2 MiB
around 35 MiB
around 2 MiB
around 35 MiB

As of OpenWRT 22.03, the kernel partition size was increased from 3MiB to 4 MiB. Consequently, upgrading from 21.02 to 22.03 requires flashing the Factory image (force option must be used) and losing existing configuration.

:!: Warning, works only with non-US version and US version firmware older than 1.1.4*

:!: Warning, before installing LEDE/OpenWrt the first time:

  • install (at least) firmware twice to make sure the primary and the secondary partitions have a compatible format
  • some users have reported that 1.1.4* versions do not boot, so installing a 1.1.3* firmware may be needed
  • if it doesn't work still, use TFTP method below

Note: Reset router to factory defaults if it has been previously configured.

  • Browse to
  • Upload .bin file to router
  • Wait for it to reboot

Note: It's possible that the more recent factory firmware changes the interface so that the above link ( no longer works. On version, for example, in the stock WebUI you have to go to Connectivity → Basic (tab) → Router Firmware Update → Manual Update → Choose File. See this screenshot:

If your router is running firmware and newer, it will refuse the openwrt-*-factory.bin file during the update. Fortunately for non-US versions, it is possible to downgrade to using the official linksys *.img and the “Router Firmware Update → Manual Update” process. Flash a second time, reboot, verify has been installed, then you can update using the openwrt-*-factory.bin file


To install via TFTP, opening the router is needed. On older models, serial headers seem to be populated, but reports say that newer models do not have populated serial headers. If the firmware build is newer than version 1.1.3, please follow the guide below to flash an older version, substituting A image for the DD-WRT image. Once an older version is flashed, simply install OpenWrt via webupgrade as usual.

Following above page as a template mrjcd EA8500 tftp guide, newer firmwares require some hacks to flash successfully, as Belkin/Linksys has purposefully made flashing harder, first by GPG signing allowed firmwares, and seconds by changing U-boot variables to hinder TFTP serial flashing. Entering Uboot, if you type: printenv

You will see that the variable flashimg2. This has been altered to be incorrect, and you can reset that by typing: flashimg2 tftp '$loadaddr $image; nand erase $altkern $imgsize; nand write $loadaddr $altkern $filesize'

If you then proceed with the instructions, upon reset your openwrt flash will be successfull.

How to flash with workaround for altered vars

  • connect ethernet and serial cable
  • set ip address of TFTP server to
  • put openwrt factory image to tftp folder
  • connect via serial picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0
  • stop device while booting in u-boot
  • run commands:
setenv image <filename for openwrt image on TFTP server>
setenv ipaddr
setenv serverip
setenv flashimg2 tftp '$loadaddr $image; nand erase $altkern $imgsize; nand write $loadaddr $altkern $filesize'

This last line saveenv writes these env vars to memory, so you don't have to retype them if you need to begin again

run flashimg


run flashimg2



At this point router will reboot and you can monitor via the serial connection and verify that it is NOT Linksys firmware. If you got Loading T T T T T... error it means the bootloader can't download firmware, check your TFTP server, firewall or serial connection.

Specific values needed for tftp reference

Bootloader tftp server IPv4 address
Bootloader MAC address (special) NONE
Firmware tftp image [stock firmware] (
TFTP transfer window 8 seconds
TFTP window start approximately 25 seconds after power on
TFTP client required IP address

Getting stuck on "Starting kernel..."

Check if your environment variables has autostart set to yes


Set autostart environment variable to no to stop the tftp command from launching the transferred file

setenv autostart no


FIXME These are generic instructions. Update with your router's specifics.

  • Browse to LuCI Upgrade URL
  • Upload image file for sysupgrade to LuCI
  • Wait for reboot

If you don't have a GUI (LuCI) available, you can alternatively upgrade via the command line. There are two command line methods for upgrading:

  • sysupgrade
  • mtd

Note: It is important that you put the firmware image into the ramdisk (/tmp) before you start flashing.


  • Login as root via SSH on, then enter the following commands:
cd /tmp
sysupgrade /tmp/


If sysupgrade does not support this router, use mtd.

  • Login as root via SSH on, then enter the following commands:
cd /tmp
mtd write /tmp/ linux && reboot

You will need SSH access to the device as Web UI flashing page will reject stock firmware. You will also need version of the stock firmware and not anything later (like Upload the stock firmware file to /tmp/ directory on the router and then run: sysupgrade -n -v -F /tmp/FW_EA8500_1.1.4.169978_prod.

Basic configuration After flashing, proceed with this.
Set up your Internet connection, configure wireless, configure USB port, etc.

The default network configuration is:

Interface Name Description Default configuration
br-lan LAN & WiFi
vlan1 (eth0.1) LAN ports (1 to 4) None
vlan2 (eth0.2) WAN port DHCP
wlan0 WiFi (2.4 GHz) Disabled
wlan1 WiFi (5 GHz) Disabled

Numbers 1-4 are Ports 1-4 as labeled on the unit, number 5 is the Internet (WAN) on the unit, 0 is the internal connection to the router CPU.

Port Switch port
LAN 1 1
LAN 2 2
LAN 3 3
LAN 4 4
Internet (WAN) 5

hardware.button on howto use and configure the hardware button(s). Here, we merely name the buttons, so we can use them in the above Howto.

The Linksys EA8500 has the following buttons:

Reset reset
WPS Button wps
Wifi On/Off rfkill
Power Button (hardware) power

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Backside label:
Insert photo of backside label

Main Board:

Note: This will void your warranty!

To open the box first remove 4 rubber feet covering screws (I found that trying to push them towards the middle of the box helps). Remove 4 Philips screws. Unlike some earlier Linksys devices there are also plastic clips holding the top cover in place. Use plastic prying tools to detach the cover. While on the sides the clips disengage with the slim prying tool, both front and back require prying tool pushed well into the box. Be careful to not rip any wires inside.

Main PCB:
Insert photo of PCB

port.serial general information about the serial port, serial port cable, etc.

How to connect to the Serial Port of this specific device:

Newer revisions have no header:

Pins are marked 1-5 on PCB, use the following:

PIN 2: TX <> RX serial
PIN 3: RX <> TX serial
Serial connection parameters
for Linksys EA8500 V1
screen /dev/tty.usbserial 115200,-parenb,-cstopb,cs8 picocom -b 115200 /dev/tty.usbserial

port.jtag general information about the JTAG port, JTAG cable, etc.

How to connect to the JTAG Port of this specific device:
Insert photo of PCB with markings for JTAG port

U-Boot 2012.07 [Standard IPQ806X.LN,r40331] (Mar 16 2015 - 16:29:21) (IPQ) # printenv altkern=3780000 auto_recovery=yes baudrate=115200 boot_part=2 boot_part_ready=3 boot_ver=1.0.12 bootargs=console=ttyHSL1,115200n8 bootcmd=bootipq bootdelay=2 ethact=eth0 ethaddr=00:06:3b:01:41:00 flashimg=tftp $loadaddr $image;nand erase $prikern $imgsize;nand write $loadaddr $prikern $filesize flashimg2=tftp $loadaddr $image;nand erase $altkern $imgsize;nand write $loadaddr $altkern $filesize image=wraith.bin imgsize=2800000 ipaddr= loadaddr=42000000 machid=1260 netmask= partbootargs=console=ttyHSL1,115200n8 init=/sbin/init rootfstype=squashfs root=31:14 partbootargs2=console=ttyHSL1,115200n8 init=/sbin/init rootfstype=squashfs root=31:16 prikern=f80000 serverip= stderr=serial stdin=serial stdout=serial Environment size: 804/262140 bytes (IPQ) # smeminfo smem: SMEM_PARTITION_TABLE_OFFSET failed flash_type: 0x2 flash_index: 0x0 flash_chip_select: 0x0 flash_block_size: 0x20000 partition table offset 0x0 No.: Name Attributes Start Size 0: 0:SBL1 0x0000ffff 0x0 0x40000 1: 0:MIBIB 0x0000ffff 0x40000 0x140000 2: 0:SBL2 0x0000ffff 0x180000 0x140000 3: 0:SBL3 0x0000ffff 0x2c0000 0x280000 4: 0:DDRCONFIG 0x0000ffff 0x540000 0x120000 5: 0:SSD 0x0000ffff 0x660000 0x120000 6: 0:TZ 0x0000ffff 0x780000 0x280000 7: 0:RPM 0x0000ffff 0xa00000 0x280000 8: 0:ART 0x0000ffff 0xc80000 0x140000 9: 0:APPSBL 0x0000ffff 0xdc0000 0x100000 10: u_env 0x0000ffff 0xec0000 0x40000 11: s_env 0x0000ffff 0xf00000 0x40000 12: devinfo 0x0000ffff 0xf40000 0x40000 13: kernel 0x0000ffff 0xf80000 0x300000 14: rootfs 0x0000ffff 0x1280000 0x2500000 15: alt_kernel 0x0000ffff 0x3780000 0x300000 16: alt_rootfs 0x0000ffff 0x3a80000 0x2500000 17: syscfg 0x0000ffff 0x5f80000 0x2080000 CBT U-Boot ver: 1.0.9 smem ram ptable found: ver: 0 len: 5 DRAM: 491 MiB NAND: SF: Unsupported manufacturer 00 ipq_spi: SPI Flash not found (bus/cs/speed/mode) = (0/0/48000000/0) 128 MiB MMC: PCI0 Link Intialized PCI1 Link Intialized In: serial Out: serial Err: serial cdp: get part failed for 0:HLOS Net: MAC1 addr:0:3:7f:ba:db:1 athrs17_reg_init: complete athrs17_vlan_config ...done S17c init done MAC2 addr:0:3:7f:ba:db:2 eth0 Warning: eth0 MAC addresses don't match: Address in SROM is 00:03:7f:ba:db:01 Address in environment is 00:06:3b:01:41:00 , eth1 Updating boot_count ... done Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 MMC Device 0 not found MMC Device 0 not found Loading from nand0, offset 0x3780000 Image Name: Linux-3.4.103 Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 1885000 Bytes = 1.8 MiB Load Address: 41508000 Entry Point: 41508000 Automatic boot of image at addr 0x44000000 ... Image Name: Linux-3.4.103 Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 1885000 Bytes = 1.8 MiB Load Address: 41508000 Entry Point: 41508000 Verifying Checksum ... OK Loading Kernel Image ... OK OK mtdids not defined, no default present info: "mtdparts" not set Using machid 0x1260 from environment Starting kernel ... [ 0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0 [ 0.000000] Linux version 3.4.103 (root@build-vm) (gcc version 4.6.3 20120201 (prerelease) (Linaro GCC 4.6-2012.02) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Dec 18 15:53:23 PST 2015 [ 0.000000] CPU: ARMv7 Processor [512f04d0] revision 0 (ARMv7), cr=10c5387d [ 0.000000] CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, PIPT instruction cache [ 0.000000] Machine: Linksys EA8500 WiFi Router. [ 0.000000] EA8500 command line override: console=ttyHSL1,115200n8 init=/sbin/init rootfstype=squashfs ubi.mtd=16,2048 ubi.block=0,0 root=/dev/ubiblock0_0 rootwait ro msm_reserve_memory: 0x44600000, 0x200000 [ 0.000000] memory pool 3 (start 5fc00000 size 400000) initialized [ 0.000000] Memory policy: ECC disabled, Data cache writealloc [ 0.000000] smem_find(137, 80): wrong size 72 [ 0.000000] socinfo_init: v6, id=202, ver=2.0, raw_id=2064, raw_ver=2064, hw_plat=0, hw_plat_ver=65536 [ 0.000000] accessory_chip=0 hw_plat_subtype=0 [ 0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 8 pages/cpu @c0c4b000 s11072 r8192 d13504 u32768 [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 123178 [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyHSL1,115200n8 [ 0.000000] PID hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) [ 0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes) [ 0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes) [ 0.000000] Memory: 49MB 436MB = 485MB total [ 0.000000] Memory: 483556k/489700k available, 13084k reserved, 0K highmem [ 0.000000] Virtual kernel memory layout: [ 0.000000] vector : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000 ( 4 kB) [ 0.000000] fixmap : 0xfff00000 - 0xfffe0000 ( 896 kB) [ 0.000000] vmalloc : 0xdf000000 - 0xff000000 ( 512 MB) [ 0.000000] lowmem : 0xc0000000 - 0xdeb00000 ( 491 MB) [ 0.000000] pkmap : 0xbfe00000 - 0xc0000000 ( 2 MB) [ 0.000000] modules : 0xbf000000 - 0xbfe00000 ( 14 MB) [ 0.000000] .text : 0xc0008000 - 0xc0518000 (5184 kB) [ 0.000000] .init : 0xc0600000 - 0xc0702b40 (1035 kB) [ 0.000000] .data : 0xc0704000 - 0xc079efa0 ( 620 kB) [ 0.000000] .bss : 0xc079efc4 - 0xc0847c8c ( 676 kB) [ 0.000000] SLUB: Genslabs=11, HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=2, Nodes=1 [ 0.000000] Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation. [ 0.000000] NR_IRQS:1689 [ 0.000000] sched_clock: 32 bits at 32kHz, resolution 31240ns, wraps every 134175798ms [ 0.000000] Console: colour dummy device 80x30 [ 0.150390] Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 12.56 BogoMIPS (lpj=62805) [ 0.150421] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301 [ 0.150890] Mount-cache hash table entries: 512 [ 0.152389] CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok [ 0.152577] CPU0: thread -1, cpu 0, socket 0, mpidr 80000000 [ 0.152608] hw perfevents: enabled with ARMv7 Krait PMU driver, 5 counters available [ 0.152702] Setting up static identity map for 0x418c5118 - 0x418c51a0 [ 0.155045] CPU1: Booted secondary processor [ 0.155107] CPU1: thread -1, cpu 1, socket 0, mpidr 80000001 [ 0.155201] Brought up 2 CPUs [ 0.155232] SMP: Total of 2 processors activated (25.12 BogoMIPS). [ 0.171352] dummy: [ 0.172008] NET: Registered protocol family 16 [ 0.172789] AXI: msm_bus_fabric_init_driver(): msm_bus_fabric_init_driver [ 0.175039] meminfo_init: smem ram ptable found: ver: 0 len: 5 [ 0.175039] Found 1 memory banks grouped into 8 memory regions [ 0.175351] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 0 to 151 on device: msmgpio [ 0.176132] smem_find(137, 80): wrong size 72 [ 0.176163] socinfo_init: v6, id=202, ver=2.0, raw_id=2064, raw_ver=2064, hw_plat=0, hw_plat_ver=65536 [ 0.176163] accessory_chip=0 hw_plat_subtype=0 [ 0.176194] msm_rpm_init: RPM firmware 3.0.16777342 [ 0.183942] clk_tbl_nss - loaded [ 0.210809] hw-breakpoint: found 5 (+1 reserved) breakpoint and 4 watchpoint registers. [ 0.210840] hw-breakpoint: maximum watchpoint size is 8 bytes. [ 0.211246] msm_dmov_memcpy_init: Success [ 0.218338] sps:BAM 0x12244000 enabled: ver:0x5, number of pipes:20 [ 0.218369] sps:BAM 0x12244000 is registered. [ 0.218587] sps:sps is ready. [ 0.260793] msm_pcie_setup: link initialized [ 0.261168] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00 [ 0.261199] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x08000000-0x0fefffff] [ 0.261699] PCI: bus0: Fast back to back transfers disabled [ 0.261730] pci 0000:00:00.0: bridge configuration invalid ([bus 00-00]), reconfiguring [ 0.262542] PCI: bus1: Fast back to back transfers disabled [ 0.300905] msm_pcie_setup: link initialized [ 0.301249] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:02 [ 0.301280] pci_bus 0000:02: root bus resource [mem 0x2e000000-0x31efffff] [ 0.301718] PCI: bus2: Fast back to back transfers disabled [ 0.301749] pci 0000:02:00.0: bridge configuration invalid ([bus 00-00]), reconfiguring [ 0.302467] PCI: bus3: Fast back to back transfers disabled [ 0.421243] msm_pcie_setup: link initialization failed [ 0.421493] pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0x2e000000-0x2e1fffff] [ 0.421493] pci 0000:03:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x2e000000-0x2e1fffff 64bit] [ 0.421524] pci 0000:02:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 03-03] [ 0.421555] pci 0000:02:00.0: bridge window [mem 0x2e000000-0x2e1fffff] [ 0.421618] PCI: enabling device 0000:02:00.0 (0140 -> 0143) [ 0.421680] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0x08000000-0x081fffff] [ 0.421711] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x08000000-0x081fffff 64bit] [ 0.421743] pci 0000:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01-01] [ 0.421774] pci 0000:00:00.0: bridge window [mem 0x08000000-0x081fffff] [ 0.421805] PCI: enabling device 0000:00:00.0 (0140 -> 0143) [ 0.448391] bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0 [ 0.449953] SCSI subsystem initialized [ 0.451827] spi_qsd spi_qsd.5: master is unqueued, this is deprecated [ 0.454201] spi_qsd spi_qsd.6: master is unqueued, this is deprecated [ 0.458450] Switching to clocksource gp_timer [ 0.480443] NET: Registered protocol family 2 [ 0.490190] IP route cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.490815] TCP established hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes) [ 0.491002] TCP bind hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes) [ 0.491221] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 16384 bind 16384) [ 0.491221] TCP: reno registered [ 0.491252] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) [ 0.491252] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) [ 0.491690] NET: Registered protocol family 1 [ 0.493033] Detected 5 counters on the L2CC PMU. [ 0.494064] smd: register irq failed on wcnss_a11 [ 0.494095] smd: deregistering IRQs [ 0.494158] SMD: smd_core_platform_init() failed [ 0.494876] Partition(from smem) SBL1 -- Offset:0 Size:2 [ 0.494907] Partition(from smem) MIBIB -- Offset:2 Size:a [ 0.494907] Partition(from smem) SBL2 -- Offset:c Size:a [ 0.494939] Partition(from smem) SBL3 -- Offset:16 Size:14 [ 0.494939] Partition(from smem) DDRCONFIG -- Offset:2a Size:9 [ 0.494970] Partition(from smem) SSD -- Offset:33 Size:9 [ 0.495001] Partition(from smem) TZ -- Offset:3c Size:14 [ 0.495001] Partition(from smem) RPM -- Offset:50 Size:14 [ 0.495032] Partition(from smem) ART -- Offset:64 Size:a [ 0.495032] Partition(from smem) APPSBL -- Offset:6e Size:8 [ 0.495064] get_nand_partitions: partition name=rootfs found. [ 0.495064] Overlaying Olympus partition [ 0.495095] Olympus partition u_env -- Offset:76 Size:2 [ 0.495095] Olympus partition s_env -- Offset:78 Size:2 [ 0.495126] Olympus partition devinfo -- Offset:7a Size:2 [ 0.495126] Olympus partition kernel -- Offset:7c Size:140 [ 0.495126] Olympus partition rootfs -- Offset:94 Size:128 [ 0.495157] Olympus partition alt_kernel -- Offset:1bc Size:140 [ 0.495157] Olympus partition alt_rootfs -- Offset:1d4 Size:128 [ 0.495157] Olympus partition syscfg -- Offset:2fc Size:0 [ 0.495189] get_bootconfig_partition: magic not found [ 0.510402] acpuclk-ipq806x acpuclk-ipq806x: SPEED BIN: 0 [ 0.510402] acpuclk-ipq806x acpuclk-ipq806x: ACPU PVS: 1 [ 0.517088] acpuclk-ipq806x acpuclk-ipq806x: CPU0: 6 frequencies supported [ 0.517119] acpuclk-ipq806x acpuclk-ipq806x: CPU1: 6 frequencies supported [ 0.518712] msm_rpm_log_probe: OK [ 0.541986] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher [ 0.542018] jffs2: version 2.2. (NAND) (SUMMARY) (LZMA) (RTIME) (CMODE_PRIORITY) © 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc. [ 0.543923] msgmni has been set to 944 [ 0.545735] io scheduler noop registered [ 0.545766] io scheduler deadline registered (default) [ 0.547610] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 2 ports, IRQ sharing disabled [ 0.554420] msm_serial_hs.0: ttyHS0 at MMIO 0x12490000 (irq = 227) is a MSM HS UART [ 0.555045] msm_serial_hs module loaded [ 0.555232] msm_serial_hsl: detected port #1 [ 0.555388] msm_serial_hsl.1: ttyHSL1 at MMIO 0x16340000 (irq = 184) is a MSM [ 0.555795] msm_serial_hsl: console setup on port #1 [ 1.364167] console [ttyHSL1] enabled [ 1.368322] msm_serial_hsl: driver initialized [ 1.376850] ahci ahci.0: forcing PORTS_IMPL to 0x1 [ 1.380693] ahci ahci.0: AHCI 0001.0300 32 slots 1 ports 6 Gbps 0x1 impl platform mode [ 1.388597] ahci ahci.0: flags: ncq sntf pm led clo only pmp pio slum part ccc apst [ 1.397532] scsi0 : ahci_platform [ 1.400562] ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 mmio [mem 0x29000000-0x2900017f] port 0x100 irq 241 [ 1.410996] msm_nand_probe: phys addr 0x1ac00000 [ 1.414651] msm_nand_probe: dmac 0x3 [ 1.418244] msm_nand_probe: allocated dma buffer at ffdfc000, dma_addr 5f730000 [ 1.426866] status: e00020 [ 1.428803] nandid: 1580a101 maker 01 device a1 [ 1.433052] ONFI probe : Found an ONFI compliant device S34MS01G2 [ 1.440362] Found a supported NAND device [ 1.444173] NAND Controller ID : 0x4030 [ 1.447985] NAND Device ID : 0x1580a101 [ 1.451952] Buswidth : 8 Bits [ 1.454857] Density : 128 MByte [ 1.458044] Pagesize : 2048 Bytes [ 1.461418] Erasesize: 131072 Bytes [ 1.464823] Oobsize : 64 Bytes [ 1.467947] CFG0 Init : 0xa8d408c0 [ 1.471477] CFG1 Init : 0x0004745c [ 1.474882] ECCBUFCFG : 0x00000203 [ 1.479225] Creating 18 MTD partitions on "msm_nand": [ 1.483411] 0x000000000000-0x000000040000 : "SBL1" [ 1.491221] 0x000000040000-0x000000180000 : "MIBIB" [ 1.499250] 0x000000180000-0x0000002c0000 : "SBL2" [ 1.507154] 0x0000002c0000-0x000000540000 : "SBL3" [ 1.516838] 0x000000540000-0x000000660000 : "DDRCONFIG" [ 1.525242] 0x000000660000-0x000000780000 : "SSD" [ 1.532833] 0x000000780000-0x000000a00000 : "TZ" [ 1.542174] 0x000000a00000-0x000000c80000 : "RPM" [ 1.551577] 0x000000c80000-0x000000dc0000 : "ART" [ 1.559450] 0x000000dc0000-0x000000ec0000 : "APPSBL" [ 1.567041] 0x000000ec0000-0x000000f00000 : "u_env" [ 1.573664] 0x000000f00000-0x000000f40000 : "s_env" [ 1.580349] 0x000000f40000-0x000000f80000 : "devinfo" [ 1.587066] 0x000000f80000-0x000003780000 : "kernel" [ 1.647422] 0x000001280000-0x000003780000 : "rootfs" [ 1.703061] 0x000003780000-0x000005f80000 : "alt_kernel" [ 1.738581] ata1: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300) [ 1.767541] 0x000003a80000-0x000005f80000 : "alt_rootfs" [ 1.823586] 0x000005f80000-0x000008000000 : "syscfg" [ 1.874008] UBI: attaching mtd16 to ubi0 [ 1.876913] UBI: physical eraseblock size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB) [ 1.883255] UBI: logical eraseblock size: 126976 bytes [ 1.888566] UBI: smallest flash I/O unit: 2048 [ 1.893220] UBI: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048) [ 1.899343] UBI: data offset: 4096 [ 2.196094] UBI: max. sequence number: 2 [ 2.211808] UBI: attached mtd16 to ubi0 [ 2.214620] UBI: MTD device name: "alt_rootfs" [ 2.220181] UBI: MTD device size: 37 MiB [ 2.224867] UBI: number of good PEBs: 296 [ 2.229522] UBI: number of bad PEBs: 0 [ 2.233895] UBI: number of corrupted PEBs: 0 [ 2.238331] UBI: max. allowed volumes: 128 [ 2.242986] UBI: wear-leveling threshold: 4096 [ 2.247610] UBI: number of internal volumes: 1 [ 2.252077] UBI: number of user volumes: 1 [ 2.256451] UBI: available PEBs: 0 [ 2.261012] UBI: total number of reserved PEBs: 296 [ 2.265760] UBI: number of PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 2 [ 2.271790] UBI: max/mean erase counter: 1/0 [ 2.276007] UBI: image sequence number: 101543584 [ 2.280849] UBI: background thread "ubi_bgt0d" started, PID 663 [ 2.288409] UBI: ubiblock0_0 created from ubi0:0(squashfs) [ 2.324835] GPIO Bitbanged MDIO: probed [ 2.329959] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2 [ 2.333895] NET: Registered protocol family 24 [ 2.337706] PPTP driver version 0.8.5 [ 2.348141] cpuidle: using governor ladder [ 2.351858] cpuidle: using governor menu [ 2.357981] Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30. [ 2.361949] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (7555 buckets, 30220 max) [ 2.369009] ctnetlink v0.93: registering with nfnetlink. [ 2.373320] nf_conntrack_rtsp v0.7 loading [ 2.377475] ip_set: protocol 6 [ 2.380849] gre: GRE over IPv4 demultiplexor driver [ 2.385254] ip_gre: GRE over IPv4 tunneling driver [ 2.392283] nf_nat_rtsp v0.7 loading [ 2.394907] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team [ 2.400905] TCP: cubic registered [ 2.405342] NET: Registered protocol family 10 [ 2.411558] ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team [ 2.416494] IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver [ 2.423742] NET: Registered protocol family 17 [ 2.427397] Bridge firewalling registered [ 2.431427] Ebtables v2.0 registered [ 2.434864] L2TP core driver, V2.0 [ 2.438144] PPPoL2TP kernel driver, V2.0 [ 2.442080] L2TP netlink interface [ 2.445423] 8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8 [ 2.449828] VFP support v0.3: implementor 51 architecture 64 part 4d variant 2 rev 0 [ 2.457325] Registering SWP/SWPB emulation handler [ 2.462136] clock_late_init: Removing enables held for handed-off clocks [ 2.477663] ipq_nss_get_mac_addr: MAC[0]: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff [ 2.482505] ipq_nss_get_mac_addr: MAC[1]: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff [ 2.488034] ipq_nss_get_mac_addr: MAC[2]: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff [ 2.493626] ipq_nss_get_mac_addr: MAC[3]: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff [ 2.499094] no pmic restart interrupt specified [ 2.505029] msm_cache_dump_probe: could not register L2 buffer ret = -22. [ 2.514776] VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly on device 254:0. [ 2.521524] Freeing init memory: 1032K ********************************************************************************* _ _ __ _ __ _____ __ __ _____ | | | || \ | | / // ____]\ \ / // ____]TM | | | || \ | | / /| (___ \ V /| (____ | | | || |\ \| |\ \ \____ \ \ / \____ \ | |_____ | || | \ | \ \ ____) | | | ____) | |_______||_||_| \__| \_\[____ / |_| [_____/ (c) 2013 Belkin International, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Booting wraith (firmware version ********************************************************************************* [utopia][init] System Initialization [utopia][init] Creating /proc [utopia][init] Creating /sys [utopia][init] Creating /dev [utopia][init] Creating /tmp [utopia][init] Allocating 50M for /tmp [utopia][init] Prepairing /dev/pts [utopia][init] Setting /tmp and /var permissions [utopia][init] Starting udev.. [ 3.158762] bdutil board utility kernel module, version 1.4 [ 3.166385] bdutil board utility kernel module boardId (0) [ 3.171352] bdutil board utility LEDs kernel module, version 1.3 Attempting mount of ubifs syscfg partition UBI device number 1, total 260 LEBs (33013760 bytes, 31.5 MiB), available 0 LEBs (0 bytes), LEB size 126976 bytes (124.0 KiB) [utopia][init] Using persistent syscfg data from /var/config/syscfg [utopia][init] Starting system logging [utopia][init] Starting sysevent subsystem [utopia][init] Enabling DesignWare USB3 DRD Core drivers [utopia][init] Loading QCA NSS and GMAC drivers net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_acct = 1 [utopia][init] Late loading usb drivers [utopia][init] Setting any unset system values to default [utopia][init] no persistence config file (/var/config/pstcfg) found setting up MAC addresses for all interface based on C0:56:27:1D:05:09 NTP Servers do not need to be updated checking for interactive script start up... Updating BootCount Page[38]:13000 ... Done attempting to sync sysinfo.cgi auth credentials [utopia][init] Loading LEDS and Buttons drivers [utopia][init] Setup link to WiFi firmware and board data (CA) [utopia][init] Using CA region for WiFi firmware and board data NSS Auto scaling disabled dev.nss.ipv4cfg.ipv4_conn = 4096 dev.nss.ipv6cfg.ipv6_conn = 4096 inserting ecm.ko and fpbypass.ko for QCA Thu Oct 11 06:00:00 UTC 2012 wraith login: wan, sysevent received: wan-start Lighttpd Model Base: EA8500 Generating Rainier lighttpd config wifi, sysevent received: lan-started (Wed Oct 10 23:00:04 PDT 2012) wifi, service_start() Build temporary www configuration directory: TSLIIHauhEfGE Power cycle Ethernet ports. [utopia][init] Loading GMAC and WLAN drivers [utopia][init] Creating wifi devices ath0 ath1 Registering Service myrouter._http._tcp.local port 80 wifi status is starting wifi led keep on from UI Action or reboot wifi, wifi_physical_start(ath0) Got a reply for myrouter._http._tcp.local.: Name now registered and active wifi, setting obss rssi threshold (ath0) Auto channel wifi, wifi_virtual_start(ath0) wifi, wifi_user_start(ath0) wifi_user, ath0 TxBF enabled wifi, primary AP: ath0 is up wifi, wifi_guest_start(ath0) wifi, guest ath2 is disabled, do not start wifi guest wifi, wifi_physical_start(ath1) wifi, setting obss rssi threshold (ath1) Auto channel wifi, wifi_virtual_start(ath1) wifi, wifi_user_start(ath1) wifi_user, ath1 TxBF enabled wifi_user, ath1 MU-MIMO enabled wifi, primary AP: ath1 is up wifi, wifi_guest_start(ath1) wifi, guest ath3 is disabled, do not start wifi guest [utopia] Not setting ppp_clamp_mtu wifi, start_hostapd() Not ready for JNAP. Sleeping for 15 seconds... Configuration file: /tmp/hostapd-ath0.conf Configuration file: /tmp/hostapd-ath1.conf ath0: Could not connect to kernel driver Using interface ath0 with hwaddr c0:56:27:1d:05:0a and ssid "Linksys03660" ath0: interface state UNINITIALIZED->ENABLED ath0: AP-ENABLED ath1: Could not connect to kernel driver Using interface ath1 with hwaddr c0:56:27:1d:05:0b and ssid "Linksys03660_5GHz" ath1: interface state UNINITIALIZED->ENABLED ath1: AP-ENABLED fastpath, sysevent received: qos_enabled net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1 net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1 dev.nss.general.redirect = 1 alljoyn service_init info: Received event notification_event-device-online with value "49e73aba-9b76-49e8-97f9-aa4b69852b50". info: Handled event notification_event-device-online. [utopia] Not setting ppp_clamp_mtu on dslite protocol wan, sysevent received: phylink_wan_state Restarting nfqrecv service... Starting smbd ... [] fwup_checked_after_boot: 0

U-Boot 2012.07 [Standard IPQ806X.LN,r40331] (Mar 16 2015 - 16:29:21) CBT U-Boot ver: 1.0.9 smem ram ptable found: ver: 0 len: 5 DRAM: 491 MiB NAND: SF: Unsupported manufacturer 00 ipq_spi: SPI Flash not found (bus/cs/speed/mode) = (0/0/48000000/0) 128 MiB MMC: PCI0 Link Intialized PCI1 Link Intialized In: serial Out: serial Err: serial cdp: get part failed for 0:HLOS Net: MAC1 addr:0:3:7f:ba:db:1 athrs17_reg_init: complete athrs17_vlan_config ...done S17c init done MAC2 addr:0:3:7f:ba:db:2 eth0 Warning: eth0 MAC addresses don't match: Address in SROM is 00:03:7f:ba:db:01 Address in environment is 00:06:3b:01:41:00 , eth1 Updating boot_count ... done Saving Environment to NAND... Erasing Nand... Erasing at 0xec0000 -- 100% complete. Writing to Nand... done Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 MMC Device 0 not found MMC Device 0 not found Loading from nand0, offset 0xf80000 Image Name: ARM LEDE Linux-4.4.49 Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 2052433 Bytes = 2 MiB Load Address: 42208000 Entry Point: 42208000 Automatic boot of image at addr 0x44000000 ... Image Name: ARM LEDE Linux-4.4.49 Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 2052433 Bytes = 2 MiB Load Address: 42208000 Entry Point: 42208000 Verifying Checksum ... OK Loading Kernel Image ... OK OK mtdids not defined, no default present info: "mtdparts" not set Using machid 0x1260 from environment Starting kernel ... [ 0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0 [ 0.000000] Linux version 4.4.49 (buildbot@builds) (gcc version 5.4.0 (LEDE GCC 5.4.0 r3521-7df998b) ) #0 SMP Fri Feb 17 13:42:13 2017 [ 0.000000] CPU: ARMv7 Processor [512f04d0] revision 0 (ARMv7), cr=10c5787d [ 0.000000] CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, PIPT instruction cache [ 0.000000] Machine model: Linksys EA8500 WiFi Router [ 0.000000] Memory policy: Data cache writealloc [ 0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 11 pages/cpu @ddc0f000 s13772 r8192 d23092 u45056 [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 121920 [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyMSM0,115200n8 ubi.mtd=14 [ 0.000000] Bootloader command line (ignored): console=ttyHSL1,115200n8 init=/sbin/init rootfstype=squashfs root=31:14 [ 0.000000] PID hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) [ 0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes) [ 0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes) [ 0.000000] Memory: 480576K/491520K available (4233K kernel code, 246K rwdata, 1544K rodata, 220K init, 227K bss, 10944K reserved, 0K cma-reserved, 0K highmem) [ 0.000000] Virtual kernel memory layout: [ 0.000000] vector : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000 ( 4 kB) [ 0.000000] fixmap : 0xffc00000 - 0xfff00000 (3072 kB) [ 0.000000] vmalloc : 0xde800000 - 0xff800000 ( 528 MB) [ 0.000000] lowmem : 0xc0000000 - 0xde000000 ( 480 MB) [ 0.000000] pkmap : 0xbfe00000 - 0xc0000000 ( 2 MB) [ 0.000000] modules : 0xbf000000 - 0xbfe00000 ( 14 MB) [ 0.000000] .text : 0xc0208000 - 0xc07ac7f8 (5778 kB) [ 0.000000] .init : 0xc07ad000 - 0xc07e4000 ( 220 kB) [ 0.000000] .data : 0xc07e4000 - 0xc08219c0 ( 247 kB) [ 0.000000] .bss : 0xc0824000 - 0xc085cf00 ( 228 kB) [ 0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=2, Nodes=1 [ 0.000000] Hierarchical RCU implementation. [ 0.000000] RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=4 to nr_cpu_ids=2. [ 0.000000] RCU: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=16, nr_cpu_ids=2 [ 0.000000] NR_IRQS:16 nr_irqs:16 16 [ 0.000000] clocksource: dg_timer: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 305801671480 ns [ 0.000008] sched_clock: 32 bits at 6MHz, resolution 160ns, wraps every 343597383600ns [ 0.000022] Switching to timer-based delay loop, resolution 160ns [ 0.000200] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 12.50 BogoMIPS (lpj=62500) [ 0.000224] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301 [ 0.000329] Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) [ 0.000345] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) [ 0.000950] CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok [ 0.001299] Setting up static identity map for 0x42208280 - 0x422082d8 [ 0.004360] Brought up 2 CPUs [ 0.004380] SMP: Total of 2 processors activated (25.00 BogoMIPS). [ 0.004392] CPU: All CPU(s) started in SVC mode. [ 0.014137] VFP support v0.3: implementor 51 architecture 64 part 4d variant 2 rev 0 [ 0.014375] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 19112604462750000 ns [ 0.014515] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem [ 0.015904] NET: Registered protocol family 16 [ 0.017159] DMA: preallocated 2048 KiB pool for atomic coherent allocations [ 0.041454] cpuidle: using governor ladder [ 0.072473] cpuidle: using governor menu [ 0.087100] qcom_rpm 108000.rpm: RPM firmware 3.0.16777342 [ 0.126755] pps_core: LinuxPPS API ver. 1 registered [ 0.126771] pps_core: Software ver. 5.3.6 - Copyright 2005-2007 Rodolfo Giometti <> [ 0.126814] PTP clock support registered [ 0.128057] clocksource: Switched to clocksource dg_timer [ 0.129995] NET: Registered protocol family 2 [ 0.130562] TCP established hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.130601] TCP bind hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes) [ 0.130653] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 4096 bind 4096) [ 0.130700] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) [ 0.130721] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) [ 0.130913] NET: Registered protocol family 1 [ 0.132274] futex hash table entries: 512 (order: 3, 32768 bytes) [ 0.132378] No memory allocated for crashlog [ 0.139545] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher [ 0.139567] jffs2: version 2.2 (NAND) (SUMMARY) (LZMA) (RTIME) (CMODE_PRIORITY) (c) 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc. [ 0.142269] io scheduler noop registered [ 0.142294] io scheduler deadline registered (default) [ 0.143752] 1b500000.pci supply vdda not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.143834] 1b500000.pci supply vdda_phy not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.143914] 1b500000.pci supply vdda_refclk not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.144353] PCI host bridge /soc/pci@1b500000 ranges: [ 0.144391] IO 0x0fe00000..0x0fefffff -> 0x0fe00000 [ 0.144415] MEM 0x08000000..0x0fdfffff -> 0x08000000 [ 0.176088] qcom-pcie 1b500000.pci: PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00 [ 0.176110] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff] [ 0.176130] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0000-0xfffff] (bus address [0xfe00000-0xfefffff]) [ 0.176145] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x08000000-0x0fdfffff] [ 0.176660] PCI: bus0: Fast back to back transfers disabled [ 0.178505] PCI: bus1: Fast back to back transfers disabled [ 0.178788] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0x08000000-0x081fffff] [ 0.178812] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x08000000-0x081fffff 64bit] [ 0.178916] pci 0000:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01] [ 0.178937] pci 0000:00:00.0: bridge window [mem 0x08000000-0x081fffff] [ 0.179626] 1b700000.pci supply vdda not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.179704] 1b700000.pci supply vdda_phy not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.179785] 1b700000.pci supply vdda_refclk not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.180195] PCI host bridge /soc/pci@1b700000 ranges: [ 0.180229] IO 0x31e00000..0x31efffff -> 0x31e00000 [ 0.180249] MEM 0x2e000000..0x31dfffff -> 0x2e000000 [ 0.209345] qcom-pcie 1b700000.pci: PCI host bridge to bus 0001:00 [ 0.209364] pci_bus 0001:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff] [ 0.209378] pci_bus 0001:00: root bus resource [mem 0x2e000000-0x31dfffff] [ 0.209841] PCI: bus0: Fast back to back transfers disabled [ 0.211582] PCI: bus1: Fast back to back transfers disabled [ 0.211978] pci 0001:00:00.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0x2e000000-0x2e1fffff] [ 0.211999] pci 0001:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x2e000000-0x2e1fffff 64bit] [ 0.212100] pci 0001:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01] [ 0.212119] pci 0001:00:00.0: bridge window [mem 0x2e000000-0x2e1fffff] [ 0.212771] 1b900000.pci supply vdda not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.212855] 1b900000.pci supply vdda_phy not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.212934] 1b900000.pci supply vdda_refclk not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.213343] PCI host bridge /soc/pci@1b900000 ranges: [ 0.213376] IO 0x35e00000..0x35efffff -> 0x35e00000 [ 0.213396] MEM 0x32000000..0x35dfffff -> 0x32000000 [ 0.346431] qcom-pcie 1b900000.pci: link initialization failed [ 0.348165] ------------[ cut here ]------------ [ 0.348198] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 1 at drivers/clk/qcom/clk-branch.c:97 clk_branch_toggle+0x140/0x15c() [ 0.348210] pcie2_phy_clk status stuck at 'on' [ 0.348219] Modules linked in: [ 0.348242] CPU: 0 PID: 1 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 4.4.49 #0 [ 0.348253] Hardware name: Qualcomm (Flattened Device Tree) [ 0.348289] [<c022084c>] (unwind_backtrace) from [<c021d2e0>] (show_stack+0x14/0x20) [ 0.348319] [<c021d2e0>] (show_stack) from [<c03bcaa4>] (dump_stack+0x8c/0xa0) [ 0.348346] [<c03bcaa4>] (dump_stack) from [<c0228b5c>] (warn_slowpath_common+0xa4/0xd0) [ 0.348367] [<c0228b5c>] (warn_slowpath_common) from [<c0228bbc>] (warn_slowpath_fmt+0x34/0x4c) [ 0.348391] [<c0228bbc>] (warn_slowpath_fmt) from [<c04f270c>] (clk_branch_toggle+0x140/0x15c) [ 0.348425] [<c04f270c>] (clk_branch_toggle) from [<c04e99c8>] (clk_core_disable+0x58/0x78) [ 0.348445] [<c04e99c8>] (clk_core_disable) from [<c04ea3b0>] (clk_disable+0x30/0x48) [ 0.348467] [<c04ea3b0>] (clk_disable) from [<c0410f14>] (qcom_pcie_disable_resources_v0+0x74/0xcc) [ 0.348486] [<c0410f14>] (qcom_pcie_disable_resources_v0) from [<c04108f4>] (dw_pcie_host_init+0x3c0/0x52c) [ 0.348506] [<c04108f4>] (dw_pcie_host_init) from [<c04114e8>] (qcom_pcie_probe+0x40c/0x4a0) [ 0.348532] [<c04114e8>] (qcom_pcie_probe) from [<c04446d0>] (platform_drv_probe+0x3c/0x8c) [ 0.348552] [<c04446d0>] (platform_drv_probe) from [<c0442e7c>] (really_probe+0x128/0x2d4) [ 0.348569] [<c0442e7c>] (really_probe) from [<c04430a4>] (__driver_attach+0x7c/0xac) [ 0.348588] [<c04430a4>] (__driver_attach) from [<c04411a8>] (bus_for_each_dev+0x54/0xb4) [ 0.348607] [<c04411a8>] (bus_for_each_dev) from [<c04423f8>] (bus_add_driver+0xdc/0x224) [ 0.348624] [<c04423f8>] (bus_add_driver) from [<c04436b4>] (driver_register+0xb0/0x100) [ 0.348651] [<c04436b4>] (driver_register) from [<c0214318>] (do_one_initcall+0x130/0x22c) [ 0.348686] [<c0214318>] (do_one_initcall) from [<c07ade8c>] (kernel_init_freeable+0x148/0x1f8) [ 0.348708] [<c07ade8c>] (kernel_init_freeable) from [<c020e818>] (kernel_init+0x14/0x108) [ 0.348729] [<c020e818>] (kernel_init) from [<c0209cb8>] (ret_from_fork+0x14/0x3c) [ 0.348759] ---[ end trace ab1bcdb894e3d9f4 ]--- [ 0.349126] qcom-pcie 1b900000.pci: PCI host bridge to bus 0002:00 [ 0.349145] pci_bus 0002:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff] [ 0.349161] pci_bus 0002:00: root bus resource [mem 0x32000000-0x35dfffff] [ 0.349233] PCI: bus0: Fast back to back transfers enabled [ 0.351789] gsbi 16300000.gsbi: GSBI port protocol: 6 crci: 0 [ 0.353217] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 16 ports, IRQ sharing enabled [ 0.356123] msm_serial 16340000.serial: msm_serial: detected port #0 [ 0.356234] msm_serial 16340000.serial: uartclk = 1843200 [ 0.356295] 16340000.serial: ttyMSM0 at MMIO 0x16340000 (irq = 200, base_baud = 115200) is a MSM [ 0.356332] msm_serial: console setup on port #0 [ 1.264803] console [ttyMSM0] enabled [ 1.269618] msm_serial: driver initialized [ 1.280517] loop: module loaded [ 1.282638] nand: device found, Manufacturer ID: 0x01, Chip ID: 0xa1 [ 1.282666] nand: AMD/Spansion S34MS01G2 [ 1.289171] nand: 128 MiB, SLC, erase size: 128 KiB, page size: 2048, OOB size: 64 [ 1.292976] Scanning device for bad blocks [ 1.730767] random: nonblocking pool is initialized [ 2.036169] 18 ofpart partitions found on MTD device qcom-nandc [ 2.036194] Creating 18 MTD partitions on "qcom-nandc": [ 2.041010] 0x000000000000-0x000000040000 : "SBL1" [ 2.047267] 0x000000040000-0x000000180000 : "MIBIB" [ 2.052141] 0x000000180000-0x0000002c0000 : "SBL2" [ 2.056819] 0x0000002c0000-0x000000540000 : "SBL3" [ 2.061763] 0x000000540000-0x000000660000 : "DDRCONFIG" [ 2.066373] 0x000000660000-0x000000780000 : "SSD" [ 2.071614] 0x000000780000-0x000000a00000 : "TZ" [ 2.076161] 0x000000a00000-0x000000c80000 : "RPM" [ 2.081164] 0x000000c80000-0x000000dc0000 : "art" [ 2.085667] 0x000000dc0000-0x000000ec0000 : "APPSBL" [ 2.090231] 0x000000ec0000-0x000000f00000 : "u_env" [ 2.095416] 0x000000f00000-0x000000f40000 : "s_env" [ 2.099889] 0x000000f40000-0x000000f80000 : "devinfo" [ 2.104892] 0x000000f80000-0x000003780000 : "kernel1" [ 2.109989] 0x000001280000-0x000003780000 : "rootfs1" [ 2.115184] 0x000003780000-0x000005f80000 : "kernel2" [ 2.120275] 0x000003a80000-0x000005f80000 : "rootfs2" [ 2.125210] 0x000005f80000-0x000008000000 : "syscfg" [ 2.131162] libphy: Fixed MDIO Bus: probed [ 2.134596] libphy: GPIO Bitbanged MDIO: probed [ 2.160321] switch0: Atheros AR8337 rev. 2 switch registered on gpio-0 [ 2.958528] stmmac - user ID: 0x10, Synopsys ID: 0x37 [ 2.958554] Ring mode enabled [ 2.962552] DMA HW capability register supported [ 2.965506] Enhanced/Alternate descriptors [ 2.970279] Enabled extended descriptors [ 2.974272] RX Checksum Offload Engine supported (type 2) [ 2.978519] TX Checksum insertion supported [ 2.983820] Wake-Up On Lan supported [ 2.988245] Enable RX Mitigation via HW Watchdog Timer [ 2.993091] stmmac - user ID: 0x10, Synopsys ID: 0x37 [ 2.996840] Ring mode enabled [ 3.002128] DMA HW capability register supported [ 3.005000] Enhanced/Alternate descriptors [ 3.009775] Enabled extended descriptors [ 3.013767] RX Checksum Offload Engine supported (type 2) [ 3.017934] TX Checksum insertion supported [ 3.023379] Wake-Up On Lan supported [ 3.027741] Enable RX Mitigation via HW Watchdog Timer [ 3.032020] i2c /dev entries driver [ 3.036974] gcc-ipq806x 900000.clock-controller: tsens calibration failed [ 3.040708] Speed bin: 0 [ 3.046752] PVS bin: 1 [ 3.049890] cpuidle: enable-method property 'qcom,kpss-acc-v1' found operations [ 3.051568] cpuidle: enable-method property 'qcom,kpss-acc-v1' found operations [ 3.058950] sdhci: Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver [ 3.066027] sdhci: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman [ 3.072342] sdhci-pltfm: SDHCI platform and OF driver helper [ 3.078723] L2 @ QSB rate. Forcing new rate. [ 3.082542] L2 @ 384000 KHz [ 3.086800] CPU0 @ 800000 KHz [ 3.089270] CPU1 @ QSB rate. Forcing new rate. [ 3.092403] CPU1 @ 384000 KHz [ 3.098684] NET: Registered protocol family 10 [ 3.100920] NET: Registered protocol family 17 [ 3.104121] bridge: automatic filtering via arp/ip/ip6tables has been deprecated. Update your scripts to load br_netfilter if you need this. [ 3.108916] 8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8 [ 3.121430] Registering SWP/SWPB emulation handler [ 3.128395] thermal thermal_zone3: failed to read out thermal zone (-110) [ 3.130576] cpu: dev_pm_opp_of_cpumask_add_table: couldn't find opp table for cpu:0, -19 [ 3.137559] cpu: dev_pm_opp_of_cpumask_add_table: couldn't find opp table for cpu:1, -19 [ 3.145473] ubi0: attaching mtd14 [ 3.501802] ubi0: scanning is finished [ 3.514631] ubi0: attached mtd14 (name "rootfs1", size 37 MiB) [ 3.514652] ubi0: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes [ 3.519422] ubi0: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048 [ 3.526206] ubi0: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096 [ 3.533121] ubi0: good PEBs: 296, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0 [ 3.539899] ubi0: user volume: 2, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128 [ 3.546084] ubi0: max/mean erase counter: 6/3, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1167164806 [ 3.553177] ubi0: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 296, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 20 [ 3.562532] ubi0: background thread "ubi_bgt0d" started, PID 69 [ 3.572123] block ubiblock0_0: created from ubi0:0(rootfs) [ 3.577247] ubiblock: device ubiblock0_0 (rootfs) set to be root filesystem [ 3.582899] hctosys: unable to open rtc device (rtc0) [ 3.600155] VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly on device 254:0. [ 3.600374] Freeing unused kernel memory: 220K (c07ad000 - c07e4000) [ 4.013683] init: Console is alive [ 4.013817] init: - watchdog - [ 4.765284] kmodloader: loading kernel modules from /etc/modules-boot.d/* [ 4.785485] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs [ 4.785560] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub [ 4.789997] usbcore: registered new device driver usb [ 4.799187] SCSI subsystem initialized [ 4.805207] ahci 29000000.sata: AHCI 0001.0300 32 slots 1 ports 6 Gbps 0x0 impl platform mode [ 4.805239] ahci 29000000.sata: flags: ncq sntf pm led clo only pmp pio slum part ccc apst [ 4.813208] scsi host0: ahci [ 4.821146] ata1: DUMMY [ 4.825948] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver [ 4.826625] ehci-platform: EHCI generic platform driver [ 4.835685] ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver [ 4.838486] ohci-platform: OHCI generic platform driver [ 4.952806] xhci-hcd xHCI Host Controller [ 4.952905] xhci-hcd new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 [ 4.957489] xhci-hcd hcc params 0x0228f065 hci version 0x100 quirks 0x00010010 [ 4.964974] xhci-hcd irq 201, io mem 0x11000000 [ 4.975082] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 4.979858] hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected [ 4.983891] xhci-hcd xHCI Host Controller [ 4.987344] xhci-hcd new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2 [ 4.992935] usb usb2: We don't know the algorithms for LPM for this host, disabling LPM. [ 5.001619] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 5.008742] hub 2-0:1.0: 1 port detected [ 5.012796] xhci-hcd xHCI Host Controller [ 5.016192] xhci-hcd new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 3 [ 5.021806] xhci-hcd hcc params 0x0228f065 hci version 0x100 quirks 0x00010010 [ 5.029185] xhci-hcd irq 202, io mem 0x10000000 [ 5.039065] hub 3-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 5.043932] hub 3-0:1.0: 1 port detected [ 5.047655] xhci-hcd xHCI Host Controller [ 5.051615] xhci-hcd new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 4 [ 5.056917] usb usb4: We don't know the algorithms for LPM for this host, disabling LPM. [ 5.064868] hub 4-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 5.072817] hub 4-0:1.0: 1 port detected [ 5.077516] kmodloader: done loading kernel modules from /etc/modules-boot.d/* [ 5.082611] init: - preinit - [ 6.920680] eth0: device MAC address 00:06:3b:01:41:00 sendto(): Network unreachable Press the [f] key and hit [enter] to enter failsafe mode Press the [1], [2], [3] or [4] key and hit [enter] to select the debug level [ 8.923040] ipq806x-gmac-dwmac 37200000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control off [ 9.151455] UBIFS (ubi0:1): background thread "ubifs_bgt0_1" started, PID 168 [ 9.336102] UBIFS (ubi0:1): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 0, volume 1, name "rootfs_data" [ 9.336139] UBIFS (ubi0:1): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes [ 9.343011] UBIFS (ubi0:1): FS size: 27045888 bytes (25 MiB, 213 LEBs), journal size 1396736 bytes (1 MiB, 11 LEBs) [ 9.352894] UBIFS (ubi0:1): reserved for root: 1277443 bytes (1247 KiB) [ 9.363145] UBIFS (ubi0:1): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 16B2126A-07C6-419E-BDAB-58C7C0E1BC99, small LPT model [ 9.380642] mount_root: switching to ubifs overlay [ 9.420211] urandom-seed: Seeding with /etc/urandom.seed [ 9.575351] procd: - early - [ 9.575451] procd: - watchdog - [ 10.206596] procd: - ubus - [ 10.281104] procd: - init - Please press Enter to activate this console. [ 10.623556] kmodloader: loading kernel modules from /etc/modules.d/* [ 10.673758] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6 [ 10.673797] tun: (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky <> [ 10.687494] gre: GRE over IPv4 demultiplexor driver [ 10.689213] ip_gre: GRE over IPv4 tunneling driver [ 10.697837] ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team [ 10.710412] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (7512 buckets, 30048 max) [ 10.748487] Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30. [ 10.749646] ip_set: protocol 6 [ 10.765321] Loading modules backported from Linux version wt-2017-01-31-0-ge882dff19e7f [ 10.765348] Backport generated by backports.git backports-20160324-13-g24da7d3c [ 10.795181] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: enabling device (0140 -> 0142) [ 10.795714] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: pci irq msi oper_irq_mode 2 irq_mode 0 reset_mode 0 [ 10.934858] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: Direct firmware load for ath10k/pre-cal-pci-0000:01:00.0.bin failed with error -2 [ 10.934892] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: Falling back to user helper [ 10.988735] firmware ath10k!pre-cal-pci-0000:01:00.0.bin: firmware_loading_store: map pages failed [ 11.316984] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: qca99x0 hw2.0 target 0x01000000 chip_id 0x003b01ff sub 168c:0002 [ 11.317019] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: kconfig debug 0 debugfs 1 tracing 0 dfs 1 testmode 1 [ 11.326703] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: firmware ver api 5 features no-p2p crc32 d2901e01 [ 11.348625] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: failed to fetch board data for bus=pci,vendor=168c,device=0040,subsystem-vendor=168c,subsystem-device=0002 from ath10k/QCA99X0/hw2.0/board-2.bin [ 11.348824] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: board_file api 1 bmi_id N/A crc32 7e56fd07 [ 12.530109] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: htt-ver 2.2 wmi-op 6 htt-op 4 cal file max-sta 512 raw 0 hwcrypto 1 [ 12.602718] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: enabling device (0140 -> 0142) [ 12.603388] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: pci irq msi oper_irq_mode 2 irq_mode 0 reset_mode 0 [ 12.750328] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: Direct firmware load for ath10k/pre-cal-pci-0001:01:00.0.bin failed with error -2 [ 12.750387] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: Falling back to user helper [ 13.029004] firmware ath10k!pre-cal-pci-0001:01:00.0.bin: firmware_loading_store: map pages failed [ 13.032688] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: qca99x0 hw2.0 target 0x01000000 chip_id 0x003b01ff sub 168c:0002 [ 13.036877] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: kconfig debug 0 debugfs 1 tracing 0 dfs 1 testmode 1 [ 13.049005] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: firmware ver api 5 features no-p2p crc32 d2901e01 [ 13.054614] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: failed to fetch board data for bus=pci,vendor=168c,device=0040,subsystem-vendor=168c,subsystem-device=0002�|�C�(�q������k1�����/ from ath10k/QCA99X0/hw2.0/board-2.bin [ 13.063698] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: board_file api 1 bmi_id N/A crc32 7e56fd07 [ 14.258244] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: htt-ver 2.2 wmi-op 6 htt-op 4 cal file max-sta 512 raw 0 hwcrypto 1 [ 14.366532] u32 classifier [ 14.366551] input device check on [ 14.368132] Actions configured [ 14.379362] Mirror/redirect action on [ 14.382839] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team [ 14.400253] ctnetlink v0.93: registering with nfnetlink. [ 14.459362] xt_time: kernel timezone is -0000 [ 14.469358] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2 [ 14.470663] PPP MPPE Compression module registered [ 14.473940] NET: Registered protocol family 24 [ 14.478272] PPTP driver version 0.8.5 [ 14.483221] kmodloader: done loading kernel modules from /etc/modules.d/* [ 17.793091] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready [ 17.801561] device eth0.1 entered promiscuous mode [ 17.801592] device eth0 entered promiscuous mode [ 17.809648] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): br-lan: link is not ready [ 17.827613] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0.2: link is not ready [ 18.130573] device br-lan entered promiscuous mode [ 19.782932] ipq806x-gmac-dwmac 37200000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control off [ 19.966151] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan1: link is not ready [ 21.219677] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready [ 21.225207] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready [ 21.225973] br-lan: port 1(eth0.1) entered forwarding state [ 21.230802] br-lan: port 1(eth0.1) entered forwarding state [ 21.236361] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0.2: link becomes ready [ 21.242339] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): br-lan: link becomes ready [ 21.249752] device wlan1 entered promiscuous mode [ 21.256508] device wlan0 entered promiscuous mode [ 23.228441] br-lan: port 1(eth0.1) entered forwarding state [ 30.343841] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready [ 30.344146] br-lan: port 3(wlan0) entered forwarding state [ 30.349451] br-lan: port 3(wlan0) entered forwarding state [ 30.364576] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0-1: link is not ready [ 30.487740] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0-1: link becomes ready [ 32.348402] br-lan: port 3(wlan0) entered forwarding state [ 145.260056] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan1: link becomes ready [ 145.260188] br-lan: port 2(wlan1) entered forwarding state [ 145.265531] br-lan: port 2(wlan1) entered forwarding state [ 147.268339] br-lan: port 2(wlan1) entered forwarding state

[ 0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0 [ 0.000000] Linux version 3.18.36 (root@seg-desktop) (gcc version 5.2.0 (OpenWrt GCC 5.2.0 r47665) ) #81 SMP PREEMPT Sun Jun 26 02:51:26 CEST 2016 [ 0.000000] CPU: ARMv7 Processor [512f04d0] revision 0 (ARMv7), cr=10c5787d [ 0.000000] CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, PIPT instruction cache [ 0.000000] Machine model: Linksys EA8500 WiFi Router [ 0.000000] Ignoring memory range 0x41500000 - 0x42000000 [ 0.000000] Memory policy: Data cache writealloc [ 0.000000] On node 0 totalpages: 122880 [ 0.000000] free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat c0716840, node_mem_map ddc39000 [ 0.000000] Normal zone: 960 pages used for memmap [ 0.000000] Normal zone: 0 pages reserved [ 0.000000] Normal zone: 122880 pages, LIFO batch:31 [ 0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 9 pages/cpu @ddc13000 s7552 r8192 d21120 u36864 [ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: s7552 r8192 d21120 u36864 alloc=9*4096 [ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [0] 1 [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 121920 [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyMSM0,115200n8 rootfstype=squashfs noinitrd console=ttyHSL1,115200n8 init=/sbin/init rootfstype=squashfs root=31:14 [ 0.000000] PID hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) [ 0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes) [ 0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes) [ 0.000000] Memory: 481272K/491520K available (3822K kernel code, 282K rwdata, 1104K rodata, 184K init, 404K bss, 10248K reserved, 0K highmem) [ 0.000000] Virtual kernel memory layout: [ 0.000000] vector : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000 ( 4 kB) [ 0.000000] fixmap : 0xffc00000 - 0xffe00000 (2048 kB) [ 0.000000] vmalloc : 0xde800000 - 0xff000000 ( 520 MB) [ 0.000000] lowmem : 0xc0000000 - 0xde000000 ( 480 MB) [ 0.000000] pkmap : 0xbfe00000 - 0xc0000000 ( 2 MB) [ 0.000000] modules : 0xbf000000 - 0xbfe00000 ( 14 MB) [ 0.000000] .text : 0xc0208000 - 0xc06d7e4c (4928 kB) [ 0.000000] .init : 0xc06d8000 - 0xc0706000 ( 184 kB) [ 0.000000] .data : 0xc0706000 - 0xc074ca44 ( 283 kB) [ 0.000000] .bss : 0xc074ca44 - 0xc07b1bc4 ( 405 kB) [ 0.000000] Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation. [ 0.000000] RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=4 to nr_cpu_ids=2. [ 0.000000] RCU: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=16, nr_cpu_ids=2 [ 0.000000] NR_IRQS:16 nr_irqs:16 16 [ 0.000013] sched_clock: 32 bits at 6MHz, resolution 160ns, wraps every 687194767200ns [ 0.000028] Switching to timer-based delay loop, resolution 160ns [ 0.000437] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 12.50 BogoMIPS (lpj=62500) [ 0.000461] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301 [ 0.000707] Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) [ 0.000724] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) [ 0.001372] CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok [ 0.001637] CPU0: thread -1, cpu 0, socket 0, mpidr 80000000 [ 0.002139] Setting up static identity map for 0x422131d8 - 0x42213230 [ 0.063436] CPU1: Booted secondary processor [ 0.063570] CPU1: thread -1, cpu 1, socket 0, mpidr 80000001 [ 0.063681] Brought up 2 CPUs [ 0.063704] SMP: Total of 2 processors activated (25.00 BogoMIPS). [ 0.063715] CPU: All CPU(s) started in SVC mode. [ 0.078756] VFP support v0.3: implementor 51 architecture 0 part 4d variant 2 rev 0 [ 0.079304] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem [ 0.079746] regulator-dummy: no parameters [ 0.089802] NET: Registered protocol family 16 [ 0.090132] DMA: preallocated 256 KiB pool for atomic coherent allocations [ 0.113850] cpuidle: using governor ladder [ 0.144867] cpuidle: using governor menu [ 0.164518] qcom_rpm 108000.rpm: RPM firmware 1.0.126 [ 0.164580] qcom_rpm 108000.rpm: failed to mark ack irq as wakeup [ 0.164638] qcom_rpm 108000.rpm: failed to mark wakeup irq as wakeup [ 0.208938] smb208-s1a: 1050 <--> 1150 mV [ 0.209261] smb208-s1b: 1050 <--> 1150 mV [ 0.209568] smb208-s2a: 800 <--> 1250 mV [ 0.209895] smb208-s2b: 800 <--> 1250 mV [ 0.210386] pps_core: LinuxPPS API ver. 1 registered [ 0.210399] pps_core: Software ver. 5.3.6 - Copyright 2005-2007 Rodolfo Giometti <> [ 0.210438] PTP clock support registered [ 0.211591] pcie_init: pcie_init: unable to create IPC log context for pcie0-short [ 0.211607] pcie_init: pcie_init: unable to create IPC log context for pcie0-long [ 0.211617] pcie_init: pcie_init: unable to create IPC log context for pcie1-short [ 0.211627] pcie_init: pcie_init: unable to create IPC log context for pcie1-long [ 0.212038] Switched to clocksource dg_timer [ 0.213480] NET: Registered protocol family 2 [ 0.214159] TCP established hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.214195] TCP bind hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes) [ 0.214248] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 4096 bind 4096) [ 0.214295] TCP: reno registered [ 0.214316] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) [ 0.214337] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) [ 0.214581] NET: Registered protocol family 1 [ 0.214643] PCI: CLS 0 bytes, default 64 [ 0.215771] futex hash table entries: 512 (order: 3, 32768 bytes) [ 0.216748] squashfs: version 3.0 (2006/03/15) Phillip Lougher [ 0.216790] msgmni has been set to 939 [ 0.219364] io scheduler noop registered [ 0.219387] io scheduler deadline registered (default) [ 0.220805] 1b500000.pci supply vdda not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.220885] 1b500000.pci supply vdda_phy not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.220955] 1b500000.pci supply vdda_refclk not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.250862] qcom-pcie 1b500000.pci: PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00 [ 0.250886] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0xfe00000-0xfffff] (bus address [0x1fc00000-0xfefffff]) [ 0.250904] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x08000000-0x0fdfffff] [ 0.250923] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff] [ 0.250972] pci 0000:00:00.0: [17cb:0101] type 01 class 0x060400 [ 0.251120] pci 0000:00:00.0: supports D1 [ 0.251135] pci 0000:00:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D3hot [ 0.251465] PCI: bus0: Fast back to back transfers disabled [ 0.251816] pci 0000:01:00.0: [168c:0040] type 00 class 0x028000 [ 0.252018] pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0x00000000-0x001fffff 64bit] [ 0.253055] pci 0000:01:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold [ 0.253498] PCI: bus1: Fast back to back transfers disabled [ 0.253518] pci_bus 0000:01: busn_res: [bus 01-ff] end is updated to 01 [ 0.253671] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0x08000000-0x081fffff] [ 0.253694] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x08000000-0x081fffff 64bit] [ 0.253805] pci 0000:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01] [ 0.253825] pci 0000:00:00.0: bridge window [mem 0x08000000-0x081fffff] [ 0.254262] aer 0000:00:00.0:pcie02: service driver aer loaded [ 0.254605] 1b700000.pci supply vdda not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.254690] 1b700000.pci supply vdda_phy not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.254768] 1b700000.pci supply vdda_refclk not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.284243] qcom-pcie 1b700000.pci: PCI host bridge to bus 0001:00 [ 0.284262] pci_bus 0001:00: root bus resource [io 0x31e10000-0xfffff] (bus address [0x63c00000-0x31eeffff]) [ 0.284277] pci_bus 0001:00: root bus resource [mem 0x2e000000-0x31dfffff] [ 0.284302] pci_bus 0001:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff] [ 0.284345] pci 0001:00:00.0: [17cb:0101] type 01 class 0x060400 [ 0.284465] pci 0001:00:00.0: supports D1 [ 0.284478] pci 0001:00:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D3hot [ 0.284788] PCI: bus0: Fast back to back transfers disabled [ 0.285130] pci 0001:01:00.0: [168c:0040] type 00 class 0x028000 [ 0.285327] pci 0001:01:00.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0x00000000-0x001fffff 64bit] [ 0.286266] pci 0001:01:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold [ 0.286696] PCI: bus1: Fast back to back transfers disabled [ 0.286714] pci_bus 0001:01: busn_res: [bus 01-ff] end is updated to 01 [ 0.286931] pci 0001:00:00.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0x2e000000-0x2e1fffff] [ 0.286951] pci 0001:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x2e000000-0x2e1fffff 64bit] [ 0.287057] pci 0001:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01] [ 0.287075] pci 0001:00:00.0: bridge window [mem 0x2e000000-0x2e1fffff] [ 0.287468] aer 0001:00:00.0:pcie02: service driver aer loaded [ 0.287807] 1b900000.pci supply vdda not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.287885] 1b900000.pci supply vdda_phy not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.287956] 1b900000.pci supply vdda_refclk not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.418962] qcom-pcie 1b900000.pci: link initialization failed [ 0.421079] qcom-pcie 1b900000.pci: PCI host bridge to bus 0002:00 [ 0.421098] pci_bus 0002:00: root bus resource [io 0x35e20000-0xfffff] (bus address [0x6bc00000-0x35edffff]) [ 0.421114] pci_bus 0002:00: root bus resource [mem 0x32000000-0x35dfffff] [ 0.421131] pci_bus 0002:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff] [ 0.421181] PCI: bus0: Fast back to back transfers enabled [ 0.423893] gsbi 16300000.gsbi: GSBI port protocol: 6 crci: 0 [ 0.425237] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 2 ports, IRQ sharing disabled [ 0.426268] msm_serial 16340000.serial: msm_serial: detected port #0 [ 0.426365] msm_serial 16340000.serial: uartclk = 1843200 [ 0.426421] 16340000.serial: ttyMSM0 at MMIO 0x16340000 (irq = 184, base_baud = 115200) is a MSM [ 0.426478] msm_serial: console setup on port #0 [ 1.153373] console [ttyMSM0] enabled [ 1.158150] msm_serial: driver initialized [ 1.164979] nand: device found, Manufacturer ID: 0x01, Chip ID: 0xa1 [ 1.165420] nand: AMD/Spansion S34MS01G2 [ 1.171929] nand: 128MiB, SLC, page size: 2048, OOB size: 64 [ 1.175911] Scanning device for bad blocks [ 1.587202] random: nonblocking pool is initialized [ 1.890159] 19 ofpart partitions found on MTD device qcom-nandc [ 1.890188] Creating 19 MTD partitions on "qcom-nandc": [ 1.894970] 0x000000000000-0x000000040000 : "SBL1" [ 1.901018] 0x000000040000-0x000000180000 : "MIBIB" [ 1.905803] 0x000000180000-0x0000002c0000 : "SBL2" [ 1.910519] 0x0000002c0000-0x000000540000 : "SBL3" [ 1.915456] 0x000000540000-0x000000660000 : "DDRCONFIG" [ 1.920162] 0x000000660000-0x000000780000 : "SSD" [ 1.925327] 0x000000780000-0x000000a00000 : "TZ" [ 1.930144] 0x000000a00000-0x000000c80000 : "RPM" [ 1.934907] 0x000000c80000-0x000000dc0000 : "art" [ 1.939445] 0x000000dc0000-0x000000ec0000 : "APPSBL" [ 1.944186] 0x000000ec0000-0x000000f00000 : "u_env" [ 1.949186] 0x000000f00000-0x000000f40000 : "s_env" [ 1.953858] 0x000000f40000-0x000000f80000 : "devinfo" [ 1.958596] 0x000000f80000-0x000003780000 : "linux" [ 1.963936] 0x000001280000-0x000003780000 : "rootfs" [ 1.968565] mtd: partition "rootfs" set to be root filesystem [ 1.973000] 0x000003780000-0x000005f40000 : "linux2" [ 1.979412] 0x000003a80000-0x000005f40000 : "rootfs2" [ 1.984535] 0x000005f40000-0x000005f80000 : "nvram" [ 1.989356] 0x000005f80000-0x000008000000 : "ddwrt" [ 1.995443] IMQ: autocreate imq0 NS c0746d00 [ 1.998654] IMQ: autocreate imq1 NS c0746d00 [ 2.002709] IMQ driver loaded successfully. (numdevs = 16, numqueues = 1) [ 2.006947] Hooking IMQ after NAT on PREROUTING. [ 2.013788] Hooking IMQ before NAT on POSTROUTING. [ 2.018720] libphy: Fixed MDIO Bus: probed [ 2.023595] libphy: GPIO Bitbanged MDIO: probed [ 2.048226] switch0: Atheros AR8337 rev. 2 switch registered on gpio-0 [ 2.262049] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6 [ 2.262074] tun: (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky <> [ 2.267649] stmmac - user ID: 0x10, Synopsys ID: 0x37 [ 2.272151] Ring mode enabled [ 2.277379] DMA HW capability register supported [ 2.280224] Enhanced/Alternate descriptors [ 2.284996] Enabled extended descriptors [ 2.288989] RX Checksum Offload Engine supported (type 2) [ 2.293232] TX Checksum insertion supported [ 2.298537] Wake-Up On Lan supported [ 2.303122] Enable RX Mitigation via HW Watchdog Timer [ 2.307792] stmmac - user ID: 0x10, Synopsys ID: 0x37 [ 2.311558] Ring mode enabled [ 2.316864] DMA HW capability register supported [ 2.319718] Enhanced/Alternate descriptors [ 2.324492] Enabled extended descriptors [ 2.328484] RX Checksum Offload Engine supported (type 2) [ 2.332718] TX Checksum insertion supported [ 2.338032] Wake-Up On Lan supported [ 2.342606] Enable RX Mitigation via HW Watchdog Timer [ 2.346729] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2 [ 2.351204] PPP BSD Compression module registered [ 2.355661] PPP Deflate Compression module registered [ 2.360192] PPP MPPE Compression module registered [ 2.365293] NET: Registered protocol family 24 [ 2.369929] PPTP driver version 0.8.5 [ 2.374533] i2c /dev entries driver [ 2.383827] Speed bin: 0 [ 2.383851] PVS bin: 1 [ 2.385839] platform cpufreq-krait.0: Driver cpufreq-krait requests probe deferral [ 2.389636] L2 @ QSB rate. Forcing new rate. [ 2.395475] L2 @ 387500 KHz [ 2.399694] CPU0 @ 800000 KHz [ 2.402089] CPU1 @ QSB rate. Forcing new rate. [ 2.405382] CPU1 @ 384000 KHz [ 2.409858] GACT probability NOT on [ 2.412683] Mirror/redirect action on [ 2.415922] Simple TC action Loaded [ 2.420513] netem: version 1.3 [ 2.423160] u32 classifier [ 2.426130] Performance counters on [ 2.428824] input device check on [ 2.432630] Actions configured [ 2.436420] Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30. [ 2.439737] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (7519 buckets, 30076 max) [ 2.444869] nf_conntrack_rtsp v0.7 loading [ 2.451058] xt_time: kernel timezone is -0000 [ 2.454574] ip_set: protocol 6 [ 2.459144] gre: GRE over IPv4 demultiplexor driver [ 2.462078] nf_nat_rtsp v0.7 loading [ 2.466722] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team [ 2.470682] TCP: bic registered [ 2.475783] TCP: cubic registered [ 2.478575] TCP: westwood registered [ 2.482048] TCP: highspeed registered [ 2.485776] TCP: hybla registered [ 2.489254] TCP: htcp registered [ 2.492618] TCP: vegas registered [ 2.495849] TCP: veno registered [ 2.499064] TCP: scalable registered [ 2.502427] TCP: lp registered [ 2.505919] TCP: yeah registered [ 2.508784] TCP: illinois registered [ 2.512175] NET: Registered protocol family 17 [ 2.515873] bridge: automatic filtering via arp/ip/ip6tables has been deprecated. Update your scripts to load br_netfilter if you need this. [ 2.520031] Bridge firewalling registered [ 2.532826] 8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8 [ 2.536774] Registering SWP/SWPB emulation handler [ 2.544203] trying to register driver generic_krait [ 2.545512] Frequency table not initialized. [ 2.550388] Frequency table not initialized. [ 2.554908] Frequency table not initialized. [ 2.559034] Frequency table not initialized. [ 2.563369] Frequency table not initialized. [ 2.568707] Frequency table not initialized. [ 2.571863] Frequency table not initialized. [ 2.576126] Frequency table not initialized. [ 2.580299] Frequency table not initialized. [ 2.584607] Frequency table not initialized. [ 2.588822] driver generic_krait up and running [ 2.593177] searching for nvram [ 2.597336] nvram size = -1066981562 [ 2.621444] drivers/rtc/hctosys.c: unable to open rtc device (rtc0) [ 2.629313] UBIFS error (pid 1): ubifs_mount: cannot open "ubi0:rootfs", error -19 [ 2.632043] VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly on device 31:14. [ 2.635997] Freeing unused kernel memory: 184K (c06d8000 - c0706000) [ 5.040792] UBIFS error (pid 737): ubifs_mount: cannot open "ubi0:rootfs_data", error -19 [ 5.767687] Loading modules backported from Linux version wt-2016-05-12-0-g7a54796 [ 5.767716] Backport generated by backports.git backports-20160216-0-ge3c56e4 [ 6.214157] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: enabling device (0140 -> 0142) [ 6.214728] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: pci irq msi oper_irq_mode 2 irq_mode 0 reset_mode 0 [ 6.344548] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: Direct firmware load for ath10k/pre-cal-pci-0000:01:00.0.bin failed with error -2 [ 6.344599] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: Falling back to user helper [ 6.622837] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: qca99x0 hw2.0 target 0x01000000 chip_id 0x003b01ff sub 168c:0002 [ 6.622876] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: kconfig debug 1 debugfs 1 tracing 0 dfs 0 testmode 0 [ 6.632916] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: firmware ver api 5 features no-p2p crc32 d2901e01 [ 7.556229] ipq806x-gmac-dwmac 37200000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control off [ 7.672431] ipq806x-gmac-dwmac 37400000.ethernet eth1: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control off [ 8.672423] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: unable to read from the device [ 8.672449] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: could not execute otp for board id check: -110 [ 8.677492] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: failed to get board id from otp: -110 [ 8.697481] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: failed to fetch board data for bus=pci,vendor=168c,device=0040,subsystem-vendor=168c,subsystem-device=0002 from ath10k/QCA99X0/hw2.0/board-2.bin [ 8.697654] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: board_file api 1 bmi_id N/A crc32 62700264 [ 10.091984] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: htt-ver 2.2 wmi-op 6 htt-op 4 cal file max-sta 512 raw 0 hwcrypto 1 [ 10.156841] ath: EEPROM regdomain: 0x0 [ 10.156851] ath: EEPROM indicates default country code should be used [ 10.156858] ath: doing EEPROM country->regdmn map search [ 10.156869] ath: country maps to regdmn code: 0x3a [ 10.156877] ath: Country alpha2 being used: US [ 10.156885] ath: Regpair used: 0x3a [ 10.168067] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: enabling device (0140 -> 0142) [ 10.168769] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: pci irq msi oper_irq_mode 2 irq_mode 0 reset_mode 0 [ 10.304348] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: Direct firmware load for ath10k/pre-cal-pci-0001:01:00.0.bin failed with error -2 [ 10.304387] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: Falling back to user helper [ 10.315323] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: qca99x0 hw2.0 target 0x01000000 chip_id 0x003b01ff sub 168c:0002 [ 10.320108] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: kconfig debug 1 debugfs 1 tracing 0 dfs 0 testmode 0 [ 10.331654] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: firmware ver api 5 features no-p2p crc32 d2901e01 [ 12.372412] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: unable to read from the device [ 12.372440] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: could not execute otp for board id check: -110 [ 12.377482] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: failed to get board id from otp: -110 [ 12.385308] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: failed to fetch board data for bus=pci,vendor=168c,device=0040,subsystem-vendor=168c,subsystem-device=0002 from ath10k/QCA99X0/hw2.0/board-2.bin [ 12.392137] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: board_file api 1 bmi_id N/A crc32 62700264 [ 13.791163] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: htt-ver 2.2 wmi-op 6 htt-op 4 cal file max-sta 512 raw 0 hwcrypto 1 [ 13.850316] ath: EEPROM regdomain: 0x0 [ 13.850338] ath: EEPROM indicates default country code should be used [ 13.850355] ath: doing EEPROM country->regdmn map search [ 13.850376] ath: country maps to regdmn code: 0x3a [ 13.850392] ath: Country alpha2 being used: US [ 13.850407] ath: Regpair used: 0x3a [ 16.011756] device br0 entered promiscuous mode [ 16.071774] device vlan1 entered promiscuous mode [ 16.071798] device eth0 entered promiscuous mode [ 16.107753] device vlan2 entered promiscuous mode [ 16.111976] br0: port 2(vlan2) entered forwarding state [ 16.113256] br0: port 2(vlan2) entered forwarding state [ 16.118207] br0: port 1(vlan1) entered forwarding state [ 16.123463] br0: port 1(vlan1) entered forwarding state [ 16.128732] device br0 left promiscuous mode [ 16.136262] device br0 entered promiscuous mode [ 16.146292] device br0 left promiscuous mode [ 18.112399] br0: port 2(vlan2) entered forwarding state [ 18.122421] br0: port 1(vlan1) entered forwarding state [ 21.965484] device ath0 entered promiscuous mode [ 23.986998] br0: port 3(ath0) entered forwarding state [ 23.987032] br0: port 3(ath0) entered forwarding state [ 25.486447] device ath1 entered promiscuous mode [ 25.982376] br0: port 3(ath0) entered forwarding state [ 26.224984] br0: port 4(ath1) entered forwarding state [ 26.225080] br0: port 4(ath1) entered forwarding state [ 28.222405] br0: port 4(ath1) entered forwarding state

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  • Last modified: 2024/07/18 08:45
  • by mcgarn