Astoria Networks / Arcadyan ARV7519RW22-A-LT (Orange Livebox 2.1)
![]() | WARNING: Do not confuse the Livebox 2.1 with the Livebox 2!. There are totally different boards inside the casing) Note the absence of the central button at the front casing on the Livebox 2.1 |
![]() | WARNING: Starting at least from 01/2015 the Livebox 2.1 features a very different hardware despite it has the same aspect. The only external difference is that this new model only has one USB instead two. The lateral USB is the missing one. In the product sticker in the box and in the device it's shown as ARV7520CW22-A-LT |
Supported Versions
Hardware Highlights
HW Version | SoC | Release Date | Model Specific Notes |
R01 | VRX288 v1.1 | 11/2011 | |
R02 | VRX288 v1.2 | 05/2013 | External ethernet PHY chip (PEF7071V V1.5) At least from 03/2014 it's manufactured by Arcadyan instead by Astoria Networks |
→ Install OpenWrt (generic explanation)
Please check the installation procedure below and review steps.
1. Prerequisites
- USB to UART adapter to setup serial console conection (Its posible to use Raspberry Pi and it's UART I/O port) Attention do it with a 3V3 adapter
- Terminal software with xmodem support (Linux: picocom, lrzsz, Windows: Putty) to comunicate to router serial console.
- TFTP Server to send files to router.
2. Prepare the serial console
- Prepare the serial console: see serial
3. Make full Flash backup
- Make a full flash backup before continue: see Flash backup
4. Replace bootloader with U-boot
- Launch picocom
picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0
- Power on the device
- Inmediatelly press 3 times the space bar. You will see the message
Enter command mode ...123 Key=
- Paste the password: Oh!123Go
The bootloader will enter into the command mode
Yes, Enter command mode ... [VR9 Boot]:
- Press the key:
Now you're into administrator mode - Press the key:
- Press the key:
- Press the key:
Now the router is awaiting file transmited vía Xmodem protocol from picocom - Press the key ctrl+a, and then ctrl+s, next type in the file to transmit to router (tipical uboot.bin that is located on linux machine)
- Hit enter and transmission of file will start. You will see a lot of messages, wait until it finishes. It will take a couple of minutes.
Xmodem sectors/kbytes sent: 2533/316kRetry 0: NAK on sector Retry 0: NAK on sector Retry 0: No ACK on EOT Transfer complete
After a while (2-3 minutes) you should see
* exit status: 0 *
At this point, new U-Boot bootloader was flashed. If all is correct, you could restart the router and see new U-Boot bootloader running. Note: If you are not sure it went well, don't reboot or power off the router, just restart the flashing steps starting from 'administrator mode', press ! key again.
5. Flash new OpenWRT firmware
- Setup an TFTP server, put firmware file o the TFTP Server, this example assume the file is named: 'lede-arv7519rw22.bin'
- Setup a network connection between router ( and TFTP Server (
- Power on router with U-Boot bootloader. The bootloader should looks like this:
ROM VER: 1.1.4 CFG 01 U-Boot 2013.10-openwrt5-dirty (Jan 07 2014 - 10:29:58) arv7519rw Board: Lantiq ARV7519RW VRX200 Family Board SoC: Lantiq VRX288 v1.2 CPU: 500 MHz IO: 250 MHz BUS: 250 MHz BOOT: NOR DRAM: 128 MiB Flash: 32 MiB *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: ltq-eth Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 Wrong Image Format for bootm command ERROR: can't get kernel image!
Type the following commands on U-Boot environment:
setenv write-openwrt 'tftpboot lede-arv7519rw22.bin && protect off 0xB0080000 +$filesize && erase 0xB0080000 +$filesize && cp.b $fileaddr 0xB0080000 $filesize'
setenv kernel_addr 0xB0080000
run write-openwrt
After a while, you should get something like this:
ltq_phy: addr 0, link 0, speed 10, duplex 0 ltq_phy: addr 17, link 1, speed 100, duplex 1 ltq_phy: addr 18, link 0, speed 10, duplex 0 ltq_phy: addr 19, link 0, speed 10, duplex 0 ltq_phy: addr 20, link 0, speed 10, duplex 0 Using ltq-eth device TFTP from server; our IP address is Filename 'lede-arv7519rw22.bin'. Load address: 0x81000000 Loading: T ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ########## 1.0 MiB/s done Bytes transferred = 4456651 (4400CB hex) ..................................................... done Un-Protected 53 sectors ..................................................... done Erased 53 sectors Copy to Flash... 10....9....8....7....6....5....4....3....2....1....done arv7519rw #
Reboot device, it should boot the brand new firmware.
Openwrt status
- ADSL modem is working with Annex B. Annex A is not supported.
- WiFi is not working. (Xwave 300 Lantiq PSB8231 11 bgn 1a30:0710 (rev 01))
- FXS is not working.
- USB works out of the box.
WiFi support
For the moment WLAN Hardware is not supported. It's still WiP for the Lantiq XWAY WAVE300 Chip.
ADSL support
For the moment only ADSL annexe B is supported
For the moment chaos calmer image in removed? & only has a sysupgrade.bin but have to build your own
======================================================================= git clone git:// && cd openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make menuconfig =======================================================================
Models manufactured before 05/2013 have VR version 1.1 and eth phy fw is vr9_phy22f_a1x.bin. For 05/2013 and later built models (VR 1.2) is vr9_phy22f_a2x.bin
You can check your version at bootloader banner or routers back side:
======================================================================= Wireless ADSL IAD VR9 Loader v0.70.01 build Mar 26 2012 13:36:53 Arcadyan Technology Corporation ======================================================================= A1x VR9
Original Firmware notes
To understand the information given about this device is important to understand a little things about the stock firmware.
The bootloader contained in the firmware is BRN-Boot, which normally boots Supertask! operating system. The firmware also contains a U-Boot bootloader used to boot a linux image also contained in the stock firmware. Later on we will name this U-Boot as U-Boot OEM and this linux image as OpenWrt OEM because it's a OpenWrt Kamikaze 8.09.
Flash backup
a. Using the OEM hidden OpenWrt (fast):
- Prepare the serial console: see serial
- Power on the device
- Inmediatelly press 3 times the space bar. You will see the message
Enter command mode ...123 Key=
- Paste the password: Oh!123Go
The bootloader will enter into the command mode
Yes, Enter command mode ... [VR9 Boot]:
- Press the key:
Now you're into administrator mode - Press the key:
Now it will load the hidden OpenWrt firmware. Wait until it finish - Plug a pendrive to the USB port
- Backup all partitions executing the command
for i in `seq 0 9`;do dd if=/dev/mtd$i of=/tmp/usb/a1/mtd$i.bin;sync;done
- Unmount the pendrive executing the command
umount /tmp/usb/a1
- Now you can safely extract the pendrive, with the backups, from the USB port. You can repeat the process to be safe that all copied partitions are OK (i.e checking md5 sums)
Note: with this procedure it seems the mtd4 backup is not always identical
b. Using the brntool (slow):
- Prepare the serial console: see serial
- Power on the device
- Inmediatelly press 3 times the space bar. You will see the message
Enter command mode ...123 Key=
- Paste the password: Oh!123Go
The bootloader will enter into the command mode
Yes, Enter command mode ... [VR9 Boot]:
- Close the serial console software and execute brntool:
python2 --read=ARV7519RW22_whole.bin --addr=0xB0000000 --verbose --size=0x2000000
and wait until it finish
It will take some hours to complete the whole backup with this procedure.
Flash backup:
Flash Layout
There are different flash layout seen in different parts of this device, there is a flash layout reported by the BRN-Boot Bootloader and also another one that is in the U-Boot included in the stock firmware that is passed as an argument to a linux system.
Until we find the exact original memory partition schema this section won't be accurate.
Original Flash Layout reported by the original BRN-Boot bootloader
--------------------------------------- Area Address Length --------------------------------------- [0] Boot 0xB0000000 512K [1] Image 0 0xB1280000 6144K [2] Image 1 0xB1880000 6144K [3] Configuration 0xB1E80000 1024K [4] Boot Parameters 0xB1F80000 256K [5] Flash Image 0xB0000000 32768K [6] Linux Image 0xB0080000 24576K [7] Emergency Value 0xB1FC0000 2883584K ---------------------------------------
Ordering the areas and pointing the start-end memory addresses we got:
- Flash Image 0xB0000000-0xB2000000 32768K - Boot 0xB0000000-0xB0080000 |- 512K - Linux Image 0xB0080000-0xB1880000 |- 24576K - ?? 0xB0080000-0xB1280000 | |- 18432K - Image 0 0xB1280000-0xB1880000 | \- 6144K - Image 1 0xB1880000-0xB1E80000 |- 6144K - Configuration 0xB1E80000-0xB1F80000 |- 1024K - Boot Parameters 0xB1F80000-0xB1FC0000 |- 256K - Emergency Value 0xB1FC0000-0xB2000000 \- 256K (BRN-Boot shows 2883584K but it's impossible, only 256K left in flash)
It's wrong because it doesn't exactly match the real memory contents.
Original Flash Layout shown in U-Boot OEM boot argument for OpenWrt OEM
U-Boot OEM's env dumped from memory:
bootcmd=run flash_flash bootdelay=3 baudrate=115200 preboot=echo;echo Type \"run flash_nfs\" to mount root filesystem over NFS;echo bootfile="uImage" mem=62M phym=64M ethaddr=00:E0:92:00:01:40 netdev=eth0 console=ttyS0 baudrate=115200 tftppath= loadaddr=0x80800000 rootpath=/mnt/full_fs rootfsmtd=/dev/mtdblock4 addip=setenv bootargs $(bootargs) ip=$(ipaddr):$(serverip):$(gatewayip):$(netmask):$(hostname):$(netdev):on addmisc=setenv bootargs $(bootargs) console=$(console),$(baudrate) ethaddr=$(ethaddr) phym=$(phym) mem=$(mem) panic=1 mtdparts=$(mtdparts) init=/etc/preinit vpe1_load_addr=0x83e00000 vpe1_mem=2M u-boot=u-boot.lq rootfs=rootfs.img fullimage=fullimage.img jffs2image=root.jffs2-128k.nor totalimage=totalimage.img flash_flash=run flashargs addip addmisc; bootm $(f_kernel_addr) update_uboot=tftpboot $(loadaddr) $(tftppath)$(u-boot); erase b0000000 +40000; cp.b $(loadaddr) b0000000 $(filesize); reset update_kernel=tftpboot $(loadaddr) $(tftppath)$(bootfile); erase $(f_kernel_addr) +$(f_kernel_size); cp.b $(loadaddr) $(f_kernel_addr) $(filesize) update_rootfs=tftpboot $(loadaddr) $(tftppath)$(rootfs); erase $(f_rootfs_addr) +$(f_rootfs_size); cp.b $(loadaddr) $(f_rootfs_addr) $(filesize) update_fullimage=tftpboot $(loadaddr) $(tftppath)$(fullimage); upgrade $(loadaddr) $(filesize) mtdparts=ifx_nor0:256k(uboot),256k(uboot_bin),128k(uboot_cfg),2m(kernel),10m(rootfs),11m(rootfs2),896k(sys_config),6m(supertask_img),1m(supertask_cfg),512k(supertask_bootcfg) reset_uboot_config=prot off 0xB0080000 0xB009FFFF; erase 0xB0080000 0xB009FFFF part0_begin=0xB0000000 part1_begin=0xB0040000 part2_begin=0xB0080000 part3_begin=0xB00A0000 part4_begin=0xB02A0000 part5_begin=0xB0CA0000 part6_begin=0xB11A0000 part7_begin=0xB1280000 part8_begin=0xB1E80000 part9_begin=0xB1F80000 total_part=10 flash_end=0xB1FFFFFF data_block0=uboot data_block1=uboot_bin data_block2=ubootconfig data_block3=kernel data_block4=rootfs data_block5=rootfs2 data_block6=sysconfig data_block7=supertask_img data_block8=supertask_cfg data_block9=supertask_bootcfg total_db=10 f_uboot_addr=0xB0000000 f_uboot_size=0x00040000 f_uboot_bin_addr=0xB0040000 f_uboot_bin_size=0x00040000 f_ubootconfig_addr=0xB0080000 f_ubootconfig_size=0x00020000 f_ubootconfig_end=0xB009FFFF f_kernel_addr=0xB00A0000 f_kernel_size=0x00200000 f_kernel_end=IFX_CFG_FLASH_KERNEL_IMAGE_END_ADDR f_rootfs2_addr=0xB0CA0000 f_rootfs2_size=0x00500000 f_sysconfig_addr=0xB11A0000 f_sysconfig_size=0x000E0000 f_ddrconfig_addr=0xB007FFE8 f_ddrconfig_size=24 f_supertask_img_addr=0xB1280000 f_supertask_img_size=0x00c00000 f_supertask_cfg_addr=0xB1E80000 f_supertask_cfg_size=0x00100000 f_supertask_bootcfg_addr=0xB1F80000 f_supertask_bootcfg_size=0x00080000 update_jffs2image=tftpboot $(loadaddr) $(tftppath)$(jffs2image); erase $(f_rootfs_addr) +0x0ce0000; upgrade $(loadaddr) $(filesize) update_flash=tftp $(loadaddr) flash2.img; protect off b0800000 +800000; erase b0800000 +800000; cp.b $(loadaddr) b0800000 800000; tftp $(loadaddr) flash1.img; protect off b0000000 +800000; erase b0000000 +800000; cp.b $(loadaddr) b0000000 800000 sw_version=01-01-101t1 hw_version=VR9 serial=00000000 ethact=vr9 Switch filesize=760040 fileaddr=80800000 ipaddr= serverip= f_rootfs_size=0x00760000 f_rootfs_addr=0xb02a0000 f_rootfs_end=0xb0a00000 f_rootfs_crc=CCB93F36 stdin=serial stdout=serial stderr=serial flashargs=setenv bootargs root=$(rootfsmtd) rw rootfstype=squashfs,jffs2 calibrate
Ordering the areas and pointing the start-end memory addresses we got:
- Flash Image 0xB0000000-0xB2000000 32768K - uboot 0xB0000000-0xB0040000 |- 256K - uboot-bin 0xB0040000-0xB0080000 |- 256K - ddrconfig 0xB007FFE8-0xB0080000 | \- 24B - ubootconfig 0xB0080000-0xB00A0000 |- 128K - kernel 0xB00A0000-0xB02A0000 |- 2048K - rootfs 0xB02A0000-0xB0CA0000 |- 10240K - rootfs2 0xB0CA0000-0xB11A0000 |- 5120K - sysconfig 0xB11A0000-0xB1280000 |- 896K - supertask_img 0xB1280000-0xB1E80000 |- 12288K - supertask_cfg 0xB1E80000-0xB1F80000 |- 1024K - supertask_bootcfg 0xB1F80000-0xB2000000 \- 512K
ARV7519RW22-A-LT Flash Layout | ||||||||||
Layer0 | MX29GL256EL-90TIP NOR Flash 32768KiB | |||||||||
Layer1 | mtd0 | mtd1 | mtd2 | mtd3 | mtd4 | mtd5 | mtd6 | mtd7 | mtd8 | mtd9 |
Size in KiB | 256KiB | 256KiB | 128KiB | 2048KiB | 10240KiB | 5120KiB | 896KiB | 12288KiB | 1024KiB | 512KiB |
Name | uboot | uboot-bin | ubootconfig | kernel | rootfs | rootfs2 | sysconfig | supertask_img | supertask_cfg | supertask_bootcfg |
mountpoint | none | none | none | none | none | none | none | none | none | none |
filesystem | none | none | none | none | none | none | none | none | none | none |
Original Flash Layout shown in OpenWrt OEM
Despite the argument in U-Boot OEM, analyzing OpenWrt OEM mtd dumps there is a little difference.
mtd5 (rootsfs2) area is 00CA0000-017A0000 and mtd6 (sysconfig) area is 017A0000-01880000, the other ones match the U-Boot OEM argument.
OpenWrt Flash Layout
Please read the article flash.layout for a better understanding. It contains a couple of explanations. Then let's have a quick view at flash layout of this particular device:
ARV7519RW22-A-LT Flash Layout | ||||||
Layer0 | MX29GL256EL-90TIP NOR Flash 32768KiB | |||||
Layer1 | mtd0 | mtd1 | mtd2 firmware 31744KiB | mtd6 | ||
Layer2 | mtd3 | mtd4 rootfs | ||||
mountpoint | / | |||||
filesystem | overlayfs | |||||
Layer3 | mtd5 | |||||
Size in KiB | 384KiB | 128KiB | 512KiB | |||
Name | uboot | uboot-env | kernel | rootfs_data | boardconfig | |
mountpoint | none | none | none | /rom | /overlay | none |
filesystem | none | none | none | SquashFS | JFFS2 | none |
Architecture | MIPS |
Vendor | Lantiq |
bootloader | BRNBoot |
System-On-Chip | Lantiq VRX288 v1.1/v1.2 (MIPS, PSB 80920 EL) |
CPU/Speed | 34Kc 500 MHz |
Flash-Chip | MX29GL256EL-90TIP |
Flash size | 32 MiB |
RAM | EM68C16CWVB-25H 128 MiB |
WAN | 1x RJ45 1 Gb Lantiq PEF7071V v1.5 connected on VRX288 internal switch |
Modem | Infineon/Lantiq PSB80208V |
Wireless | Xwave 300 Lantiq PSB8231 11 bgn 1a30:0710 (rev 01) |
Ethernet | 4x RJ45 10/100 VRX288 internal switch |
Internet | ADSL2+ |
Phone | Lantiq PEF 42068 |
USB | Yes 2 x 2.0 |
Serial | Yes |
JTAG | No |
Warning: Don't connect the Vcc pin of the serial port to a TTL-to-USB adapter. While doing this, some people damaged the board. There's no need to connect it, communication works without Vcc.
Serial connection parameters for ARV7519RW22-A-LT | 115200, 8N1, 3.3V |
Credits to:
Bootloader hack
To access different Bootloader “mode” short pin when bootloader checks images integrity like the picture below and remove it after:
Image Check from FLASH_AREA_IMAGE_0 : Failed.
Image Check from FLASH_AREA_IMAGE_1 : Failed.
To access Bootloader web page recovery tool ( no DHCP) pass code: “Oh!123Go”.
Image Check from FLASH_AREA_IMAGE_0 : Failed.
Image Check from FLASH_AREA_IMAGE_1 : Failed.
Flash Checking Again - fw/ui... Failed.
Unzipping Tiny Kernel at 0x80002000 ... failed : 4 !!
To access Bootloader prompt
It's possible now to run a second loader (u-boot) and boot ramfs images or launch OpenWrt backfire image at flash 0xB00A0000 (jffs2 filesystem). (0 and J keys).
Bootstrap / Uart mode
- boot_sel2 is at R148. Short circuit activates CFG 05 mode. (SPI flash boot).
- boot_sel0 is at R155. Short circuit boot_sel2 and boot_sel0 enters CFG 04 UART mode.
- boot_sel1 is currently unknown.
- It seems there is a boot_sel3 pin at R147 ¿?.
label | color | GPIO | active |
lan | green | 2 | LOW |
power | green | 14 | LOW |
alarm | blue | 15 | LOW |
internet | red | 10 | LOW |
orange | 19 | LOW | |
green | 28 | LOW | |
voice | green | 29 | LOW |
label | GPIO | active |
reset | 6 | LOW |
rfkill | 33 | LOW |
wps | 37 | LOW |
Description | GPIO |
PCIe RESET | 21 |
Bootloader Mods
- you could read about bootloader in general
This board uses Uboot bootloader.
U-boot for livebox HW rv01&rv02 + uartboot | |
Use .bin to flash to the NOR and .asc for uartboot.
To do uart boot use a simple binary file transfer (no X-Y-Zmodem or kermit).
- In linux: cat <filename>.asc > /dev/<tty port>
- In windows you can use Teraterm→File→Send file (x binary)
Available sourcecode:
OEM source from Astoria Networks | |
GIT sources for lantiq | Lantiq U-boot sources |
OEM bootlog
ROM VER: 1. ROM VER: 1.0.5 CFG 01 Tuning DDR begin DDR Access auto data-eye tuning Rev 0.3a DDR size from 0xa0000000 - 0xa7ffffff DDR check ok... start booting... ======================================================================= Wireless ADSL IAD VR9 Loader v0.70.01 build Mar 26 2012 13:36:53 Arcadyan Technology Corporation ======================================================================= A1x VR9 0xbe22ff1c : 70240000 0xBf203014 : 70240000 MXIC MX29GL256EL top boot 16-bit mode found Copying boot params.....DONE Enter command mode ... Get Primary to 0..... Image Check from FLASH_AREA_IMAGE_0 : Passed. Unzipping firmware at 0x80002000 ... with AREA[1][ZIP 3] [ZIP 1] done Ready to run firmware In c_entry() function ... install_exception Co config = 80048483 sys_irq_init ... IrqConnect : IRQ = 53, Handler = 0x80016364 VR9 is not A21 chip !!!!, ifx_bsp_basic_mps_decrypt bfc01ea4 0xbf106a0b : 78 0xbf106a0b : 78 0xbf106a0c : 80 0xbf106a0c : 80 ##### _ftext = 0x80002000 ##### _fdata = 0x807F8A60 ##### __bss_start = 0x809478F4 ##### end = 0x8684C538 allocate_memory_after_end> len 1371796, ptr 0x86854540 ##### Backup Data from 0x807F8A60 to 0x86854538~0x869A33CC len 1371796 ##### Backup Data completed ##### Backup Data verified [GPIO FLOW] SetGpio() Begin .. ifx_gpio_init() !!! ifx_gpio_pre_init() !!! [KERN_INFO]IFX GPIO driver, version 1.2.10, (c)2009 Infineon Technologies AG Register LED MODULE OK!! Register BUTTON MODULE OK!! [GPIO FLOW] SetGpio() End. [INIT] System Log Pool startup ... [INIT] MTinitialize .. CPU Clock 500000000 Hz mips_counter_frequency:250000000 r4k_offset: 0x0003d090(250000) init_US_counter : time1 = 53 , time2 = 200080, diff 200027 US_counter = 125 set to constant US_counter = 112 cnt1 2040019 cnt2 2042856, diff 2837 cnt1 2886386 cnt2 2888186, diff 1800 Runtime code version: 00.95.005 System startup... [INIT] Memory COLOR 0, 10827424 bytes .. [INIT] Memory COLOR 1, 2097152 bytes .. [INIT] Memory COLOR 2, 13809456 bytes .. MXIC MX29GL128EL bottom boot 16-bit mode found console_enable=0 Set flash memory layout to Boot Parameters found !!! Bootcode version: v0.70.01 Serial number: J217211009 Hardware version: 01 09.03.2012-18:10:13 [BUILD-WPA]: Key:F5E161E66806 [BUILD:PIN] PIN:J217211009, MAC:1CC63CXXXXXX [BUILD-PIN]: PIN:82852863, len=8 [CONFIG] : default SSID = Orange-A37E [CONFIG] : default WPA/WPA2 PSK = 9E23A553 [BUILD:PIN] PIN:J217211009, MAC:1CC63CXXXXXX [BUILD-PIN]: PIN:82852863, len=8 [BUILD-PIN]: PIN:82852863, len=8 !![E-CFG-READ] Special Configuration data reading error!! !![E-CFG-READ] Reset to factory defaults 1!! MXIC MX29GL128EL bottom boot 16-bit mode found nLen:98, Magic:0x33343536 my CFGVersionMagic = 33343536, old CFGVersionMagic on flash = 33343536 my CFGsize = 370144, my CFGDescSize = 40454 my Version = 00.95.005, Version on flash= 00.95.005 [CONFIG] old cfg version:[00.95.005], [] source CFGsize = 370144, CFGDescSize = 40454 MXIC MX29GL128EL bottom boot 16-bit mode found OldCfgHexSize:13069 Unzipping from 81E1A588 to 81E10770 ... [ZIP 2] allocate_memory_after_end> len 81516, ptr 0x869a33f0 done Uncompressed size = 40452 Tail1 : END_III_Config_t Size of Old CFG_DESC is :40452!!! useCfgDesc:1 MyCfgHexSize:13069 Unzipping from 81E0D448 to 81E03630 ... [ZIP 2] done Uncompressed size = 40452 My CFGDescSize:40454 useCfgDesc:1 Tail : END_III_Config_t useCfgDesc:3 Restore Config file from ver:00.95.005!!! [CONFIG] DS_Tail:[t_ARV7519RW22] [CONFIG] load_config ret=1 [updateConfig] flash version:[00.95.005], [] [updateConfig] code version:[00.95.005], [] [CONFIG] : smtp_email_from = !!! Invalid wireless channel range 0 ~ 0 !!! Use default value 1 ~ 13 default route: [CheckUSBBackConf]Erase the garbage config in usbBackConf_s BufferInit: BUF_HDR_SZ=224 BUF_ALIGN_SZ=16 BUFFER_OFFSET=480 BUF_BUFSZ0=576 BUF_BUFSZ1=4384 NUM_OF_B0=0 NUM_OF_B1=6178 BUF_POOL0_SZ=0 BUF_POOL1_SZ=28468224 sizeof(BUFFER0)=800,sizeof(BUFFER1)=4608 *BUF0=0x84779168 *BUF1=0x82c52d48 Altgn *BUF0=0x84779180 *BUF1=0x82c52d60 End at BUF0:0x84779180, BUF1:0x84779160 BUF0[0]=0x84779180 BUF1[0]=0x82c52d60 buffer0 pointer init OK! buffer1 pointer init OK! [qm_lnk_init] CLOCKHZ=1000 ... [qm_lnk_init] add if 3 into QM link 0 [qm_lnk_init] add if 4 into QM link 0 [qm_cbq_enable] no QM attached [qm_cbq_detach] no QM is attached at link 0 pkt_avgsz=250, pkt_maxsz=1600, mtu=1600 f=10000000/100000, ns_per_byte=80000/1000 ptime=2000000000/1000, cptime=0/1000, offtime=0/1000 New cls: id=0, bw=80 ns/byte, maxd=0 ms, maxb=32, minb=2, avgpktsz=250, maxpktsz=1600, offtime=0, parent=0, borrow=0 pri=0, maxidle=31, minidle=-256, maxq=96, clsfg=17 pkt_avgsz=1600, pkt_maxsz=1600, mtu=1600 f=100000/100000, ns_per_byte=8000000/1000 ptime=18446744073709551615/1000, cptime=0/1000, offtime=0/1000 New cls: id=1, bw=8000 ns/byte, maxd=0 ms, maxb=16, minb=1, avgpktsz=1600, maxpktsz=1600, offtime=0, parent=8684812c, borrow=8684812c pri=5, maxidle=200, minidle=-25600, maxq=48, clsfg=21 qm_cbq_attach(): cbqp->cbq_res=109 pkt_avgsz=250, pkt_maxsz=1600, mtu=1600 f=9900000/100000, ns_per_byte=80808/1000 ptime=2000000000/1000, cptime=0/1000, offtime=0/1000 New cls: id=2, bw=80 ns/byte, maxd=0 ms, maxb=32, minb=4, avgpktsz=250, maxpktsz=1600, offtime=0, parent=8684812c, borrow=8684812c pri=5, maxidle=31, minidle=-258, maxq=48, clsfg=21 pkt_avgsz=250, pkt_maxsz=1600, mtu=1600 f=1/100000, ns_per_byte=4294967295/1000 [qm_cbq_newcls] warning: bandwidth of the class may be low enough to cause INT overflow ptime=2000000000/1000, cptime=18446744073709551615/1000, offtime=18446744073709551615/1000 New cls: id=3, bw=1342177 ns/byte, maxd=0 ms, maxb=16, minb=4, avgpktsz=250, maxpktsz=1600, offtime=1366279, parent=86846b2c, borrow=86846b2c pri=6, maxidle=0, minidle=-4294966, maxq=48, clsfg=20 pkt_avgsz=250, pkt_maxsz=1600, mtu=1600 f=1/100000, ns_per_byte=4294967295/1000 [qm_cbq_newcls] warning: bandwidth of the class may be low enough to cause INT overflow ptime=2000000000/1000, cptime=18446744073709551615/1000, offtime=18446744073709551615/1000 New cls: id=4, bw=1342177 ns/byte, maxd=0 ms, maxb=16, minb=4, avgpktsz=250, maxpktsz=1600, offtime=1366279, parent=86846b2c, borrow=86846b2c pri=0, maxidle=0, minidle=-4294966, maxq=96, clsfg=21 pkt_avgsz=250, pkt_maxsz=1600, mtu=1600 f=1/100000, ns_per_byte=4294967295/1000 [qm_cbq_newcls] warning: bandwidth of the class may be low enough to cause INT overflow ptime=2000000000/1000, cptime=18446744073709551615/1000, offtime=18446744073709551615/1000 New cls: id=5, bw=1342177 ns/byte, maxd=0 ms, maxb=16, minb=4, avgpktsz=250, maxpktsz=1600, offtime=1366279, parent=86846b2c, borrow=86846b2c pri=1, maxidle=0, minidle=-4294966, maxq=48, clsfg=23 pkt_avgsz=250, pkt_maxsz=1600, mtu=1600 f=1/100000, ns_per_byte=4294967295/1000 [qm_cbq_newcls] warning: bandwidth of the class may be low enough to cause INT overflow ptime=2000000000/1000, cptime=18446744073709551615/1000, offtime=18446744073709551615/1000 New cls: id=6, bw=1342177 ns/byte, maxd=0 ms, maxb=16, minb=4, avgpktsz=250, maxpktsz=1600, offtime=1366279, parent=86846b2c, borrow=86846b2c pri=2, maxidle=0, minidle=-4294966, maxq=48, clsfg=23 pkt_avgsz=250, pkt_maxsz=1600, mtu=1600 f=1/100000, ns_per_byte=4294967295/1000 [qm_cbq_newcls] warning: bandwidth of the class may be low enough to cause INT overflow ptime=2000000000/1000, cptime=18446744073709551615/1000, offtime=18446744073709551615/1000 New cls: id=7, bw=1342177 ns/byte, maxd=0 ms, maxb=16, minb=4, avgpktsz=250, maxpktsz=1600, offtime=1366279, parent=86846b2c, borrow=86846b2c pri=3, maxidle=0, minidle=-4294966, maxq=48, clsfg=23 pkt_avgsz=250, pkt_maxsz=1600, mtu=1600 f=1/100000, ns_per_byte=4294967295/1000 [qm_cbq_newcls] warning: bandwidth of the class may be low enough to cause INT overflow ptime=2000000000/1000, cptime=18446744073709551615/1000, offtime=18446744073709551615/1000 New cls: id=8, bw=1342177 ns/byte, maxd=0 ms, maxb=16, minb=4, avgpktsz=250, maxpktsz=1600, offtime=1366279, parent=86846b2c, borrow=86846b2c pri=4, maxidle=0, minidle=-4294966, maxq=48, clsfg=23 pkt_avgsz=250, pkt_maxsz=1600, mtu=1600 f=9900000/100000, ns_per_byte=80808/1000 ptime=2000000000/1000, cptime=0/1000, offtime=0/1000 New cls: id=9, bw=80 ns/byte, maxd=0 ms, maxb=16, minb=4, avgpktsz=250, maxpktsz=1600, offtime=0, parent=86846b2c, borrow=86846b2c pri=6, maxidle=31, minidle=-258, maxq=48, clsfg=20 [qm_cbq_reset_dstcp_ctrl] dstcp_ctrl_fg=0x1, dstcp_pkt_delay=13 ms, dstcp_max_burst=6056 bytes CLOCKHZ=1000 gConfig.Interface[0].IP_Addr = gConfig.Interface[0].Subnet_Mask = gConfig.Interface[0].Description = LOCAL_LOOPBACK gConfig.Interface[0].Framing = ***** [iput_IpLinkUp] ifno=0, link_type:12 Interface 0 ip = gConfig.Interface[1].IP_Addr = gConfig.Interface[1].Subnet_Mask = gConfig.Interface[1].Description = LAN1 gConfig.Interface[1].Framing = gConfig.Interface[1].VLAN_Idx = 0 ifp->ipaddr = C0A80101 ifp->netmask = FFFFFF00 gConfig.Vlan_Ports[gConfig.Interface[1].VLAN_Idx].VNet = 1 gConfig.Vlan_Ports[gConfig.Interface[1].VLAN_Idx].IGMP_Querier_Enable = 0 [IfInit] ifno=1, gConfig.Interface[1].vlan_tagged=0, line 693 br_register_static_mcast_mac: Add static entry 01:00:5E: to VLAN 0 (port 1) br_register_static_mcast_mac: Add static entry 01:00:5E: to VLAN 0 (port 2) br_register_static_mcast_mac: Add static entry 01:00:5E: to VLAN 0 (port 1) br_register_static_mcast_mac: Add static entry 01:00:5E: to VLAN 0 (port 2) br_register_static_mcast_mac: Add static entry 01:00:5E: to VLAN 0 (port 1) br_register_static_mcast_mac: Add static entry 01:00:5E: to VLAN 0 (port 2) br_register_static_mcast_mac: Add static entry 01:00:5E: to VLAN 0 (port 1) br_register_static_mcast_mac: Add static entry 01:00:5E: to VLAN 0 (port 2) [mac_0_init] ifno=1, vlan=0, vid=1, port_mask=0x1d, mac_0_initialized=0 [KERN_INFO]IFX PMU driver, version 1.0.5, (c)2009 Infineon Technologies AG ifx_dma_init_module : ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0xc615929f module 5 regid 0 regbit 5 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module DMA has been activated 1 times before [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[0] request_irq 64 IrqConnect : IRQ = 64, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[1] request_irq 65 IrqConnect : IRQ = 65, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[2] request_irq 66 IrqConnect : IRQ = 66, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[3] request_irq 67 IrqConnect : IRQ = 67, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[4] request_irq 68 IrqConnect : IRQ = 68, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[5] request_irq 69 IrqConnect : IRQ = 69, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[6] request_irq 70 IrqConnect : IRQ = 70, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[7] request_irq 71 IrqConnect : IRQ = 71, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[8] request_irq 72 IrqConnect : IRQ = 72, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[9] request_irq 73 IrqConnect : IRQ = 73, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[10] request_irq 74 IrqConnect : IRQ = 74, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[11] request_irq 75 IrqConnect : IRQ = 75, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[12] request_irq 89 IrqConnect : IRQ = 89, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[13] request_irq 90 IrqConnect : IRQ = 90, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[14] request_irq 91 IrqConnect : IRQ = 91, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[15] request_irq 92 IrqConnect : IRQ = 92, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[16] request_irq 93 IrqConnect : IRQ = 93, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[17] request_irq 62 IrqConnect : IRQ = 62, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[18] request_irq 80 IrqConnect : IRQ = 80, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[19] request_irq 85 IrqConnect : IRQ = 85, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[20] request_irq 128 IrqConnect : IRQ = 128, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[21] request_irq 129 IrqConnect : IRQ = 129, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[22] request_irq 130 IrqConnect : IRQ = 130, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[23] request_irq 131 IrqConnect : IRQ = 131, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[24] request_irq 132 IrqConnect : IRQ = 132, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[25] request_irq 133 IrqConnect : IRQ = 133, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[26] request_irq 134 IrqConnect : IRQ = 134, Handler = 0x80355340 [map_dma_chan 1618]: dma_chan[27] request_irq 135 IrqConnect : IRQ = 135, Handler = 0x80355340 ifx_dma_init_module : g_desc_list 81105dc0 [KERN_INFO]IFX DMA driver, version ifxmips_dma_core.c:v1.0.4 ,(c)2009 Infineon Technologies AG [KERN_INFO]Infineon Technologies RCU driver version 1.1.2 vr9_config_mdio_gpio !!! [vr9_config_mdio_gpio] *IFX_GPIO_P2_ALTSEL0=0xc00, IFX_GPIO_P2_ALTSEL1=0x0, *IFX_GPIO_P2_DIR=0x8c01, *IFX_GPIO_P2_OD=0x8c01 IFX SWITCH API, Version IFX_ETHSW_Open() !!! [KERN_INFO]SWAPI: Registered character device [switch_api] with major no [81] ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0xc615929f module 29 regid 0 regbit 29 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module PPE-TOP has been activated 1 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0xc615929f module 23 regid 0 regbit 23 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module PPE-DPLUSM has been activated 1 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0xc615929f module 24 regid 0 regbit 24 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module PPE-DPLUSS has been activated 1 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0xc615929f module 28 regid 0 regbit 28 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module SWITCH has been activated 1 times before Switch API: PCE MicroCode loaded !! IFX_ETHSW_IOCTL_WrapperInit() !!! chip_id 101c0083 chip_id 1c0 Switch Auto Polling value = 0 [KERN_ERR ] GPHY FW load for A1x !! vr9_gphy_gpio_init : Config GPIO3 clock !!! IF_CLK = 10e00008 BSP_GPIO_P0_ALTSEL0 00002000 BSP_GPIO_P0_ALTSEL1 00000080 0000e404 0000e404 BSP_GPIO_P1_ALTSEL0 00008580 BSP_GPIO_P1_ALTSEL1 00000000 0000b1b8 0000b1b8 BSP_GPIO_P2_ALTSEL0 00000c00 BSP_GPIO_P2_ALTSEL1 00000000 00008c01 00008c01 BSP_GPHY0_Cfg 1fe70000 BSP_GPHY1_Cfg 1fe70000 ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0xc615929f module 28 regid 0 regbit 28 ifx_pmu_set: Module SWITCH has been activated 2 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x8615929f module 30 regid 0 regbit 30 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module GPHY has been activated 1 times before Switch Auto Polling value = 0 vr9_gphy_reset() !!! GPHY FIRMWARE LOAD SUCCESSFULLY AT ADDR : 750000, gphy_fw_dma=0x8074d688 [set_external_gphy_mdio_auto_polling] External GPHY Port 0, firmware version: 8200 [gphy_patch] External External Port 0, GPHY firmware version: 8200 [gphy_patch] External Chip v1.3 [KERN_INFO] IFX GPHY driver FE Mode, version ifxmips_vr9_gphy: V0.9 - Firmware: 109 [amazon_s_eth_init] Loading A5 (MII0/1 + ATM) driver ...... [amazon_s_eth_init] gPPE_Start_Module=0x1, gPPE_HAL_Start_Module=0x0 ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x8615909f module 9 regid 0 regbit 9 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module DSL-DFE has been activated 1 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x8615909f module 13 regid 0 regbit 13 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module AHBS has been activated 1 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x8615909f module 19 regid 0 regbit 19 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module PPE-SSL01 has been activated 1 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x8615909f module 21 regid 0 regbit 21 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module PPE-TC has been activated 1 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x8615909f module 22 regid 0 regbit 22 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module PPE-EMA has been activated 1 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x8615909f module 23 regid 0 regbit 23 ifx_pmu_set: Module PPE-DPLUSM has been activated 2 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x8615909f module 24 regid 0 regbit 24 ifx_pmu_set: Module PPE-DPLUSS has been activated 2 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x8615909f module 28 regid 0 regbit 28 ifx_pmu_set: Module SWITCH has been activated 3 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x8615909f module 29 regid 0 regbit 29 ifx_pmu_set: Module PPE-TOP has been activated 2 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x8611909f module 18 regid 0 regbit 18 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module PPE-QSB has been activated 1 times before [a5 alloc_dma] pre_alloc_desc_total_num=704, line 6150 [turn_on_dma_rx] a5, line 4542 [turn_on_dma_rx] a5, line 4542 IrqConnect : IRQ = 87, Handler = 0x8037DCF8 IrqConnect : IRQ = 88, Handler = 0x8037DE00 Succeeded! PPE datapath driver info: Version ID: Family : VR9 DR Type : Normal Data Path | Indirect-Fast Path Interface : MII0 | MII1 | ATM Mode : Routing Release : 0.1.4 PPE firmware info: Version ID: Family : VR9 FW Type : Acceleration Interface : MII0/1 + ATM Mode : Bridging + IPv4 Routing Release : 1.17 [switch_utility] cmd=Enable [switch_utility] switch_utility, Enable, [switch_utility] cmd=CfgSet 3 1 1542 0 00:00:00:00:00:00 [switch_utility] switch_utility, CfgSet, 3, 1, 1542, 0, 00:00:00:00:00:00, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0x453 0x0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0x453, 0x0, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0x454 0x07f [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0x454, 0x07f, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0x455 0x07f [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0x455, 0x07f, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0xc4B 0x3F [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0xc4B, 0x3F, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0xc4C 0x105 [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0xc4C, 0x105, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0xc55 0x1800 [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0xc55, 0x1800, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0xc54 0x1801 [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0xc54, 0x1801, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0xc53 0x1811 [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0xc53, 0x1811, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0xC52 0x1812 [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0xC52, 0x1812, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0xc51 0x1813 [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0xc51, 0x1813, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0xC50 0x1814 [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0xC50, 0x1814, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0x903 0x180 [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0x903, 0x180, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0x90F 0x180 [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0x90F, 0x180, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0x93F 0x180 [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0x93F, 0x180, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0x91B 0x180 [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0x91B, 0x180, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0x933 0x180 [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0x933, 0x180, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0x927 0x180 [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0x927, 0x180, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0x94B 0x180 [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0x94B, 0x180, [switch_utility] cmd=PortLinkCfgSet 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 3 0 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, PortLinkCfgSet, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1000, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=PortLinkCfgSet 1 0 0 0 1000 0 0 3 0 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, PortLinkCfgSet, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1000, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=PortLinkCfgSet 5 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 1 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, PortLinkCfgSet, 5, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=PortLinkCfgSet 2 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 1 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, PortLinkCfgSet, 2, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=PortLinkCfgSet 3 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 1 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, PortLinkCfgSet, 3, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=PortLinkCfgSet 4 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 1 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, PortLinkCfgSet, 4, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0xc77 0xc001 [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0xc77, 0xc001, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0xc79 0xc001 [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0xc79, 0xc001, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0xc81 0xc001 [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0xc81, 0xc001, [switch_utility] cmd=RegisterSet 0x4A 0x11C [switch_utility] switch_utility, RegisterSet, 0x4A, 0x11C, [switch_enable_igmp_snooping] gSetting.IGMP_Snooping=1 [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastRouterPortAdd 6 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastRouterPortAdd, 6, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastSnoopCfgSet 2 1 0 3 6 1 3 100 2 1 1 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastSnoopCfgSet, 2, 1, 0, 3, 6, 1, 3, 100, 2, 1, 1, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 4 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 4, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 5 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 5, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 2 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 2, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 3 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 3, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 0 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 0, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 6 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 6, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 4 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 4, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 5 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 5, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 2 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 2, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 3 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 3, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 0 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 0, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 6 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 6, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 4 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 4, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 5 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 5, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 2 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 2, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 3 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 3, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 0 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 0, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 6 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 6, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 4 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 4, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 5 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 5, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 2 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 2, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 3 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 3, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 0 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 0, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=MulticastTableEntryAdd 6 0 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MulticastTableEntryAdd, 6, 0,,, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=PCE_RuleDelete 50 [switch_utility] switch_utility, PCE_RuleDelete, 50, [switch_utility] cmd=PCE_RuleDelete 51 [switch_utility] switch_utility, PCE_RuleDelete, 51, [switch_utility] cmd=PCE_RuleDelete 52 [switch_utility] switch_utility, PCE_RuleDelete, 52, [switch_utility] cmd=PCE_RuleDelete 53 [switch_utility] switch_utility, PCE_RuleDelete, 53, [switch_utility] cmd=PCE_RuleDelete 54 [switch_utility] switch_utility, PCE_RuleDelete, 54, [switch_utility] cmd=PCE_RuleDelete 55 [switch_utility] switch_utility, PCE_RuleDelete, 55, [switch_utility] cmd=PCE_RuleWrite 9 1 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00:00:00:00:00 0 0 00:00:00:00:00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2048 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, PCE_RuleWrite, 9, 1, 1, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 00:00:00:00:00:00, 0, 0, 00:00:00:00:00:00, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,, 0, 0,, 0, 1, 2048, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=PCE_RuleWrite 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00:00:00:00:00 0x0 0 00:00:00:00:00:00 0x0 1 4608 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0x0 0 0x0 1 2048 0x0 1 2 0x0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, PCE_RuleWrite, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 00:00:00:00:00:00, 0x0, 0, 00:00:00:00:00:00 , 0x0, 1, 4608, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,, 0x0, 0,, 0x0, 1, 2048, 0x0, 1, 2, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=PCE_RuleWrite 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00:00:00:00:00 0x0 0 00:00:00:00:00:00 0x0 1 4864 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0x0 0 0x0 1 2048 0x0 1 2 0x0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, PCE_RuleWrite, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 00:00:00:00:00:00, 0x0, 0, 00:00:00:00:00:00 , 0x0, 1, 4864, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,, 0x0, 0,, 0x0, 1, 2048, 0x0, 1, 2, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=PCE_RuleWrite 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00:00:00:00:00 0x0 0 00:00:00:00:00:00 0x0 1 5632 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0x0 0 0x0 1 2048 0x0 1 2 0x0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, PCE_RuleWrite, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 00:00:00:00:00:00, 0x0, 0, 00:00:00:00:00:00 , 0x0, 1, 5632, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,, 0x0, 0,, 0x0, 1, 2048, 0x0, 1, 2, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=PCE_RuleWrite 13 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00:00:00:00:00 0x0 0 00:00:00:00:00:00 0x0 1 5888 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0x0 0 0x0 1 2048 0x0 1 2 0x0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, PCE_RuleWrite, 13, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 00:00:00:00:00:00, 0x0, 0, 00:00:00:00:00:00 , 0x0, 1, 5888, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,, 0x0, 0,, 0x0, 1, 2048, 0x0, 1, 2, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=PCE_RuleWrite 14 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00:00:00:00:00 0x0 0 00:00:00:00:00:00 0x0 1 8704 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0x0 0 0x0 1 2048 0x0 1 2 0x0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, PCE_RuleWrite, 14, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 00:00:00:00:00:00, 0x0, 0, 00:00:00:00:00:00 , 0x0, 1, 8704, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,, 0x0, 0,, 0x0, 1, 2048, 0x0, 1, 2, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=PCE_RuleWrite 15 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00:00:00:00:00 0x0 0 00:00:00:00:00:00 0x0 1 4352 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0x0 0 0x0 1 2048 0x0 1 2 0x0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, PCE_RuleWrite, 15, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 00:00:00:00:00:00, 0x0, 0, 00:00:00:00:00:00 , 0x0, 1, 4352, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,, 0x0, 0,, 0x0, 1, 2048, 0x0, 1, 2, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [mac_0_init] VLAN port: 0x001d, ifCount=1 [mac_0_init] ------->add port 4 to vlan 1 [mac_0_init] ------->add port 2 to vlan 1 [mac_0_init] ------->add port 3 to vlan 1 [mac_0_init] ------->add port 0 to vlan 1 [config_SW_VLAN] bTaggedIngress=0, bTaggedEgress=0 [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_IdCreate 50 1 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_IdCreate, 50, 1, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_PortCfgSet 6 50 0 0 3 0 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_PortCfgSet, 6, 50, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_IdCreate 1 1 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_IdCreate, 1, 1, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_PortCfgSet 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_PortCfgSet, 0, 1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_PortCfgSet 2 1 0 0 3 0 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_PortCfgSet, 2, 1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_PortCfgSet 3 1 0 0 3 0 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_PortCfgSet, 3, 1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_PortCfgSet 4 1 0 0 3 0 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_PortCfgSet, 4, 1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_PortMemberAdd 1 0 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_PortMemberAdd, 1, 0, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_PortMemberAdd 1 2 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_PortMemberAdd, 1, 2, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_PortMemberAdd 1 3 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_PortMemberAdd, 1, 3, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_PortMemberAdd 1 4 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_PortMemberAdd, 1, 4, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_PortMemberAdd 1 6 1 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_PortMemberAdd, 1, 6, 1, mac_0_init: interface 1 registered to VLAN 1, port_mask=1d MAC Address(ifno 1): 1c:c6:3c: ***** [iput_IpLinkUp] ifno=1, link_type:12 br_MacAddress=1C-C6-3C-67-A3-7F Interface 1 ip = gConfig.Interface[2].IP_Addr = gConfig.Interface[2].Subnet_Mask = gConfig.Interface[2].Description = WLAN gConfig.Interface[2].Framing = gConfig.Interface[2].VLAN_Idx = 0 ifp->ipaddr = C0A80101 ifp->netmask = FFFFFF00 gConfig.Vlan_Ports[gConfig.Interface[2].VLAN_Idx].VNet = 1 gConfig.Vlan_Ports[gConfig.Interface[2].VLAN_Idx].IGMP_Querier_Enable = 0 [IfInit] ifno=2, gConfig.Interface[2].vlan_tagged=0, line 693 hwlan_init(85): [HWLAN] ifno=2 irno=7 port=0x00000000 [hwlan_init] if_table[2]::1c-c6-3c- ***** [iput_IpLinkUp] ifno=2, link_type:12 Interface 2 ip = gConfig.Interface[3].IP_Addr = gConfig.Interface[3].Subnet_Mask = gConfig.Interface[3].Description = ATM1 gConfig.Interface[3].Framing = AAL5 [IfInit] ifno=3, gConfig.Interface[3].vlan_tagged=0, line 693 [sar_0_init] ifno=3, T_WAN_INT=3, sar_init=0, g_atm_priv_data.max_connections=15 ATM_UBR [ppe_open] g_atm_priv_data.connection_table=0 [turn_on_dma_rx] a5, line 4542 [ppe_open] (8.32): conn = 0, f_enable_irq=1 [sar_0_init] index=0, ifno=3, f_llc=1 [mpoa_setup] mpoa_type=0, f_llc=1 [sar_0_init] Init SAR ifno:3 g_atm_vcc[0] CONN:0 VPI/VCI:8/32 PORT:0 [sar_0_init] sar ifno: 3, flag: 0x00000200, up, sar_init=0 MAC Address: 1c:c6:3c:67:a3:7e [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_IdCreate 2 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_IdCreate, 2, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_IdCreate 20 2 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_IdCreate, 20, 2, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_PortCfgSet 11 2 0 0 3 0 1 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_PortCfgSet, 11, 2, 0, 0, 3, 0, 1, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_PortCfgSet 10 20 0 0 3 0 1 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_PortCfgSet, 10, 20, 0, 0, 3, 0, 1, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_PortMemberAdd 2 11 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_PortMemberAdd, 2, 11, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_PortMemberAdd 20 10 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_PortMemberAdd, 20, 10, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_PortMemberAdd 20 6 1 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_PortMemberAdd, 20, 6, 1, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_PortMemberAdd 2 6 1 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_PortMemberAdd, 2, 6, 1, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_PortMemberAdd 50 10 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_PortMemberAdd, 50, 10, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=MAC_TableEntryAdd 2 6 0 1 00:00:00:00:00:00 [switch_utility] switch_utility, MAC_TableEntryAdd, 2, 6, 0, 1, 00:00:00:00:00:00, Interface 3 ip = gConfig.Interface[4].IP_Addr = gConfig.Interface[4].Subnet_Mask = gConfig.Interface[4].Description = ATM2 gConfig.Interface[4].Framing = AAL5 gConfig.Interface[4].VLAN_Idx = 1 ifp->ipaddr = C0A80201 ifp->netmask = FFFFFF00 gConfig.Vlan_Ports[gConfig.Interface[4].VLAN_Idx].VNet = 0 gConfig.Vlan_Ports[gConfig.Interface[4].VLAN_Idx].IGMP_Querier_Enable = 0 [IfInit] ifno=4, gConfig.Interface[4].vlan_tagged=0, line 693 [sar_0_init] ifno=4, T_WAN_INT=3, sar_init=1, g_atm_priv_data.max_connections=15 ATM_VBR_NRT [ppe_open] g_atm_priv_data.connection_table=1 [ppe_open] (8.38): conn = 1, f_enable_irq=0 [sar_0_init] index=1, ifno=4, f_llc=1 [mpoa_setup] mpoa_type=0, f_llc=1 [sar_0_init] Init SAR ifno:4 g_atm_vcc[1] CONN:1 VPI/VCI:8/38 PORT:0 [sar_0_init] sar ifno: 4, flag: 0x00000220, up, sar_init=1 MAC Address: 1c:c6:3c: [sar_0_ioctl] ifno 4 up/down 0 ->br_MacAddress=1C-C6-3C- Interface 4 ip = [sar_0_ioctl] ifno 4 up/down 0 ->gConfig.Interface[20].IP_Addr = gConfig.Interface[20].Subnet_Mask = gConfig.Interface[20].Description = LAN2 gConfig.Interface[20].Framing = gConfig.Interface[20].VLAN_Idx = 1 ifp->ipaddr = C0A80201 ifp->netmask = FFFFFF00 gConfig.Vlan_Ports[gConfig.Interface[20].VLAN_Idx].VNet = 0 gConfig.Vlan_Ports[gConfig.Interface[20].VLAN_Idx].IGMP_Querier_Enable = 0 [IfInit] ifno=20, gConfig.Interface[20].vlan_tagged=0, line 693 [mac_0_init] ifno=20, vlan=1, vid=3, port_mask=0x2, mac_0_initialized=1 [mac_0_init] VLAN port: 0x0002, ifCount=2 [mac_0_init] ------->add port 5 to vlan 3 [config_SW_VLAN] bTaggedIngress=0, bTaggedEgress=0 [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_IdCreate 3 3 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_IdCreate, 3, 3, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_PortCfgSet 5 3 0 0 3 0 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_PortCfgSet, 5, 3, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_PortMemberAdd 3 5 0 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_PortMemberAdd, 3, 5, 0, [switch_utility] cmd=VLAN_PortMemberAdd 3 6 1 [switch_utility] switch_utility, VLAN_PortMemberAdd, 3, 6, 1, mac_0_init: interface 20 registered to VLAN 3, port_mask=2 MAC Address(ifno 20): 1c:c6:3c:67:a3:7f ***** [iput_IpLinkUp] ifno=20, link_type:12 Interface 20 ip = gConfig.Interface[27].IP_Addr = gConfig.Interface[27].Subnet_Mask = gConfig.Interface[27].Description = COM1 gConfig.Interface[27].Framing = pppInit> set (PPPShutdownRequest[ifno] = 0) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if_umts_init 27 <<<<<<<<< if_umts_init() WAN interface 27, UMTS-COM1: baudrate=115200 if_umts_init() MAC:1C:C6:3C:67:A3:7F RUNTASK id=2 umtsEventHandleTsk... RUNTASK id=3 umtsEventExeHandleTsk... umtsReceQueueInit() Host controller disable, bypass queue init... RUNTASK id=4 umtsReceQueueTsk... RUNTASK id=5 umtsReceTsk... RUNTASK id=6 umtsWritTsk... Interface 27 ip = ruleCheck()> Group: 0, Error: Useless rule index will be truncated, from idx:2 ruleCheck()> Group: 1, Error: Useless rule index will be truncated, from idx:22 ruleCheck()> Group: 2, Error: Useless rule index will be truncated, from idx:0 CBAC rule format check succeed !! reqCBACBuf()> init match pool, Have: 1000 Memory Address: 0xffffffff867e6184 ~ 0xffffffff867ecf00 reqCBACBuf()> init timeGap pool, Have: 10000 Memory Address: 0xffffffff867ecf00 ~ 0xffffffff8681dc54 reqCBACBuf()> init sameHost pool, Have: 2000 Memory Address: 0xffffffff8681dc54 ~ 0xffffffff8682d674 CBAC rule pool initialized !! [init_if] local_if_mask=0x7f80007 [init_if] local_wiredif_mask=0x780002 [init_if] local_wirelessif_mask=0x7800004 [init_if] localorVPN_if_mask=0x7f80007 Init NAT data structure RUNTASK id=7 if_task if0... RUNTASK id=8 if_task if1... RUNTASK id=9 if_task if2... RUNTASK id=10 if_task if3... RUNTASK id=11 if_task if4... RUNTASK id=12 if_task if20... RUNTASK id=13 if_task if27... RUNTASK id=14 timer_task... RUNTASK id=15 conn_mgr... RUNTASK id=16 main_8021x... Build Day = Mar 9 2012 RUNTASK id=17 saveRandomSeedTask... [VFS_init] Start... [VFS_init] vfsState:1 vfs_codepage_init() TimeZone:25, vfs_cp_idx:25, vfs_cp_ID:1 fat_codePageInit() TimeZone:25, codePage:Unknown, cPID:1, cpSize:256, toUpSize:0 ntfs_codepage timezone:25, lan= 0 ntfs_codePageInit() TimeZone:25, codePage:1 ==[vfs_register_filesystem]============================ list size:1, Method:0x807fc15c 1) Type:0xfc, Name:BRN-VFS ================================================================= [VFS_init] VFS ROOT FS init OK ==[vfs_register_filesystem]============================ list size:7, Method:0x807fc35c 1) Type:0x01, Name:FAT12 2) Type:0x04, Name:FAT16 3) Type:0x06, Name:FAT16 4) Type:0x0b, Name:FAT32 5) Type:0x0c, Name:FAT32 6) Type:0x0e, Name:FAT16 7) Type:0x81, Name:Minix ================================================================= [VFS_init] FAT init OK ==[vfs_register_filesystem]============================ list size:1, Method:0x807fcf64 1) Type:0x07, Name:NTFS/HPFS ================================================================= [VFS_init] NTFS init OK [VFS_init]-[vfs_mount_root] Start... [VFS_init]-[vfs_mount_root] Init <root> OK... [VFS_init]-[vfs_mount_root] Init <dev> OK... [VFS_init]-[vfs_mount_root] Init <mnt> OK... [0-START]========================================= Node 000-[\], DIR, MountFlag:0x00 [0-END]=========================================== [1-START]========================================= Node 001-[dev], DIR, MountFlag:0x00 [1-END]=========================================== [1-START]========================================= Node 002-[mnt], DIR, MountFlag:0x00 [1-END]=========================================== dump_inode() freeCnt:77, usedCnt:3 RUNTASK id=18 fileChange_eventTsk()... [USB-INIT] main() ====== call UsbSysInit() ... [USB] UsbSPoolArray: 86522CD4H ~ 8667BAD3, UsbSPool:86522CE0 [USB] UsbMPoolArray: 85DC2D88H ~ 86522887, UsbMPool:85DC2DA0 [USB] UsbLPoolArray: 86682104H ~ 866DF923, UsbLPool:86682120 [USB] Small Un-Cached Memory(8025): 86522CE0 ~ 8667BA0F [USB] Medium Un-Cached Memory(470): 85DC2DA0 ~ 8651E85F [USB] Large Un-Cached Memory(21): 86682120 ~ 866DB51F setUsbPciInfo() cpu_to_usb_addr_shift[5]:0x00000000, usb_to_cpu_addr_shift[5]:0x00000000 usb_pci_probe() Found Synopsis OTG-1, baseAddr:0xbe101000, IRQ:54 setUsbPciInfo() cpu_to_usb_addr_shift[6]:0x00000000, usb_to_cpu_addr_shift[6]:0x00000000 usb_pci_probe() Found Synopsis OTG-2, baseAddr:0xbe106000, IRQ:83 usb_hcd_init() probe PCI function:2 !! otg_host_power_set() USB Host0 Power OFF usb_host_power_set() isOn:1 usb_host_power_set() Previous power off:0, current time:0 usb_host_power_set(1) min time delay:6000, current delay:0 usb_host_power_set() Need delay:6500 **********0 usb_host_power_set(2) min time delay:6000, current delay:0 dwc_otg_vbus_on(NULL) Enable USB power!! otg_host_power_set() USB Host1 Power OFF usb_host_power_set() isOn:1 usb_hcd_init() func(0):0 usb_hcd_init() func(1):0 usb_hcd_init() func(2):0 usb_hcd_init() func(3):0 usb_hcd_init() func(4):0 usb_hcd_init() func(5):1 localhc_init() install otg driver(host_drv = 0x809201F8, otg_driver=0x809201F8). usb_hcd_init() func(6):1 localhc_init() install otg driver(host_drv = 0x809201F8, otg_driver=0x809201F8). usb_hcd_init(): succ. [USB-INIT] main() ====== after call UsbSysInit() InitCommSys: RESOURCE_BASE = 141, NUMRES = 640 InitCommSys: EVENT_BASE = 339, NUMEVT = 818 InitCommSys: MAILBOX_BASE = 6, NUMMBX = 64 RUNTASK id=20 period_task... [Dhcpd_Start] RUNTASK id=21 dhcp_daemon... RUNTASK id=22 dhcp_clt... on interface 3 main()> usb:1, ftp:0 Primary image: 0, flash area 1 found signature: 78h 56h 34h 12h ulImgLens=2228032, LENGTH[1]-12=6291444, type:0 length checking OK [0]2 find End at 0xFFFFFFFFB149FC00 len=2228032, type=0 found signature: 78h 56h 34h 12h ulImgLens=1384128, LENGTH[1]-12=6291444, type:10 length checking OK [1]2 find End at 0xFFFFFFFFB15F1C00 len=1384128, type=10 found signature: 78h 56h 34h 12h ulImgLens=243042, LENGTH[1]-12=6291444, type:11 length checking OK [2]2 find End at 0xFFFFFFFFB162D400 len=243042, type=11 found signature: 78h 56h 34h 12h ulImgLens=238377, LENGTH[1]-12=6291444, type:12 length checking OK [3]2 find End at 0xFFFFFFFFB1667800 len=238377, type=12 ---[ LZMA head start in 0xFFFFFFFFB1667C00 ]--- found signature: 78h 56h 34h 12h ulImgLens=348593, LENGTH[1]-12=6291444, type:50 length checking OK [4]2 find End at 0xFFFFFFFFB16BCC00 len=348593, type=50 ---[ LZMA head start in 0xFFFFFFFFB16BD000 ]--- found signature: 78h 56h 34h 12h ulImgLens=363500, LENGTH[1]-12=6291444, type:90 length checking OK [5]2 find End at 0xFFFFFFFFB1715C00 len=363500, type=90 Image[1] at 0xB1280000, len=2228032, type=0 Image[2] at 0xB14A0000, len=1384128, type=10 Image[3] at 0xB15F2000, len=243042, type=11 Image[4] at 0xB162D800, len=238377, type=12 Image[5] at 0xB1667C00, len=348593, type=50 Image[6] at 0xB16BD000, len=363500, type=90 [get_web_address] Web-0: addr:0xb14a0000, len:1384128, type:10 [get_web_address] Web-1: addr:0xb15f2000, len:243042, type:11 [get_web_address] Web-2: addr:0xb162d800, len:238377, type:12 getUnZipFileLength: [ZIP 3] getUnZipFileLength: [ZIP 1] Unzipping from B14A0000 to 87C77800 ... [ZIP 3] [ZIP 2] done Uncompressed size = 2655424 getUnZipFileLength: [ZIP 3] getUnZipFileLength: [ZIP 1] [absread] flash_init: pfs image found at ffffffffb15f2000, size is 1317384 bytes Unzipping from B15F2000 to 87B35A00 ... [ZIP 3] [ZIP 2] done Uncompressed size = 1317384 RUNTASK httpd... RUNTASK id=28 SSLClient ... g_Client_Cert_Array=0x82bad3e0 RUNTASK id=29 dnsproxy... startNBIOSTask()... RUNTASK id=30 nbios_main... RUNTASK id=31 padmin_task_entry... RUNTASK id=32 dhcpd_mgmt_task... runDDNS() ddns_enable:0, DDNSTaskRun:0, needReRunDDNS:1 UPnP task run-up... upnpFunc:1 UPNP Device initialize success! slot=33 TR64 is enabled TR64 Device initialize success! slot=34 update_device_OUI: OUI_str=1CC63C [0] Allocate mailbox 6 [0] Allocate mailbox 7 Begin search NamePath = InternetGatewayDevice.DeviceInfo.FirstUseDateBegin search NamePath = InternetGatewayDevice.DeviceInfo.Fir stUseDateFirstUseDate:2012-03-09T00:01:02 UART RX Input Starting Multitask... rzMemory start: 0x82A4DBD0, end 0x82BAD3D0, size 1439744RUNTASK id=37 xdsl_mgmt_task... [0] Allocate resource 141, FreeResource = 1 ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x8611909f module 8 regid 0 regbit 8 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module SPI has been activated 1 times before [KERN_INFO]IFX SSC driver, version 2.1.3, (c)2009 Infineon Technologies AG call ifx_ssc_init() = 0 ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x8611809f module 12 regid 0 regbit 12 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module GPTC has been activated 1 times before [KERN_INFO]gptu: totally 6 16-bit timers/counters IrqConnect : IRQ = 118, Handler = 0x80356F50 [KERN_INFO]gptu: succeeded to request irq 118 IrqConnect : IRQ = 119, Handler = 0x80356F50 [KERN_INFO]gptu: succeeded to request irq 119 IrqConnect : IRQ = 120, Handler = 0x80356F50 [KERN_INFO]gptu: succeeded to request irq 120 IrqConnect : IRQ = 121, Handler = 0x80356F50 [KERN_INFO]gptu: succeeded to request irq 121 IrqConnect : IRQ = 122, Handler = 0x80356F50 [KERN_INFO]gptu: succeeded to request irq 122 IrqConnect : IRQ = 123, Handler = 0x80356F50 [KERN_INFO]gptu: succeeded to request irq 123 do_div error ??? [KERN_INFO]ifx_gptu_timer_set(4, 16000), divider = 15625000 request_timer(4, 0x0000010D, 15625000) [KERN_INFO]request_timer(4, 0x0000010D, 15625000)...ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x8611809f module 12 regid 0 regbit 12 ifx_pmu_set: Module GPTC has been activated 2 times before successful! Init timer (4) - OK do_div error ??? [KERN_INFO]ifx_gptu_timer_set(6, 100000), divider = 2500000 request_timer(6, 0x0000010D, 2500000) [KERN_INFO]request_timer(6, 0x0000010D, 2500000)...successful! Init timer (6) - OK RUNTASK id=39 apAppInit... RUNTASK id=42 vinax_task... start http redir. RUNTASK id=43 hr_daemon... RUNTASK id=44 hr_misc_daemon... --> vinax_task() started ... <6>ADM5120 Board Driver, Version <6>(c) Copyright 2003, Infineon Technologies AG Board_InitIrq! Board_InitIrq! --> drv_danube_rb_init() finished ... MEI CPE Driver, Version 1.0.2 (c) Copyright 2009, Infineon Technologies AG ### MEI CPE - MEI CPE - MEI CPE - MEI CPE ### Using major number 0 ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x8611809f module 9 regid 0 regbit 9 ifx_pmu_set: Module DSL-DFE has been activated 2 times before --> drv_vinax_init() finished ... xSpeedtsk priority is 80 --> DSL_ModuleInit() finished ... -->VINAX control device open finished ... T >> init dev: base address = 0xBE116000 T >> parse: opt value = 99 T >> open device: /dev/mei_cpe/0. T >> ioct(FIO_MEI_DEV_INIT): baseaddr = 0xBE116000, IRQ = 99 pInitDev->meiBaseAddr=0xbe116000 hwVers=0x230 MEI_DRV[00]: INIT DEVICE - NO INTERUPTS --> ACTIVE POLL MODE MEI_DRV[00]: Start Driver Control Thread ##### [IFXOS_ThreadInit] name <VnxCtrl>, tid 48, nStackSize=10000 T >> Line = 00 Return = 0 T >> MEI DBG WrOff: 0x000E2000 T >> MEI DBG Dest: 0x00000002 T >> Value: 0x00000001 T >> open device: /dev/mei_cpe/0. T >> ioct(.., FIO_MEI_DBG_WRITE, ..): off=0x000E2000, des=2, count=1 T >> DBG Dest[2] Write[0x000E2000] = 0x81D46638 T >> DONE - ioct(.., FIO_MEI_DBG_WRITE, ..) T >> Line = 00 Return = 0 --> drv_vinax_cfg() finished ... [DSL_CPE_ArgParse] fw1 name= Image[1] at 0xB1280000, len=2228032, type=0 Image[2] at 0xB14A0000, len=1384128, type=10 Image[3] at 0xB15F2000, len=243042, type=11 Image[4] at 0xB162D800, len=238377, type=12 Image[5] at 0xB1667C00, len=348593, type=50 Image[6] at 0xB16BD000, len=363500, type=90 [get_datapump_address] Datapump for Annex A0:4, B0:-1, C0:-1 [get_datapump_address] Datapump for Annex A1:-1, B1:-1, C1:-1 [get_datapump_address] r_img=4, t_img=6 Unzip VDSL2 firmware ... Unzipping from B1667C00 to 866E3800 ... [ZIP 2] done Uncompressed size = 775540 ###ERROR: VDSL image exceed its buffer!!! DSL_CPE_Open called DSL_DRV_Open called DSL_DRV_HandleInit called DSL_CPE: Device /dev/dsl_cpe_api/0 opened successfully DSL_FIO_VERSION_INFORMATION_GET=0xc0247204 in control DSL_FIO_INSTANCE_CONTROL_SET=0xc00c7224 in control DSL_FIO_EVENT_STATUS_MASK_CONFIG_SET=0xc00c721d in control DSL_FIO_EVENT_STATUS_MASK_CONFIG_SET=0xc00c721d in control DSL_FIO_EVENT_STATUS_MASK_CONFIG_SET=0xc00c721d in control DSL_FIO_EVENT_STATUS_MASK_CONFIG_SET=0xc00c721d in control DSL_FIO_EVENT_STATUS_MASK_CONFIG_SET=0xc00c721d in control DSL_FIO_EVENT_STATUS_MASK_CONFIG_SET=0xc00c721d in control DSL_FIO_EVENT_STATUS_MASK_CONFIG_SET=0xc00c721d in control DSL_FIO_EVENT_STATUS_MASK_CONFIG_SET=0xc00c721d in control DSL_FIO_EVENT_STATUS_MASK_CONFIG_SET=0xc00c721d in control DSL_FIO_EVENT_STATUS_MASK_CONFIG_SET=0xc00c721d in control DSL_FIO_EVENT_STATUS_MASK_CONFIG_SET=0xc00c721d in control DSL_FIO_EVENT_STATUS_MASK_CONFIG_SET=0xc00c721d in control DSL_FIO_EVENT_STATUS_MASK_CONFIG_SET=0xc00c721d in control DSL_FIO_EVENT_STATUS_MASK_CONFIG_SET=0xc00c721d in control DSL_FIO_EVENT_STATUS_MASK_CONFIG_SET=0xc00c721d in control DSL_FIO_EVENT_STATUS_MASK_CONFIG_SET=0xc00c721d in control DSL_FIO_EVENT_STATUS_MASK_CONFIG_SET=0xc00c721d in control DSL_CPE: Firmware WHAT String1: V_5. DSL_CPE: Firmware AppType: 6 DSL_CPE: Firmware WHAT String2: 5.4.1.A.1.1 DSL_CPE: Firmware AppType: 1 DSL_CPE: Firmware features (vcpe_hw.bin): 0x5 ANNEX A in DSL_CPE_DeviceInit pData->data.pFirmware=0x866e3800 pData->data.nFirmwareSize=0xbd574 DSL_DRV_FwDownload called pCurr->eventWaitQueue=47 DSL_FW_REQUEST_ADSL in DSL_DRV_DEV_FwDownload hwVers=0x230 ifno2dot1x_if[2]=0 ifno2dot1x_if[23]=81 dot1x_wireless_if_mask=0x800004 fwrite_specialConfigPara() Save random seed:6793020 dns_table[0] name = "Livebox"; dns_table[0] ip = ""; dns_table[0] fixed=1, ttl=3600000; init psock cnt=1 ProDAAInitialize: SPI INIT first now ProSlicID -2103127660 ProSlicCS 1 Lantiq TAPI device driver, version, (c) 2001-2010 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH [50] Allocate mailbox 8 TAPI_init_task_queue: enter loop..8 hwVers=0x230 MEI_InternalFirmwareDownload called DSL_CPE: User Thread Startup <evnthnd>, TID 49 (PID 49) - ENTER evtWaitQue=47 RUNTASK id=17 Metalink_NetTask ... [40] Allocate mailbox 9 [40] Allocate mailbox 10 [40] Allocate mailbox 11 [40] Allocate mailbox 12 [40] Allocate mailbox 13 [40] Allocate mailbox 14 [40] Allocate mailbox 15 [40] Allocate mailbox 16 [40] Allocate mailbox 17 [40] Allocate mailbox 18 [40] Allocate mailbox 19 [40] Allocate mailbox 20 [40] Allocate mailbox 21 [40] Allocate mailbox 22 [40] Allocate mailbox 23 [40] Allocate mailbox 24 [40] Allocate resource 142, FreeResource = 2 ifx_tapi_KPI_IngressThread() check: [TAPIkpi_in],803FBD08,pid=0, 51 ##### [IFXOS_ThreadInit] name <TAPIkpi_in>, tid 51, nStackSize=8000 [40] Allocate resource 143, FreeResource = 3 Lantiq MIPS34KEc MPS driver, version, (c) 2006-2010 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH request_timer(2, 0x000001AE, 1) [KERN_INFO]request_timer(2, 0x000001AE, 1)...successful! ifx_mps_init_gpt() - calibration done, waited 626 loops! ifx_mps_init_structures request_irq 1 146 IrqConnect : IRQ = 146, Handler = 0x8041E450 ifx_mps_init_structures request_irq 2 147 IrqConnect : IRQ = 147, Handler = 0x8041E58C ifx_mps_init_structures request_irq 3 0 142 IrqConnect : IRQ = 142, Handler = 0x8041E634 ifx_mps_init_structures request_irq 3 1 143 IrqConnect : IRQ = 143, Handler = 0x8041E634 ifx_mps_init_structures request_irq 3 2 144 IrqConnect : IRQ = 144, Handler = 0x8041E634 ifx_mps_init_structures request_irq 3 3 145 IrqConnect : IRQ = 145, Handler = 0x8041E634 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IFXOS_EventInit event number 1 ifx_tapi_DeviceCreate: ndev = 0, TapiDev 82A42240 [40] Allocate resource 144, FreeResource = 4 ifx_tapi_ChannelPrepare: nChannel 0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IFXOS_EventInit event number 2 ifx_tapi_ChannelPrepare: nChannel 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IFXOS_EventInit event number 3 ifx_tapi_ChannelPrepare: nChannel 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IFXOS_EventInit event number 4 ifx_tapi_ChannelPrepare: nChannel 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IFXOS_EventInit event number 5 ifx_tapi_ChannelPrepare: nChannel 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IFXOS_EventInit event number 6 ifx_tapi_ChannelPrepare: nChannel 5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IFXOS_EventInit event number 7 ifx_tapi_ChannelPrepare: nChannel 6 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IFXOS_EventInit event number 8 ifx_tapi_ChannelPrepare: nChannel 7 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IFXOS_EventInit event number 9 [40] Allocate resource 145, FreeResource = 5 Lantiq VMMC device driver, version, (c) 2006-2010 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH vpe1_mem = 200000 stlb = 0, vpe0_wired = 0 vpe1_wired=1 Wired TLB entries for Linux read_c0_wired() = 0 VMMC_Open : Major 122 Minor 10 VMMC_LL_Open: 8121a61c VMMC_Open --> 82a2fdb4 VMMC_handle[0] : 82a2fdb4 VMMC_Open : Major 122 Minor 11 VMMC_LL_Open: 8121a68c VMMC_Open --> 82a2fd98 VMMC_handle[1] : 82a2fd98 VMMC_Open : Major 122 Minor 12 VMMC_LL_Open: 8121a6d4 VMMC_Open --> 82a2fd7c VMMC_handle[2] : 82a2fd7c VMMC_Open : Major 122 Minor 13 VMMC_LL_Open: 8121a71c VMMC_Open --> 82a2fd60 VMMC_handle[3] : 82a2fd60 VMMC_Open : Major 122 Minor 14 VMMC_LL_Open: 8121a764 VMMC_Open --> 82a2fd44 VMMC_handle[4] : 82a2fd44 VMMC_Open : Major 122 Minor 15 VMMC_LL_Open: 8121a7ac VMMC_Open --> 82a2fd28 VMMC_handle[5] : 82a2fd28 VMMC_Open : Major 122 Minor 16 VMMC_LL_Open: 8121a7f4 VMMC_Open --> 82a2fd0c VMMC_handle[6] : 82a2fd0c VMMC_Open : Major 122 Minor 17 VMMC_LL_Open: 8121a83c VMMC_Open --> 82a2fcf0 VMMC_handle[7] : 82a2fcf0 VMMC_Open : Major 122 Minor 18 VMMC_LL_Open: 8121a884 VMMC_Open --> 82a2fcd4 VMMC_handle[8] : 82a2fcd4 [40] Allocate resource 146, FreeResource = 6 [40] Allocate resource 147, FreeResource = 7 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IFXOS_EventInit event number 10 [get_vcpufirmware_address] DSP firmware: [5 -1], dCnt:1 Unzipping from B16BD000 to 852DE9C8 ... [ZIP 2] modem state = 00000000 [xDSL] vinax_modem_state = 0x0000 done Uncompressed size = 526476 IFX_MPS: Download firmware (size 526476 bytes)... cpu1_base_addr 87f00000 (0) VPE loader: VPE1 running successfully PKCS12_PBE_add> PKCS12_PBE_add> support RC4 PKCS12_PBE_add> support DES PKCS12_PBE_add> support RC2 VFS_eventTsk() Event handling task start-up... [dhcp_clt] enable dhcp client in interface ATM1[3] [USBLPT] Printer Initialize Fail : Plug Out !! padmin_task_entry() task running ********** upnp_main() Unsupportted UPnP root device[0]: UPnP upnp_main(1-0) Run-up UPnP device IGD... readXML: fname=/igd.xml TR64DBUG::TR64_Main> Start: TR64DBUG::TR64_Main> ServiceTable @ 0x808E4630, ServiceNum= 369098752 TR64DBUG::TR64_Init> Start: [Auto-Cfg VC] Original PVC=8/32, IFNO=3 hr_daemon> port 32769. [USB] dwc3884_start() Core id:0, funcIdx:5 setSynopsisPower() check clock gating... pll0 N = 124, M = 8, PLL_BP = 0, PLL_EN = 1 pll1 N = 64, M = 5, K_hi = 467, K_lo = 659, phdiven = 1, dsmsel = 1, modulo = 2 PLL_BP = 0 PLL_EN = 1 pll2 N = 11, M = 0, PLL_BP = 0, PLL_EN = 1 do_div error ??? pll0_fosc = 1000000000 do_div error ??? pll1_fosc = 392934082 pll2_fosc = 864000000 cpu clock = 500000000 DDR clock = 250000000 FPI bus 1 = 250000000 FPI bus 2 = 250000000 PP32 clock = 432000000 do_div error ??? PCI clock = 33333333 Ethernet MII0= 50000000 Ethernet MII1= 50000000 *IFX_CGU_IF_CLK 10e08008 USB clock = 12000000 Clockout0 = 0 Clockout1 = 0 Clockout2 = 0 Clockout3 = 0 ifx_get_fpi_hz 250000000 *IFX_CGU_IF_CLK 10e0800b setSynopsisPower() set power... ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x86118093 module 6 regid 0 regbit 6 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module USB0-CTRL has been activated 1 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x86118093 module 27 regid 0 regbit 27 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module USB1-CTRL has been activated 1 times before setSynopsisPower() USB PHY configurations... setSynopsisPower() set PMU... ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x86118092 module 0 regid 0 regbit 0 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module USB0-PHY has been activated 1 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x82118092 module 26 regid 0 regbit 26 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module USB1-PHY has been activated 1 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x82118092 module 9 regid 0 regbit 9 ifx_pmu_set: Module DSL-DFE has been activated 3 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x82110092 module 15 regid 0 regbit 15 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module AHBM has been activated 1 times before [USB] dwc3884_start() DWC3884 core version:0x4F54281A, 2.81a, channel:16 [USB] dwc3884_reset(XR9) Reset In, core_id:0 [USB] dwc3884_reset(VR9) IFX_RCU_USB0_CFG:0xBF203018, var:0x00001480 [USB] dwc3884_reset(VR9) IFX_RCU_USB1_CFG:0xBF203034, var:0x00001400 [USB] dwc3884_reset(VR9) IFX_RCU_RST_REQ:0xBF203010 [USB] dwc3884_reset() rstctl:0xBE101010 [USB] dwc3884_start() intsts:0xBE101014, var:0x54000029 ptp Daemon task running lpd Daemon task running [USB ROOTHUB_LOOP] RUNTASK id=53 lpd_main ... [USB] lpd_init() End. printer schedule task running upnp_Init(0) upnpGlobalInit[1]:0 MEI_DRV: Cntrl Thr Enter - VnxCtrl pCurr->eventWaitQueue=47 pCurr->eventWaitQueue=47 Autoboot State: firmwareReady ##### [IFXOS_ThreadInit] name <autbtex>, tid 56, nStackSize=10000 ##### [IFXOS_ThreadInit] name <pmex_ne>, tid 57, nStackSize=10000 ##### [IFXOS_ThreadInit] name <pmex_fe>, tid 58, nStackSize=10000 pCurr->eventWaitQueue=47 DSL_CPE: Device initialized succeeded (ret=0). pCurr->eventWaitQueue=47 Autoboot State: Init DSL_CPE_Event_S_AutobootStatusHandle called nReturn=0 nData="67C3 0001 0001 " StatusData.nStatus=1 >>>>>> usbd_new_device: adding unit bus:1, addr=1, rev=0200, class=9, subclass=0, protocol=1, maxpacket=64, len=18, speed=3 usbd_probe_and_attach(Hub)> Reopen STATIC default pipe OK usbd_open_pipe_intr: addr:1, ep address=0x81 flags=0x4 len=1 usbd_open_pipe_intr: ipipe=8667CD40 repeat=0 xfer=A5F037A0 pCurr->eventWaitQueue=47 set dms 67C3 1B 1 2300 nReturn=0 nData="67C3 001B 0001 " pCurr->eventWaitQueue=47 StatusData.nStatus=2 Autoboot State: Train modem state = 00000100 [xDSL] vinax_modem_state = 0x0100 usbd_probe_and_attach,probe 1! [USB] dwc3884_start() Core id:1, funcIdx:6 [USB] dwc3884_start() DWC3884 core version:0x4F54281A, 2.81a, channel:16 [USB] dwc3884_reset(XR9) Reset In, core_id:1 [USB] dwc3884_reset() rstctl:0xBE106010 [USB] dwc3884_start() intsts:0xBE106014, var:0x54000029 >>>>>> usbd_new_device: adding unit bus:2, addr=1, rev=0200, class=9, subclass=0, protocol=1, maxpacket=64, len=18, speed=3 usbd_probe_and_attach(Hub)> Reopen STATIC default pipe OK usbd_open_pipe_intr: addr:1, ep address=0x81 flags=0x4 len=1 usbd_open_pipe_intr: ipipe=8667D4C0 repeat=0 xfer=A5F0B7E0 SSDP Initialization completed... readXML: fname=/tr64_igd.xml >> Parse Service 'urn:dslforum-org:service:DeviceInfo:1' : TRUE >> Parse Service 'urn:dslforum-org:service:DeviceConfig:1' : TRUE >> Parse Service 'urn:dslforum-org:service:LANEthernetInterfaceConfig:1' : TRUE >> Parse Service 'urn:dslforum-org:service:WLANConfiguration:1' : TRUE >> Parse Device 'urn:dslforum-org:device:LANDevice:1' : TRUE >> Parse Service 'urn:dslforum-org:service:WANDSLInterfaceConfig:1' : TRUE >> Parse Service 'urn:dslforum-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1' : TRUE >> Parse Device 'urn:dslforum-org:device:WANConnectionDevice:1' : TRUE >> Parse Device 'urn:dslforum-org:device:WANDevice:1' : TRUE >> Parse Device 'urn:dslforum-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1' : TRUETR64DBUG::TR64_Init> tr64_pDevRoot->szDescUrl: "http://19" TR64DBUG::TR64_InitReqList> Start: TR64DBUG::TR64_InitReqList> End. TR64::TR64_Init> RUNTASK id=59 TR64_ProcessRequest... >>>>>>>>>>FRegisterDevice pDev->rootDevHeadType = [0] >>>>>>>>>>FRegisterDevice pDev->rootDevHeadType = [0] >>>>>>>>>>FRegisterDevice pDev->rootDevHeadType = [0] >>>>>>>>>>FRegisterDevice pDev->rootDevHeadType = [0] TR64DBUG::TR64_Init> End. TR64DBUG::TR64_Main> End. usbd_probe_and_attach,probe 1! startExplore() usb explore task run-up, slot:0, tsk_id:34, reason:0 usb_hc_install_interrupt() Install OTG-1 interrupt 54 IrqConnect : IRQ = 54, Handler = 0x803A79A4 IrqConnect : IRQ = 60, Handler = 0x803AC304 usb_hc_install_interrupt() Install OTG-2 interrupt 83 IrqConnect : IRQ = 83, Handler = 0x803A79D0 USB Module: Version 2.0.0 build Mar 9 2012 18:05:03 usb_explore_task() Begin ... GenaInit : event_hook is NULL!! >> Parse Service 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:service:OSInfo:1' : TRUE >> Parse Service 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:Layer3Forwarding:1' : TRUE >> Parse Service 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1' : TRUE >> Parse Service 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANEthernetLinkConfig:1' : TRUE >> Parse Service 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1' : TRUE >> Parse Service 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1' : TRUE >> Parse Device 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANConnectionDevice:1' : TRUE >> Parse Device 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANDevice:1' : TRUE >> Parse Device 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1' : TRUE ********** upnp_main1() Record pDevRoot[1]:829e14dc >>>>>>>>>>FRegisterDevice pDev->rootDevHeadType = [0] >>>>>>>>>>FRegisterDevice pDev->rootDevHeadType = [0] >>>>>>>>>>FRegisterDevice pDev->rootDevHeadType = [0] >>>> UPNP init IGD device successfully ... upnp_main(2-0) Run-up UPnP device TR64... readXML: fname=/tr64_igd.xml upnp_Init(0) upnpGlobalInit[2]:0 >> Parse Service 'urn:dslforum-org:service:DeviceInfo:1' : TRUE >> Parse Service 'urn:dslforum-org:service:DeviceConfig:1' : TRUE >> Parse Service 'urn:dslforum-org:service:LANEthernetInterfaceConfig:1' : TRUE >> Parse Service 'urn:dslforum-org:service:WLANConfiguration:1' : TRUE >> Parse Device 'urn:dslforum-org:device:LANDevice:1' : TRUE >> Parse Service 'urn:dslforum-org:service:WANDSLInterfaceConfig:1' : TRUE >> Parse Service 'urn:dslforum-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1' : TRUE >> Parse Device 'urn:dslforum-org:device:WANConnectionDevice:1' : TRUE >> Parse Device 'urn:dslforum-org:device:WANDevice:1' : TRUE >> Parse Device 'urn:dslforum-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1' : TRUE ********** upnp_main1() Record pDevRoot[2]:829b4c20 TR64DBUG::TR64_UPnPInit> Start: >>>>>>>>>>FRegisterDevice pDev->rootDevHeadType = [1] >>>>>>>>>>FRegisterDevice pDev->rootDevHeadType = [0] >>>>>>>>>>FRegisterDevice pDev->rootDevHeadType = [0] >>>>>>>>>>FRegisterDevice pDev->rootDevHeadType = [0] >>>> UPNP init TR64 device successfully ... upnp_main(3-0) Run-up UPnP device WPS-WCN... readXML: fname=/wcn.xml upnp_Init(0) upnpGlobalInit[3]:0 >> Parse Service 'urn:schemas-wifialliance-org:service:WFAWLANConfig:1' : TRUE >> Parse Device 'urn:schemas-wifialliance-org:device:WFADevice:1' : TRUE ********** upnp_main1() Record pDevRoot[3]:8299f2cc >>>>>>>>>>FRegisterDevice pDev->rootDevHeadType = [0] >>>> UPNP init WPS-WCN device successfully ... upnp_main(4-0) Run-up UPnP device AV Media Server... readXML: fname=/avServer.xml upnp_Init(0) upnpGlobalInit[4]:0 >> Parse Service 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1' : TRUE >> Parse Service 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1' : TRUE >> Parse Service '' : TRUE >> Parse Device 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1' : TRUE ********** upnp_main1() Record pDevRoot[4]:82993cf8 >>>>>>>>>>FRegisterDevice pDev->rootDevHeadType = [0] QueryCurrentConnectionIDs.... >>>> UPNP init AV Media Server device successfully ... ********** upnp_main() Unsupportted UPnP root device[5]: AV Media Renderer ********** upnp_main() Unsupportted UPnP root device[6]: Printer modem state = 00000200 [xDSL] vinax_modem_state = 0x0200 IFXOS_EventWait: -20 ifx_mps_get_fw_version: ifx_mps_mbx_write_message... ifx_mps_get_fw_version: Before sleep ifx_mps_get_fw_version: After sleep! ifx_mps_get_fw_version: ifx_mps_mbx_read_message retval 0 bytes_read 8 ok! Version up and running... VMMC_TAPI_LL_FW_Start: ifx_mps_ioctl ret 0 IFX_TAPI_Phone_Init: TAPI FW_Start 0 [40] Allocate resource 148, FreeResource = 8 [40] Allocate resource 149, FreeResource = 9 [40] Allocate resource 150, FreeResource = 10 [40] Allocate resource 151, FreeResource = 11 [40] Allocate resource 152, FreeResource = 12 [40] Allocate resource 153, FreeResource = 13 [40] Allocate resource 154, FreeResource = 14 [40] Allocate resource 155, FreeResource = 15 [40] Allocate resource 156, FreeResource = 16 [40] Allocate resource 157, FreeResource = 17 [40] Allocate resource 158, FreeResource = 18 [40] Allocate resource 159, FreeResource = 19 [40] Allocate resource 160, FreeResource = 20 [40] Allocate resource 161, FreeResource = 21 [40] Allocate resource 162, FreeResource = 22 [40] Allocate resource 163, FreeResource = 23 [40] Allocate resource 164, FreeResource = 24 [40] Allocate resource 165, FreeResource = 25 [40] Allocate resource 166, FreeResource = 26 [40] Allocate resource 167, FreeResource = 27 [40] Allocate resource 168, FreeResource = 28 [40] Allocate resource 169, FreeResource = 29 [40] Allocate resource 170, FreeResource = 30 [40] Allocate resource 171, FreeResource = 31 [40] Allocate resource 172, FreeResource = 32 [40] Allocate resource 173, FreeResource = 33 [40] Allocate resource 174, FreeResource = 34 [40] Allocate resource 175, FreeResource = 35 [40] Allocate resource 176, FreeResource = 36 [40] Allocate resource 177, FreeResource = 37 [40] Allocate resource 178, FreeResource = 38 [40] Allocate resource 179, FreeResource = 39 [40] Allocate resource 180, FreeResource = 40 IFXOS_EventWait: -20 IFXOS_EventWait: -20 IFXOS_EventWait: -20 IFXOS_EventWait: -20 IFXOS_EventWait: -20 VMMC_TAPI_LL_FW_Init: VMMC_ALM_SmartSLIC_ChGet 2 FXO 0 2 FWCAP: nPCM: 8 nALM: 2 nSIG: 5 nCOD: 5 nDECT: 6 FWCAP: nNLEC: 4 nWLEC: 4 nES: 4 nAGC: 5 nFAX: 5 FWCAP: nUTG:16 UTG/CH: 2 nMFTD: 5 nLIN: 2 FWCAP: nDTMFR: 5 nDTMFG: 5 nCIDS: 5 nCIDR: 5 VMMC_AddCaps: CODECS = 4cf IFXOS_EventWait: -20 IFXOS_EventWait: -20 IFXOS_EventWait: -20 IFXOS_EventWait: -20 IFXOS_EventWait: -20 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IFXOS_EventInit event number 11 [40] Allocate resource 181, FreeResource = 41 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IFXOS_EventInit event number 12 [40] Allocate resource 182, FreeResource = 42 IFXOS_EventWait: -20 IFXOS_EventWait: -20 IFXOS_EventWait: -20 IFXOS_EventWait: -20 IFX_TAPI_Phone_Init: TAPI BBD_Dnld 0 ===> Set PCM I/F 0 VMMC_handle:82a2fdb4 IFX_TAPI_Phone_Init: TAPI FW_Start 0 ===> VMMC_Ioctl: Phone 1 IFX_TAPI_LINE_TYPE ok! VMMC_Ioctl: Phone 1 IFXPHONE_SET_LINEFEED ok! VMMC_Ioctl: Phone 1 IFX_TAPI_MAP_DATA_ADD ok! Set PCM I/F 1 VMMC_handle:82a2fd98 IFX_TAPI_Phone_Init: TAPI FW_Start 0 ===> VMMC_Ioctl: Phone 2 IFX_TAPI_LINE_TYPE ok! VMMC_Ioctl: Phone 2 IFXPHONE_SET_LINEFEED ok! VMMC_Ioctl: Phone 2 IFX_TAPI_MAP_DATA_ADD ok! Set PCM I/F 2 VMMC_handle:82a2fd7c IFX_TAPI_Phone_Init: TAPI FW_Start 0 ===> Set PCM I/F 3 VMMC_handle:82a2fd60 IFX_TAPI_Phone_Init: TAPI FW_Start 0 ===> Set PCM I/F 4 VMMC_handle:82a2fd44 IFX_TAPI_Phone_Init: TAPI FW_Start 0 ===> Set PCM I/F 5 VMMC_handle:82a2fd28 IFX_TAPI_Phone_Init: TAPI FW_Start 0 ===> Set PCM I/F 6 VMMC_handle:82a2fd0c IFX_TAPI_Phone_Init: TAPI FW_Start 0 ===> Set PCM I/F 7 VMMC_handle:82a2fcf0 IFX_TAPI_Phone_Init: TAPI FW_Start 0 ===> Set PCM I/F 8 VMMC_handle:82a2fcd4 Setting HOOK Related Parameters 0 Setting HOOKFLASH_TIME min 50 ms max 350 ms Setting HOOKON_TIME min 320 max 320 Setting HOOK Related Parameters 1 Setting HOOKFLASH_TIME min 50 ms max 350 ms Setting HOOKON_TIME min 320 max 320 Setting HOOK Related Parameters 2 Setting HOOK Related Parameters 3 RUNTASK id=31 VINETIC_DRV_Task... [33] Allocate mailbox 25 RUNTASK id=33 VINETIC_T38_Task... RUNTASK id=62 FXO_flash_task... RUNTASK id=61 VOICE_API_task... ************** Enable ProDaaCheckInterrupt() detect 8465 Reset Duslic High begin 1: R01=ff 2: R01=ff 3: R01=ff 4: R01=ff 5: R01=ff 6: R01=ff 7: R01=ff 8: R01=ff 9: R01=ff 10: R01=ff 11: R01=ff 12: R01=ff 13: R01=ff 14: R01=ff 15: R01=ff 16: R01=ff 17: R01=ff 18: R01=ff apAppInit called 2???? pci_init 1 ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x80110092 module 15 regid 0 regbit 15 ifx_pmu_set: Module AHBM has been activated 2 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x80110092 module 13 regid 0 regbit 13 ifx_pmu_set: Module AHBS has been activated 2 times before call pcie_gpio_ep_reset_init ... pcie_gpio_ep_reset_init : reset pin 21 ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR1 = 0x0000006f module 32 regid 1 regbit 0 ifx_pmu_set: Actual disabling..........2 ifx_pmu_set: Module PCIE-PHY disactivated!!! ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR1 = 0x0000006f module 36 regid 1 regbit 4 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module PDI has been activated 1 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR1 = 0x0000006e module 32 regid 1 regbit 0 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module PCIE-PHY has been activated 1 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR1 = 0x0000006c module 33 regid 1 regbit 1 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module PCIE-CTRL has been activated 1 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR0 = 0x00110092 module 31 regid 0 regbit 31 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module PCIE_L0_CLK has been activated 1 times before ifx_pmu_set: PMU_PWDCR1 = 0x0000004c module 37 regid 1 regbit 5 ifx_pmu_set: Actual enabling.......... 1 ifx_pmu_set: Module MSI has been activated 1 times before pciauto_assign_resources : bus 1 pciauto_bus_scan : current_bus 1 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 0 ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 1 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 2 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 3 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 4 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 5 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 6 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 7 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 8 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 9 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn a pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn b pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn c pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn d pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn e pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn f pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 10 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 11 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 12 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 13 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 14 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 15 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 16 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 17 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 18 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 19 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 1a pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 1b pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 1c pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 1d pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 1e pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 1f pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 20 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 21 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 22 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 23 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 24 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 25 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 26 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 27 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 28 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 29 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 2a pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 2b pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 2c pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 2d pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 2e pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 2f pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 30 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 31 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 32 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 33 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 34 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 35 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 36 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 37 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 38 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 39 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 3a pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 3b pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 3c pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 3d pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 3e pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 3f pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 40 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 41 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 42 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 43 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 44 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 45 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 46 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 47 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 48 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 49 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 4a pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 4b pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 4c pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 4d pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 4e pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 4f pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 50 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 51 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 52 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 53 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 54 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 55 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 56 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 57 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 58 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 59 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 5a pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 5b pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 5c pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 5d pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 5e pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 5f pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 60 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 61 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 62 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 63 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 64 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 65 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 66 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 67 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 68 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 69 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 6a pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 6b pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 6c pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 6d pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 6e pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 6f pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 70 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 71 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 72 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 73 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 74 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 75 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 76 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 77 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 78 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 79 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 7a pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 7b pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 7c pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 7d pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 7e pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 7f pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 80 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 81 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 82 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 83 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 84 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 85 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 86 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 87 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 88 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 89 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 8a pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 8b pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 8c pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 8d pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 8e pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 8f pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 90 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 91 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 92 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 93 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 94 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 95 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 96 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 97 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 98 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 99 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 9a pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 9b pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 9c pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 9d pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 9e pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn 9f pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn a0 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn a1 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn a2 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn a3 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn a4 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn a5 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn a6 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn a7 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn a8 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn a9 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn aa pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn ab pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn ac pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn ad pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn ae pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn af pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn b0 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn b1 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn b2 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn b3 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn b4 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn b5 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn b6 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn b7 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn b8 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn b9 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn ba pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn bb pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn bc pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn bd pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn be pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn bf pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn c0 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn c1 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn c2 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn c3 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn c4 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn c5 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn c6 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn c7 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn c8 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn c9 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn ca pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn cb pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn cc pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn cd pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn ce pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn cf pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn d0 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn d1 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn d2 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn d3 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn d4 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn d5 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn d6 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn d7 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn d8 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn d9 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn da pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn db pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn dc pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn dd pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn de pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn df pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn e0 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn e1 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn e2 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn e3 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn e4 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn e5 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn e6 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn e7 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn e8 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn e9 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn ea pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn eb pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn ec pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn ed pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn ee pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn ef pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn f0 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn f1 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn f2 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn f3 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn f4 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn f5 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn f6 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn f7 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn f8 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn f9 pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn fa pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn fb pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn fc pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn fd pciauto_bus_scan : pci_devfn fe after pciauto_assign_resources ??? Scanning bus 00 pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 dev->pci_type=1 Found 00:00 [15d1/0011] 000604 01 Early fixups, before probing the BARs !!! PCI: Calling quirk 80393140 for 00:00.0 ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? PCI: Calling quirk 80393160 for 00:00.0 [KERN_INFO]ifx_pcie_rc_class_early_fixup: fixed pcie host bridge to pci-pci bridge ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot Fixups for bus 00 Scanning behind PCI bridge 00:00.0, config ff0100, pass 0 ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? Scanning behind PCI bridge 00:00.0, config ff0100, pass 1 ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? Scanning bus 01 pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 dev->pci_type=1 Found 01:00 [1a30/0710] 000d80 00 Early fixups, before probing the BARs !!! PCI: Calling quirk 80393140 for 01:00.0 pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot pci_type=1 in pci_scan_slot Fixups for bus 01 Bus scan for 01 returning with max=01 ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? ifx_pcie_write_config : bus_number = 0 ???? Bus scan for 00 returning with max=01 IrqConnect : IRQ = 97, Handler = 0x80393AB0 [KERN_INFO]IFX PCIe Root Complex driver, version 1.1.4, (c)2009 Infineon Technologies AG PCI: Calling quirk 80393E30 for 01:00.0 check dev->cfg_size <= 256 ??????? pcie_set_readrq : rq 80 pcie_set_readrq : ctl 1f msi_set_enable is called ??? arch_setup_msi_irqs(236) is called set_irq_msi : entry 85da448c irq 155 call set_irq_msi ???? get_irq_msi i 0 irq 155 : entry 85da448c irq 155 get_irq_msi return 85da448c call get_irq_msi ???? pci_intx_for_msi is called ???? pci_intx_for_msi is called ???? pci_intx: enable 0 msi_set_enable is called ??? pci_init 2 pci_find_slot bus 1 devfn 0 dev->bus->number 0 dev->devfn 0 dev->bus->number 1 dev->devfn 0 PCI_AH_probe: Vendor_id=1A30,Device_id=710 [HWLAN] devtag = 00000000 [HWLAN] Vendor ID 0x1a30 [HWLAN] Device ID 0x710 [HWLAN] Base Addr 0xb8000000 [HWLAN] SVendor ID 0x1a30 [HWLAN] SDevice ID 0x711 [HWLAN] Revision ID 0x1 [HWLAN] interrupt vector 0x1 Find PCI/PCIe interface at info=2 in tag=0 [0]install irq 155 IrqConnect : IRQ = 155, Handler = 0x8012C318 [39] Allocate resource 183, FreeResource = 43 pci_announce_device called pci_announce_device called set pci_type to 1 dev=0x81be3a68 in _mtlk_pci_init dev->pci_type=1 pcibios_set_master> lat=0x0 PCI: Setting latency timer of device 01:00.0 to 64 alloc_etherdev: name = wlan0 alloc_etherdev> dev->priv = 0x8142D774 ********** Get wlan0 dev=82BB8D68 [39] Allocate event 339 [39] Allocate event 340 [39] Allocate event 341 [39] Allocate event 342 [39] Allocate event 343 [39] Allocate event 344 [39] Allocate event 345 [39] Allocate event 346 [39] Allocate event 347 [39] Allocate event 348 [39] Allocate event 349 [39] Allocate event 350 [39] Allocate event 351 [39] Allocate event 352 [39] Allocate event 353 [39] Allocate event 354 [39] Allocate event 355 [39] Allocate event 356 [39] Allocate event 357 [39] Allocate event 358 [39] Allocate event 359 [39] Allocate event 360 [39] Allocate event 361 [39] Allocate event 362 [39] Allocate event 363 [39] Allocate event 364 [39] Allocate event 365 [39] Allocate event 366 [39] Allocate event 367 [39] Allocate event 368 [39] Allocate event 369 [39] Allocate event 370 [39] Allocate event 371 [39] Allocate event 372 [39] Allocate event 373 [39] Allocate event 374 [39] Allocate event 375 [39] Allocate event 376 [39] Allocate event 377 [39] Allocate event 378 [39] Allocate event 379 [39] Allocate event 380 [39] Allocate event 381 [39] Allocate event 382 [39] Allocate event 383 [39] Allocate event 384 [39] Allocate event 385 [39] Allocate event 386 [39] Allocate event 387 [39] Allocate event 388 [39] Allocate event 389 [39] Allocate event 390 [39] Allocate event 391 [39] Allocate event 392 [39] Allocate event 393 [39] Allocate event 394 [39] Allocate event 395 [39] Allocate event 396 [39] Allocate event 397 [39] Allocate event 398 [39] Allocate event 399 [39] Allocate event 400 [39] Allocate event 401 [39] Allocate event 402 [39] Allocate event 403 [39] Allocate event 404 [39] Allocate event 405 [39] Allocate event 406 [39] Allocate resource 184, FreeResource = 44 [39] Allocate event 407 [39] Allocate event 408 [39] Allocate event 409 [39] Allocate resource 185, FreeResource = 45 [39] Allocate event 410 [39] Allocate event 411 [39] Allocate event 412 ap_upper.bin: @@@ VERSION INFO @@@ version number: FW_3.1.0_Customers_r5058 MIPS: Upper CPU(TMC AGG AP) interface: PCI phy type: real phy on Jan 22 2012 at 16:48:21@@@ END @@@ contr_lm.bin: @@@ VERSION INFO @@@ version number: FW_3.1.0_Customers_r5058 MIPS: Lower MAC interface: -- phy type: real phy on Jan 22 2012 at 16:47:59@@@ END @@@ mtlk_core_start : nic 8142d774 , hw 8142dd44 19: R01=ff Reset Duslic end ProDAAInitialize: begin now ProDAAInitialize: Line-Side Device Status ff Port 2 sytem-side revision ff, line-side revision f init_DTMF_data: time 16399 force_daa_offhook ch 2 onoff 1 time 16399 ProDaaOffhook ff 2 onoff 1 CID_Detect CH 2 onoff 0 FXO_PolState_DTMFCID --> Disable DTMF CID force_daa_offhook ch 2 onoff 0 time 16458 ProDaaOffhook ff 2 onoff 0 CID_Detect CH 2 onoff 1 failed FXO_PolState_DTMFCID --> Detect Polarity Changed Enable DTMF CID FXS_FXO is talking now... Relay On now ch:0 >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 1 chID 0 >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 2 chID 1 >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 3 chID 4 >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 4 chID 5 >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 5 chID 6 >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 6 chID 7 >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 7 chID 0 >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 8 chID 0 When * the value is 60000 When * the value is 60000 When * the value is 60000 When * the value is 60000 sys_voip_cfg->cpt.reorder = 425@-230;20(0.24/0.24/1) TEL_DRV_TONE_REORDER duration = 480 [40] Allocate resource 186, FreeResource = 46 [40] Allocate mailbox 26 TEL_MGR_Init [40] Allocate resource 187, FreeResource = 47 tel_mgr_mutex=187 [40] Allocate mailbox 27 TEL_DM_Init [40] Allocate resource 188, FreeResource = 48 [40] Allocate resource 189, FreeResource = 49 TEL_MGR_VoiceChannelInit TEL_MGR_SetVoiceChannel 1 >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 1 chID 0 TEL_MGR_SetPhoneEC >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 1 chID 0 VMMC_TAPI_LL_ALM_LEC_Set Ch 0 pLecConf->nOpMode 2 pLecConf->bNlp 1 TEL_MGR_SetPhoneVAD >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 1 chID 0 VMMC_TAPI_LL_COD_VAD_Cfg CH 0 nVAD 0 TEL_MGR_SetPhoneGain >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 1 chID 0 Gain Tx -2, Rx -9 IFX_TAPI_LL_ALM_Volume_Set Ch 0 TxGain -2 RxGain -9 TEL_MGR_SetPhoneJitter >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 1 chID 0 TEL_MGR_SetVoiceChannel 2 >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 2 chID 1 TEL_MGR_SetPhoneEC >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 2 chID 1 VMMC_TAPI_LL_ALM_LEC_Set Ch 1 pLecConf->nOpMode 2 pLecConf->bNlp 1 TEL_MGR_SetPhoneVAD >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 2 chID 1 VMMC_TAPI_LL_COD_VAD_Cfg CH 1 nVAD 0 TEL_MGR_SetPhoneGain >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 2 chID 1 Gain Tx -2, Rx -9 IFX_TAPI_LL_ALM_Volume_Set Ch 1 TxGain -2 RxGain -9 TEL_MGR_SetPhoneJitter >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 2 chID 1 TEL_MGR_SetVoiceChannel 5 >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 5 chID 6 TEL_MGR_SetPhoneEC ##@@!! TEL_MGR_SetPhoneEC: USB_DECT_Phone need to change here TEL_MGR_SetPhoneVAD >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 5 chID 6 ##@@!! VOICE_DRV_SetVAD: channelId 6 >= USB_DECT_CHANNEL_START 5 TEL_MGR_SetPhoneGain ##@@!! TEL_MGR_SetPhoneGain: USB_DECT_Phone need to change here TEL_MGR_SetPhoneJitter ##@@!! TEL_MGR_SetPhoneJitter: USB_DECT_Phone need to change here TEL_MGR_SetVoiceChannel 6 >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 6 chID 7 TEL_MGR_SetPhoneEC ##@@!! TEL_MGR_SetPhoneEC: USB_DECT_Phone need to change here TEL_MGR_SetPhoneVAD >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 6 chID 7 ##@@!! VOICE_DRV_SetVAD: channelId 7 >= USB_DECT_CHANNEL_START 5 TEL_MGR_SetPhoneGain ##@@!! TEL_MGR_SetPhoneGain: USB_DECT_Phone need to change here TEL_MGR_SetPhoneJitter ##@@!! TEL_MGR_SetPhoneJitter: USB_DECT_Phone need to change here TEL_MGR_SetVoiceChannel 7 >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 7 chID 0 TEL_MGR_SetPhoneEC ##@@!! TEL_MGR_SetPhoneEC: USB_DECT_Phone need to change here TEL_MGR_SetPhoneVAD >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 7 chID 0 VMMC_TAPI_LL_COD_VAD_Cfg CH 0 nVAD 0 TEL_MGR_SetPhoneGain ##@@!! TEL_MGR_SetPhoneGain: USB_DECT_Phone need to change here TEL_MGR_SetPhoneJitter ##@@!! TEL_MGR_SetPhoneJitter: USB_DECT_Phone need to change here TEL_MGR_SetVoiceChannel 8 >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 8 chID 0 TEL_MGR_SetPhoneEC ##@@!! TEL_MGR_SetPhoneEC: USB_DECT_Phone need to change here TEL_MGR_SetPhoneVAD >>>> TEL_PORT_GetPhoneChannelId: phoneIdx = 8 chID 0 VMMC_TAPI_LL_COD_VAD_Cfg CH 0 nVAD 0 TEL_MGR_SetPhoneGain ##@@!! TEL_MGR_SetPhoneGain: USB_DECT_Phone need to change here TEL_MGR_SetPhoneJitter ##@@!! TEL_MGR_SetPhoneJitter: USB_DECT_Phone need to change here [40] Allocate resource 190, FreeResource = 50 [40] Allocate mailbox 28 [65] Allocate resource 191, FreeResource = 51 [65] Allocate resource 192, FreeResource = 52 [SIP_CORE_Task] sip_core_ready TEL_MGR_SetVoipPhoneEvtHookFunc TEL_MGR_SetVoipPhoneEvtHookFunc TEL_MGR_SetVoipPhoneEvtHookFunc TEL_MGR_SetVoipPhoneEvtHookFunc TEL_MGR_SetVoipPhoneEvtHookFunc TEL_MGR_SetVoipPhoneEvtHookFunc TEL_MGR_SetVoipPhoneEvtHookFunc TEL_MGR_SetVoipPhoneEvtHookFunc [40] Allocate resource 193, FreeResource = 53 [40] Allocate mailbox 29 VOICE_IVR_Init: voice_ivr_channel[0].ivrQueueId = 29 [40] Allocate mailbox 30 VOICE_IVR_Init: voice_ivr_channel[1].ivrQueueId = 30 [40] Allocate mailbox 31 VOICE_IVR_Init: voice_ivr_channel[2].ivrQueueId = 31 [40] Allocate mailbox 32 VOICE_IVR_Init: voice_ivr_channel[3].ivrQueueId = 32 [40] Allocate mailbox 33 VOICE_IVR_Init: voice_ivr_channel[4].ivrQueueId = 33 [40] Allocate mailbox 34 VOICE_IVR_Init: voice_ivr_channel[5].ivrQueueId = 34 [40] Allocate mailbox 35 VOICE_IVR_Init: voice_ivr_channel[6].ivrQueueId = 35 [40] Allocate mailbox 36 VOICE_IVR_Init: voice_ivr_channel[7].ivrQueueId = 36 TEL_MGR_DisableDebug TEL_IVR_CheckMICabort() Start !! [39] Allocate event 413 [39] Allocate event 414 [39] Allocate event 415 [39] Allocate resource 194, FreeResource = 54 [39] Allocate event 416 create mtlk kernel thread 8142d748 running mtlk kernel thread 8142d748 RUNTASK id=40(osdep 8142d748) Metalink kernel thread ... FXO_PCM_onoff 1 init_FXO_CH: IFX_TAPI_PCM_ACTIVATION_SET 0 error! VMMC_TAPI_LL_PCM_Volume_Set Ch 2 TxGain -10 RxGain -2 [reset_802dot1x] wireless module ready init_wpa 111111111=>configp->enableSSN =1 wpa2flag=6 wpa2flag=2 111111111=>configp->enableSSN =3 ie_set==> ie_set! enableSSN=3,SSNPSK=1 WPA ie built!!!!! blob_set_attachment i_set over gtk_setkeys 111111111=>configp->enableSSN =0 111111111=>configp->enableSSN =0 111111111=>configp->enableSSN =0 111111111=>configp->enableSSN =0 111111111=>configp->enableSSN =0 111111111=>configp->enableSSN =0 111111111=>configp->enableSSN =0 111111111=>configp->enableSSN =0 [reset_802dot1x] 802.1Xv2 ready [htf_dbg] - OnlineActiveWirless() 630 mtlk dev_close ====>>> [eric_dbg] - Set1Xconfig() 114 nRadio =0 [eric_dbg] -Set1Xconfig to set WPA2/WPA,but no need in wave300 ===============OnlineActiveWirless to set RSN ie============== ===============OnlineActiveWirless to set RSN ie over============== mtlk dev_open ====>>> =================RSN check!!!============================== =================RSN check over!!!============================== ifno2dot1x_if[2]=0 ifno2dot1x_if[23]=81 dot1x_wireless_if_mask=0x800004 [reset_802dot1x] wireless module ready init_wpa 111111111=>configp->enableSSN =1 wpa2flag=6 wpa2flag=2 111111111=>configp->enableSSN =3 ie_set==> ie_set! enableSSN=3,SSNPSK=1 WPA ie built!!!!! blob_set_attachment i_set over gtk_setkeys 111111111=>configp->enableSSN =0 111111111=>configp->enableSSN =0 111111111=>configp->enableSSN =0 111111111=>configp->enableSSN =0 111111111=>configp->enableSSN =0 111111111=>configp->enableSSN =0 111111111=>configp->enableSSN =0 111111111=>configp->enableSSN =0 [reset_802dot1x] 802.1Xv2 ready [onlineActive_mgmt_access]715 op:0********************************************* ****Wi-Fi Simple Config Application***** Version: Build 2.02.2.DTM1.1, Mar 9 2012 18:06:07 ********************************************* @#*@#*@#*EAP-WSC: Entered eap_wsc_init *#@*#@*#@ wsc_Send_UPNP_packet> enter wsc_Send_eap_packet:udpFdupnp_wcn:2b;;udpFdupnp:2d Entered udp_read *******wlan_update_appie start*********** ================wlan_confree_set_ie()================== ================wlan_confree_set_ie================== Config Method:0x84 ********************************************* ***Waiting for Registrar to connect...*** *********************************************
OEM U-Boot bootlog
U-Boot 2010.06-LANTIQ-v-2.0.26-dirty (Jul 25 2011 - 09:16:19) CLOCK CPU 500M RAM 250M DRAM: 128 MiB Flash: 32 MiB In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: fw_addr=0xa0200000 Internal phy(FE) firmware version: 0x8200 vr9 Switch Type "run flash_nfs" to mount root filesystem over NFS Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 VR9 # help ? - alias for 'help' base - print or set address offset bootm - boot application image from memory bootp - boot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocol cmp - memory compare cp - memory copy crc32 - checksum calculation echo - echo args to console erase - erase FLASH memory flinfo - print FLASH memory information go - start application at address 'addr' help - print command description/usage loady - load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode) loop - infinite loop on address range md - memory display mdio - mdio read and write mm - memory modify (auto-incrementing address) mtest - simple RAM read/write test mw - memory write (fill) nm - memory modify (constant address) ping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host printenv- print environment variables protect - enable or disable FLASH write protection rarpboot- boot image via network using RARP/TFTP protocol reset - Perform RESET of the CPU run - run commands in an environment variable saveenv - save environment variables to persistent storage setenv - set environment variables sleep - delay execution for some time tftpboot- boot image via network using TFTP protocol upgrade - upgrade - forward/backward copy memory to pre-defined flash location version - print monitor version VR9 # printenv bootdelay=3 baudrate=115200 preboot=echo;echo Type \"run flash_nfs\" to mount root filesystem over NFS;echo bootfile="uImage" mem=62M phym=64M ethaddr=00:E0:92:00:01:40 netdev=eth0 console=ttyS0 baudrate=115200 tftppath= loadaddr=0x80800000 rootpath=/mnt/full_fs rootfsmtd=/dev/mtdblock4 addip=setenv bootargs $(bootargs) ip=$(ipaddr):$(serverip):$(gatewayip):$(netmask):$(hostname):$(netdev):on addmisc=setenv bootargs $(bootargs) console=$(console),$(baudrate) ethaddr=$(ethaddr) phym=$(phym) mem=$(mem) panic=1 mtdparts=$(mtdparts) init=/etc/preinit M u-boot=u-boot.lq rootfs=rootfs.img fullimage=fullimage.img jffs2image=root.jffs2-128k.nor totalimage=totalimage.img flash_flash=run flashargs addip addmisc; bootm $(f_kernel_addr) update_uboot=tftpboot $(loadaddr) $(tftppath)$(u-boot); erase b0000000 +40000; cp.b $(loadaddr) b0000000 $(filesize); reset update_kernel=tftpboot $(loadaddr) $(tftppath)$(bootfile); erase $(f_kernel_addr) +$(f_kernel_size); cp.b $(loadaddr) $(f_kernel_addr) $(filesize) update_rootfs=tftpboot $(loadaddr) $(tftppath)$(rootfs); erase $(f_rootfs_addr) +$(f_rootfs_size); cp.b $(loadaddr) $(f_rootfs_addr) $(filesize) update_fullimage=tftpboot $(loadaddr) $(tftppath)$(fullimage); upgrade $(loadaddr) $(filesize) mtdparts=ifx_nor0:256k(uboot),256k(uboot_bin),128k(uboot_cfg),2m(kernel),10m(rootfs),11m(rootfs2),896k(sys_config),6m(supertask_img),1m(supertask_cfg),512k(s) reset_uboot_config=prot off 0xB0080000 0xB009FFFF; erase 0xB0080000 0xB009FFFF part0_begin=0xB0000000 part1_begin=0xB0040000 part2_begin=0xB0080000 part3_begin=0xB00A0000 part4_begin=0xB02A0000 part5_begin=0xB0CA0000 part6_begin=0xB11A0000 part7_begin=0xB1280000 part8_begin=0xB1E80000 part9_begin=0xB1F80000 total_part=10 flash_end=0xB1FFFFFF data_block0=uboot data_block1=uboot_bin data_block2=ubootconfig data_block3=kernel data_block4=rootfs data_block5=rootfs2 data_block6=sysconfig data_block7=supertask_img data_block8=supertask_cfg data_block9=supertask_bootcfg total_db=10 f_uboot_addr=0xB0000000 f_uboot_size=0x00040000 f_uboot_bin_addr=0xB0040000 f_uboot_bin_size=0x00040000 f_ubootconfig_addr=0xB0080000 f_ubootconfig_size=0x00020000 f_ubootconfig_end=0xB009FFFF f_kernel_addr=0xB00A0000 f_kernel_size=0x00200000 f_kernel_end=IFX_CFG_FLASH_KERNEL_IMAGE_END_ADDR f_rootfs2_addr=0xB0CA0000 f_rootfs2_size=0x00500000 f_sysconfig_addr=0xB11A0000 f_sysconfig_size=0x000E0000 f_ddrconfig_addr=0xB007FFE8 f_ddrconfig_size=24 f_supertask_img_addr=0xB1280000 f_supertask_img_size=0x00c00000 f_supertask_cfg_addr=0xB1E80000 f_supertask_cfg_size=0x00100000 f_supertask_bootcfg_addr=0xB1F80000 f_supertask_bootcfg_size=0x00080000 update_jffs2image=tftpboot $(loadaddr) $(tftppath)$(jffs2image); erase $(f_rootfs_addr) +0x0ce0000; upgrade $(loadaddr) $(filesize) update_flash=tftp $(loadaddr) flash2.img; protect off b0800000 +800000; erase b0800000 +800000; cp.b $(loadaddr) b0800000 800000; tftp $(loadaddr) flash1.im0 sw_version=01-01-101t1 hw_version=VR9 serial=00000000 ethact=vr9 Switch filesize=760040 fileaddr=80800000 f_rootfs_size=0x00760000 f_rootfs_addr=0xb02a0000 f_rootfs_end=0xb0a00000 f_rootfs_crc=CCB93F36 flashargs=setenv bootargs root=$(rootfsmtd) rw rootfstype=squashfs,jffs2 calibrate ipaddr= serverip= io= trunk=setenv f_kernel_addr 0xB0CA0000;run flash_flash bootcmd=run trunk stdin=serial stdout=serial stderr=serial
OEM OpenWrt bootlog
ROM VER: 1.0.5 CFG 01 Tuning DDR begin DDR Access auto data-eye tuning Rev 0.3a DDR size from 0xa0000000 - 0xa7ffffff DDR check ok... start booting... ======================================================================= Wireless ADSL IAD VR9 Loader v0.70.01 build Mar 26 2012 13:36:53 Arcadyan Technology Corporation ======================================================================= A1x VR9 0xbe22ff1c : 70240000 0xBf203014 : 70240000 MXIC MX29GL256EL top boot 16-bit mode found Copying boot params.....DONE Enter command mode ... Emergency value : 19 FLASH_AREA_IMAGE_0 is Linux, load image ... Ready to run firmware U-Boot 2010.06-LANTIQ-v-2.0.26-dirty (Jul 25 2011 - 09:16:19) CLOCK CPU 500M RAM 250M DRAM: 128 MiB Flash: 32 MiB In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: fw_addr=0xa0200000 Internal phy(FE) firmware version: 0x8200 vr9 Switch Type "run flash_nfs" to mount root filesystem over NFS Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at b016da90 ... Image Name: MIPS IFXCPE Linux- Created: 2011-07-19 2:38:13 UTC Image Type: MIPS Linux Kernel Image (lzma compressed) Data Size: 1254704 Bytes = 1.2 MiB Load Address: 80002000 Entry Point: 803a6000 Verifying Checksum ... OK Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK Starting kernel ... Infineon xDSL CPE VR9 mips_hpt_frequency = 250000000, counter_resolution = 2 Linux version (ammon@debian-GccCompiler) (gcc version 3.4.6 (OpenWrt-2.0)) #5 Tue Jul 19 09:36:02 CST 2011 phym = 08000000, mem = 07e00000, max_pfn = 00007e00 Reserving memory for CP1 @0xa7e00000, size 0x00200000 CPU revision is: 00019555 Determined physical RAM map: User-defined physical RAM map: memory: 07e00000 @ 00000000 (usable) Built 1 zonelists. Total pages: 32004 Kernel command line: root=/dev/mtdblock4 rw rootfstype=squashfs,jffs2 bridge mptest calibrate ip= console=ttyS0,115200 ethaddr=00:E0:92:00:01:40 phym=128M mem=126M panic=1 mtdparts=ifx_nor0:256k(uboot),256k(uboot_bin),128k(uboot_cfg),2m(kernel),10m(rootfs),11m(rootfs2),896k(sys_config),6m(supertask_img),1m(supertask_cfg),512k(supertask_bootcfg) init=/etc/preinit vpe1_load_addr=0x87e00000 vpe1_mem=2M 1 MIPSR2 register sets available Primary instruction cache 32kB, physically tagged, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes. Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes. Synthesized TLB refill handler (20 instructions). Synthesized TLB load handler fastpath (32 instructions). Synthesized TLB store handler fastpath (32 instructions). Synthesized TLB modify handler fastpath (31 instructions). Cache parity protection disabled Lantiq ICU driver, version 3.0.1, (c) 2001-2010 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH PID hash table entries: 512 (order: 9, 2048 bytes) Using 250.000 MHz high precision timer. Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) Inode-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes) Memory: 123648k/129024k available (2929k kernel code, 5340k reserved, 794k data, 164k init, 0k highmem) Security Framework v1.0.0 initialized Mount-cache hash table entries: 512 NET: Registered protocol family 16 Lantiq PCI host controller driver, version 1.1.9, (c) 2001-2010 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH drivers/char/ifxmips_gpio.c:777:ifx_gpio_pin_reserve: Pin ID 21 (port 1, pin 5) has been reserved by module PCI from kernel! Lantiq PCIe Root Complex driver, version 1.2.0, (c) 2001-2010 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH SCSI subsystem initialized usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs usbcore: registered new interface driver hub usbcore: registered new device driver usb ifx_pcie_rc_class_early_fixup: fixed pcie host bridge to pci-pci bridge PCI: Bridge: 0000:01:00.0 IO window: disabled. MEM window: disabled. PREFETCH window: 1c000000-1cbfffff NET: Registered protocol family 8 NET: Registered protocol family 20 NET: Registered protocol family 2 IP route cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) TCP established hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) TCP bind hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) TCP: Hash tables configured (established 4096 bind 2048) TCP reno registered gptu: totally 6 16-bit timers/counters gptu: misc_register on minor 63 gptu: succeeded to request irq 118 gptu: succeeded to request irq 119 gptu: succeeded to request irq 120 gptu: succeeded to request irq 121 gptu: succeeded to request irq 122 gptu: succeeded to request irq 123 IFX DMA driver, version ifxmips_dma_core.c:v1.0.9 ,(c)2009 Infineon Technologies AG Lantiq CGU driver, version 1.0.9, (c) 2001-2010 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH Wired TLB entries for Linux read_c0_wired() = 0 squashfs: version 3.2-r2 (2007/01/15) Phillip Lougher squashfs: LZMA suppport for by jro JFFS2 version 2.2. (NAND) (C) 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc. Infineon Technologies DEU driver version 1.0.1 IFX DEU DES initialized (multiblock). IFX DEU AES initialized (multiblock). IFX DEU ARC4 initialized (multiblock). IFX DEU SHA1 initialized. IFX DEU MD5 initialized. IFX DEU SHA1_HMAC initialized. IFX DEU MD5_HMAC initialized. io scheduler noop registered (default) assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability ifx_pmu_init: Major 252 Lantiq PMU driver, version 1.1.4, (c) 2001-2010 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH Lantiq GPIO driver, version 1.2.12, (c) 2001-2010 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH Infineon Technologies RCU driver version 1.0.6 ======= ifx_gpio_register(6) ======= Lantiq LED Controller driver, version 1.0.4, (c) 2001-2010 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH MEI CPE Driver, Version 1.0.2 <6>(c) Copyright 2009, Infineon Technologies AG <6>### MEI CPE - MEI CPE - MEI CPE - MEI CPE ### <6>ttyS0 at MMIO 0xbe100c00 (irq = 105) is a IFX_ASC Lantiq ASC (UART) driver, version 1.0.5, (c) 2001-2010 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH loop: loaded (max 8 devices) PPP generic driver version 2.4.2 PPP Deflate Compression module registered PPP BSD Compression module registered PPP MPPE Compression module registered NET: Registered protocol family 24 IFX SWITCH API, Version 1.0.1 SWAPI: Registered character device [switch_api] with major no [81] Switch API: PCE MicroCode loaded !! Switch Auto Polling value = 0 GPHY FIRMWARE LOAD SUCCESSFULLY AT ADDR : 3f0000 IFX GPHY driver FE Mode, version ifxmips_vr9_gphy: V0.6 - Firmware: 109 ifx_nor0: Found 1 x16 devices at 0x0 in 16-bit bank Amd/Fujitsu Extended Query Table at 0x0040 ifx_nor0: CFI does not contain boot bank location. Assuming top. number of CFI chips: 1 cfi_cmdset_0002: Disabling erase-suspend-program due to code brokenness. 10 cmdlinepart partitions found on MTD device ifx_nor0 ifx_mtd_init flash0: Using dynamic image partition Creating 10 MTD partitions on "ifx_nor0": 0x00000000-0x00040000 : "uboot" 0x00040000-0x00080000 : "uboot_bin" 0x00080000-0x000a0000 : "uboot_cfg" 0x000a0000-0x002a0000 : "kernel" 0x002a0000-0x00ca0000 : "rootfs" 0x00ca0000-0x017a0000 : "rootfs2" 0x017a0000-0x01880000 : "sys_config" 0x01880000-0x01e80000 : "supertask_img" 0x01e80000-0x01f80000 : "supertask_cfg" 0x01f80000-0x02000000 : "supertask_bootcfg" Lantiq MTD NOR driver, version 1.0.4, (c) 2001-2010 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH ======= ifx_gpio_register(3) ======= Lantiq SSC driver, version 2.2.2, (c) 2001-2010 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH usbcore: registered new interface driver usblp drivers/usb/class/usblp.c: v0.13: USB Printer Device Class driver Initializing USB Mass Storage driver... usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage USB Mass Storage support registered. usbcore: registered new interface driver libusual usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.c: USB Serial support registered for generic usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.c: USB Serial Driver core drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.c: USB Serial support registered for GSM modem (1-port) usbcore: registered new interface driver option drivers/usb/serial/option.c: USB Driver for GSM modems: v0.7.1 Registered led device: broadband_led Registered led device: internet_led Registered led device: ledc_2 Registered led device: ledc_3 Registered led device: ledc_4 Registered led device: ledc_5 Registered led device: ledc_6 Registered led device: ledc_7 Registered led device: ledc_8 Registered led device: ledc_9 Registered led device: ledc_10 Registered led device: ledc_11 Registered led device: wps_led Registered led device: ledc_13 Registered led device: ledc_14 Registered led device: usb2_link_led Registered led device: ledc_16 Registered led device: ledc_17 Registered led device: usb1_link_led Registered led device: fxo_act_led Registered led device: internet_red_led Registered led device: voip_led Registered led device: warning_led Registered led device: ledc_23 Lantiq LED driver, version 1.0.15, (c) 2001-2010 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH u32 classifier Performance counters on nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (1008 buckets, 8064 max) nf_ct_ftp: registering helper for pf: 2 port: 21 nf_ct_ftp: registering helper for pf: 10 port: 21 GRE over IPv4 tunneling driver ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team ipt_time loading TCP cubic registered NET: Registered protocol family 1 NET: Registered protocol family 17 NET: Registered protocol family 8 atmpvc_init() failed with -17 lec.c: May 16 2011 16:31:56 initialized mpc.c: May 16 2011 16:31:52 initialized 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8 Ben Greear <> All bugs added by David S. Miller <> Time: MIPS clocksource has been installed. VFS: Mounted root (jffs2 filesystem). Freeing unused kernel memory: 164k freed Warning: unable to open an initial console. Algorithmics/MIPS FPU Emulator v1.5 rootdir=/ table='/etc/device_table.txt' - preinit - Press CTRL-C for failsafe - config restore - mtd device could not be found for image sysconfig with addr 0xb11a0000 read_img config.tgz failed, restore the default config config/ config/rc.conf config/firewall_ether config/dhcp config/fstab config/firewall config/samba config/firewall_3g config/arc-middle/ config/arc-middle/register/ config/arc-middle/register/002-mid_dsl.reg config/arc-middle/register/003-mid_switch.reg config/arc-middle/register/004-mid_qos.reg config/arc-middle/register/001-mid_ccfg.reg config/firewall_vdsl config/system config/ulogd.conf config/firewall.user config/firewall_adsl config/timezonelist config/ntpclient config/ripd.conf config/network-3g config/network config/passwd config/glbcfg.dft config/.glbcfg config/firewall_lte - init - Please press Enter to activate this console. IFXUSB: ifxusb_hcd: version 3.0 B100913 IFXUSB: USB core #0 soft-reset IFXUSB: USB core #0 soft-reset ifxusb_hcd ifxusb_hcd: IFX USB Controller ifxusb_hcd ifxusb_hcd: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 ifxusb_hcd ifxusb_hcd: irq 54, io mem 0xbe101000 ======= ifx_gpio_register(7) ======= IFXUSB: Init: Power Port (0) usb usb1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected IFXUSB: USB core #1 soft-reset IFXUSB: USB core #1 soft-reset ifxusb_hcd ifxusb_hcd: IFX USB Controller ifxusb_hcd ifxusb_hcd: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2 ifxusb_hcd ifxusb_hcd: irq 83, io mem 0xbe106000 IFXUSB: Init: Power Port (0) usb usb2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found hub 2-0:1.0: 1 port detected IMQ starting with 2 devices... IMQ driver loaded successfully. Hooking IMQ before NAT on PREROUTING. Hooking IMQ after NAT on POSTROUTING. nf_conntrack_rtsp v0.6.21 loading nf_nat_rtsp v0.6.21 loading fuse init (API version 7.Cool fuse distribution version: 2.7.3 IFXOS, Version 1.5.11 <6>(c) Copyright 2007, Infineon Technologies AG <6>### IFXOS - IFXOS - IFXOS - IFXOS ### Lantiq CPE API Driver version: DSL CPE API V4.6.3.5-pd3 Predefined debug level: 3 ifxmips_ppa_datapath_vr9_a5: module license 'unspecified' taints kernel. Loading A5 (MII0/1 + ATM) driver ...... Succeeded! PPE datapath driver info: Version ID: Family : N/A DR Type : Normal Data Path | Indirect-Fast Path Interface : MII0 | MII1 | ATM Mode : Routing Release : 0.0.4 PPE firmware info: Version ID: Family : VR9 FW Type : Acceleration Interface : MII0/1 + ATM Mode : Bridging + IPv4 Routing Release : 1.14 device eth0 entered promiscuous mode br-lan: port 1(eth0) entering learning state br-lan: topology change detected, propagating br-lan: port 1(eth0) entering forwarding state PPA API --- init successfully ifx_ppa_init - init succeeded Successfully Failed: -22 userspace registering PID ifx_ppa_init - init succeeded ENTER - Kernel Thread Startup <autbtex> <7>ENTER - Kernel Thread Startup <pmex_ne> <7>ENTER - Kernel Thread Startup <pmex_fe> <3>DSL[00]: WARNING - SRA not supported by the FW ifx_ppa_init - init succeeded Successfully Failed: -22 device eth1 entered promiscuous mode br-lan: port 2(eth1) entering learning state br-lan: topology change detected, propagating br-lan: port 2(eth1) entering forwarding state
OpenWrt bootlog
ROM VER: 1.1.4 CFG 01 U-Boot 2013.10-openwrt5-dirty (Jan 07 2014 - 10:29:58) arv7519rw Board: Lantiq ARV7519RW VRX200 Family Board SoC: Lantiq VRX288 v1.2 CPU: 500 MHz IO: 250 MHz BUS: 250 MHz BOOT: NOR DRAM: 128 MiB Flash: 32 MiB In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: ltq-eth Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at b0080000 ... Image Name: MIPS OpenWrt Linux-3.10.24 Created: 2014-01-07 11:45:52 UTC Image Type: MIPS Linux Kernel Image (lzma compressed) Data Size: 1250111 Bytes = 1.2 MiB Load Address: 80002000 Entry Point: 80002000 Verifying Checksum ... OK Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK Starting kernel ... [ 0.000000] Linux version 3.10.24 (gmtii@ubuntu) (gcc version 4.6.4 (OpenWrt/Linaro GCC 4.6-2013.05 r39156) ) #1 Tue Jan 7 11:45:33 WET 2014 [ 0.000000] SoC: VR9 rev 1.2 [ 0.000000] bootconsole [early0] enabled [ 0.000000] CPU revision is: 00019556 (MIPS 34Kc) [ 0.000000] MIPS: machine is ARV7519 - Astoria Networks ARV7519RW22-A-LT [ 0.000000] Determined physical RAM map: [ 0.000000] memory: 08000000 @ 00000000 (usable) [ 0.000000] Initrd not found or empty - disabling initrd [ 0.000000] Zone ranges: [ 0.000000] Normal [mem 0x00000000-0x07ffffff] [ 0.000000] Movable zone start for each node [ 0.000000] Early memory node ranges [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x00000000-0x07ffffff] [ 0.000000] Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes. [ 0.000000] Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, VIPT, cache aliases, linesize 32 bytes [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 32512 [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyLTQ0,115200 init=/etc/preinit [ 0.000000] PID hash table entries: 512 (order: -1, 2048 bytes) [ 0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) [ 0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes) [ 0.000000] Writing ErrCtl register=0002e9e0 [ 0.000000] Readback ErrCtl register=0002e9e0 [ 0.000000] Memory: 125972k/131072k available (2640k kernel code, 5100k reserved, 872k data, 188k init, 0k highmem) [ 0.000000] NR_IRQS:256 [ 0.000000] CPU Clock: 500MHz [ 0.000000] Calibrating delay loop... 332.54 BogoMIPS (lpj=665088) [ 0.032000] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301 [ 0.036000] Mount-cache hash table entries: 512 [ 0.040000] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem [ 0.044000] NET: Registered protocol family 16 [ 0.056000] pinctrl-xway 1e100b10.pinmux: Init done [ 0.060000] dma-xway 1e104100.dma: Init done - hw rev: 7, ports: 7, channels: 28 [ 0.068000] dcdc-xrx200 1f106a00.dcdc: Core Voltage : 1016 mV [ 0.072000] arch/mips/pci/ifxmips_pcie_vr9.h:pcie_device_rst_assert[185] [ 0.184000] arch/mips/pci/ifxmips_pcie_vr9.h:pcie_device_rst_deassert[193] [ 0.212000] bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0 [ 0.216000] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs [ 0.220000] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub [ 0.224000] usbcore: registered new device driver usb [ 0.228000] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00 [ 0.232000] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x1c000000-0x1cffffff] [ 0.236000] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x1d800000-0x1d8fffff] [ 0.240000] pci_bus 0000:00: No busn resource found for root bus, will use [bus 00-ff] [ 0.244000] ifx_pcie_rc_class_early_fixup: fixed pcie host bridge to pci-pci bridge [ 0.256000] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 9: assigned [mem 0x1c000000-0x1cbfffff pref] [ 0.260000] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 1: assigned [mem 0x1c000000-0x1c7fffff pref] [ 0.264000] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x1c800000-0x1c800fff pref] [ 0.268000] pci 0000:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01] [ 0.272000] pci 0000:00:00.0: bridge window [mem 0x1c000000-0x1cbfffff pref] [ 0.276000] PCI: Enabling device 0000:00:00.0 (0000 -> 0002) [ 0.280000] ifx_pcie_bios_map_irq port 0 dev 0000:00:00.0 slot 0 pin 1 [ 0.284000] ifx_pcie_bios_map_irq dev 0000:00:00.0 irq 144 assigned [ 0.288000] ifx_pcie_bios_map_irq port 0 dev 0000:01:00.0 slot 0 pin 1 [ 0.292000] ifx_pcie_bios_map_irq dev 0000:01:00.0 irq 144 assigned [ 0.296000] Switching to clocksource MIPS [ 0.304000] NET: Registered protocol family 2 [ 0.308000] TCP established hash table entries: 1024 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) [ 0.312000] TCP bind hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) [ 0.320000] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 1024) [ 0.328000] TCP: reno registered [ 0.332000] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) [ 0.336000] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) [ 0.344000] NET: Registered protocol family 1 [ 0.348000] gptu: totally 6 16-bit timers/counters [ 0.352000] gptu: misc_register on minor 63 [ 0.356000] gptu: succeeded to request irq 126 [ 0.360000] gptu: succeeded to request irq 127 [ 0.364000] gptu: succeeded to request irq 128 [ 0.368000] gptu: succeeded to request irq 129 [ 0.376000] gptu: succeeded to request irq 130 [ 0.380000] gptu: succeeded to request irq 131 [ 0.384000] phy-xrx200 gphy-xrx200.8: requesting lantiq/vr9_phy11g_a2x.bin [ 0.392000] phy-xrx200 gphy-xrx200.8: booting GPHY0 firmware at 78C0000 [ 0.400000] phy-xrx200 gphy-xrx200.8: booting GPHY1 firmware at 78C0000 [ 0.508000] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher [ 0.516000] jffs2: version 2.2 (NAND) (SUMMARY) (LZMA) (RTIME) (CMODE_PRIORITY) (c) 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc. [ 0.524000] msgmni has been set to 246 [ 0.528000] io scheduler noop registered [ 0.532000] io scheduler deadline registered (default) [ 0.540000] 1e100c00.serial: ttyLTQ0 at MMIO 0x1e100c00 (irq = 112) is a lantiq,asc [ 0.548000] console [ttyLTQ0] enabled, bootconsole disabled [ 0.548000] console [ttyLTQ0] enabled, bootconsole disabled [ 0.560000] ltq_nor: Found 1 x16 devices at 0x0 in 16-bit bank. Manufacturer ID 0x0000c2 Chip ID 0x00227e [ 0.568000] Amd/Fujitsu Extended Query Table at 0x0040 [ 0.572000] Amd/Fujitsu Extended Query version 1.3. [ 0.580000] number of CFI chips: 1 [ 0.580000] 4 ofpart partitions found on MTD device ltq_nor [ 0.588000] Creating 4 MTD partitions on "ltq_nor": [ 0.592000] 0x000000000000-0x000000060000 : "uboot" [ 0.600000] 0x000000060000-0x000000080000 : "uboot_cfg" [ 0.604000] 0x000000080000-0x000001f80000 : "firmware" [ 0.608000] 0x0000001b137f-0x000001f80000 : "rootfs" [ 0.612000] mtd: partition "rootfs" must either start or end on erase block boundary or be smaller than an erase block -- forcing read-only [ 0.628000] mtd: device 3 (rootfs) set to be root filesystem [ 0.632000] mtd: partition "rootfs_data" created automatically, ofs=0x400000, len=0x1b80000 [ 0.640000] 0x000000400000-0x000001f80000 : "rootfs_data" [ 0.664000] 0x000001f80000-0x000002000000 : "boardconfig" [ 0.776000] libphy: lantiq,xrx200-mdio: probed [ 0.784000] net-xrx200: invalid MAC, using random [ 0.788000] eth0: attached PHY [Lantiq XWAY VR9 GPHY 11G v1.4] (phy_addr=0:11, irq=-1) [ 0.796000] eth0: attached PHY [Lantiq XWAY VR9 GPHY 11G v1.4] (phy_addr=0:13, irq=-1) [ 0.804000] eth0: attached PHY [Lantiq XWAY PEF7071 v1.5] (phy_addr=0:00, irq=-1) [ 0.812000] wdt 1f8803f0.watchdog: Init done [ 0.816000] leds-gpio gpio-leds.7: pins are not configured from the driver [ 0.824000] TCP: cubic registered [ 0.828000] NET: Registered protocol family 17 [ 0.832000] 8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8 [ 0.844000] VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly on device 31:3. [ 0.852000] Freeing unused kernel memory: 188K (80371000 - 803a0000) procd: Console is alive procd: - watchdog - procd: - preinit - Press the [f] key and hit [enter] to enter failsafe mode Press the [1], [2], [3] or [4] key and hit [enter] to select the debug level [ 4.496000] SCSI subsystem initialized [ 4.508000] IFXUSB: ifxusb_hcd: version 3.2 B110801 [ 4.512000] Chip Version :000b BurstSize=4 [ 5.116000] IFXUSB: USB core #0 soft-reset [ 5.416000] IFXUSB: USB core #0 soft-reset [ 5.420000] ifxusb_hcd ifxusb_hcd: IFX USB Controller [ 5.424000] ifxusb_hcd ifxusb_hcd: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 [ 5.432000] ifxusb_hcd ifxusb_hcd: irq 62, io mem 0xbe101000 [ 5.440000] IFXUSB: Init: Power Port (0) [ 5.452000] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 5.452000] hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected [ 5.956000] IFXUSB: USB core #1 soft-reset [ 6.260000] IFXUSB: USB core #1 soft-reset [ 6.264000] ifxusb_hcd ifxusb_hcd: IFX USB Controller [ 6.268000] ifxusb_hcd ifxusb_hcd: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2 [ 6.276000] ifxusb_hcd ifxusb_hcd: irq 91, io mem 0xbe106000 [ 6.280000] IFXUSB: Init: Power Port (0) [ 6.292000] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 6.292000] hub 2-0:1.0: 1 port detected [ 6.296000] ifxusb_hcd ifxusb_hcd: requested GPIO 232 [ 6.312000] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage [ 6.592000] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 2 using ifxusb_hcd mount_root: jffs2 is ready [ 7.540000] jffs2: notice: (268) jffs2_build_xattr_subsystem: complete building xattr subsystem, 1 of xdatum (0 unchecked, 0 orphan) and 8 of xref (0 dead. procd: - early - procd: - watchdog - procd: - ubus - procd: - init - Please press Enter to activate this console. [ 8.488000] eth0: port 4 got link [ 8.604000] IFXOS, Version 1.5.14 (c) Copyright 2009, Lantiq Deutschland GmbH [ 8.676000] NET: Registered protocol family 10 [ 8.692000] NET: Registered protocol family 8 [ 8.692000] NET: Registered protocol family 20 [ 8.720000] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (1971 buckets, 7884 max) [ 8.728000] ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team [ 8.760000] MEI CPE Driver, Version 1.2.0 [ 8.760000] (c) Copyright 2009, Infineon Technologies AG ### MEI CPE - MEI CPE - MEI CPE - MEI CPE ### Lantiq CPE API Driver version: DSL CPE API V4.11.4 [ 8.788000] [ 8.788000] Predefined debug level: 2 [ 8.796000] Loading modules backported from Linux version master-2013-11-05-0-gafa3093 [ 8.804000] Backport generated by backports.git backports-20130802-0-gdb67a3f [ 8.816000] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team [ 8.836000] ATM1.0.26 ATM (A1) firmware version 0.24 [ 8.840000] ifxmips_atm: ATM init succeed [ 8.912000] xt_time: kernel timezone is -0000 [ 8.936000] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain [ 8.944000] cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated: [ 8.948000] cfg80211: (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp) [ 8.956000] cfg80211: (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm) [ 8.964000] cfg80211: (2457000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm) [ 8.972000] cfg80211: (2474000 KHz - 2494000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm) [ 8.980000] cfg80211: (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm) [ 8.988000] cfg80211: (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm) [ 8.992000] cfg80211: (57240000 KHz - 63720000 KHz @ 2160000 KHz), (N/A, 0 mBm) [ 9.056000] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2 [ 9.060000] NET: Registered protocol family 24 [ 9.304000] usb 1-1: reset high-speed USB device number 2 using ifxusb_hcd [ 9.504000] ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00_set_rt: Info - RT chipset 3070, rev 0201 detected [ 9.596000] ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00_set_rf: Info - RF chipset 0005 detected [ 9.620000] usbcore: registered new interface driver rt2800usb [ 9.648000] usbcore: registered new interface driver ath9k_htc [ 15.748000] device eth0 entered promiscuous mode [ 15.752000] br-lan: port 1(eth0) entered forwarding state [ 15.756000] br-lan: port 1(eth0) entered forwarding state procd: - init complete - [ 17.760000] br-lan: port 1(eth0) entered forwarding state