netis N6

netis N6 is a wireless AX router based on the MT7621 platform with USB 3.0 port.

netis n6

None at this time.

Install OpenWrt (generic explanation)

Update the router using stock firmware web interface and OpenWrt factory.bin image.

Stock firmware older than Netis-N6R-V1.3.240920.181551.bin:

mtd partition start end
0 Bootloader 0x0 0x80000
1 Config 0x80000 0x100000
2 Factory 0x100000 0x180000
3 firmware 0x180000 0x7fe0000

Method 1

If you have never installed Netis-N6R-V1.3.240920.181551.bin stock firmware on your device:

1. Just update the router using stock firmware web interface and OpenWrt squashfs-factory.bin image.

Method 2

If you have ever installed Netis-N6R-V1.3.240920.181551.bin (and probably later firmware) the Method 1 won't work. The reason is that new firmware creates incompatible mtdparts= environment value:

root@Netis-N6:~# fw_printenv
bootmenu_0=Startup system (Default)=mtkboardboot
bootmenu_1=Upgrade firmware=mtkupgrade fw
bootmenu_2=Upgrade bootloader=mtkupgrade bl
bootmenu_3=Load image=mtkload

In this case (or if you don't know which firmware were installed previously on your device), proceed as follows:

1. Login as root via SSH (router IP, password - your web interface password)

2. Erase Config partition (older stock firmwares - mt7621-rfb-ax-nand-squashfs-Netis-N6R-V1.3.230719.152354.bin, mt7621-rfb-ax-nand-squashfs-Netis-N6R-V1.3.240129.103630.bin kept it empty):

mtd erase Config

3. Copy OpenWrt squashfs-factory.bin image to the /tmp dir of the router (e.g., using WinSCP and SSH settings from the p.1)

4. Run sysupgrade (in ssh shell) using the OpenWrt squashfs-factory.bin image copied before :

sysupgrade -n /tmp/squashfs-factory.bin
  • Browse to LuCI Upgrade URL
  • Upload image file for sysupgrade to LuCI
  • Wait for reboot
  • Login as root via SSH on, then enter the following commands:
cd /tmp
sysupgrade /tmp/


1. Assign your PC a static IP and connect to the router using the ethernet cable;

2. Power off the router;

3. Press Reset button, power on the router and wait until ethernet led start blinking;

4. Release the button;

5. Open (N6 System Recovery Mode) in your browser;

6. Upload OpenWrt factory.bin (or stock firmware *.bin) image and proceed with upgrade.

Basic configuration After flashing, proceed with this.
Set up your Internet connection, configure wireless, configure USB port, etc.

The default network configuration is:

Interface Name Description Default configuration
br-lan LAN1-4 & WiFi
wan WAN port DHCP
phy0 WiFi 2.4 GHz Disabled
phy1 WiFi 5 GHz Disabled
Port Switch port
Internet (WAN) 4
LAN 1 3
LAN 2 2
LAN 3 1
LAN 4 0

hardware.button on howto use and configure the hardware button(s). Here, we merely name the buttons, so we can use them in the above Howto.

The netis N6 has the following buttons:

Reset reset
WPS wps

netis n6 front

netis n6 back

netis n6 bottom

Bottomside label:
netis n6 label

Note: This will void your warranty! Unscrew the crews on the backplate.

Main PCB:
Insert photo of PCB

port.serial general information about the serial port, serial port cable, etc.

How to connect to the Serial Port of this specific device:
netis n6 uart

Serial connection parameters
for netis N6
EXAMPLE 115200, 8N1, 3.3V

port.jtag general information about the JTAG port, JTAG cable, etc.

How to connect to the JTAG Port of this specific device:
Insert photo of PCB with markings for JTAG port

None so far.

=================================================================== MT7621 stage1 code Dec 16 2019 17:45:55 (ASIC) CPU=500000000 HZ BUS=166666666 HZ ================================================================== Change MPLL source from XTAL to CR... do MEMPLL setting.. MEMPLL Config : 0x11000000 3PLL mode + External loopback === XTAL-40Mhz === DDR-1200Mhz === PLL3 FB_DL: 0x8, 1/0 = 550/474 21000000 PLL4 FB_DL: 0x17, 1/0 = 515/509 5D000000 PLL2 FB_DL: 0x18, 1/0 = 715/309 61000000 DDR patch working do DDR setting..[01F40000] Apply DDR3 Setting...(use default AC) 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0000:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0001:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0002:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0003:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0004:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0005:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0006:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0007:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0008:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0009:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000A:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000B:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000C:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000D:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 000E:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 000F:| 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0010:| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0011:| 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0012:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0013:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0014:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0015:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0016:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0017:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0018:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0019:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 001A:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 001B:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 001C:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 001D:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 001E:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 001F:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAMC_DQSCTL1[0e0]=14000000 DRAMC_DQSGCTL[124]=80000000 rank 0 coarse = 16 rank 0 fine = 40 B:| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 opt_dle value:8 DRAMC_DDR2CTL[07c]=C287220D DRAMC_PADCTL4[0e4]=000022B3 DRAMC_DQIDLY1[210]=0B0B0A09 DRAMC_DQIDLY2[214]=0709090A DRAMC_DQIDLY3[218]=0C0C0B08 DRAMC_DQIDLY4[21c]=0C0A0E0A DRAMC_R0DELDLY[018]=00001F1E ================================================================== RX DQS perbit delay software calibration ================================================================== 1.0-15 bit dq delay value ================================================================== bit| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -------------------------------------- 0 | 9 8 9 11 9 9 9 6 7 9 10 | 11 11 9 13 10 11 -------------------------------------- ================================================================== 2.dqs window x=pass dqs delay value (min~max)center y=0-7bit DQ of every group input delay:DQS0 =30 DQS1 = 31 ================================================================== bit DQS0 bit DQS1 0 (1~59)30 8 (1~59)30 1 (1~56)28 9 (1~58)29 2 (1~56)28 10 (1~60)30 3 (1~59)30 11 (1~59)30 4 (1~58)29 12 (1~60)30 5 (1~60)30 13 (1~59)30 6 (1~59)30 14 (1~61)31 7 (1~58)29 15 (1~59)30 ================================================================== 3.dq delay value last ================================================================== bit| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -------------------------------------- 0 | 9 10 11 11 10 9 9 7 8 11 10 | 12 12 10 14 10 12 ================================================================== ================================================================== TX perbyte calibration ================================================================== DQS loop = 15, cmp_err_1 = ffff0000 dqs_perbyte_dly.last_dqsdly_pass[0]=15, finish count=1 dqs_perbyte_dly.last_dqsdly_pass[1]=15, finish count=2 DQ loop=15, cmp_err_1 = ffff0000 dqs_perbyte_dly.last_dqdly_pass[0]=15, finish count=1 dqs_perbyte_dly.last_dqdly_pass[1]=15, finish count=2 byte:0, (DQS,DQ)=(8,8) byte:1, (DQS,DQ)=(8,8) DRAMC_DQODLY1[200]=88888888 DRAMC_DQODLY2[204]=88888888 20,data:88 [EMI] DRAMC calibration passed =================================================================== MT7621 stage1 code done CPU=500000000 HZ BUS=166666666 HZ =================================================================== U-Boot SPL 2018.09 (Mar 04 2021 - 09:57:11 +0800) Trying to boot from NAND Read entire ID string:c8 d1 80 95 40 7f 7f c8 type is 00000000 type->name:NAND 128MiB 3,3V 8-bit mfr_id:0x0 dev_id:0xd1 drivers/mtd/nand/nand_base.c:3350:nand_flash_detect_onfi crc error nand flash type: name:NAND 128MiB 3,3V 8-bit id:00 d1 00 00 00 00 00 00 pagesize:0 chipsize:80 erasesize:0 options:8 id_len:0 oobsize:0 strength_ds:0 step_ds:0 onfi_timing_mode_default:0 Initializing NMBM ... Signature found at block 1023 [0x07fe0000] First info table with writecount 0 found in block 960 Second info table with writecount 0 found in block 963 NMBM has been successfully attached U-Boot 2018.09 (Mar 04 2021 - 09:57:11 +0800) CPU: MediaTek MT7621AT ver 1, eco 3 Clocks: CPU: 880MHz, DDR: 600MHz (1200MT/s), Bus: 220MHz, XTAL: 40MHz Model: MediaTek MT7621 reference board (NAND) DRAM: 256 MiB NAND: Read entire ID string:c8 d1 80 95 40 7f 7f c8 type is 00000000 type->name:NAND 128MiB 3,3V 8-bit mfr_id:0x0 dev_id:0xd1 drivers/mtd/nand/nand_base.c:3350:nand_flash_detect_onfi crc error nand flash type: name:NAND 128MiB 3,3V 8-bit id:00 d1 00 00 00 00 00 00 pagesize:0 chipsize:80 erasesize:0 options:8 id_len:0 oobsize:0 strength_ds:0 step_ds:0 onfi_timing_mode_default:0 128 MiB Initializing NMBM ... Signature found at block 1023 [0x07fe0000] First info table with writecount 0 found in block 960 Second info table with writecount 0 found in block 963 NMBM has been successfully attached Loading Environment from NMBM... *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment In: uartlite0@1e000c00 Out: uartlite0@1e000c00 Err: uartlite0@1e000c00 Net: Warning: eth@1e100000 (eth0) using random MAC address - 6a:48:5c:25:06:92 eth0: eth@1e100000 common/board_r.c:665:run_main_loop Emergency key hasn't pressed bootcmd:mtkautoboot stored_bootdelay:0 Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 prepare run comand list:mtkautoboot *** U-Boot Boot Menu *** Press UP/DOWN to move, ENTER to select 1. Startup system (Default) 2. Upgrade firmware 3. Upgrade bootloader 4. Load image 0. U-Boot console Hit any key to stop autoboot: 3  2  1  0 board/ralink/mt7621_nand_rfb/cmd_mtkboardboot.c:31:do_mtkboardboot ep:NULL Loading FIT image at offset 0x180000 to memory 0x83000000, size 0x3c0cb4 ... Automatic boot of image at addr 0x83000000 ... ## Loading kernel from FIT Image at 83000000 ... Using 'config@1' configuration common/image-fit.c:2142:fit_image_load fit:83000000 cfg_noffset:0x3c0a3c Trying 'kernel@1' kernel subimage Description: MIPS OpenWrt Linux-4.4.198 Type: Kernel Image Compression: lzma compressed Data Start: 0x8300011c Data Size: 3923295 Bytes = 3.7 MiB Architecture: MIPS OS: Linux Load Address: 0x81001000 Entry Point: 0x81001000 Hash algo: crc32 Hash value: ba7d29a0 Hash algo: sha1 Hash value: fc6d67c66174a819a55e1f3b39f3bab42fd82601 Verifying Hash Integrity ... crc32+ sha1+ OK common/image-fit.c:1994:fit_image_select fit:83000000 offset:0x000000a0 verify:-1 description:MIPS OpenWrt FIT (Flattened Image Tree) [00560000:00a48688:00000000:ReservedForFSCRCCustomerFSC Get Info 00560000:00a48688:00000000:666f2030:74657366:3078303a Number of crc info less than 6,no crc info CRC present and it's correct ## Loading fdt from FIT Image at 83000000 ... Using 'config@1' configuration common/image-fit.c:2142:fit_image_load fit:83000000 cfg_noffset:0x3c0a3c Trying 'fdt@1' fdt subimage Description: MIPS OpenWrt mt7621-rfb-ax-nand device tree blob Type: Flat Device Tree Compression: uncompressed Data Start: 0x833bdfc0 Data Size: 10700 Bytes = 10.4 KiB Architecture: MIPS Hash algo: crc32 Hash value: 0e2dbace Hash algo: sha1 Hash value: 2ce4276b665bd82de14358563fc9a6a4e6313b8c Verifying Hash Integrity ... crc32+ sha1+ OK common/image-fit.c:1994:fit_image_select fit:83000000 offset:0x003bdf30 verify:-1 description:MIPS OpenWrt FIT (Flattened Image Tree) [00560000:00a48688:00000000:ReservedForFSCRCCustomerFSC Get Info 00560000:00a48688:00000000:666f2030:74657366:3078303a Number of crc info less than 6,no crc info CRC present and it's correct Booting using the fdt blob at 0x833bdfc0 Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK Loading Device Tree to 8fe67000, end 8fe6c9cb ... OK [ 0.000000] Linux version 4.4.198 (netcore@netcore) (gcc version 5.4.0 (LEDE GCC 5.4.0 r0-d0c09cf) ) #0 SMP Tue Mar 14 03:08:14 UTC 2023 [ 0.000000] SoC Type: MediaTek MT7621 ver:1 eco:3 [ 0.000000] bootconsole [early0] enabled [ 0.000000] CPU0 revision is: 0001992f (MIPS 1004Kc) [ 0.000000] MIPS: machine is MediaTek MT7621 RFB (802.11ax,NAND) [ 0.000000] Determined physical RAM map: [ 0.000000] memory: 10000000 @ 00000000 (usable) [ 0.000000] Initrd not found or empty - disabling initrd [ 0.000000] Zone ranges: [ 0.000000] DMA [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000ffffff] [ 0.000000] Normal [mem 0x0000000001000000-0x000000000fffffff] [ 0.000000] Movable zone start for each node [ 0.000000] Early memory node ranges [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000fffffff] [ 0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000fffffff] [ 0.000000] VPE topology {2,2} total 4 [ 0.000000] Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes. [ 0.000000] Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes [ 0.000000] MIPS secondary cache 256kB, 8-way, linesize 32 bytes. [ 0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 10 pages/cpu @820d6000 s9824 r8192 d22944 u40960 [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 65024 [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyS0,115200 rootfstype=squashfs,jffs2 [ 0.000000] PID hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) [ 0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes) [ 0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) [ 0.000000] Writing ErrCtl register=000430bc [ 0.000000] Readback ErrCtl register=000430bc [ 0.000000] Memory: 244528K/262144K available (8158K kernel code, 4053K rwdata, 1908K rodata, 204K init, 785K bss, 17616K reserved, 0K cma-reserved) [ 0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=32, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=4, Nodes=1 [ 0.000000] Hierarchical RCU implementation. [ 0.000000] NR_IRQS:256 [ 0.000000] clocksource: GIC: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0xcaf478abb4, max_idle_ns: 440795247997 ns [ 0.000000] clocksource: MIPS: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 4343773742 ns [ 0.000009] sched_clock: 32 bits at 440MHz, resolution 2ns, wraps every 4880645118ns [ 0.007804] Calibrating delay loop... 586.13 BogoMIPS (lpj=2930688) [ 0.070433] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301 [ 0.075146] Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) [ 0.081671] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) [ 0.089765] Performance counters: mips/1004K PMU enabled, 2 32-bit counters available to each CPU, irq 9 [ 2.112279] Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes. [ 2.112287] Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes [ 2.112297] MIPS secondary cache 256kB, 8-way, linesize 32 bytes. [ 2.112437] CPU1 revision is: 0001992f (MIPS 1004Kc) [ 0.178670] Synchronize counters for CPU 1: done. [ 1.880223] Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes. [ 1.880229] Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes [ 1.880235] MIPS secondary cache 256kB, 8-way, linesize 32 bytes. [ 1.880302] CPU2 revision is: 0001992f (MIPS 1004Kc) [ 0.269013] Synchronize counters for CPU 2: done. [ 1.970332] Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes. [ 1.970338] Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes [ 1.970344] MIPS secondary cache 256kB, 8-way, linesize 32 bytes. [ 1.970425] CPU3 revision is: 0001992f (MIPS 1004Kc) [ 0.354188] Synchronize counters for CPU 3: done. [ 0.358928] Brought up 4 CPUs [ 0.366423] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 19112604462750000 ns [ 0.376225] futex hash table entries: 1024 (order: 3, 32768 bytes) [ 0.382772] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem [ 0.388519] NET: Registered protocol family 16 [ 0.413163] mt7621_gpio 1e000600.gpio: registering 32 gpios [ 0.418769] mt7621_gpio 1e000600.gpio: registering 32 gpios [ 0.424408] mt7621_gpio 1e000600.gpio: registering 32 gpios [ 0.430479] mt7621-pci 1e140000.pcie: Failed to get gpio for PCIe1 [ 0.436621] mt7621-pci 1e140000.pcie: Failed to get gpio for PCIe2 [ 0.643076] PCIe port 2 link down [ 0.646305] PCI coherence region base: 0x60000000, mask/settings: 0xf0000002 [ 0.675567] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs [ 0.681099] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub [ 0.686495] usbcore: registered new device driver usb [ 0.692205] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00 [ 0.696226] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x60000000-0x6fffffff] [ 0.703081] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x1e160000-0x1e16ffff] [ 0.709872] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x0] [ 0.716627] pci_bus 0000:00: No busn resource found for root bus, will use [bus 00-ff] [ 0.725229] pci 0000:00:00.0: bridge configuration invalid ([bus 00-00]), reconfiguring [ 0.733158] pci 0000:00:01.0: bridge configuration invalid ([bus 00-00]), reconfiguring [ 0.742474] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 9: assigned [mem 0x60000000-0x601fffff pref] [ 0.749629] pci 0000:00:01.0: BAR 9: assigned [mem 0x60200000-0x603fffff pref] [ 0.756755] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 1: assigned [mem 0x60400000-0x6040ffff] [ 0.763525] pci 0000:00:01.0: BAR 1: assigned [mem 0x60410000-0x6041ffff] [ 0.770253] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x60000000-0x600fffff 64bit pref] [ 0.777967] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 2: assigned [mem 0x60100000-0x60103fff 64bit pref] [ 0.785629] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 4: assigned [mem 0x60104000-0x60104fff 64bit pref] [ 0.793341] pci 0000:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01] [ 0.798239] pci 0000:00:00.0: bridge window [mem 0x60000000-0x601fffff pref] [ 0.805428] pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x60200000-0x602fffff 64bit pref] [ 0.813114] pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 2: assigned [mem 0x60300000-0x60303fff 64bit pref] [ 0.820821] pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 4: assigned [mem 0x60304000-0x60304fff 64bit pref] [ 0.828489] pci 0000:00:01.0: PCI bridge to [bus 02] [ 0.833415] pci 0000:00:01.0: bridge window [mem 0x60200000-0x603fffff pref] [ 0.842274] clocksource: Switched to clocksource GIC [ 0.849120] NET: Registered protocol family 2 [ 0.854176] TCP established hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) [ 0.861065] TCP bind hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) [ 0.867491] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 2048) [ 0.873834] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) [ 0.879582] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) [ 0.886122] NET: Registered protocol family 1 [ 0.902021] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher [ 0.907893] jffs2: version 2.2 (NAND) (SUMMARY) (LZMA) (RTIME) (CMODE_PRIORITY) (c) 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc. [ 0.920423] io scheduler noop registered [ 0.924395] io scheduler deadline registered (default) [ 0.930831] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 3 ports, IRQ sharing disabled [ 0.938197] console [ttyS0] disabled [ 0.941730] 1e000c00.uartlite: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x1e000c00 (irq = 33, base_baud = 3125000) is a 16550A [ 0.950740] console [ttyS0] enabled [ 0.950740] console [ttyS0] enabled [ 0.957645] bootconsole [early0] disabled [ 0.957645] bootconsole [early0] disabled [ 0.966106] 1e000d00.uartfull: ttyS1 at MMIO 0x1e000d00 (irq = 34, base_baud = 3125000) is a 16550A [ 0.975601] 1e000e00.uartfull: ttyS2 at MMIO 0x1e000e00 (irq = 35, base_baud = 3125000) is a 16550A [ 0.988844] libphy: Fixed MDIO Bus: probed [ 0.993469] Update mtk eth 8f408010,base be100000,name is (null) [ 1.052552] libphy: mdio: probed [ 1.056364] mtk_soc_eth 1e100000.ethernet: generated random MAC address 92:ec:01:d9:3c:27 [ 1.065056] mtk_soc_eth 1e100000.ethernet: connected mac 0 to PHY at fixed-0:00 [uid=00000000, driver=Generic PHY] [ 1.076197] mtk_soc_eth 1e100000.ethernet eth0: mediatek frame engine at 0xbe100000, irq 10 [ 1.084661] mtk_soc_eth 1e100000.ethernet: generated random MAC address ae:7a:58:ef:fa:05 [ 1.093389] mtk_soc_eth 1e100000.ethernet: connected mac 1 to PHY at fixed-0:01 [uid=00000000, driver=Generic PHY] [ 1.104579] mtk_soc_eth 1e100000.ethernet eth1: mediatek frame engine at 0xbe100000, irq 10 [ 1.113196] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2 [ 1.117653] NET: Registered protocol family 24 [ 1.122994] register mt_drv [ 1.125986] <--mt7916_hif_init() [ 1.129656] Rx[0] Ring: total 24576 bytes allocated [ 1.138893] Rx[1] Ring: total 16384 bytes allocated [ 1.143892] <-- pci_alloc_tx_rx_ring_mem, Status=0 [ 1.181826] Update wifi led pAd,addr:c0301000 [ 1.186225] [ 1.186225] [ 1.186225] === pAd = c0301000, size = 13587200 === [ 1.186225] [ 1.197353] <-- RTMPAllocAdapterBlock, Status=0 [ 1.201896] PCI CSRBaseAddress =0xc0200000, csr_addr=0xc0200000! [ 1.207935] RTMPInitPCIeDevice():device_id=0x7915 [ 1.212662] mt7915_init()--> [ 1.215539] Use the default iPAiLNA bin image! [ 1.220052] <--mt7915_init() [ 1.223228] RtmpOSFileOpen(): Error 2 opening /etc/wireless/l1profile.dat [ 1.231016] wdev_init(caller:RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle+0x39c/0x18a4), wdev(0) [ 1.238584] Rx[0] Ring: total 24576 bytes allocated [ 1.243689] Rx[1] Ring: total 24576 bytes allocated [ 1.250803] Rx[2] Ring: total 8192 bytes allocated [ 1.259866] Rx[3] Ring: total 16384 bytes allocated [ 1.267042] Rx[4] Ring: total 8192 bytes allocated [ 1.271891] <-- pci_alloc_tx_rx_ring_mem, Status=0 [ 1.277846] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ether [ 1.283839] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_eem [ 1.289602] usbcore: registered new interface driver rndis_host [ 1.295658] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_subset [ 1.301743] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ncm [ 1.307439] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver [ 1.313995] ehci-pci: EHCI PCI platform driver [ 1.318539] ehci-platform: EHCI generic platform driver [ 1.324013] ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver [ 1.330233] ohci-pci: OHCI PCI platform driver [ 1.334796] ohci-platform: OHCI generic platform driver [ 1.340205] uhci_hcd: USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver [ 1.362285] xhci-mtk 1e1c0000.usb: xHCI Host Controller [ 1.367554] xhci-mtk 1e1c0000.usb: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 [ 1.382400] xhci-mtk 1e1c0000.usb: hcc params 0x01401198 hci version 0x96 quirks 0x00210010 [ 1.390820] xhci-mtk 1e1c0000.usb: irq 29, io mem 0x1e1c0000 [ 1.396761] usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002 [ 1.403575] usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1 [ 1.410797] usb usb1: Product: xHCI Host Controller [ 1.415687] usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux 4.4.198 xhci-hcd [ 1.421171] usb usb1: SerialNumber: 1e1c0000.usb [ 1.426469] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 1.430294] hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected [ 1.434689] xhci-mtk 1e1c0000.usb: xHCI Host Controller [ 1.439927] xhci-mtk 1e1c0000.usb: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2 [ 1.447461] usb usb2: We don't know the algorithms for LPM for this host, disabling LPM. [ 1.455757] usb usb2: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0003 [ 1.462564] usb usb2: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1 [ 1.469785] usb usb2: Product: xHCI Host Controller [ 1.474679] usb usb2: Manufacturer: Linux 4.4.198 xhci-hcd [ 1.480163] usb usb2: SerialNumber: 1e1c0000.usb [ 1.485412] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 1.489232] hub 2-0:1.0: 1 port detected [ 1.493822] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_acm [ 1.499494] cdc_acm: USB Abstract Control Model driver for USB modems and ISDN adapters [ 1.507766] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial [ 1.513717] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic [ 1.520321] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for generic [ 1.526452] usbcore: registered new interface driver ch341 [ 1.532014] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for ch341-uart [ 1.538412] usbcore: registered new interface driver cp210x [ 1.544078] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for cp210x [ 1.550158] usbcore: registered new interface driver sisusb [ 1.557149] mt7621_wdt 1e000100.wdt: Initialized [ 1.562121] Mirror/redirect action on [ 1.565890] hbwrr_reg:0 [ 1.568357] Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30. [ 1.573126] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (3000 buckets, 24000 max) [ 1.595124] ------------------------------------------- [ 1.600364] -----------igd fitler inited--------------- [ 1.605618] ------------------------------------------- [ 1.610881] ctnetlink v0.93: registering with nfnetlink. [ 1.616301] ip_set: protocol 6 [ 1.619768] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team [ 1.626290] NET: Registered protocol family 10 [ 1.632713] NET: Registered protocol family 17 [ 1.637234] bridge: automatic filtering via arp/ip/ip6tables has been deprecated. Update your scripts to load br_netfilter if you need this. [ 1.649867] 8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8 [ 1.656369] mtkmips-pinmux pinctrl: spi is already enabled [ 1.661875] mtk-nand 1e003000.nand: Error applying setting, reverse things back [ 1.669742] nand: device found, Manufacturer ID: 0xc8, Chip ID: 0xd1 [ 1.676115] nand: GD/ESMT PSU1GA30DT [ 1.679689] nand: 128 MiB, SLC, erase size: 128 KiB, page size: 2048, OOB size: 64 [ 1.687900] Scanning device for bad blocks [ 2.536885] 4 ofpart partitions found on MTD device mtk-nand [ 2.542568] Creating 4 MTD partitions on "mtk-nand": [ 2.547539] 0x000000000000-0x000000080000 : "Bootloader" [ 2.554201] 0x000000080000-0x000000100000 : "Config" [ 2.560293] 0x000000100000-0x000000180000 : "Factory" [ 2.566544] 0x000000180000-0x000007fe0000 : "firmware" [ 3.410846] 2 fit-fw partitions found on MTD device firmware [ 3.416542] 0x000000180000-0x000000560000 : "kernel" [ 3.422800] 0x000000560000-0x000007fe0000 : "rootfs" [ 3.429829] mtd: device 5 (rootfs) set to be root filesystem [ 3.437658] buf:[MTD_INFO_Flag] [ 3.440785] 3 squashfs-split partitions found on MTD device rootfs [ 3.447173] 0x000000fc0000-0x000001000000 : "rootfs_ext" [ 3.453696] 0x000001000000-0x000001020000 : "info" [ 3.459623] 0x000001020000-0x000007fe0000 : "rootfs_data" [ 3.502386] mt753x gsw: Switch is MediaTek MT7530 rev 1 [ 3.529102] libphy: mt753x_mdio: probed [ 3.541527] hctosys: unable to open rtc device (rtc0) [ 3.555205] VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly on device 31:5. [ 3.562893] Freeing unused kernel memory: 204K [ 3.567345] This architecture does not have kernel memory protection. [ 4.182537] init: Console is alive [ 4.186153] init: - watchdog - [ 5.333788] kmodloader: loading kernel modules from /etc/modules-boot.d/* [ 5.457288] exFAT: Version 1.2.9 [ 5.491812] SCSI subsystem initialized [ 5.502540] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage [ 5.508861] kmodloader: done loading kernel modules from /etc/modules-boot.d/* [ 5.522519] init: - preinit - [ 6.328380] random: jshn: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read, 28 bits of entropy available) [ 6.433884] random: jshn: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read, 28 bits of entropy available) [ 6.555345] random: jshn: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read, 28 bits of entropy available) [ 6.596890] random: jshn: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read, 28 bits of entropy available) [ 6.654987] random: jshn: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read, 29 bits of entropy available) sendto(): Network unreachable Press the [f] key and hit [enter] to enter failsafe mode Press the [1], [2], [3] or [4] key and hit [enter] to select the debug level [ 11.668987] mount_root: loading kmods from internal overlay [ 11.705940] kmodloader: loading kernel modules from //etc/modules-boot.d/* [ 11.717313] kmodloader: done loading kernel modules from //etc/modules-boot.d/* [ 11.927372] block: attempting to load /etc/config/fstab [ 11.934085] block: unable to load configuration (fstab: Entry not found) [ 11.940849] block: no usable configuration [ 11.946496] mount_root: jffs2 not ready yet, using temporary tmpfs overlay [ 11.958462] urandom-seed: Seed file not found (/etc/urandom.seed) [ 12.196270] procd: - early - [ 12.199254] procd: - watchdog - [ 12.536752] random: jshn: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read, 54 bits of entropy available) Failed to connect to ubus [ 12.684877] random: jshn: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read, 57 bits of entropy available) [ 12.882498] procd: - watchdog - [ 12.886001] procd: - ubus - [ 13.119783] random: ubusd: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read, 63 bits of entropy available) [ 13.129220] random: ubusd: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read, 63 bits of entropy available) [ 13.138294] random: ubusd: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read, 63 bits of entropy available) [ 13.151879] procd: - init - Please press Enter to activate this console. [ 13.920778] kmodloader: loading kernel modules from /etc/modules.d/* [ 13.956747] ntfs: driver 2.1.32 [Flags: R/O MODULE]. [ 13.969458] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6 [ 13.974654] tun: (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky <> [ 13.992731] l2tp_core: L2TP core driver, V2.0 [ 13.998229] l2tp_netlink: L2TP netlink interface [ 14.008686] gre: GRE over IPv4 demultiplexor driver [ 14.016441] ip_gre: GRE over IPv4 tunneling driver [ 14.033182] ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team [ 14.052109] u32 classifier [ 14.054932] input device check on [ 14.058598] Actions configured [ 14.067802] fuse init (API version 7.23) [ 14.087857] usbcore: registered new interface driver ark3116 [ 14.093753] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for ark3116 [ 14.101271] usbcore: registered new interface driver asix [ 14.108102] usbcore: registered new interface driver ax88179_178a [ 14.115336] usbcore: registered new interface driver belkin_sa [ 14.121400] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for Belkin / Peracom / GoHubs USB Serial Adapter [ 14.132081] Bridge firewalling registered [ 14.138240] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_wdm [ 14.146616] mtk-eip93 1e004000.crypto: Assigning IRQ: 26 [ 14.153784] mtk-eip93 1e004000.crypto: Init succesfull [ 14.160436] usbcore: registered new interface driver cypress_m8 [ 14.166650] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for DeLorme Earthmate USB [ 14.174084] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for HID->COM RS232 Adapter [ 14.181594] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for Nokia CA-42 V2 Adapter [ 14.190187] usbcore: registered new interface driver dm9601 [ 14.197135] usbcore: registered new interface driver dmx_usb [ 14.202896] /disk2/CompileServer/WFCompileServer_disk/N6/code/mtk-openwrt-lede- DMX USB Driver v0.1.20130818 [ 14.231938] Ebtables v2.0 registered [ 14.240963] usbcore: registered new interface driver ftdi_sio [ 14.247046] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for FTDI USB Serial Device [ 14.256002] usbcore: registered new interface driver garmin_gps [ 14.262157] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for Garmin GPS usb/tty [ 14.270321] usbcore: registered new interface driver huawei_cdc_ncm [ 14.278095] usbcore: registered new interface driver ipheth [ 14.287030] usbcore: registered new interface driver kalmia [ 14.294113] usbcore: registered new interface driver kaweth [ 14.301082] usbcore: registered new interface driver keyspan [ 14.307001] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for Keyspan - (without firmware) [ 14.315036] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for Keyspan 1 port adapter [ 14.322520] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for Keyspan 2 port adapter [ 14.329980] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for Keyspan 4 port adapter [ 14.339215] l2tp_ppp: PPPoL2TP kernel driver, V2.0 [ 14.347498] Current mapfilter version v2.0.2 [ 14.353179] usbcore: registered new interface driver MOSCHIP usb-ethernet driver [ 14.361720] usbcore: registered new interface driver mct_u232 [ 14.367736] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for MCT U232 [ 14.375444] usbcore: registered new interface driver mos7720 [ 14.381340] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for Moschip 2 port adapter [ 14.389962] -->mtfwd_init(ver:1.0)<-- [ 14.398994] usbcore: registered new interface driver oti6858 [ 14.405061] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for oti6858 [ 14.412522] pegasus: v0.9.3 (2013/04/25), Pegasus/Pegasus II USB Ethernet driver [ 14.420166] usbcore: registered new interface driver pegasus [ 14.427064] usbcore: registered new interface driver pl2303 [ 14.432995] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for pl2303 [ 14.441473] PPP MPPE Compression module registered [ 14.447838] PPTP driver version 0.8.5 [ 14.454121] usbcore: registered new interface driver qmi_wwan [ 14.461454] usbcore: registered new interface driver sierra [ 14.467315] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for Sierra USB modem [ 14.476161] usbcore: registered new interface driver ti_usb_3410_5052 [ 14.482868] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for TI USB 3410 1 port adapter [ 14.490746] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for TI USB 5052 2 port adapter [ 14.501033] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-alauda [ 14.509030] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-cypress [ 14.517305] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-datafab [ 14.525276] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-freecom [ 14.533492] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-isd200 [ 14.541681] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-jumpshot [ 14.549859] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-karma [ 14.558585] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-sddr09 [ 14.566800] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-sddr55 [ 14.575279] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-usbat [ 14.582092] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb_serial_simple [ 14.588941] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for carelink [ 14.595215] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for zio [ 14.600973] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for funsoft [ 14.607133] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for flashloader [ 14.613650] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for google [ 14.619679] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for libtransistor [ 14.626447] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for vivopay [ 14.632687] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for moto_modem [ 14.639128] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for motorola_tetra [ 14.645951] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for novatel_gps [ 14.652493] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for hp4x [ 14.658481] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for suunto [ 14.664734] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for siemens_mpi [ 14.676930] usbcore: registered new interface driver visor [ 14.682740] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for Handspring Visor / Palm OS [ 14.690614] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for Sony Clie 5.0 [ 14.697395] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for Sony Clie 3.5 [ 14.706249] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_xr_usb_serial [ 14.712828] xr_usb_serial_common: Exar USB UART (serial port) driver [ 14.726497] xt_time: kernel timezone is -0000 [ 14.731891] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_mbim [ 14.743254] usbcore: registered new interface driver ipw [ 14.748774] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for IPWireless converter [ 14.758866] usbcore: registered new interface driver option [ 14.764683] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for GSM modem (1-port) [ 14.773262] usbcore: registered new interface driver qcserial [ 14.779256] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for Qualcomm USB modem [ 14.786615] kmodloader: done loading kernel modules from /etc/modules.d/* [ 15.845994] random: nonblocking pool is initialized [ 20.422100] Set_Led_Proc:bss[0] is not ready!!! [ 20.728060] Set_Led_Proc:bss[0] is not ready!!! [ 20.836738] Set_Led_Proc:bss[0] is not ready!!! [ 21.357416] [mtfwd] update eth interface eth0 [ 23.285177] mediatek_soc_hnat 1e100000.hnat: wan = eth1 [ 23.290533] mediatek_soc_hnat 1e100000.hnat: lan = eth0 [ 23.296017] mediatek_soc_hnat 1e100000.hnat: ppd = eth0 [ 23.301388] mediatek_soc_hnat 1e100000.hnat: gmac num = 2 [ 23.307354] mediatek_soc_hnat 1e100000.hnat: ext devices = rax0 [ 23.313371] mediatek_soc_hnat 1e100000.hnat: ext devices = ra0 [ 23.319331] mediatek_soc_hnat 1e100000.hnat: ext devices = rax1 [ 23.325342] mediatek_soc_hnat 1e100000.hnat: ext devices = ra1 [ 23.331332] mediatek_soc_hnat 1e100000.hnat: ext devices = rax2 [ 23.337519] mediatek_soc_hnat 1e100000.hnat: ext devices = ra2 [ 23.343528] mediatek_soc_hnat 1e100000.hnat: ext devices = rax3 [ 23.349500] mediatek_soc_hnat 1e100000.hnat: ext devices = ra3 [ 23.355511] mediatek_soc_hnat 1e100000.hnat: ext devices = apclix0 [ 23.361834] mediatek_soc_hnat 1e100000.hnat: ext devices = apcli0 [ 23.370608] mediatek_soc_hnat 1e100000.hnat: FOE entry number = 8192 [ 23.378789] mediatek_soc_hnat 1e100000.hnat: hwnat start [ 23.520396] no such device! [ 27.339033] hnat_priv ppd = eth0 [ 27.389764] device eth0.1 entered promiscuous mode [ 27.395003] device eth0 entered promiscuous mode [ 27.403677] br-lan: port 1(eth0.1) entered forwarding state [ 27.409420] br-lan: port 1(eth0.1) entered forwarding state [ 27.461360] device eth0.2 entered promiscuous mode [ 27.466762] br-lan: port 2(eth0.2) entered forwarding state [ 27.472693] br-lan: port 2(eth0.2) entered forwarding state [ 27.520388] hnat_priv ppd = eth0.1 [ 27.904297] ra0: ===> main_virtual_if_open [ 27.908427] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT [ 27.932935] load l1profile succeed! [ 27.936480] mt_service_open: wlan service opens successfully! [ 27.962705] APWdsInitialize():WdsEntry[0~15] [ 28.262142] [multi_profile_merge_5g_only] DBDC_MODE=1 [ 28.334963] multi-profile merge success, en:1,pf1_num:6,pf2_num:6,total:12 [ 28.341880] Open file "/etc/wireless/mediatek/DBDC_card0.dat" to store DBDC cfg! (23) [ 28.350356] Write file "/etc/wireless/mediatek/DBDC_card0.dat" success (size=9494)! [ 28.359467] BssidNum=12 [ 28.362008] Pf2MbssIdxMap: [ 28.364910] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 [ 28.381813] E2pAccessMode=2 [ 28.386275] SSID[0]=Netis-BH-cfe40f, EdcaIdx=0 [ 28.391296] SSID[1]=Netis-9892E6, EdcaIdx=0 [ 28.396070] SSID[2]=, EdcaIdx=0 [ 28.399653] SSID[3]=, EdcaIdx=0 [ 28.403343] SSID[4]=, EdcaIdx=0 [ 28.406851] SSID[5]=, EdcaIdx=0 [ 28.410397] SSID[6]=Netis-BH-cfe40f-5G, EdcaIdx=0 [ 28.415702] SSID[7]=Netis-9892E6-5G, EdcaIdx=0 [ 28.420583] SSID[8]=, EdcaIdx=0 [ 28.424320] SSID[9]=, EdcaIdx=0 [ 28.428025] SSID[10]=, EdcaIdx=0 [ 28.431810] SSID[11]=, EdcaIdx=0 [ 28.436047] RTMPSetProfileParameters(): DBDC Mode=1, eDBDC_mode = 1 [ 28.444356] cfg_mode=16 [ 28.446836] cfg_mode=16 [ 28.449364] cfg_mode=16 [ 28.451934] wmode_band_equal(): Band Equal! [ 28.456268] cfg_mode=16 [ 28.458809] cfg_mode=16 [ 28.461360] cfg_mode=16 [ 28.463940] cfg_mode=16 [ 28.466493] cfg_mode=16 [ 28.469036] cfg_mode=16 [ 28.471588] cfg_mode=16 [ 28.474188] cfg_mode=16 [ 28.476735] cfg_mode=16 [ 28.479276] cfg_mode=16 [ 28.481821] cfg_mode=16 [ 28.484431] cfg_mode=17 [ 28.486955] cfg_mode=17 [ 28.489465] cfg_mode=17 [ 28.491978] cfg_mode=17 [ 28.494534] cfg_mode=17 [ 28.497054] cfg_mode=17 [ 28.499521] cfg_mode=17 [ 28.501974] cfg_mode=17 [ 28.504511] cfg_mode=17 [ 28.506972] cfg_mode=17 [ 28.509446] cfg_mode=17 [ 28.511915] cfg_mode=17 [ 28.515747] auto_ch_select_set_cfg(): BandIdx0, AutoChannelAtBootup=1, AutoChannelAlg = 3 [ 28.524033] auto_ch_select_set_cfg(): BandIdx1, AutoChannelAtBootup=1, AutoChannelAlg = 3 [ 28.533241] Index0 Channel=0 [ 28.536218] Index1 Channel=0 [ 28.542723] BandSteering=0 [ 28.546079] BndStrgBssIdx=1;0;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;0 [ 28.551453] [TxPower] BAND0: 100, BAND1: 100 [ 28.567392] [SKUenable] BAND0: 0, BAND1: 0 [ 28.571971] [SkuTableIdx]: 0 [ 28.575279] [CCKTxStream] BAND0: 4, BAND1: 0 [ 28.580313] [PERCENTAGEenable] BAND0: 1, BAND1: 1 [ 28.586156] [BFBACKOFFenable] BAND0: 0, BAND1: 0 [ 28.591603] [Disable160RuMu] BAND0: 1, BAND1: 1 [ 28.596893] [MaxRuOfdma] BAND0: 8, BAND1: 8 [ 28.601828] [MaxDLMuMimo] BAND0: 2, BAND1: 2 [ 28.607065] [MaxULMuMimo] BAND0: 2, BAND1: 2 [ 28.614233] profile: FragThreshold[0]=2346 [ 28.618353] profile: FragThreshold[1]=2346 [ 28.622624] profile: FragThreshold[2]=2346 [ 28.626759] profile: FragThreshold[3]=2346 [ 28.630946] profile: FragThreshold[4]=2346 [ 28.635177] profile: FragThreshold[5]=2346 [ 28.639319] profile: FragThreshold[6]=2346 [ 28.643489] profile: FragThreshold[7]=2346 [ 28.647686] profile: FragThreshold[8]=2346 [ 28.651871] profile: FragThreshold[9]=2346 [ 28.656117] profile: FragThreshold[10]=2346 [ 28.660413] profile: FragThreshold[11]=2346 [ 28.666221] APEdca0 [ 28.669026] Valid=1 [ 28.671197] APAifsn[0]=3 [ 28.673831] APAifsn[1]=7 [ 28.676474] APAifsn[2]=1 [ 28.679112] APAifsn[3]=1 [ 28.681755] APEdca1 [ 28.684507] Valid=1 [ 28.686620] APAifsn[0]=3 [ 28.689176] APAifsn[1]=7 [ 28.691714] APAifsn[2]=1 [ 28.694417] APAifsn[3]=1 [ 28.696986] APEdca2 [ 28.699833] APEdca3 [ 28.727113] BSSAifsn[0]=3 [ 28.729765] BSSAifsn[1]=7 [ 28.732473] BSSAifsn[2]=2 [ 28.735215] BSSAifsn[3]=2 [ 28.738528] BSSAifsn[0]=3 [ 28.741267] BSSAifsn[1]=7 [ 28.743999] BSSAifsn[2]=2 [ 28.746633] BSSAifsn[3]=2 [ 28.749964] BSSAifsn[0]=3 [ 28.752709] BSSAifsn[1]=7 [ 28.755419] BSSAifsn[2]=2 [ 28.758135] BSSAifsn[3]=2 [ 28.761505] BSSAifsn[0]=3 [ 28.764263] BSSAifsn[1]=7 [ 28.766928] BSSAifsn[2]=2 [ 28.769639] BSSAifsn[3]=2 [ 28.772957] BSSAifsn[0]=3 [ 28.775627] BSSAifsn[1]=7 [ 28.778272] BSSAifsn[2]=2 [ 28.780994] BSSAifsn[3]=2 [ 28.784553] BSSAifsn[0]=3 [ 28.787254] BSSAifsn[1]=7 [ 28.789945] BSSAifsn[2]=2 [ 28.792678] BSSAifsn[3]=2 [ 28.795962] BSSAifsn[0]=3 [ 28.798667] BSSAifsn[1]=7 [ 28.801407] BSSAifsn[2]=2 [ 28.804143] BSSAifsn[3]=2 [ 28.807521] BSSAifsn[0]=3 [ 28.810235] BSSAifsn[1]=7 [ 28.812999] BSSAifsn[2]=2 [ 28.815729] BSSAifsn[3]=2 [ 28.819119] BSSAifsn[0]=3 [ 28.821837] BSSAifsn[1]=7 [ 28.824562] BSSAifsn[2]=2 [ 28.827279] BSSAifsn[3]=2 [ 28.830626] BSSAifsn[0]=3 [ 28.833339] BSSAifsn[1]=7 [ 28.835983] BSSAifsn[2]=2 [ 28.838701] BSSAifsn[3]=2 [ 28.841996] BSSAifsn[0]=3 [ 28.844735] BSSAifsn[1]=7 [ 28.847386] BSSAifsn[2]=2 [ 28.850112] BSSAifsn[3]=2 [ 28.853603] BSSAifsn[0]=3 [ 28.856315] BSSAifsn[1]=7 [ 28.859042] BSSAifsn[2]=2 [ 28.861774] BSSAifsn[3]=2 [ 28.865363] UAPSDCapable[0]=1 [ 28.868451] UAPSDCapable[1]=1 [ 28.871441] default ApCliUAPSDCapable[0]=1 [ 28.875649] default ApCliUAPSDCapable[1]=1 [ 28.884037] DfsZeroWait Support=0/0 [ 28.891158] DfsZeroWaitCacTime=255/255 [ 28.897357] read_itxbf: ITxBfEn = 0 [ 28.900864] read_itxbf: BSSID[0] [ 28.904177] read_itxbf: MBSS[0] ITxBfEn = 0 [ 28.908374] read_itxbf: ITxBfEn = 0 [ 28.911864] read_itxbf: BSSID[1] [ 28.915246] read_itxbf: MBSS[1] ITxBfEn = 0 [ 28.919570] read_itxbf: ITxBfEn = 0 [ 28.923205] read_itxbf: BSSID[2] [ 28.926537] read_itxbf: MBSS[2] ITxBfEn = 0 [ 28.930765] read_itxbf: ITxBfEn = 0 [ 28.934400] read_itxbf: BSSID[3] [ 28.937764] read_itxbf: MBSS[3] ITxBfEn = 0 [ 28.942061] read_itxbf: ITxBfEn = 0 [ 28.945684] read_itxbf: BSSID[4] [ 28.949029] read_itxbf: MBSS[4] ITxBfEn = 0 [ 28.953340] read_itxbf: ITxBfEn = 0 [ 28.956935] read_itxbf: BSSID[5] [ 28.960264] read_itxbf: MBSS[5] ITxBfEn = 0 [ 28.964587] read_itxbf: ITxBfEn = 0 [ 28.968174] read_itxbf: BSSID[6] [ 28.971428] read_itxbf: MBSS[6] ITxBfEn = 0 [ 28.975735] read_itxbf: ITxBfEn = 0 [ 28.979319] read_itxbf: BSSID[7] [ 28.982626] read_itxbf: MBSS[7] ITxBfEn = 0 [ 28.986842] read_itxbf: ITxBfEn = 0 [ 28.990414] read_itxbf: BSSID[8] [ 28.993788] read_itxbf: MBSS[8] ITxBfEn = 0 [ 28.998107] read_itxbf: ITxBfEn = 0 [ 29.001682] read_itxbf: BSSID[9] [ 29.005065] read_itxbf: MBSS[9] ITxBfEn = 0 [ 29.009324] read_itxbf: ITxBfEn = 0 [ 29.012943] read_itxbf: BSSID[10] [ 29.016357] read_itxbf: MBSS[10] ITxBfEn = 0 [ 29.020741] read_itxbf: ITxBfEn = 0 [ 29.024362] read_itxbf: BSSID[11] [ 29.027793] read_itxbf: MBSS[11] ITxBfEn = 0 [ 29.032098] read_itxbf: Common.ITxBfEn = 0 [ 29.037006] read_etxbf: ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.040954] read_etxbf: BSSID[0] [ 29.044329] read_etxbf: MBSS[0] ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.048881] read_etxbf: ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.052790] read_etxbf: BSSID[1] [ 29.056054] read_etxbf: MBSS[1] ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.060611] read_etxbf: ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.064620] read_etxbf: BSSID[2] [ 29.067904] read_etxbf: MBSS[2] ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.072502] read_etxbf: ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.076346] read_etxbf: BSSID[3] [ 29.079574] read_etxbf: MBSS[3] ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.084137] read_etxbf: ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.087976] read_etxbf: BSSID[4] [ 29.091205] read_etxbf: MBSS[4] ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.095771] read_etxbf: ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.099609] read_etxbf: BSSID[5] [ 29.102881] read_etxbf: MBSS[5] ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.107419] read_etxbf: ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.111253] read_etxbf: BSSID[6] [ 29.114521] read_etxbf: MBSS[6] ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.119058] read_etxbf: ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.122940] read_etxbf: BSSID[7] [ 29.126175] read_etxbf: MBSS[7] ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.130707] read_etxbf: ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.134614] read_etxbf: BSSID[8] [ 29.137860] read_etxbf: MBSS[8] ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.142486] read_etxbf: ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.146525] read_etxbf: BSSID[9] [ 29.149859] read_etxbf: MBSS[9] ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.154483] read_etxbf: ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.158439] read_etxbf: BSSID[10] [ 29.161851] read_etxbf: MBSS[10] ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.166734] read_etxbf: ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.170619] read_etxbf: BSSID[11] [ 29.173991] read_etxbf: MBSS[11] ETxBfEnCond = 1 [ 29.179891] HeraStbcPriority[0] = 0 [ 29.183517] HeraStbcPriority[1] = 0 [ 29.193037] MBSS[0] MuOfdmaDlEnable = 1 [ 29.196906] MBSS[1] MuOfdmaDlEnable = 1 [ 29.200774] MBSS[2] MuOfdmaDlEnable = 1 [ 29.204748] MBSS[3] MuOfdmaDlEnable = 1 [ 29.208702] MBSS[4] MuOfdmaDlEnable = 1 [ 29.212630] MBSS[5] MuOfdmaDlEnable = 1 [ 29.216501] MBSS[6] MuOfdmaDlEnable = 1 [ 29.220439] MBSS[7] MuOfdmaDlEnable = 1 [ 29.224442] MBSS[8] MuOfdmaDlEnable = 1 [ 29.228323] MBSS[9] MuOfdmaDlEnable = 1 [ 29.232302] MBSS[10] MuOfdmaDlEnable = 1 [ 29.236246] MBSS[11] MuOfdmaDlEnable = 1 [ 29.240804] MBSS[0] MuOfdmaUlEnable = 0 [ 29.244797] MBSS[1] MuOfdmaUlEnable = 0 [ 29.248679] MBSS[2] MuOfdmaUlEnable = 0 [ 29.252599] MBSS[3] MuOfdmaUlEnable = 0 [ 29.256548] MBSS[4] MuOfdmaUlEnable = 0 [ 29.260498] MBSS[5] MuOfdmaUlEnable = 0 [ 29.264530] MBSS[6] MuOfdmaUlEnable = 0 [ 29.268499] MBSS[7] MuOfdmaUlEnable = 0 [ 29.272487] MBSS[8] MuOfdmaUlEnable = 0 [ 29.276366] MBSS[9] MuOfdmaUlEnable = 0 [ 29.280228] MBSS[10] MuOfdmaUlEnable = 0 [ 29.284298] MBSS[11] MuOfdmaUlEnable = 0 [ 29.288965] MBSS[0] MuMimoDlEnable = 1 [ 29.292808] MBSS[1] MuMimoDlEnable = 1 [ 29.296593] MBSS[2] MuMimoDlEnable = 1 [ 29.300461] MBSS[3] MuMimoDlEnable = 1 [ 29.304381] MBSS[4] MuMimoDlEnable = 1 [ 29.308173] MBSS[5] MuMimoDlEnable = 1 [ 29.311951] MBSS[6] MuMimoDlEnable = 1 [ 29.315817] MBSS[7] MuMimoDlEnable = 1 [ 29.319684] MBSS[8] MuMimoDlEnable = 1 [ 29.323592] MBSS[9] MuMimoDlEnable = 1 [ 29.327385] MBSS[10] MuMimoDlEnable = 1 [ 29.331248] MBSS[11] MuMimoDlEnable = 1 [ 29.335838] MBSS[0] MuMimoUlEnable = 0 [ 29.339698] MBSS[1] MuMimoUlEnable = 0 [ 29.343530] MBSS[2] MuMimoUlEnable = 0 [ 29.347315] MBSS[3] MuMimoUlEnable = 0 [ 29.351163] MBSS[4] MuMimoUlEnable = 0 [ 29.355054] MBSS[5] MuMimoUlEnable = 0 [ 29.358843] MBSS[6] MuMimoUlEnable = 0 [ 29.362675] MBSS[7] MuMimoUlEnable = 0 [ 29.366522] MBSS[8] MuMimoUlEnable = 0 [ 29.370374] MBSS[9] MuMimoUlEnable = 0 [ 29.374227] MBSS[10] MuMimoUlEnable = 0 [ 29.378104] MBSS[11] MuMimoUlEnable = 0 [ 29.402306] br-lan: port 1(eth0.1) entered forwarding state [ 29.472272] br-lan: port 2(eth0.2) entered forwarding state [ 29.524321] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPC_Proc:: apidx=0, Desired MFPC=0 [ 29.529930] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPC_Proc:: apidx=1, Desired MFPC=0 [ 29.535603] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPC_Proc:: apidx=2, Desired MFPC=0 [ 29.541271] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPC_Proc:: apidx=3, Desired MFPC=0 [ 29.547009] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPC_Proc:: apidx=4, Desired MFPC=0 [ 29.552689] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPC_Proc:: apidx=5, Desired MFPC=0 [ 29.558278] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPC_Proc:: apidx=6, Desired MFPC=0 [ 29.563947] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPC_Proc:: apidx=7, Desired MFPC=0 [ 29.569629] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPC_Proc:: apidx=8, Desired MFPC=0 [ 29.575342] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPC_Proc:: apidx=9, Desired MFPC=0 [ 29.580958] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPC_Proc:: apidx=10, Desired MFPC=0 [ 29.586726] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPC_Proc:: apidx=11, Desired MFPC=0 [ 29.593058] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPR_Proc:: apidx=0, Desired MFPR=0 [ 29.598749] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPR_Proc:: apidx=1, Desired MFPR=0 [ 29.604469] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPR_Proc:: apidx=2, Desired MFPR=0 [ 29.610170] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPR_Proc:: apidx=3, Desired MFPR=0 [ 29.615902] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPR_Proc:: apidx=4, Desired MFPR=0 [ 29.621597] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPR_Proc:: apidx=5, Desired MFPR=0 [ 29.627291] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPR_Proc:: apidx=6, Desired MFPR=0 [ 29.633022] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPR_Proc:: apidx=7, Desired MFPR=0 [ 29.638728] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPR_Proc:: apidx=8, Desired MFPR=0 [ 29.644453] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPR_Proc:: apidx=9, Desired MFPR=0 [ 29.650168] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPR_Proc:: apidx=10, Desired MFPR=0 [ 29.656001] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPR_Proc:: apidx=11, Desired MFPR=0 [ 29.662315] [PMF]Set_PMFSHA256_Proc:: apidx=0, Desired PMFSHA256=0 [ 29.668518] [PMF]Set_PMFSHA256_Proc:: apidx=1, Desired PMFSHA256=0 [ 29.674776] [PMF]Set_PMFSHA256_Proc:: apidx=2, Desired PMFSHA256=0 [ 29.680988] [PMF]Set_PMFSHA256_Proc:: apidx=3, Desired PMFSHA256=0 [ 29.687263] [PMF]Set_PMFSHA256_Proc:: apidx=4, Desired PMFSHA256=0 [ 29.693575] [PMF]Set_PMFSHA256_Proc:: apidx=5, Desired PMFSHA256=0 [ 29.699900] [PMF]Set_PMFSHA256_Proc:: apidx=6, Desired PMFSHA256=0 [ 29.706183] [PMF]Set_PMFSHA256_Proc:: apidx=7, Desired PMFSHA256=0 [ 29.712447] [PMF]Set_PMFSHA256_Proc:: apidx=8, Desired PMFSHA256=0 [ 29.718759] [PMF]Set_PMFSHA256_Proc:: apidx=9, Desired PMFSHA256=0 [ 29.725082] [PMF]Set_PMFSHA256_Proc:: apidx=10, Desired PMFSHA256=0 [ 29.731456] [PMF]Set_PMFSHA256_Proc:: apidx=11, Desired PMFSHA256=0 [ 29.740825] ReadMboParameterFromFile::(bMboEnable[0]=1, MboCapIndication = 0x40) [ 29.748338] ReadMboParameterFromFile::(bMboEnable[1]=1, MboCapIndication = 0x40) [ 29.755817] ReadMboParameterFromFile::(bMboEnable[2]=1, MboCapIndication = 0x40) [ 29.763277] ReadMboParameterFromFile::(bMboEnable[3]=1, MboCapIndication = 0x40) [ 29.770774] ReadMboParameterFromFile::(bMboEnable[4]=1, MboCapIndication = 0x40) [ 29.778340] ReadMboParameterFromFile::(bMboEnable[5]=1, MboCapIndication = 0x40) [ 29.785915] ReadMboParameterFromFile::(bMboEnable[6]=1, MboCapIndication = 0x40) [ 29.793464] ReadMboParameterFromFile::(bMboEnable[7]=1, MboCapIndication = 0x40) [ 29.801026] ReadMboParameterFromFile::(bMboEnable[8]=1, MboCapIndication = 0x40) [ 29.808579] ReadMboParameterFromFile::(bMboEnable[9]=1, MboCapIndication = 0x40) [ 29.816106] ReadMboParameterFromFile::(bMboEnable[10]=1, MboCapIndication = 0x40) [ 29.823725] ReadMboParameterFromFile::(bMboEnable[11]=1, MboCapIndication = 0x40) [ 29.832169] ReadMboParameterFromFile::(bMboEnable[0]=1) [ 29.837536] ReadMboParameterFromFile::(bMboEnable[1]=1) [ 29.843339] MAP_MODE=1 [ 29.846268] NetcoreOUI=FF:FF:FF [ 29.858800] ApCliEntry[0].Enable=0 [ 29.862281] ApCliEntry[1].Enable=0 [ 29.875426] APCLI[0] ApCliMuOfdmaDlEnable = 1 [ 29.879818] APCLI[1] ApCliMuOfdmaDlEnable = 1 [ 29.885055] APCLI[0] ApCliMuOfdmaUlEnable = 0 [ 29.889512] APCLI[1] ApCliMuOfdmaUlEnable = 0 [ 29.894662] APCLI[0] ApCliMuMimoDlEnable = 0 [ 29.898979] APCLI[1] ApCliMuMimoDlEnable = 0 [ 29.903970] APCLI[0] ApCliMuMimoUlEnable = 0 [ 29.908379] APCLI[1] ApCliMuMimoUlEnable = 0 [ 29.913524] rtmp_read_wds_from_file(): WDS Profile [ 29.919188] WDS Number: band[0]=0, band[1]=0 [ 29.924423] WDS-Enable mode=0 [ 29.927474] WDS-Enable mode=0 [ 29.931889] If/wds0 - PeerPhyMode=0xb1 [ 29.935724] If/wds1 - PeerPhyMode=0xb1 [ 29.941481] AsicSetReptFuncEnable, caller:RTMPSetProfileParameters+0xbbec/0x113f4 [ 29.949056] RepeaterCtrlExit, wrong state(0,0) [ 29.953601] Band_0_RpEn(0),RpEnByAnyBnd(0),RpEn(0) [ 29.958459] AndesSendCmdMsg: Could not send in band command due to diablefRTMP_ADAPTER_MCU_SEND_IN_BAND_CMD [ 29.968338] AndesSendCmdMsg: Command type = ed, Extension command type = 48 [ 29.975454] MACRepeaterEn=0 Band=0 [ 29.979004] AsicSetReptFuncEnable, caller:RTMPSetProfileParameters+0xbbec/0x113f4 [ 29.986637] RepeaterCtrlExit, wrong state(0,0) [ 29.991197] Band_1_RpEn(0),RpEnByAnyBnd(0),RpEn(0) [ 29.996140] AndesSendCmdMsg: Could not send in band command due to diablefRTMP_ADAPTER_MCU_SEND_IN_BAND_CMD [ 30.006014] AndesSendCmdMsg: Command type = ed, Extension command type = 48 [ 30.013129] MACRepeaterEn=0 Band=1 [ 30.029075] HT_BAWinSize: wdev[0]: (TX=256, RX=256) [ 30.034049] HT_BAWinSize: wdev[1]: (TX=256, RX=256) [ 30.038963] HT_BAWinSize: wdev[2]: (TX=256, RX=256) [ 30.043960] HT_BAWinSize: wdev[3]: (TX=256, RX=256) [ 30.048947] HT_BAWinSize: wdev[4]: (TX=256, RX=256) [ 30.053922] HT_BAWinSize: wdev[5]: (TX=256, RX=256) [ 30.058927] HT_BAWinSize: wdev[6]: (TX=256, RX=256) [ 30.063945] HT_BAWinSize: wdev[7]: (TX=256, RX=256) [ 30.068949] HT_BAWinSize: wdev[8]: (TX=256, RX=256) [ 30.073972] HT_BAWinSize: wdev[9]: (TX=256, RX=256) [ 30.078971] HT_BAWinSize: wdev[10]: (TX=256, RX=256) [ 30.084061] HT_BAWinSize: wdev[11]: (TX=256, RX=256) [ 30.090890] HT: WDEV[0] Ext Channel = ABOVE [ 30.095137] HT: WDEV[1] Ext Channel = ABOVE [ 30.099325] HT: WDEV[2] Ext Channel = ABOVE [ 30.103584] HT: WDEV[3] Ext Channel = ABOVE [ 30.107783] HT: WDEV[4] Ext Channel = ABOVE [ 30.111967] HT: WDEV[5] Ext Channel = ABOVE [ 30.116246] HT: WDEV[6] Ext Channel = ABOVE [ 30.120451] HT: WDEV[7] Ext Channel = ABOVE [ 30.124807] HT: WDEV[8] Ext Channel = ABOVE [ 30.129093] HT: WDEV[9] Ext Channel = ABOVE [ 30.133416] HT: WDEV[a] Ext Channel = ABOVE [ 30.137699] HT: WDEV[b] Ext Channel = ABOVE [ 30.142810] HT: greenap_cap = 0 [ 30.146286] ChipI=7915, Value=0, pcie_aspm in profile=0 [ 30.152131] 0:ra0 TWTsupport = 0 [ 30.155503] 1:(null) TWTsupport = 0 [ 30.159007] 2:(null) TWTsupport = 0 [ 30.162607] 3:(null) TWTsupport = 0 [ 30.166343] 4:(null) TWTsupport = 0 [ 30.170130] 5:(null) TWTsupport = 0 [ 30.173829] 6:(null) TWTsupport = 0 [ 30.177412] 7:(null) TWTsupport = 0 [ 30.180957] 8:(null) TWTsupport = 0 [ 30.184640] 9:(null) TWTsupport = 0 [ 30.188217] 10:(null) TWTsupport = 0 [ 30.191927] 11:(null) TWTsupport = 0 [ 30.468769] ICapMode = 0 [ 30.489888] KernelRps --> 1 [ 30.501067] rtmp_read_mlme_multiqueue_parms_from_file(): Mlme.MultiQEnable=1 [ 30.508594] rtmp_read_mlme_multiqueue_parms_from_file(): [hp_q_ration]-[np_q_ration]-[lp_q_ration] = 5-3-1 [ 30.519219] WtcSetMaxStaNum: MaxStaNum:226, BssidNum:12, WdsNum:16, MSTANum:1, MaxNumChipRept:32, MinMcastWcid:275 [ 30.529696] Top Init Done! [ 30.532527] Use dev_alloc_skb [ 30.535677] token_tx_two_queues_init(): ct sw token(0) number = 2048 [ 30.542405] token_tx_two_queues_init(): token que(0) inited done!id_head/tail=0/2048 [ 30.550184] token_tx_two_queues_init(): 8b126004,8b126004 [ 30.555753] token_tx_two_queues_init(): ct sw token(1) number = 6144 [ 30.563146] token_tx_two_queues_init(): token que(1) inited done!id_head/tail=0/6144 [ 30.571022] token_tx_two_queues_init(): 8b1260ac,8b1260ac [ 30.579790] TxRing[0]: attr:0, total 2048 entry initialized [ 30.587043] TxRing[1]: attr:0, total 2048 entry initialized [ 30.594621] TxRing[2]: attr:0, total 2048 entry initialized [ 30.600451] RX[0] DESC a0c38000 size = 24576 [ 30.607893] RX[1] DESC a0c1c000 size = 16384 [ 30.614151] RX[2] DESC a0dd0000 size = 24576 [ 30.621246] RX[3] DESC a0dd8000 size = 24576 [ 30.625681] RX[4] DESC a0c08000 size = 8192 [ 30.630865] RX[5] DESC a0dcc000 size = 16384 [ 30.637174] RX[6] DESC a0dca000 size = 8192 [ 30.642732] -->TX_RING_0[0xd9330]: Attr:0, Base=0xc30000, Cnt=2048! [ 30.649117] -->TX_RING_1[0xd5420]: Attr:0, Base=0xdb8000, Cnt=2048! [ 30.655545] -->TX_RING_2[0xd5430]: Attr:0, Base=0xdc0000, Cnt=2048! [ 30.661918] -->TX_RING_3[0xd5400]: Attr:3, Base=0xdae000, Cnt=128! [ 30.668249] -->TX_RING_4[0xd5410]: Attr:2, Base=0xdaf000, Cnt=256! [ 30.674583] -->TX_RING_5[0xd5440]: Attr:1, Base=0xdc8000, Cnt=256! [ 30.680871] -->RX_RING_0[0xd8510]: Base=0xc38000, Cnt=1536 [ 30.686521] -->RX_RING_1[0xd9520]: Base=0xc1c000, Cnt=1024 [ 30.692121] -->RX_RING_2[0xd4500]: Base=0xdd0000, Cnt=1536 [ 30.697820] -->RX_RING_3[0xd4510]: Base=0xdd8000, Cnt=10 [ 30.703295] -->RX_RING_4[0xd5500]: Base=0xc08000, Cnt=512 [ 30.708805] -->RX_RING_5[0xd5510]: Base=0xdcc000, Cnt=1024 [ 30.714427] -->RX_RING_6[0xd5520]: Base=0xdca000, Cnt=512 [ 30.719859] Hif Init Done! [ 30.726027] pci_driver_own_by_port: success to clear p=0 fw own, from(1): 1 is interrupt mode, 2 is polling mode. [ 30.737963] pci_driver_own_by_port: success to clear p=1 fw own, from(1): 1 is interrupt mode, 2 is polling mode. [ 30.748367] fw_prepare():using E2 ROM patch [ 30.752697] fw_prepare():using E2 RAM [ 30.756474] Parsing patch header [ 30.759735] Built date: 20201105222230a [ 30.763997] [ 30.765578] Platform: ALPS [ 30.768417] HW/SW version: 0x8a108a10 [ 30.772287] Patch version: 0xffffffff [ 30.776211] Section num: 0x2, subsys: 0x4 [ 30.780396] Section 0: type = 0x30002, offset = 0xe0, size = 0xfc90 [ 30.786846] Target address: 0x200000, length: 0xfc90 [ 30.792011] Section 1: type = 0x30002, offset = 0xfd70, size = 0x13720 [ 30.798771] Target address: 0xe000f000, length: 0x13720 [ 30.804433] Patch SEM Status = 2 [ 30.807885] patch is not ready && get semaphore success [ 30.813309] Start address = 0x200000, DL length = 64656, Data mode = 0x80000000 [ 30.821960] EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success [ 30.842383] MtCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0) [ 30.847400] Start address = 0xe000f000, DL length = 79648, Data mode = 0x80000000 [ 30.856261] EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success [ 30.872349] MtCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0) [ 30.877235] MtCmdPatchFinishReq [ 30.884266] EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success [ 30.889269] Patch SEM Status = 3 [ 30.892576] release patch semaphore [ 30.896118] WfMcuHwInit: Before NICLoadFirmware, check ICapMode = 0 [ 30.903460] Parsing CPU 0 fw tailer [ 30.907070] Chip ID: 0x0b [ 30.909940] Eco version: 0x01 [ 30.913085] Region number: 0x07 [ 30.916329] Format version: 0x02 [ 30.919706] Format flag: 0x01 [ 30.922872] Ram version: ____000000 [ 30.926539] Built date: 20201105222304 [ 30.930472] Common crc: 0xaa870ac [ 30.934120] Parsing tailer region 0 [ 30.937698] Decomp crc: 0x0 [ 30.940632] Decomp size: 0x0 [ 30.943713] Decomp block size: 0x0 [ 30.947219] Target address: 0x21fc00 [ 30.950881] Download size: 110592 [ 30.954390] Feature set: 0x20 [ 30.957497] Parsing tailer region 1 [ 30.961049] Decomp crc: 0x0 [ 30.964045] Decomp size: 0x0 [ 30.967052] Decomp block size: 0x0 [ 30.970592] Target address: 0x31dc00 [ 30.974362] Download size: 205824 [ 30.977778] Feature set: 0x00 [ 30.980899] Parsing tailer region 2 [ 30.984515] Decomp crc: 0x0 [ 30.987422] Decomp size: 0x0 [ 30.990389] Decomp block size: 0x0 [ 30.993925] Target address: 0x417400 [ 30.997634] Download size: 31744 [ 31.000980] Feature set: 0x00 [ 31.004127] Parsing tailer region 3 [ 31.007648] Decomp crc: 0x0 [ 31.010554] Decomp size: 0x0 [ 31.013677] Decomp block size: 0x0 [ 31.017208] Target address: 0xe0022800 [ 31.021059] Download size: 411136 [ 31.024532] Feature set: 0x00 [ 31.027684] Parsing tailer region 4 [ 31.031178] Decomp crc: 0x0 [ 31.034147] Decomp size: 0x0 [ 31.037150] Decomp block size: 0x0 [ 31.040659] Target address: 0xe0086e00 [ 31.044706] Download size: 332288 [ 31.048164] Feature set: 0x00 [ 31.051293] Parsing tailer region 5 [ 31.054934] Decomp crc: 0x0 [ 31.057866] Decomp size: 0x0 [ 31.060864] Decomp block size: 0x0 [ 31.064486] Target address: 0x23ac00 [ 31.068180] Download size: 87040 [ 31.071513] Feature set: 0x00 [ 31.074822] Parsing tailer region 6 [ 31.078360] Decomp crc: 0x0 [ 31.081255] Decomp size: 0x0 [ 31.084299] Decomp block size: 0x0 [ 31.087825] Target address: 0x400000 [ 31.091503] Download size: 81920 [ 31.094883] Feature set: 0x00 [ 31.098024] Release info: header tag = 0, total length = 68 [ 31.103749] tag 1, padding length = 3, tag length = 61 [ 31.108985] payload: t-neptune-main-mt7915-1953-MT7915D_1953_MT7621-20201105221902 [ 31.117061] Start address = 0x21fc00, DL length = 110592, Data mode = 0x80000000 [ 31.125916] EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success [ 31.137024] MtCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0) [ 31.143020] Start address = 0x31dc00, DL length = 205824, Data mode = 0x80000000 [ 31.151848] EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success [ 31.160741] MtCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0) [ 31.168250] Start address = 0x417400, DL length = 31744, Data mode = 0x80000000 [ 31.176981] EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success [ 31.186443] MtCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0) [ 31.191035] Start address = 0xe0022800, DL length = 411136, Data mode = 0x80000000 [ 31.200243] EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success [ 31.205377] MtCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0) [ 31.217391] Start address = 0xe0086e00, DL length = 332288, Data mode = 0x80000000 [ 31.226437] EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success [ 31.234782] MtCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0) [ 31.243131] Start address = 0x23ac00, DL length = 87040, Data mode = 0x80000000 [ 31.251810] EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success [ 31.256936] MtCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0) [ 31.262054] Start address = 0x400000, DL length = 81920, Data mode = 0x80000000 [ 31.270876] EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success [ 31.275975] MtCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0) [ 31.281215] MtCmdFwStartReq: override = 0x1, address = 0x21fc00 [ 31.288730] EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success [ 31.293755] Parsing CPU 1 fw tailer [ 31.297277] Chip ID: 0x00 [ 31.300095] Eco version: 0x01 [ 31.303297] Region number: 0x03 [ 31.306641] Format version: 0x02 [ 31.310090] Format flag: 0x01 [ 31.313258] Ram version: DEV_000000 [ 31.317012] Built date: 20201105222323 [ 31.321086] Common crc: 0x8fcbc5ad [ 31.324717] Parsing tailer region 0 [ 31.328254] Decomp crc: 0x0 [ 31.331232] Decomp size: 0x0 [ 31.334255] Decomp block size: 0x0 [ 31.337796] Target address: 0x10200000 [ 31.341704] Download size: 88512 [ 31.345172] Feature set: 0x00 [ 31.348306] Parsing tailer region 1 [ 31.351811] Decomp crc: 0x0 [ 31.354820] Decomp size: 0x0 [ 31.357807] Decomp block size: 0x0 [ 31.361303] Target address: 0x10300000 [ 31.365195] Download size: 19392 [ 31.368518] Feature set: 0x00 [ 31.371609] Parsing tailer region 2 [ 31.375150] Decomp crc: 0x0 [ 31.378042] Decomp size: 0x0 [ 31.381016] Decomp block size: 0x0 [ 31.384560] Target address: 0xe0000000 [ 31.388418] Download size: 8768 [ 31.391657] Feature set: 0x00 [ 31.394908] Release info: header tag = 0, total length = 0 [ 31.400598] Start address = 0x10200000, DL length = 88512, Data mode = 0x80000010 [ 31.409580] EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success [ 31.414989] MtCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0) [ 31.420053] Start address = 0x10300000, DL length = 19392, Data mode = 0x80000010 [ 31.429001] EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success [ 31.442396] MtCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0) [ 31.446768] Start address = 0xe0000000, DL length = 8768, Data mode = 0x80000010 [ 31.455609] EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success [ 31.460466] MtCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0) [ 31.464722] MtCmdFwStartReq: override = 0x4, address = 0x0 [ 31.570868] EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success [ 31.575735] MCU Init Done! [ 31.578512] efuse_probe: efuse = 10000012 [ 31.582644] RtmpChipOpsEepromHook::e2p_type=2, inf_Type=5 [ 31.588141] RtmpEepromGetDefault::e2p_dafault=1 [ 31.592780] RtmpChipOpsEepromHook: E2P type(2), E2pAccessMode = 2, E2P default = 1 [ 31.600439] NVM is FLASH mode. dev_idx [0] FLASH OFFSET [0x0] [ 31.606489] rtmp_nv_init(): EEPROM Size[131072] [ 31.629010] [EEPROMImage - PreCalImageInfo - PreCalImage - TxDPDImage] [ 31.629010] [0x8b180000 - 0x8b180e00 - 0x8b180e10 - 0x8b18d220] [ 31.643103] validFlashEepromID(): eeFlashId=7915, pAd->ChipID=7915 [ 31.652493] [d-die version:1] [ 31.713224] [a-die version:2] [ 31.858854] [ 31.860455] NICReadEEPROMParameters: EEPROM 0x62 0 [ 37.131474] Country Region from e2p = 0 [ 37.135365] antenna_default_reset() todo [ 37.139287] antenna_default_reset() value = 0x52d2, TxPath = 2, RxPath = 2 [ 37.146208] RTMPReadTxPwrPerRate(458): Don't Support this now! [ 37.152044] rc_radio_init(): DBDC MODE=1, ConcurrentBand=2 [ 37.157566] rc_radio_init(): radio_ctrl=8e9d9708,Band=0,rfcap=3,channel=1,PhyMode=2 extCha=0xf [ 37.166210] rc_radio_init(): radio_ctrl=8e9d9a60,Band=1,rfcap=3,channel=1,PhyMode=2 extCha=0xf [ 37.174901] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 37.180645] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 37.186444] AntCfgInit(2863): Not support for HIF_MT yet! [ 37.191860] mt7915_check_RF_lock_down: RFlockDown Enable: 0 [ 37.197460] MtReadPwrLimitTable: sku table idx: 0 mt7915_check_RF_lock_down: RFlockDown Enable: 0 [ 37.214341] mt7915_check_RF_lock_down: RFlockDown Enable: 0 [ 37.219913] MtReadPwrLimitTable: sku table idx: 0 mt7915_check_RF_lock_down: RFlockDown Enable: 0 [ 37.237037] EEPROM Init Done! [ 37.240047] mac_init()--> [ 37.242700] init_mac_cr()--> [ 37.245580] <--mac_init() [ 37.251374] CmdRxHdrTransBLUpdateRsp::EventExtCmdResult.u4Status = 0x0 [ 37.259700] CmdRxHdrTransBLUpdateRsp::EventExtCmdResult.u4Status = 0x0 [ 37.268019] CmdRxHdrTransBLUpdateRsp::EventExtCmdResult.u4Status = 0x0 [ 37.274587] MAC Init Done! [ 37.277297] BBPInit():BBP Initialization..... [ 37.281653] Band 0: valid=1, Band=2, CBW=1, CentCh/PrimCh=1/1, prim_ch_idx=0, txStream=2 [ 37.289887] Band 1: valid=0, Band=0, CBW=0, CentCh/PrimCh=0/0, prim_ch_idx=0, txStream=0 [ 37.298090] BBPInit() todo [ 37.300794] PHY Init Done! [ 37.315398] Update wifi led hook [ 37.318755] tx_pwr_comp_init():NotSupportYet! [ 37.318773] [ 37.318773] led_send_fw_cmd: [ 37.318845] 0205000000240000 [ 37.318845] led_0 map to gpio_18... [ 37.318867] [ 37.318867] led_send_fw_cmd: [ 37.318894] 0205010000340000 [ 37.318894] led_1 map to gpio_26... [ 37.344661] Set_SCSDefaultEnable(): BandIdx=0, SCSEnable=1 [ 37.350186] Set_SCSDefaultEnable(): BandIdx=1, SCSEnable=1 [ 37.355896] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 37.359711] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 37.364403] LedMode is 0 [ 37.366953] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 2,Status is 1,BandIdx is 0 [ 37.372940] ap_ftkd> Initialize FT KDP Module... [ 37.377597] Main bssid = 00:00:00:00:00:00 [ 37.381696] SetMuruPlatformTypeProc: param.ucPlatformType = 2 [ 37.387520] muru_cfg_dlul_limits:(Ret = 1 [ 37.391544] muru_cfg_dlul_limits:(Ret = 1 [ 37.395909] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 37.399719] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 37.403475] <==== mt_wifi_init, Status=0 [ 37.407458] CmdHeraStbcPriorityCtrl: u1BandIdx=0, u1Operation=1, u1StbcPriority=0 [ 37.415016] CmdHeraStbcPriorityCtrl: u1BandIdx=1, u1Operation=1, u1StbcPriority=0 [ 37.422667] Register MBSSID IF 1 (ra1) [ 37.426449] wdev_init(caller:mbss_create_vif+0x2fc/0x4c4), wdev(1) [ 37.434637] Register MBSSID IF 2 (ra2) [ 37.438479] wdev_init(caller:mbss_create_vif+0x2fc/0x4c4), wdev(2) [ 37.446587] Register MBSSID IF 3 (ra3) [ 37.450409] wdev_init(caller:mbss_create_vif+0x2fc/0x4c4), wdev(3) [ 37.459525] Register MBSSID IF 4 (ra4) [ 37.463377] wdev_init(caller:mbss_create_vif+0x2fc/0x4c4), wdev(4) [ 37.471770] Register MBSSID IF 5 (ra5) [ 37.475702] wdev_init(caller:mbss_create_vif+0x2fc/0x4c4), wdev(5) [ 37.484084] Register MBSSID IF 6 (rax0) [ 37.488056] wdev_init(caller:mbss_create_vif+0x2fc/0x4c4), wdev(6) [ 37.496340] Register MBSSID IF 7 (rax1) [ 37.500257] wdev_init(caller:mbss_create_vif+0x2fc/0x4c4), wdev(7) [ 37.508793] Register MBSSID IF 8 (rax2) [ 37.512774] wdev_init(caller:mbss_create_vif+0x2fc/0x4c4), wdev(8) [ 37.520669] Register MBSSID IF 9 (rax3) [ 37.524614] wdev_init(caller:mbss_create_vif+0x2fc/0x4c4), wdev(9) [ 37.532747] Register MBSSID IF 10 (rax4) [ 37.536741] wdev_init(caller:mbss_create_vif+0x2fc/0x4c4), wdev(10) [ 37.544975] Register MBSSID IF 11 (rax5) [ 37.549005] wdev_init(caller:mbss_create_vif+0x2fc/0x4c4), wdev(11) [ 37.557048] MSTA_Init (2) ---> ApCli [ 37.560773] Register MSTA IF (apcli0) , pAd->MSTANum = 1 [ 37.566202] wdev_init(caller:MSTA_Init+0x3e8/0x650), wdev(12) [ 37.572190] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 37.576439] [ 37.576439] phy_mode=78, ch=0, wdev_type=2 [ 37.582040] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 37.585966] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 37.593740] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 37.597687] mdpu_density=0, ampdu_factor=3 [ 37.603965] Register MSTA IF (apclix0) , pAd->MSTANum = 2 [ 37.609411] wdev_init(caller:MSTA_Init+0x3e8/0x650), wdev(13) [ 37.615490] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 37.619691] [ 37.619691] phy_mode=177, ch=0, wdev_type=2 [ 37.625406] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 37.629274] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 37.636989] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 37.640843] mdpu_density=0, ampdu_factor=3 [ 37.646680] mt_service_init: wlan service inits successfully! [ 37.652629] WtcSetMaxStaNum: MaxStaNum:224, BssidNum:12, WdsNum:16, MSTANum:2, MaxNumChipRept:32, MinMcastWcid:274 [ 37.810875] RedInit: set CR4/N9 RED Enable to 1. [ 37.815625] RedInit: RED Initiailize Done. [ 37.819975] proc_rps_file_open open proc file[/sys/class/net/eth0/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus] OK [ 37.828480] proc_rps_file_open open proc file[/sys/class/net/ra0/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus] OK [ 37.836979] proc_rps_file_open open proc file[/sys/class/net/rax0/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus] OK [ 37.845520] proc_rps_file_open open proc file[/proc/irq/31/smp_affinity] OK [ 37.852698] proc_rps_file_open open proc file[/proc/sys/net/core/netdev_max_backlog] OK [ 37.860874] proc_rps_file_open open proc file[/sys/module/rcupdate/parameters/rcu_cpu_stall_timeout] OK [ 37.870739] cp_support_is_enabled: set CR4 CP_SUPPORT to Mode 2. [ 37.876867] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP [ 37.883261] wifi_sys_open(), wdev idx = 0 [ 37.887465] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 37.893364] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 37.899232] BuildChannelList() BandIdx = 0, PhyMode = 78, ChListNum = 13: [ 37.906278] phy_oper_init(): operate TxStream = 2, RxStream = 2 [ 37.912358] phy_freq_adjust : no prim_ch value for adjust! [ 37.917957] Caller: wlan_operate_init+0x104/0x118 [ 37.922800] [ 37.922800] phy_mode=78, ch=0, wdev_type=1 [ 37.928465] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 37.932444] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 37.940193] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 37.944185] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 37.948505] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open: wdev_idx=0 [ 37.953191] AP inf up for ra_0(func_idx) OmacIdx=0 [ 37.958094] AsicRadioOnOffCtrl(): DbdcIdx=0 RadioOn [ 37.963476] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp-----------------> [ 37.968446] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp: AutoChannelBootup[0] = 1 [ 37.974450] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 37.978324] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 37.982178] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(0) bss not ready (state:0, caller:MTAPAutoSelectChannel+0x1bc/0x46c)!! [ 37.992358] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 37.999968] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=1, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=1 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 38.020186] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=1, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=1, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 38.242794] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 38.250414] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=2, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=2 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 38.270618] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=2, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=2, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 38.492903] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 38.500746] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=3, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=3 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 38.521408] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=3, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=3, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 38.742825] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 38.750521] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=4, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=4 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 38.770623] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=4, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=4, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 38.992888] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 39.000527] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=5, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=5 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 39.020714] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=5, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=5, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 39.242948] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 39.250649] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=6, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=6 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 39.270889] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=6, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=6, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 39.492855] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 39.500525] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=7, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=7 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 39.520717] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=7, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=7, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 39.742873] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 39.750542] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=8, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=8 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 39.770669] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=8, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=8, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 39.992861] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 40.000565] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=9, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=9 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 40.020725] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=9, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=9, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 40.242959] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 40.250644] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=10, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=10 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 40.270963] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=10, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=10, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 40.492876] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 40.500595] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=11, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=11 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 40.520982] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=11, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=11, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 40.742851] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(0) bss not ready (state:0, caller:MTAPAutoSelectChannel+0x3bc/0x46c)!! [ 40.752779] ==================================================================== [ 40.760283] Channel 1 : Busy Time = 11276, Skip Channel = FALSE, BwCap = TRUE [ 40.767821] Channel 2 : Busy Time = 10855, Skip Channel = FALSE, BwCap = TRUE [ 40.775370] Channel 3 : Busy Time = 5740, Skip Channel = FALSE, BwCap = TRUE [ 40.782868] Channel 4 : Busy Time = 5771, Skip Channel = FALSE, BwCap = TRUE [ 40.790340] Channel 5 : Busy Time = 4984, Skip Channel = FALSE, BwCap = TRUE [ 40.797797] Channel 6 : Busy Time = 7045, Skip Channel = FALSE, BwCap = TRUE [ 40.805306] Channel 7 : Busy Time = 4482, Skip Channel = FALSE, BwCap = TRUE [ 40.812815] Channel 8 : Busy Time = 5684, Skip Channel = FALSE, BwCap = TRUE [ 40.813094] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(0) bss not ready (state:0, caller:APMlmePeriodicExec+0x308/0x550)!! [ 40.829924] Channel 9 : Busy Time = 2972, Skip Channel = FALSE, BwCap = TRUE [ 40.837369] Channel 10 : Busy Time = 11606, Skip Channel = FALSE, BwCap = TRUE [ 40.844799] Channel 11 : Busy Time = 17123, Skip Channel = FALSE, BwCap = TRUE [ 40.852239] ==================================================================== [ 40.859686] Rule 3 Channel Busy time value : Select Primary Channel 9 [ 40.866198] Rule 3 Channel Busy time value : Min Channel Busy = 2972 [ 40.872637] Rule 3 Channel Busy time value : BW = 20 [ 40.877621] [SelectClearChannelBusyTime] - band0 END [ 40.882660] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp : Auto channel selection: Selected channel = 9, IsAband = 0 [ 40.891513] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 40.899365] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=9, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=11 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=1, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(0) [ 40.996381] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=9, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=11, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=1,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(0) [ 41.008854] zero_wait_dfs_switch_ch(): outband ch 0, ch_stat 0 [ 41.014824] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp<----------------- [ 41.019812] ===> APStartUpForMbss(caller:ap_inf_open+0x178/0x1d4), mbss_idx:0, CfgMode:177 [ 41.028160] LedMode is 0 [ 41.030755] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 2,Status is 1,BandIdx is 0 [ 41.036778] [PMF]APPMFInit:: apidx=0, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0 [ 41.042956] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 41.047207] [ 41.047207] phy_mode=78, ch=9, wdev_type=1 [ 41.052855] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 41.056749] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 41.064471] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 41.068350] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 41.072518] Enable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=1) [ 41.078116] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 41.082033] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 41.085965] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 41.093651] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=6, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=6 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 41.113767] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=6, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=6, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 41.126009] AP OBSS SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l [ 41.432486] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 41.440106] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=7, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=7 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 41.460234] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=7, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=7, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 41.472596] AP OBSS SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l [ 41.782588] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 41.790279] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=8, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=8 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 41.810446] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=8, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=8, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 41.823299] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(0) bss not ready (state:0, caller:APUpdateOperationMode+0x190/0x2a0)!! [ 41.833712] AP OBSS SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l [ 42.142556] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 42.150253] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=9, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=9 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 42.170500] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=9, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=9, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 42.182841] AP OBSS SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l [ 42.492507] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 42.500142] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=10, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=10 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 42.520511] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=10, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=10, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 42.533044] AP OBSS SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l [ 42.822675] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(0) bss not ready (state:0, caller:update_ap_qload_to_bcn+0x94/0xc4)!! [ 42.842499] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 42.850143] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=11, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=11 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 42.870526] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=11, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=11, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 42.882990] AP OBSS SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l [ 43.192557] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 43.200301] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=12, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=12 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 43.220726] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=12, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=12, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 43.234166] AP OBSS SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l [ 43.542489] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 43.550188] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=13, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=13 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 43.570652] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=13, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=13, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 43.583105] AP OBSS SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l [ 43.892360] Channel[Idx=5, Ch=6].bEffectedChannel=0x7! [ 43.897585] needFallBack=TRUE due to OP/OT! [ 43.901825] needFallBack=TRUE due to OS! [ 43.905906] Channel[Idx=6, Ch=7].bEffectedChannel=0x3! [ 43.911121] needFallBack=TRUE due to OP/OT! [ 43.915496] needFallBack=TRUE due to OS! [ 43.919537] Channel[Idx=7, Ch=8].bEffectedChannel=0x2! [ 43.924808] needFallBack=TRUE due to OP/OT! [ 43.929236] Channel[Idx=8, Ch=9].bEffectedChannel=0x3! [ 43.934543] needFallBack=TRUE due to OS! [ 43.938537] Channel[Idx=9, Ch=10].bEffectedChannel=0x3! [ 43.943830] needFallBack=TRUE due to OP/OT! [ 43.948054] needFallBack=TRUE due to OS! [ 43.952124] Channel[Idx=10, Ch=11].bEffectedChannel=0x3! [ 43.957515] needFallBack=TRUE due to OP/OT! [ 43.961748] needFallBack=TRUE due to OS! [ 43.965739] Channel[Idx=11, Ch=12].bEffectedChannel=0x2! [ 43.971088] needFallBack=TRUE due to OP/OT! [ 43.975335] Channel[Idx=12, Ch=13].bEffectedChannel=0x2! [ 43.980658] needFallBack=TRUE due to OP/OT! [ 43.985263] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 43.992979] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=9, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=11 DBDCIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=1, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(0) [ 44.090502] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=9, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=11, RxPath=3, BandIdx=0, ChBand=0, BW=1,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(0) [ 44.103203] ap_link_up(caller:APStartUpForMbss+0x440/0x6c8), wdev(0) [ 44.109639] wifi_sys_linkup, wdev idx = 0 [ 44.280791] wtc_acquire_groupkey_wcid: Found a non-occupied wtbl_idx:287 for WDEV_TYPE:1 [ 44.280791] LinkToOmacIdx = 0, LinkToWdevType = 1 [ 44.293789] TRTableInsertMcastEntry:band0 group_idx[0]=0 [ 44.299237] wifi_sys_linkup:wdev(type=0,func_idx=1,wdev_idx=0),BssIndex(0) [ 44.306372] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_up: wdev_idx=0 [ 44.310977] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=9, ucCentChSeg0=11, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=1, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 44.322122] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 8320, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 8320 [ 44.339230] UpdateBeaconHandler, BCN_UPDATE_INIT, OmacIdx = 0 (ra0) [ 44.345586] Band0 BcnInitedRnd = 65 [ 44.349416] MtCmdTxPowerSKUCtrl: tx_pwr_sku_en: 0, BandIdx: 0 [ 44.355416] MtCmdTxBfBackoffCtrl: fgTxBFBackoffEn: 0, BandIdx: 0 [ 44.361604] MtCmdTxPowerPercentCtrl: fgTxPowerPercentEn: 1, BandIdx: 0 [ 44.368298] TxCCKStreamCtrl: set wrong parameters [ 44.379682] set muru_update_he_cfg()!!!! [ 44.383680] PrintSrCmd: [ 44.383680] u1CmdSubId = 1, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 44.383680] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 44.397974] PrintSrCmd: [ 44.397974] u1CmdSubId = 5, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 44.397974] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 44.412121] PrintSrCmd: [ 44.412121] u1CmdSubId = 3, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 44.412121] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 44.426551] PrintSrCmd: [ 44.426551] u1CmdSubId = 23, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 44.426551] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 44.440995] apidx 0 for WscUUIDInit [ 44.444657] Generate UUID for apidx(0) [ 44.448566] WDS_Init():wds_num[0]=0, count=0, MAX_WDS_ENTRY=16, if_idx=0, flg_wds_init=0 [ 44.456851] Total allocated 0 WDS(es) for band0! [ 44.462359] extif_set_dev(ra0) [ 44.470090] add tx_src: bc:e0:01:98:92:e8 [ 44.474771] add tx_src: ba:e0:01:98:92:e8 [ 44.479792] nf_unregister_hooks() [ 44.480036] [ 44.480036] Set_Led_Proc ==> arg = 00-00-00-00-02-00-00-06 [ 44.480047] [ 44.480047] Set_Led_Proc [ 44.480057] 00 [ 44.480070] 00 [ 44.480083] 00 [ 44.480096] 00 [ 44.480114] 02 [ 44.480129] 00 [ 44.480139] 00 [ 44.480164] 06 [ 44.503007] Set_Led_Proc:bss[6] is not ready!!! 1970-01-01 08:00:44 restore_paramter:[1277] open /tmp/param/auto_update failed: No such file or directory [ 44.535701] no net device found for ra6 or apcli0 [ 44.540588] no net device found for ra7 or apcli0 [ 44.550934] no net device found for ra8 or apcli0 [ 44.556008] no net device found for ra9 or apcli0 [ 44.570586] no net device found for ra10 or apcli0 [ 44.576616] no net device found for ra11 or apcli0 [ 44.581546] no net device found for ra12 or apcli0 [ 44.590303] no net device found for ra13 or apcli0 [ 44.599565] no net device found for ra14 or apcli0 [ 44.604577] no net device found for ra15 or apcli0 [ 44.611720] add tx_src: b6:e0:01:98:92:e8 [ 44.618719] GRP_IF: action=IGD_NLK_DEL dev=ifb0 [ 44.624984] GRP_IF: action=IGD_NLK_DEL dev=ifb1 [ 44.625410] no net device found for rax6 or apclix0 [ 44.625432] no net device found for rax7 or apclix0 [ 44.625453] no net device found for rax8 or apclix0 [ 44.625503] no net device found for rax9 or apclix0 [ 44.625536] no net device found for rax10 or apclix0 [ 44.625557] no net device found for rax11 or apclix0 [ 44.625579] no net device found for rax12 or apclix0 [ 44.625601] no net device found for rax13 or apclix0 [ 44.625623] no net device found for rax14 or apclix0 [ 44.625644] no net device found for rax15 or apclix0 [ 44.689667] device ra0 entered promiscuous mode [ 44.694614] br-lan: port 3(ra0) entered forwarding state [ 44.700199] br-lan: port 3(ra0) entered forwarding state [ 44.860765] apcli0: ===> msta_virtual_if_open [ 44.865267] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT [ 44.871817] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP [ 44.878297] wifi_sys_open(), wdev idx = 12 [ 44.882624] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 44.888509] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 44.894386] phy_oper_init(): operate TxStream = 2, RxStream = 2 [ 44.900625] Caller: wlan_operate_init+0x104/0x118 [ 44.905594] [ 44.905594] phy_mode=78, ch=9, wdev_type=2 [ 44.911245] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 44.915192] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 44.922926] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 44.926817] mdpu_density=0, ampdu_factor=3 [ 44.931117] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open: wdev_idx=12 [ 44.936022] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 44.940318] [ 44.940318] phy_mode=78, ch=9, wdev_type=2 [ 44.946109] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 44.950106] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 44.957919] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 44.961866] mdpu_density=0, ampdu_factor=3 [ 44.966246] MSTA interface up for apcli0 func_idx=0 OmacIdx=1 [ 44.972637] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): apcli0: link is not ready [ 44.978717] extif_set_dev(apcli0) [ 45.076629] device apcli0 entered promiscuous mode [ 45.081859] br-lan: port 4(apcli0) entered forwarding state [ 45.087687] br-lan: port 4(apcli0) entered forwarding state [ 45.135018] ra1: ===> mbss_virtual_if_open [ 45.139179] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT [ 45.145796] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP [ 45.152193] wifi_sys_open(), wdev idx = 1 [ 45.156572] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 45.162493] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 45.168378] phy_oper_init(): operate TxStream = 2, RxStream = 2 [ 45.174712] Caller: wlan_operate_init+0x104/0x118 [ 45.179536] [ 45.179536] phy_mode=78, ch=9, wdev_type=1 [ 45.185259] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 45.189276] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 45.197138] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 45.201085] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 45.205526] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open: wdev_idx=1 [ 45.210213] AP inf up for ra_1(func_idx) OmacIdx=17 [ 45.215541] AsicRadioOnOffCtrl(): DbdcIdx=0 RadioOn [ 45.221076] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp-----------------> [ 45.226152] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp: AutoChannelBootup[0] = 1 [ 45.232346] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 45.236908] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 45.240609] ap_run_at_boot() : ACS is disable !! [ 45.246235] ===> APStartUpForMbss(caller:ap_inf_open+0x178/0x1d4), mbss_idx:1, CfgMode:177 [ 45.254657] LedMode is 0 [ 45.257224] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 2,Status is 1,BandIdx is 0 [ 45.263277] [PMF]APPMFInit:: apidx=1, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0 [ 45.269390] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 45.273709] [ 45.273709] phy_mode=78, ch=9, wdev_type=1 [ 45.279361] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 45.283315] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 45.291076] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 45.295062] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 45.299256] Enable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=1) [ 45.304922] ap_link_up(caller:APStartUpForMbss+0x440/0x6c8), wdev(1) [ 45.311381] wifi_sys_linkup, wdev idx = 1 [ 45.315608] wtc_acquire_groupkey_wcid: Found a non-occupied wtbl_idx:286 for WDEV_TYPE:1 [ 45.315608] LinkToOmacIdx = 11, LinkToWdevType = 1 [ 45.328725] TRTableInsertMcastEntry:band0 group_idx[1]=1 [ 45.334360] wifi_sys_linkup:wdev(type=1,func_idx=1,wdev_idx=1),BssIndex(1) [ 45.342093] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_up: wdev_idx=1 [ 45.346912] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=9, ucCentChSeg0=11, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=1, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 45.358173] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 8320, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 8320 [ 45.375517] UpdateBeaconHandler, BCN_UPDATE_INIT, OmacIdx = 11 (ra0) [ 45.382810] MtCmdTxPowerSKUCtrl: tx_pwr_sku_en: 0, BandIdx: 0 [ 45.388697] MtCmdTxBfBackoffCtrl: fgTxBFBackoffEn: 0, BandIdx: 0 [ 45.394923] MtCmdTxPowerPercentCtrl: fgTxPowerPercentEn: 1, BandIdx: 0 [ 45.401596] TxCCKStreamCtrl: set wrong parameters [ 45.413229] set muru_update_he_cfg()!!!! [ 45.417248] PrintSrCmd: [ 45.417248] u1CmdSubId = 1, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 45.417248] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 45.431616] PrintSrCmd: [ 45.431616] u1CmdSubId = 5, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 45.431616] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 45.445906] PrintSrCmd: [ 45.445906] u1CmdSubId = 3, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 45.445906] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 45.460310] PrintSrCmd: [ 45.460310] u1CmdSubId = 23, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 45.460310] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 45.475140] apidx 1 for WscUUIDInit [ 45.478713] Generate UUID for apidx(1) [ 45.483862] extif_set_dev(ra1) [ 45.489876] br-lan: port 4(apcli0) entered disabled state [ 45.574775] device ra1 entered promiscuous mode [ 45.579688] br-lan: port 5(ra1) entered forwarding state [ 45.585458] br-lan: port 5(ra1) entered forwarding state [ 45.702003] ra2: ===> mbss_virtual_if_open [ 45.706384] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT [ 45.712997] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP [ 45.719363] wifi_sys_open(), wdev idx = 2 [ 45.723691] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 45.729547] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 45.735590] phy_oper_init(): operate TxStream = 2, RxStream = 2 [ 45.741948] Caller: wlan_operate_init+0x104/0x118 [ 45.746884] [ 45.746884] phy_mode=78, ch=9, wdev_type=1 [ 45.752694] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 45.756768] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 45.764557] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 45.768491] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 45.773071] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open: wdev_idx=2 [ 45.777748] AP inf up for ra_2(func_idx) OmacIdx=18 [ 45.782890] AsicRadioOnOffCtrl(): DbdcIdx=0 RadioOn [ 45.789307] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp-----------------> [ 45.794347] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp: AutoChannelBootup[0] = 1 [ 45.800449] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 45.805030] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 45.808882] ap_run_at_boot() : ACS is disable !! [ 45.814648] ===> APStartUpForMbss(caller:ap_inf_open+0x178/0x1d4), mbss_idx:2, CfgMode:177 [ 45.823040] LedMode is 0 [ 45.825630] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 2,Status is 1,BandIdx is 0 [ 45.831640] [PMF]APPMFInit:: apidx=2, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0 [ 45.838037] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 45.842499] [ 45.842499] phy_mode=78, ch=9, wdev_type=1 [ 45.848328] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 45.852299] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 45.860013] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 45.864102] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 45.868319] Enable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=1) [ 45.874441] ap_link_up(caller:APStartUpForMbss+0x440/0x6c8), wdev(2) [ 45.880870] wifi_sys_linkup, wdev idx = 2 [ 45.885097] WPAPSK Key length(0) error, required 8 ~ 64 characters!(keyStr=) [ 45.897816] wtc_acquire_groupkey_wcid: Found a non-occupied wtbl_idx:285 for WDEV_TYPE:1 [ 45.897816] LinkToOmacIdx = 12, LinkToWdevType = 1 [ 45.910963] TRTableInsertMcastEntry:band0 group_idx[2]=2 [ 45.916492] wifi_sys_linkup:wdev(type=2,func_idx=1,wdev_idx=2),BssIndex(2) [ 45.923637] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_up: wdev_idx=2 [ 45.928283] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=9, ucCentChSeg0=11, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=1, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 45.939550] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 8320, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 8320 [ 45.958775] UpdateBeaconHandler, BCN_UPDATE_INIT, OmacIdx = 12 (ra0) [ 45.966139] MtCmdTxPowerSKUCtrl: tx_pwr_sku_en: 0, BandIdx: 0 [ 45.972180] MtCmdTxBfBackoffCtrl: fgTxBFBackoffEn: 0, BandIdx: 0 [ 45.978695] MtCmdTxPowerPercentCtrl: fgTxPowerPercentEn: 1, BandIdx: 0 [ 45.985641] TxCCKStreamCtrl: set wrong parameters [ 45.997765] set muru_update_he_cfg()!!!! [ 46.001797] PrintSrCmd: [ 46.001797] u1CmdSubId = 1, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 46.001797] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 46.016162] PrintSrCmd: [ 46.016162] u1CmdSubId = 5, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 46.016162] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 46.030523] PrintSrCmd: [ 46.030523] u1CmdSubId = 3, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 46.030523] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 46.045228] PrintSrCmd: [ 46.045228] u1CmdSubId = 23, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 46.045228] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 46.059738] apidx 2 for WscUUIDInit [ 46.063406] Generate UUID for apidx(2) [ 46.068116] extif_set_dev(ra2) [ 46.165237] device ra2 entered promiscuous mode [ 46.170039] br-lan: port 6(ra2) entered forwarding state [ 46.175644] br-lan: port 6(ra2) entered forwarding state [ 46.306134] extif_put_dev(ra2) [ 46.311864] ra2: ===> mbss_virtual_if_close [ 46.316356] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DOWN [ 46.323028] ap_link_down(caller:ap_inf_close+0x40/0x138), wdev(2) [ 46.329415] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(2) bss not ready (state:2, caller:ap_link_down+0xa0/0x100)!! [ 46.338494] wifi_sys_linkdown(), wdev idx = 2 [ 46.343025] wifi_sys_linkdown:wdev(type=1,func_idx=2,wdev_idx=2),BssIndex(2) [ 46.350347] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_down: wdev_idx=2 [ 46.356742] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=9, ucCentChSeg0=11, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=1, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 46.367969] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 0, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 0 [ 46.382554] wifi_sys_close, wdev idx = 2 [ 46.386761] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_close: wdev_idx=2 [ 46.391473] LedMode is 0 [ 46.394162] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 1,Status is 2,BandIdx is 0 [ 46.400119] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DEINIT [ 46.407391] br-lan: port 6(ra2) entered disabled state [ 46.424912] ra3: ===> mbss_virtual_if_open [ 46.429093] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT [ 46.435688] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP [ 46.442044] wifi_sys_open(), wdev idx = 3 [ 46.446399] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 46.452187] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 46.458148] phy_oper_init(): operate TxStream = 2, RxStream = 2 [ 46.464427] Caller: wlan_operate_init+0x104/0x118 [ 46.469171] [ 46.469171] phy_mode=78, ch=9, wdev_type=1 [ 46.474885] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 46.478790] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 46.486620] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 46.490592] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 46.495012] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open: wdev_idx=3 [ 46.499590] AP inf up for ra_3(func_idx) OmacIdx=18 [ 46.504774] AsicRadioOnOffCtrl(): DbdcIdx=0 RadioOn [ 46.510263] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp-----------------> [ 46.515370] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp: AutoChannelBootup[0] = 1 [ 46.521368] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 46.525615] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 46.529341] ap_run_at_boot() : ACS is disable !! [ 46.534921] ===> APStartUpForMbss(caller:ap_inf_open+0x178/0x1d4), mbss_idx:3, CfgMode:177 [ 46.543304] LedMode is 0 [ 46.545922] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 2,Status is 1,BandIdx is 0 [ 46.551933] [PMF]APPMFInit:: apidx=3, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0 [ 46.558151] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 46.562454] [ 46.562454] phy_mode=78, ch=9, wdev_type=1 [ 46.568103] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 46.572040] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 46.579909] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 46.583915] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 46.588136] Enable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=1) [ 46.593855] ap_link_up(caller:APStartUpForMbss+0x440/0x6c8), wdev(3) [ 46.600354] wifi_sys_linkup, wdev idx = 3 [ 46.604627] WPAPSK Key length(0) error, required 8 ~ 64 characters!(keyStr=) [ 46.616691] wtc_acquire_groupkey_wcid: Found a non-occupied wtbl_idx:285 for WDEV_TYPE:1 [ 46.616691] LinkToOmacIdx = 12, LinkToWdevType = 1 [ 46.629785] TRTableInsertMcastEntry:band0 group_idx[3]=3 [ 46.635314] wifi_sys_linkup:wdev(type=3,func_idx=1,wdev_idx=3),BssIndex(2) [ 46.642406] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_up: wdev_idx=3 [ 46.647074] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=9, ucCentChSeg0=11, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=1, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 46.658336] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 8320, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 8320 [ 46.676130] UpdateBeaconHandler, BCN_UPDATE_INIT, OmacIdx = 12 (ra0) [ 46.683012] MtCmdTxPowerSKUCtrl: tx_pwr_sku_en: 0, BandIdx: 0 [ 46.688952] MtCmdTxBfBackoffCtrl: fgTxBFBackoffEn: 0, BandIdx: 0 [ 46.692289] br-lan: port 3(ra0) entered forwarding state [ 46.700532] MtCmdTxPowerPercentCtrl: fgTxPowerPercentEn: 1, BandIdx: 0 [ 46.707317] TxCCKStreamCtrl: set wrong parameters [ 46.722777] set muru_update_he_cfg()!!!! [ 46.726785] PrintSrCmd: [ 46.726785] u1CmdSubId = 1, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 46.726785] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 46.741135] PrintSrCmd: [ 46.741135] u1CmdSubId = 5, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 46.741135] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 46.755491] PrintSrCmd: [ 46.755491] u1CmdSubId = 3, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 46.755491] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 46.769781] PrintSrCmd: [ 46.769781] u1CmdSubId = 23, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 46.769781] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 46.784167] apidx 3 for WscUUIDInit [ 46.787776] Generate UUID for apidx(3) [ 46.792781] extif_set_dev(ra3) [ 46.876845] device ra3 entered promiscuous mode [ 46.881717] br-lan: port 7(ra3) entered forwarding state [ 46.887244] br-lan: port 7(ra3) entered forwarding state [ 47.007031] extif_put_dev(ra3) [ 47.015198] ra3: ===> mbss_virtual_if_close [ 47.019524] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DOWN [ 47.026293] ap_link_down(caller:ap_inf_close+0x40/0x138), wdev(3) [ 47.032817] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(3) bss not ready (state:2, caller:ap_link_down+0xa0/0x100)!! [ 47.041946] wifi_sys_linkdown(), wdev idx = 3 [ 47.046712] wifi_sys_linkdown:wdev(type=1,func_idx=3,wdev_idx=3),BssIndex(2) [ 47.054299] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_down: wdev_idx=3 [ 47.060483] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=9, ucCentChSeg0=11, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=1, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 47.071785] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 0, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 0 [ 47.090374] wifi_sys_close, wdev idx = 3 [ 47.094594] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_close: wdev_idx=3 [ 47.099441] LedMode is 0 [ 47.102020] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 1,Status is 2,BandIdx is 0 [ 47.108348] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DEINIT [ 47.115741] br-lan: port 7(ra3) entered disabled state [ 47.138482] ra4: ===> mbss_virtual_if_open [ 47.143028] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT [ 47.149634] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP [ 47.156360] wifi_sys_open(), wdev idx = 4 [ 47.160726] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 47.166731] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 47.172776] phy_oper_init(): operate TxStream = 2, RxStream = 2 [ 47.179081] Caller: wlan_operate_init+0x104/0x118 [ 47.184003] [ 47.184003] phy_mode=78, ch=9, wdev_type=1 [ 47.189753] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 47.193810] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 47.201555] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 47.205735] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 47.210184] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open: wdev_idx=4 [ 47.215710] AP inf up for ra_4(func_idx) OmacIdx=18 [ 47.220775] AsicRadioOnOffCtrl(): DbdcIdx=0 RadioOn [ 47.226547] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp-----------------> [ 47.231513] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp: AutoChannelBootup[0] = 1 [ 47.237747] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 47.241901] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 47.246059] ap_run_at_boot() : ACS is disable !! [ 47.251556] ===> APStartUpForMbss(caller:ap_inf_open+0x178/0x1d4), mbss_idx:4, CfgMode:177 [ 47.259968] LedMode is 0 [ 47.262763] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 2,Status is 1,BandIdx is 0 [ 47.268837] [PMF]APPMFInit:: apidx=4, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0 [ 47.275124] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 47.279644] [ 47.279644] phy_mode=78, ch=9, wdev_type=1 [ 47.285574] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 47.289552] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 47.297430] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 47.301519] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 47.305940] Enable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=1) [ 47.311640] ap_link_up(caller:APStartUpForMbss+0x440/0x6c8), wdev(4) [ 47.318256] wifi_sys_linkup, wdev idx = 4 [ 47.322673] WPAPSK Key length(0) error, required 8 ~ 64 characters!(keyStr=) [ 47.335142] wtc_acquire_groupkey_wcid: Found a non-occupied wtbl_idx:285 for WDEV_TYPE:1 [ 47.335142] LinkToOmacIdx = 12, LinkToWdevType = 1 [ 47.348649] TRTableInsertMcastEntry:band0 group_idx[4]=4 [ 47.354231] wifi_sys_linkup:wdev(type=4,func_idx=1,wdev_idx=4),BssIndex(2) [ 47.361418] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_up: wdev_idx=4 [ 47.366168] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=9, ucCentChSeg0=11, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=1, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 47.377389] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 8320, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 8320 [ 47.395428] UpdateBeaconHandler, BCN_UPDATE_INIT, OmacIdx = 12 (ra0) [ 47.402635] MtCmdTxPowerSKUCtrl: tx_pwr_sku_en: 0, BandIdx: 0 [ 47.408602] MtCmdTxBfBackoffCtrl: fgTxBFBackoffEn: 0, BandIdx: 0 [ 47.414865] MtCmdTxPowerPercentCtrl: fgTxPowerPercentEn: 1, BandIdx: 0 [ 47.421618] TxCCKStreamCtrl: set wrong parameters [ 47.433744] set muru_update_he_cfg()!!!! [ 47.437804] PrintSrCmd: [ 47.437804] u1CmdSubId = 1, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 47.437804] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 47.452171] PrintSrCmd: [ 47.452171] u1CmdSubId = 5, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 47.452171] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 47.466585] PrintSrCmd: [ 47.466585] u1CmdSubId = 3, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 47.466585] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 47.480943] PrintSrCmd: [ 47.480943] u1CmdSubId = 23, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 47.480943] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 47.495515] apidx 4 for WscUUIDInit [ 47.499075] Generate UUID for apidx(4) [ 47.582316] br-lan: port 5(ra1) entered forwarding state [ 47.599347] device ra4 entered promiscuous mode [ 47.604293] br-lan: port 8(ra4) entered forwarding state [ 47.609826] br-lan: port 8(ra4) entered forwarding state [ 47.726093] ra4: ===> mbss_virtual_if_close [ 47.730346] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DOWN [ 47.737204] ap_link_down(caller:ap_inf_close+0x40/0x138), wdev(4) [ 47.743837] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(4) bss not ready (state:2, caller:ap_link_down+0xa0/0x100)!! [ 47.752974] wifi_sys_linkdown(), wdev idx = 4 [ 47.757482] wifi_sys_linkdown:wdev(type=1,func_idx=4,wdev_idx=4),BssIndex(2) [ 47.765407] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_down: wdev_idx=4 [ 47.771470] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=9, ucCentChSeg0=11, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=1, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 47.782636] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 0, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 0 [ 47.797276] wifi_sys_close, wdev idx = 4 [ 47.801621] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_close: wdev_idx=4 [ 47.806580] LedMode is 0 [ 47.809239] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 1,Status is 2,BandIdx is 0 [ 47.815375] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DEINIT [ 47.822500] br-lan: port 8(ra4) entered disabled state [ 47.902519] ra5: ===> mbss_virtual_if_open [ 47.906669] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT [ 47.913271] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP [ 47.919770] wifi_sys_open(), wdev idx = 5 [ 47.924246] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 47.930190] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 47.936163] phy_oper_init(): operate TxStream = 2, RxStream = 2 [ 47.942800] Caller: wlan_operate_init+0x104/0x118 [ 47.947642] [ 47.947642] phy_mode=78, ch=9, wdev_type=1 [ 47.953612] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 47.957676] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 47.965723] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 47.969772] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 47.974257] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open: wdev_idx=5 [ 47.986081] AP inf up for ra_5(func_idx) OmacIdx=18 [ 47.991123] AsicRadioOnOffCtrl(): DbdcIdx=0 RadioOn [ 47.996737] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp-----------------> [ 48.001749] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp: AutoChannelBootup[0] = 1 [ 48.010709] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 48.014926] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 48.018677] ap_run_at_boot() : ACS is disable !! [ 48.024445] ===> APStartUpForMbss(caller:ap_inf_open+0x178/0x1d4), mbss_idx:5, CfgMode:177 [ 48.033001] LedMode is 0 [ 48.035670] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 2,Status is 1,BandIdx is 0 [ 48.041818] [PMF]APPMFInit:: apidx=5, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0 [ 48.048326] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 48.052724] [ 48.052724] phy_mode=78, ch=9, wdev_type=1 [ 48.058529] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 48.062596] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 48.070385] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 48.074445] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 48.078772] Enable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=1) [ 48.084520] ap_link_up(caller:APStartUpForMbss+0x440/0x6c8), wdev(5) [ 48.091082] wifi_sys_linkup, wdev idx = 5 [ 48.095511] WPAPSK Key length(0) error, required 8 ~ 64 characters!(keyStr=) [ 48.107961] wtc_acquire_groupkey_wcid: Found a non-occupied wtbl_idx:285 for WDEV_TYPE:1 [ 48.107961] LinkToOmacIdx = 12, LinkToWdevType = 1 [ 48.121110] TRTableInsertMcastEntry:band0 group_idx[5]=5 [ 48.126793] wifi_sys_linkup:wdev(type=5,func_idx=1,wdev_idx=5),BssIndex(2) [ 48.134106] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_up: wdev_idx=5 [ 48.138738] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=9, ucCentChSeg0=11, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=1, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 48.149965] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 8320, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 8320 [ 48.169388] UpdateBeaconHandler, BCN_UPDATE_INIT, OmacIdx = 12 (ra0) [ 48.180073] MtCmdTxPowerSKUCtrl: tx_pwr_sku_en: 0, BandIdx: 0 [ 48.186107] MtCmdTxBfBackoffCtrl: fgTxBFBackoffEn: 0, BandIdx: 0 [ 48.192356] MtCmdTxPowerPercentCtrl: fgTxPowerPercentEn: 1, BandIdx: 0 [ 48.199041] TxCCKStreamCtrl: set wrong parameters [ 48.221566] set muru_update_he_cfg()!!!! [ 48.225721] PrintSrCmd: [ 48.225721] u1CmdSubId = 1, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 48.225721] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 48.240034] PrintSrCmd: [ 48.240034] u1CmdSubId = 5, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 48.240034] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 48.254579] PrintSrCmd: [ 48.254579] u1CmdSubId = 3, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 48.254579] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 48.268983] PrintSrCmd: [ 48.268983] u1CmdSubId = 23, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 48.268983] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 48.283608] apidx 5 for WscUUIDInit [ 48.287212] Generate UUID for apidx(5) [ 48.380111] device ra5 entered promiscuous mode [ 48.385205] br-lan: port 9(ra5) entered forwarding state [ 48.390678] br-lan: port 9(ra5) entered forwarding state [ 48.549202] device ra5 left promiscuous mode [ 48.553943] br-lan: port 9(ra5) entered disabled state [ 48.570318] ra5: ===> mbss_virtual_if_close [ 48.574684] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DOWN [ 48.581393] ap_link_down(caller:ap_inf_close+0x40/0x138), wdev(5) [ 48.587973] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(5) bss not ready (state:2, caller:ap_link_down+0xa0/0x100)!! [ 48.597459] wifi_sys_linkdown(), wdev idx = 5 [ 48.602125] wifi_sys_linkdown:wdev(type=1,func_idx=5,wdev_idx=5),BssIndex(2) [ 48.609898] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_down: wdev_idx=5 [ 48.615947] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=9, ucCentChSeg0=11, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=1, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 48.627194] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 0, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 0 [ 48.641823] wifi_sys_close, wdev idx = 5 [ 48.646036] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_close: wdev_idx=5 [ 48.650961] LedMode is 0 [ 48.653698] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 1,Status is 2,BandIdx is 0 [ 48.659699] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DEINIT [ 48.968310] [ 48.968310] Set_Led_Proc ==> arg = 00-00-00-00-02-00-00-01 [ 48.975586] [ 48.975586] Set_Led_Proc [ 48.979754] 00 [ 48.981536] 00 [ 48.983377] 00 [ 48.985125] 00 [ 48.986867] 02 [ 48.988725] 00 [ 48.990571] 00 [ 48.992351] 01 [ 49.003141] Set_Led_Proc:bss[6] is not ready!!! [ 49.070764] add tx_src: be:e0:01:28:92:e8 [ 49.076147] add tx_src: be:e0:01:58:92:e8 [ 49.080682] add tx_src: be:e0:01:48:92:e8 [ 49.085701] add tx_src: be:e0:01:38:92:e8 [ 49.258029] [ 49.258029] Set_Led_Proc ==> arg = 00-00-00-00-02-00-00-06 [ 49.265213] [ 49.265213] Set_Led_Proc [ 49.269296] 00 [ 49.271022] 00 [ 49.272849] 00 [ 49.274570] 00 [ 49.276270] 02 [ 49.277957] 00 [ 49.279640] 00 [ 49.281324] 06 [ 49.291674] Set_Led_Proc:bss[6] is not ready!!! [ 49.391926] rax0: ===> mbss_virtual_if_open [ 49.396288] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT [ 49.402900] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP [ 49.409413] wifi_sys_open(), wdev idx = 6 [ 49.413854] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 49.419830] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 49.425926] BuildChannelList() BandIdx = 1, PhyMode = 177, ChListNum = 9: [ 49.432992] DfsBuildChannelList(): Done [ 49.436952] phy_oper_init(): operate TxStream = 2, RxStream = 2 [ 49.443138] [RadarStateCheck] RD_NORMAL_MODE [ 49.448750] phy_freq_adjust : no prim_ch value for adjust! [ 49.454555] Caller: wlan_operate_init+0x104/0x118 [ 49.459410] [ 49.459410] phy_mode=177, ch=0, wdev_type=1 [ 49.465256] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 49.469184] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 49.477045] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 49.481073] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 49.485612] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open: wdev_idx=6 [ 49.490406] AP inf up for ra_6(func_idx) OmacIdx=0 [ 49.495475] AsicRadioOnOffCtrl(): DbdcIdx=0 RadioOn [ 49.500992] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp-----------------> [ 49.506178] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp: AutoChannelBootup[1] = 1 [ 49.512377] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 49.516333] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 49.520139] [AutoChSelBuildChannelListFor5G] ChListNum5G = 9 [ 49.526155] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(6) bss not ready (state:0, caller:MTAPAutoSelectChannel+0x1bc/0x46c)!! [ 49.536547] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 49.544517] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=36, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=36 DBDCIdx=1, ChBand=1, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 49.564543] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=36, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=36, RxPath=3, BandIdx=1, ChBand=1, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 49.782923] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 49.790599] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=40, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=40 DBDCIdx=1, ChBand=1, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 49.810815] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=40, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=40, RxPath=3, BandIdx=1, ChBand=1, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 50.032850] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 50.040536] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=44, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=44 DBDCIdx=1, ChBand=1, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 50.060472] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=44, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=44, RxPath=3, BandIdx=1, ChBand=1, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 50.283067] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 50.290728] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=48, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=48 DBDCIdx=1, ChBand=1, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 50.310690] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=48, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=48, RxPath=3, BandIdx=1, ChBand=1, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 50.532907] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 50.540557] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=149, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=149 DBDCIdx=1, ChBand=1, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 50.560983] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=149, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=149, RxPath=3, BandIdx=1, ChBand=1, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 50.782869] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 50.790606] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=153, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=153 DBDCIdx=1, ChBand=1, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 50.810749] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=153, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=153, RxPath=3, BandIdx=1, ChBand=1, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 51.032877] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 51.040575] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=157, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=157 DBDCIdx=1, ChBand=1, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 51.060770] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=157, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=157, RxPath=3, BandIdx=1, ChBand=1, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 51.282910] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 51.290596] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=161, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=161 DBDCIdx=1, ChBand=1, BW=0, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(1) [ 51.310770] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=161, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=161, RxPath=3, BandIdx=1, ChBand=1, BW=0,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(1) [ 51.532836] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(6) bss not ready (state:0, caller:MTAPAutoSelectChannel+0x3bc/0x46c)!! [ 51.542826] ==================================================================== [ 51.550280] Channel 36 : Busy Time = 226, Skip Channel = FALSE, BwCap = TRUE [ 51.557759] Channel 40 : Busy Time = 2, Skip Channel = FALSE, BwCap = TRUE [ 51.565233] Channel 44 : Busy Time = 282, Skip Channel = FALSE, BwCap = TRUE [ 51.572711] Channel 48 : Busy Time = 523, Skip Channel = FALSE, BwCap = TRUE [ 51.580165] Channel 149 : Busy Time = 20, Skip Channel = FALSE, BwCap = TRUE [ 51.587642] Channel 153 : Busy Time = 226, Skip Channel = FALSE, BwCap = TRUE [ 51.595114] Channel 157 : Busy Time = 0, Skip Channel = FALSE, BwCap = TRUE [ 51.602592] Channel 161 : Busy Time = 0, Skip Channel = FALSE, BwCap = TRUE [ 51.610021] ==================================================================== [ 51.617513] Rule 3 Channel Busy time value : Select Primary Channel 157 [ 51.624198] Rule 3 Channel Busy time value : Min Channel Busy = 226 [ 51.630522] Rule 3 Channel Busy time value : BW = 80 [ 51.635575] [SelectClearChannelBusyTime] - band1 END [ 51.640610] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp : Auto channel selection: Selected channel = 157, IsAband = 1 [ 51.649419] [RadarStateCheck] RD_NORMAL_MODE [ 51.655132] mt7915_apply_dpd_flatness_data: eeprom 0x62 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal [ 51.662823] MtCmdChannelSwitch: ctrl_chl=157, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=155 DBDCIdx=1, ChBand=1, BW=2, TXStream=2, RXStream=2, scan(0) [ 51.802735] MtCmdSetTxRxPath: ctrl_chl=157, ctrl_ch2=0, cent_ch=155, RxPath=3, BandIdx=1, ChBand=1, BW=2,TXStream=2, RXStream=3, scan(0) [ 51.815492] DfsBuildChannelList(): Done [ 51.819463] zero_wait_dfs_switch_ch(): outband ch 0, ch_stat 0 [ 51.825421] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp<----------------- [ 51.830438] ===> APStartUpForMbss(caller:ap_inf_open+0x178/0x1d4), mbss_idx:6, CfgMode:177 [ 51.838826] LedMode is 0 [ 51.841448] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 2,Status is 1,BandIdx is 1 [ 51.847486] [PMF]APPMFInit:: apidx=6, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0 [ 51.853681] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 51.857883] [ 51.857883] phy_mode=177, ch=157, wdev_type=1 [ 51.863771] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 51.867660] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 51.875376] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 51.879261] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 51.883425] Enable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=1) [ 51.888857] ap_link_up(caller:APStartUpForMbss+0x440/0x6c8), wdev(6) [ 51.895269] wifi_sys_linkup, wdev idx = 6 [ 52.062670] wtc_acquire_groupkey_wcid: Found a non-occupied wtbl_idx:285 for WDEV_TYPE:1 [ 52.062670] LinkToOmacIdx = 0, LinkToWdevType = 1 [ 52.075588] TRTableInsertMcastEntry:band1 group_idx[6]=6 [ 52.080948] wifi_sys_linkup:wdev(type=6,func_idx=1,wdev_idx=6),BssIndex(2) [ 52.087992] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_up: wdev_idx=6 [ 52.092657] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=157, ucCentChSeg0=155, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=2, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 52.104080] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 8320, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 8320 [ 52.120652] UpdateBeaconHandler, BCN_UPDATE_INIT, OmacIdx = 0 (ra0) [ 52.127029] Band1 BcnInitedRnd = 142 [ 52.131141] MtCmdTxPowerSKUCtrl: tx_pwr_sku_en: 0, BandIdx: 1 [ 52.137092] MtCmdTxBfBackoffCtrl: fgTxBFBackoffEn: 0, BandIdx: 1 [ 52.143236] MtCmdTxPowerPercentCtrl: fgTxPowerPercentEn: 1, BandIdx: 1 [ 52.157292] set muru_update_he_cfg()!!!! [ 52.161287] PrintSrCmd: [ 52.161287] u1CmdSubId = 1, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 52.161287] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 52.175572] PrintSrCmd: [ 52.175572] u1CmdSubId = 5, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 52.175572] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 52.189835] PrintSrCmd: [ 52.189835] u1CmdSubId = 3, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 52.189835] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 52.203988] PrintSrCmd: [ 52.203988] u1CmdSubId = 23, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 52.203988] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 52.218338] apidx 6 for WscUUIDInit [ 52.221877] Generate UUID for apidx(6) [ 52.225902] WDS_Init():wds_num[1]=0, count=0, MAX_WDS_ENTRY=16, if_idx=0, flg_wds_init=0 [ 52.234131] Total allocated 0 WDS(es) for band1! [ 52.239777] extif_set_dev(rax0) [ 52.302713] device rax0 entered promiscuous mode [ 52.307649] br-lan: port 9(rax0) entered forwarding state [ 52.313262] br-lan: port 9(rax0) entered forwarding state [ 52.400559] apclix0: ===> msta_virtual_if_open [ 52.405201] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT [ 52.411676] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP [ 52.418158] wifi_sys_open(), wdev idx = 13 [ 52.422465] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 52.428254] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 52.434170] phy_oper_init(): operate TxStream = 2, RxStream = 2 [ 52.440408] Caller: wlan_operate_init+0x104/0x118 [ 52.445180] [ 52.445180] phy_mode=177, ch=157, wdev_type=2 [ 52.451097] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 52.455132] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 52.462929] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 52.466864] mdpu_density=0, ampdu_factor=3 [ 52.471155] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open: wdev_idx=13 [ 52.475979] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 52.480226] [ 52.480226] phy_mode=177, ch=157, wdev_type=2 [ 52.486303] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 52.490207] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 52.498015] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 52.501956] mdpu_density=0, ampdu_factor=3 [ 52.506247] MSTA interface up for apcli1 func_idx=1 OmacIdx=1 [ 52.512772] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): apclix0: link is not ready [ 52.518942] extif_set_dev(apclix0) [ 52.586876] device apclix0 entered promiscuous mode [ 52.620124] rax1: ===> mbss_virtual_if_open [ 52.624429] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT [ 52.630879] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP [ 52.637363] wifi_sys_open(), wdev idx = 7 [ 52.641538] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 52.647510] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 52.653623] phy_oper_init(): operate TxStream = 2, RxStream = 2 [ 52.659881] Caller: wlan_operate_init+0x104/0x118 [ 52.664811] [ 52.664811] phy_mode=177, ch=157, wdev_type=1 [ 52.670813] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 52.674801] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 52.682572] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 52.686479] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 52.690769] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open: wdev_idx=7 [ 52.695449] AP inf up for ra_7(func_idx) OmacIdx=17 [ 52.700411] AsicRadioOnOffCtrl(): DbdcIdx=1 RadioOn [ 52.705709] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp-----------------> [ 52.710637] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp: AutoChannelBootup[1] = 1 [ 52.716658] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 52.720596] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 52.724414] ap_run_at_boot() : ACS is disable !! [ 52.729915] ===> APStartUpForMbss(caller:ap_inf_open+0x178/0x1d4), mbss_idx:7, CfgMode:177 [ 52.738292] LedMode is 0 [ 52.740829] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 2,Status is 1,BandIdx is 1 [ 52.746901] [PMF]APPMFInit:: apidx=7, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0 [ 52.753231] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 52.757509] [ 52.757509] phy_mode=177, ch=157, wdev_type=1 [ 52.763496] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 52.767450] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 52.775278] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 52.779242] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 52.783451] Enable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=1) [ 52.788951] ap_link_up(caller:APStartUpForMbss+0x440/0x6c8), wdev(7) [ 52.795432] wifi_sys_linkup, wdev idx = 7 [ 52.799595] wtc_acquire_groupkey_wcid: Found a non-occupied wtbl_idx:284 for WDEV_TYPE:1 [ 52.799595] LinkToOmacIdx = 11, LinkToWdevType = 1 [ 52.812684] TRTableInsertMcastEntry:band1 group_idx[7]=7 [ 52.818081] wifi_sys_linkup:wdev(type=7,func_idx=1,wdev_idx=7),BssIndex(3) [ 52.825141] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_up: wdev_idx=7 [ 52.829726] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=157, ucCentChSeg0=155, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=2, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 52.841161] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 8320, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 8320 [ 52.852786] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(7) bss not ready (state:2, caller:update_ap_qload_to_bcn+0x94/0xc4)!! [ 52.868225] UpdateBeaconHandler, BCN_UPDATE_INIT, OmacIdx = 11 (ra0) [ 52.874986] MtCmdTxPowerSKUCtrl: tx_pwr_sku_en: 0, BandIdx: 1 [ 52.880904] MtCmdTxBfBackoffCtrl: fgTxBFBackoffEn: 0, BandIdx: 1 [ 52.887171] MtCmdTxPowerPercentCtrl: fgTxPowerPercentEn: 1, BandIdx: 1 [ 52.901272] set muru_update_he_cfg()!!!! [ 52.905315] PrintSrCmd: [ 52.905315] u1CmdSubId = 1, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 52.905315] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 52.919464] PrintSrCmd: [ 52.919464] u1CmdSubId = 5, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 52.919464] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 52.933642] PrintSrCmd: [ 52.933642] u1CmdSubId = 3, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 52.933642] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 52.947718] PrintSrCmd: [ 52.947718] u1CmdSubId = 23, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 52.947718] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 52.962090] apidx 7 for WscUUIDInit [ 52.965690] Generate UUID for apidx(7) [ 52.970352] extif_set_dev(rax1) [ 53.030032] device rax1 entered promiscuous mode [ 53.035360] br-lan: port 11(rax1) entered forwarding state [ 53.041082] br-lan: port 11(rax1) entered forwarding state [ 53.118450] rax2: ===> mbss_virtual_if_open [ 53.122776] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT [ 53.129260] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP [ 53.135626] wifi_sys_open(), wdev idx = 8 [ 53.139788] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 53.145637] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 53.151453] phy_oper_init(): operate TxStream = 2, RxStream = 2 [ 53.157704] Caller: wlan_operate_init+0x104/0x118 [ 53.162519] [ 53.162519] phy_mode=177, ch=157, wdev_type=1 [ 53.168416] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 53.172349] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 53.180055] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 53.183983] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 53.188343] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open: wdev_idx=8 [ 53.193037] AP inf up for ra_8(func_idx) OmacIdx=18 [ 53.198056] AsicRadioOnOffCtrl(): DbdcIdx=1 RadioOn [ 53.205520] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp-----------------> [ 53.210464] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp: AutoChannelBootup[1] = 1 [ 53.216345] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 53.220236] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 53.223977] ap_run_at_boot() : ACS is disable !! [ 53.229442] ===> APStartUpForMbss(caller:ap_inf_open+0x178/0x1d4), mbss_idx:8, CfgMode:177 [ 53.237763] LedMode is 0 [ 53.240325] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 2,Status is 1,BandIdx is 1 [ 53.246315] [PMF]APPMFInit:: apidx=8, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0 [ 53.252418] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 53.256643] [ 53.256643] phy_mode=177, ch=157, wdev_type=1 [ 53.262546] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 53.266454] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 53.274180] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 53.278077] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 53.282279] Enable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=1) [ 53.287759] ap_link_up(caller:APStartUpForMbss+0x440/0x6c8), wdev(8) [ 53.294203] wifi_sys_linkup, wdev idx = 8 [ 53.298338] WPAPSK Key length(0) error, required 8 ~ 64 characters!(keyStr=) [ 53.308538] wtc_acquire_groupkey_wcid: Found a non-occupied wtbl_idx:283 for WDEV_TYPE:1 [ 53.308538] LinkToOmacIdx = 12, LinkToWdevType = 1 [ 53.321553] TRTableInsertMcastEntry:band1 group_idx[8]=8 [ 53.327046] wifi_sys_linkup:wdev(type=8,func_idx=1,wdev_idx=8),BssIndex(4) [ 53.334037] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_up: wdev_idx=8 [ 53.338662] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=157, ucCentChSeg0=155, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=2, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 53.350136] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 8320, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 8320 [ 53.367997] UpdateBeaconHandler, BCN_UPDATE_INIT, OmacIdx = 12 (ra0) [ 53.374571] MtCmdTxPowerSKUCtrl: tx_pwr_sku_en: 0, BandIdx: 1 [ 53.380394] MtCmdTxBfBackoffCtrl: fgTxBFBackoffEn: 0, BandIdx: 1 [ 53.386621] MtCmdTxPowerPercentCtrl: fgTxPowerPercentEn: 1, BandIdx: 1 [ 53.400889] set muru_update_he_cfg()!!!! [ 53.404934] PrintSrCmd: [ 53.404934] u1CmdSubId = 1, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 53.404934] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 53.419166] PrintSrCmd: [ 53.419166] u1CmdSubId = 5, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 53.419166] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 53.433614] PrintSrCmd: [ 53.433614] u1CmdSubId = 3, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 53.433614] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 53.447808] PrintSrCmd: [ 53.447808] u1CmdSubId = 23, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 53.447808] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 53.462286] apidx 8 for WscUUIDInit [ 53.465795] Generate UUID for apidx(8) [ 53.470420] extif_set_dev(rax2) [ 53.531709] device rax2 entered promiscuous mode [ 53.536955] br-lan: port 12(rax2) entered forwarding state [ 53.542767] br-lan: port 12(rax2) entered forwarding state [ 53.620983] extif_put_dev(rax2) [ 53.625861] rax2: ===> mbss_virtual_if_close [ 53.630187] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DOWN [ 53.636812] ap_link_down(caller:ap_inf_close+0x40/0x138), wdev(8) [ 53.643171] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(8) bss not ready (state:2, caller:ap_link_down+0xa0/0x100)!! [ 53.652191] wifi_sys_linkdown(), wdev idx = 8 [ 53.656706] wifi_sys_linkdown:wdev(type=1,func_idx=8,wdev_idx=8),BssIndex(4) [ 53.663975] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_down: wdev_idx=8 [ 53.669862] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=157, ucCentChSeg0=155, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=2, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 53.681309] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 0, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 0 [ 53.696141] wifi_sys_close, wdev idx = 8 [ 53.700223] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_close: wdev_idx=8 [ 53.705035] LedMode is 0 [ 53.707603] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 1,Status is 2,BandIdx is 1 [ 53.713687] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DEINIT [ 53.720718] br-lan: port 12(rax2) entered disabled state [ 53.735291] rax3: ===> mbss_virtual_if_open [ 53.739506] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT [ 53.746023] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP [ 53.752406] wifi_sys_open(), wdev idx = 9 [ 53.756567] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 53.762407] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 53.768220] phy_oper_init(): operate TxStream = 2, RxStream = 2 [ 53.774436] Caller: wlan_operate_init+0x104/0x118 [ 53.779218] [ 53.779218] phy_mode=177, ch=157, wdev_type=1 [ 53.785123] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 53.789022] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 53.796744] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 53.800621] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 53.804941] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open: wdev_idx=9 [ 53.809525] AP inf up for ra_9(func_idx) OmacIdx=18 [ 53.814553] AsicRadioOnOffCtrl(): DbdcIdx=1 RadioOn [ 53.819830] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp-----------------> [ 53.824786] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp: AutoChannelBootup[1] = 1 [ 53.830615] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 53.834557] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 53.838267] ap_run_at_boot() : ACS is disable !! [ 53.843848] ===> APStartUpForMbss(caller:ap_inf_open+0x178/0x1d4), mbss_idx:9, CfgMode:177 [ 53.852197] LedMode is 0 [ 53.854934] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 2,Status is 1,BandIdx is 1 [ 53.861030] [PMF]APPMFInit:: apidx=9, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0 [ 53.867177] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 53.871608] [ 53.871608] phy_mode=177, ch=157, wdev_type=1 [ 53.877507] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 53.881389] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 53.889166] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 53.893143] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 53.897284] Enable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=1) [ 53.902734] ap_link_up(caller:APStartUpForMbss+0x440/0x6c8), wdev(9) [ 53.909186] wifi_sys_linkup, wdev idx = 9 [ 53.913375] WPAPSK Key length(0) error, required 8 ~ 64 characters!(keyStr=) [ 53.923650] wtc_acquire_groupkey_wcid: Found a non-occupied wtbl_idx:283 for WDEV_TYPE:1 [ 53.923650] LinkToOmacIdx = 12, LinkToWdevType = 1 [ 53.936711] TRTableInsertMcastEntry:band1 group_idx[9]=9 [ 53.942143] wifi_sys_linkup:wdev(type=9,func_idx=1,wdev_idx=9),BssIndex(4) [ 53.949163] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_up: wdev_idx=9 [ 53.953832] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=157, ucCentChSeg0=155, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=2, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 53.965301] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 8320, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 8320 [ 53.982698] UpdateBeaconHandler, BCN_UPDATE_INIT, OmacIdx = 12 (ra0) [ 53.989358] MtCmdTxPowerSKUCtrl: tx_pwr_sku_en: 0, BandIdx: 1 [ 53.995591] MtCmdTxBfBackoffCtrl: fgTxBFBackoffEn: 0, BandIdx: 1 [ 54.001853] MtCmdTxPowerPercentCtrl: fgTxPowerPercentEn: 1, BandIdx: 1 [ 54.016183] set muru_update_he_cfg()!!!! [ 54.020189] PrintSrCmd: [ 54.020189] u1CmdSubId = 1, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 54.020189] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 54.034435] PrintSrCmd: [ 54.034435] u1CmdSubId = 5, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 54.034435] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 54.048733] PrintSrCmd: [ 54.048733] u1CmdSubId = 3, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 54.048733] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 54.063121] PrintSrCmd: [ 54.063121] u1CmdSubId = 23, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 54.063121] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 54.077803] apidx 9 for WscUUIDInit [ 54.081363] Generate UUID for apidx(9) [ 54.086140] extif_set_dev(rax3) [ 54.091060] add tx_src: be:e0:01:98:92:e8 [ 54.095958] add tx_src: be:e0:01:88:92:e8 [ 54.174149] device rax3 entered promiscuous mode [ 54.179071] br-lan: port 13(rax3) entered forwarding state [ 54.184850] br-lan: port 13(rax3) entered forwarding state [ 54.270394] extif_put_dev(rax3) [ 54.275317] rax3: ===> mbss_virtual_if_close [ 54.279774] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DOWN [ 54.286375] ap_link_down(caller:ap_inf_close+0x40/0x138), wdev(9) [ 54.292755] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(9) bss not ready (state:2, caller:ap_link_down+0xa0/0x100)!! [ 54.301806] wifi_sys_linkdown(), wdev idx = 9 [ 54.306269] wifi_sys_linkdown:wdev(type=1,func_idx=9,wdev_idx=9),BssIndex(4) [ 54.312257] br-lan: port 9(rax0) entered forwarding state [ 54.319001] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_down: wdev_idx=9 [ 54.324910] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=157, ucCentChSeg0=155, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=2, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 54.336385] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 0, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 0 [ 54.351017] wifi_sys_close, wdev idx = 9 [ 54.355386] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_close: wdev_idx=9 [ 54.360069] LedMode is 0 [ 54.362694] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 1,Status is 2,BandIdx is 1 [ 54.368794] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DEINIT [ 54.375914] br-lan: port 13(rax3) entered disabled state [ 54.389644] rax4: ===> mbss_virtual_if_open [ 54.394014] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT [ 54.400561] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP [ 54.406989] wifi_sys_open(), wdev idx = 10 [ 54.411285] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 54.417181] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 54.423006] phy_oper_init(): operate TxStream = 2, RxStream = 2 [ 54.429166] Caller: wlan_operate_init+0x104/0x118 [ 54.433960] [ 54.433960] phy_mode=177, ch=157, wdev_type=1 [ 54.439815] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 54.443807] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 54.451561] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 54.455635] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 54.460018] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open: wdev_idx=10 [ 54.464781] AP inf up for ra_a(func_idx) OmacIdx=18 [ 54.469739] AsicRadioOnOffCtrl(): DbdcIdx=1 RadioOn [ 54.475158] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp-----------------> [ 54.480113] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp: AutoChannelBootup[1] = 1 [ 54.486033] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 54.489896] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 54.493642] ap_run_at_boot() : ACS is disable !! [ 54.499199] ===> APStartUpForMbss(caller:ap_inf_open+0x178/0x1d4), mbss_idx:10, CfgMode:177 [ 54.507637] LedMode is 0 [ 54.510202] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 2,Status is 1,BandIdx is 1 [ 54.516283] [PMF]APPMFInit:: apidx=10, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0 [ 54.522476] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 54.526695] [ 54.526695] phy_mode=177, ch=157, wdev_type=1 [ 54.532683] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 54.536635] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 54.544397] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 54.548345] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 54.552632] Enable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=1) [ 54.558100] ap_link_up(caller:APStartUpForMbss+0x440/0x6c8), wdev(10) [ 54.564670] wifi_sys_linkup, wdev idx = 10 [ 54.568952] WPAPSK Key length(0) error, required 8 ~ 64 characters!(keyStr=) [ 54.580454] wtc_acquire_groupkey_wcid: Found a non-occupied wtbl_idx:283 for WDEV_TYPE:1 [ 54.580454] LinkToOmacIdx = 12, LinkToWdevType = 1 [ 54.593556] TRTableInsertMcastEntry:band1 group_idx[10]=10 [ 54.599099] wifi_sys_linkup:wdev(type=10,func_idx=1,wdev_idx=10),BssIndex(4) [ 54.606355] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_up: wdev_idx=10 [ 54.611091] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=157, ucCentChSeg0=155, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=2, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 54.622583] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 8320, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 8320 [ 54.640147] UpdateBeaconHandler, BCN_UPDATE_INIT, OmacIdx = 12 (ra0) [ 54.646751] MtCmdTxPowerSKUCtrl: tx_pwr_sku_en: 0, BandIdx: 1 [ 54.652610] MtCmdTxBfBackoffCtrl: fgTxBFBackoffEn: 0, BandIdx: 1 [ 54.658797] MtCmdTxPowerPercentCtrl: fgTxPowerPercentEn: 1, BandIdx: 1 [ 54.673028] set muru_update_he_cfg()!!!! [ 54.677047] PrintSrCmd: [ 54.677047] u1CmdSubId = 1, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 54.677047] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 54.691208] PrintSrCmd: [ 54.691208] u1CmdSubId = 5, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 54.691208] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 54.705424] PrintSrCmd: [ 54.705424] u1CmdSubId = 3, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 54.705424] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 54.719636] PrintSrCmd: [ 54.719636] u1CmdSubId = 23, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 54.719636] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 54.733993] apidx 10 for WscUUIDInit [ 54.737650] Generate UUID for apidx(10) [ 54.805573] device rax4 entered promiscuous mode [ 54.810457] br-lan: port 14(rax4) entered forwarding state [ 54.816145] br-lan: port 14(rax4) entered forwarding state [ 54.890661] rax4: ===> mbss_virtual_if_close [ 54.895114] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DOWN [ 54.901716] ap_link_down(caller:ap_inf_close+0x40/0x138), wdev(10) [ 54.908313] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(10) bss not ready (state:2, caller:ap_link_down+0xa0/0x100)!! [ 54.917427] wifi_sys_linkdown(), wdev idx = 10 [ 54.921910] wifi_sys_linkdown:wdev(type=1,func_idx=10,wdev_idx=10),BssIndex(4) [ 54.929359] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_down: wdev_idx=10 [ 54.935396] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=157, ucCentChSeg0=155, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=2, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 54.946916] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 0, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 0 [ 54.961617] wifi_sys_close, wdev idx = 10 [ 54.965861] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_close: wdev_idx=10 [ 54.970562] LedMode is 0 [ 54.973181] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 1,Status is 2,BandIdx is 1 [ 54.979150] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DEINIT [ 54.986253] br-lan: port 14(rax4) entered disabled state [ 55.000152] rax5: ===> mbss_virtual_if_open [ 55.004447] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT [ 55.010926] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP [ 55.017372] wifi_sys_open(), wdev idx = 11 [ 55.021629] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 55.027472] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 55.032276] br-lan: port 11(rax1) entered forwarding state [ 55.038856] phy_oper_init(): operate TxStream = 2, RxStream = 2 [ 55.045110] Caller: wlan_operate_init+0x104/0x118 [ 55.049866] [ 55.049866] phy_mode=177, ch=157, wdev_type=1 [ 55.055806] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 55.059690] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 55.067396] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 55.071273] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 55.075629] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open: wdev_idx=11 [ 55.080295] AP inf up for ra_b(func_idx) OmacIdx=18 [ 55.085278] AsicRadioOnOffCtrl(): DbdcIdx=1 RadioOn [ 55.090547] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp-----------------> [ 55.095538] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp: AutoChannelBootup[1] = 1 [ 55.101393] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 55.105457] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 55.109151] ap_run_at_boot() : ACS is disable !! [ 55.114742] ===> APStartUpForMbss(caller:ap_inf_open+0x178/0x1d4), mbss_idx:11, CfgMode:177 [ 55.123214] LedMode is 0 [ 55.125783] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 2,Status is 1,BandIdx is 1 [ 55.131764] [PMF]APPMFInit:: apidx=11, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0 [ 55.137958] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 55.142273] [ 55.142273] phy_mode=177, ch=157, wdev_type=1 [ 55.148131] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 55.151984] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 55.159726] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 55.163660] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 55.167820] Enable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=1) [ 55.173272] ap_link_up(caller:APStartUpForMbss+0x440/0x6c8), wdev(11) [ 55.179751] wifi_sys_linkup, wdev idx = 11 [ 55.183966] WPAPSK Key length(0) error, required 8 ~ 64 characters!(keyStr=) [ 55.194199] wtc_acquire_groupkey_wcid: Found a non-occupied wtbl_idx:283 for WDEV_TYPE:1 [ 55.194199] LinkToOmacIdx = 12, LinkToWdevType = 1 [ 55.207305] TRTableInsertMcastEntry:band1 group_idx[11]=11 [ 55.212993] wifi_sys_linkup:wdev(type=11,func_idx=1,wdev_idx=11),BssIndex(4) [ 55.220241] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_up: wdev_idx=11 [ 55.225001] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=157, ucCentChSeg0=155, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=2, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 55.236446] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 8320, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 8320 [ 55.253927] UpdateBeaconHandler, BCN_UPDATE_INIT, OmacIdx = 12 (ra0) [ 55.260422] MtCmdTxPowerSKUCtrl: tx_pwr_sku_en: 0, BandIdx: 1 [ 55.266534] MtCmdTxBfBackoffCtrl: fgTxBFBackoffEn: 0, BandIdx: 1 [ 55.272796] MtCmdTxPowerPercentCtrl: fgTxPowerPercentEn: 1, BandIdx: 1 [ 55.287525] set muru_update_he_cfg()!!!! [ 55.291486] PrintSrCmd: [ 55.291486] u1CmdSubId = 1, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 55.291486] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 55.305697] PrintSrCmd: [ 55.305697] u1CmdSubId = 5, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 55.305697] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 55.319864] PrintSrCmd: [ 55.319864] u1CmdSubId = 3, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 55.319864] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 55.334021] PrintSrCmd: [ 55.334021] u1CmdSubId = 23, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 55.334021] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 55.348432] apidx 11 for WscUUIDInit [ 55.352095] Generate UUID for apidx(11) [ 55.414849] device rax5 entered promiscuous mode [ 55.419774] br-lan: port 15(rax5) entered forwarding state [ 55.425458] br-lan: port 15(rax5) entered forwarding state [ 55.538917] device rax5 left promiscuous mode [ 55.543597] br-lan: port 15(rax5) entered disabled state [ 55.557405] rax5: ===> mbss_virtual_if_close [ 55.561707] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DOWN [ 55.568311] ap_link_down(caller:ap_inf_close+0x40/0x138), wdev(11) [ 55.574691] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(11) bss not ready (state:2, caller:ap_link_down+0xa0/0x100)!! [ 55.583790] wifi_sys_linkdown(), wdev idx = 11 [ 55.588408] wifi_sys_linkdown:wdev(type=1,func_idx=11,wdev_idx=11),BssIndex(4) [ 55.595843] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_down: wdev_idx=11 [ 55.601720] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=157, ucCentChSeg0=155, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=2, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 55.613208] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 0, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 0 [ 55.627851] wifi_sys_close, wdev idx = 11 [ 55.632031] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_close: wdev_idx=11 [ 55.637251] LedMode is 0 [ 55.639829] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 1,Status is 2,BandIdx is 1 [ 55.645993] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DEINIT [ 55.851728] [ 55.851728] Set_Led_Proc ==> arg = 00-00-00-00-02-00-00-06 [ 55.858963] [ 55.858963] Set_Led_Proc [ 55.863066] 00 [ 55.864780] 00 [ 55.866471] 00 [ 55.868162] 00 [ 55.869929] 02 [ 55.871636] 00 [ 55.873403] 00 [ 55.875100] 06 [ 55.885995] [ 55.885995] Set_Led_Proc ==> arg = 01-00-00-00-02-00-00-01 [ 55.893182] [ 55.893182] Set_Led_Proc [ 55.897225] 01 [ 55.898894] 00 [ 55.900607] 00 [ 55.902436] 00 [ 55.904185] 02 [ 55.905871] 00 [ 55.907572] 00 [ 55.909311] 01 [ 56.109633] [ 56.109633] Set_Led_Proc ==> arg = 00-00-00-00-02-00-00-06 [ 56.116755] [ 56.116755] Set_Led_Proc [ 56.120792] 00 [ 56.122500] 00 [ 56.124184] 00 [ 56.125858] 00 [ 56.127542] 02 [ 56.129223] 00 [ 56.130887] 00 [ 56.132586] 06 [ 56.140469] [ 56.140469] Set_Led_Proc ==> arg = 01-00-00-00-02-00-00-05 [ 56.147798] [ 56.147798] Set_Led_Proc [ 56.151954] 01 [ 56.153809] 00 [ 56.155485] 00 [ 56.157145] 00 [ 56.158804] 02 [ 56.160478] 00 [ 56.162165] 00 [ 56.163919] 05 [ 59.406299] add tx_src: be:e0:01:a8:92:e8 [ 59.410553] add tx_src: be:e0:01:b8:92:e8 [ 61.408374] module exit [ 62.223588] Set_MapR2_Proc MAP R2 is already disabled [ 62.232035] Set_MapTS_Proc MAP TS is already disabled [ 62.247890] Set_MapR2_Proc MAP R2 is already disabled [ 62.256332] Set_MapTS_Proc MAP TS is already disabled [ 62.287256] no net device found for eth0 or [ 62.291724] no net device found for ra6 or apcli0 [ 62.296969] no net device found for ra7 or apcli0 [ 62.301749] no net device found for ra8 or apcli0 [ 62.306566] no net device found for ra9 or apcli0 [ 62.311288] no net device found for ra10 or apcli0 [ 62.316152] no net device found for ra11 or apcli0 [ 62.320965] no net device found for ra12 or apcli0 [ 62.325828] no net device found for ra13 or apcli0 [ 62.330640] no net device found for ra14 or apcli0 [ 62.335499] no net device found for ra15 or apcli0 [ 62.340310] no net device found for rai0 or apclii0 [ 62.345258] no net device found for rai1 or apclii0 [ 62.350157] no net device found for rai2 or apclii0 [ 62.355227] no net device found for rai3 or apclii0 [ 62.360159] no net device found for rai4 or apclii0 [ 62.365127] no net device found for rai5 or apclii0 [ 62.370128] no net device found for rai6 or apclii0 [ 62.375070] no net device found for rai7 or apclii0 [ 62.379968] no net device found for rai8 or apclii0 [ 62.384967] no net device found for rai9 or apclii0 [ 62.389868] no net device found for rai10 or apclii0 [ 62.394921] no net device found for rai11 or apclii0 [ 62.399911] no net device found for rai12 or apclii0 [ 62.404959] no net device found for rai13 or apclii0 [ 62.409944] no net device found for rai14 or apclii0 [ 62.414988] no net device found for rai15 or apclii0 [ 62.420041] no net device found for rax6 or apclix0 [ 62.424980] no net device found for rax7 or apclix0 [ 62.429879] no net device found for rax8 or apclix0 [ 62.434816] no net device found for rax9 or apclix0 [ 62.439715] no net device found for rax10 or apclix0 [ 62.444749] no net device found for rax11 or apclix0 [ 62.449736] no net device found for rax12 or apclix0 [ 62.454776] no net device found for rax13 or apclix0 [ 62.459763] no net device found for rax14 or apclix0 [ 62.464791] no net device found for rax15 or apclix0 [ 62.469776] no net device found for wlan0 or wlan-apcli0 [ 62.475255] no net device found for apclii0 [ 62.479465] no net device found for wlan-apcli0 [ 63.307749] -->mtfwd_exit()<--mtfwd_exit() [ 63.380163] Current mapfilter version v2.0.2 [ 63.417114] I/F(apcli0) Set_ApCli_Enable_Proc::(enable = 0) [ 63.458617] I/F(apcli1) Set_ApCli_Enable_Proc::(enable = 0) [ 65.479331] Set_Map_Proc current MAP MODE is 1 [ 65.494597] Set_Map_Proc current MAP MODE is 1 [ 66.527085] Set_MapR2_Proc: MAP R2 is enabled [ 66.534911] Set_MapTS_Proc: MAP TS is enabled [ 66.550121] Set_MapR2_Proc MAP R2 is already enabled [ 66.558588] Set_MapTS_Proc MAP TS is already enabled [ 68.551632] ra2: ===> mbss_virtual_if_open [ 68.555870] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT [ 68.555896] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP [ 68.555912] wifi_sys_open(), wdev idx = 2 [ 68.556020] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 68.556026] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 68.556051] phy_oper_init(): operate TxStream = 2, RxStream = 2 [ 68.556270] Caller: wlan_operate_init+0x104/0x118 [ 68.556277] [ 68.556277] phy_mode=78, ch=9, wdev_type=1 [ 68.556280] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 68.556291] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 68.556294] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 68.556300] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 68.568803] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open: wdev_idx=2 [ 68.572892] AP inf up for ra_2(func_idx) OmacIdx=18 [ 68.572931] AsicRadioOnOffCtrl(): DbdcIdx=0 RadioOn [ 68.578753] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp-----------------> [ 68.578762] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp: AutoChannelBootup[0] = 1 [ 68.584452] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 68.590417] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 68.590426] ap_run_at_boot() : ACS is disable !! [ 68.590474] ===> APStartUpForMbss(caller:ap_inf_open+0x178/0x1d4), mbss_idx:2, CfgMode:177 [ 68.590480] LedMode is 0 [ 68.590488] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 2,Status is 1,BandIdx is 0 [ 68.590503] [PMF]APPMFInit:: apidx=2, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0 [ 68.590663] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 68.590669] [ 68.590669] phy_mode=78, ch=9, wdev_type=1 [ 68.590672] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 68.590684] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 68.590687] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 68.590692] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 68.590700] Enable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=1) [ 68.590877] ap_link_up(caller:APStartUpForMbss+0x440/0x6c8), wdev(2) [ 68.590883] wifi_sys_linkup, wdev idx = 2 [ 68.590965] WPAPSK Key length(0) error, required 8 ~ 64 characters!(keyStr=) [ 68.596373] wtc_acquire_groupkey_wcid: Found a non-occupied wtbl_idx:283 for WDEV_TYPE:1 [ 68.596373] LinkToOmacIdx = 12, LinkToWdevType = 1 [ 68.596387] TRTableInsertMcastEntry:band0 group_idx[2]=2 [ 68.596420] wifi_sys_linkup:wdev(type=2,func_idx=1,wdev_idx=2),BssIndex(4) [ 68.596497] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_up: wdev_idx=2 [ 68.596524] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=9, ucCentChSeg0=11, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=1, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 68.596535] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 8320, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 8320 [ 68.616827] StaRecUpdateTxProc(), set u4TxProcFlag = 0 to keep vlan tag [ 68.625398] UpdateBeaconHandler, BCN_UPDATE_INIT, OmacIdx = 12 (ra0) [ 68.625407] bcn_buf_init():BcnPkt is allocated!, bcn offload=1 [ 68.625744] MtCmdTxPowerSKUCtrl: tx_pwr_sku_en: 0, BandIdx: 0 [ 68.625775] MtCmdTxBfBackoffCtrl: fgTxBFBackoffEn: 0, BandIdx: 0 [ 68.625800] MtCmdTxPowerPercentCtrl: fgTxPowerPercentEn: 1, BandIdx: 0 [ 68.625832] TxCCKStreamCtrl: set wrong parameters [ 68.653669] set muru_update_he_cfg()!!!! [ 68.653692] PrintSrCmd: [ 68.653692] u1CmdSubId = 1, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 68.653692] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 68.653744] PrintSrCmd: [ 68.653744] u1CmdSubId = 5, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 68.653744] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 68.653784] PrintSrCmd: [ 68.653784] u1CmdSubId = 3, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 68.653784] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 68.653811] PrintSrCmd: [ 68.653811] u1CmdSubId = 23, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 68.653811] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 68.653922] apidx 2 for WscUUIDInit [ 68.653938] Generate UUID for apidx(2) [ 68.654419] br-lan: port 6(ra2) entered forwarding state [ 68.654546] br-lan: port 6(ra2) entered forwarding state [ 68.654731] extif_set_dev(ra2) [ 69.063966] extif_put_dev(ra2) [ 69.069449] ra2: ===> mbss_virtual_if_close [ 69.073675] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DOWN [ 69.080152] ap_link_down(caller:ap_inf_close+0x40/0x138), wdev(2) [ 69.086403] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(2) bss not ready (state:2, caller:ap_link_down+0xa0/0x100)!! [ 69.095402] wifi_sys_linkdown(), wdev idx = 2 [ 69.099769] wifi_sys_linkdown:wdev(type=1,func_idx=2,wdev_idx=2),BssIndex(4) [ 69.107189] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_down: wdev_idx=2 [ 69.113020] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=9, ucCentChSeg0=11, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=1, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 69.124173] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 0, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 0 [ 69.138635] wifi_sys_close, wdev idx = 2 [ 69.142765] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_close: wdev_idx=2 [ 69.147400] LedMode is 0 [ 69.149946] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 1,Status is 2,BandIdx is 0 [ 69.155970] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DEINIT [ 69.162985] br-lan: port 6(ra2) entered disabled state [1905Daemon][main] Current Version v2.0.2 [1905Daemon][main] set 1905 role agent [1905Daemon][main] map cfg file /etc//map/1905d.cfg [1905Daemon][main] wts bss cfg file /etc/map/wts_bss_info_config [1905Daemon][map_read_config_file] map_agent_alid = bc:e0:01:98:92:e6 [1905Daemon][map_read_config_file] br_inf = br-lan [1905Daemon][map_read_config_file] ctx->map_version = 2 [1905Daemon][map_read_config_file] bss_config_priority: ra0;ra1;ra2;ra3;ra4;apcli0;rax0;rax1;rax2;rax3;rax4;apclix0 [1905Daemon][map_read_config_file] lan = eth0.1 [1905Daemon][map_read_config_file] wan = eth0.2 [1905Daemon][map_read_config_file] set discovery_cnt to defaut value(11) [1905Daemon][get_wireless_interfaces] interface[2] = ra0 [1905Daemon][get_wireless_interfaces] interface[3] = ra1 [1905Daemon][get_wireless_interfaces] interface[4] = ra2 [1905Daemon][get_wireless_interfaces] interface[5] = ra3 [1905Daemon][get_wireless_interfaces] interface[6] = ra4 [1905Daemon][get_wireless_interfaces] interface[7] = apcli0 [1905Daemon][get_wireless_interfaces] interface[8] = rax0 [1905Daemon][get_wireless_interfaces] interface[9] = rax1 [1905Daemon][get_wireless_interfaces] interface[10] = rax2 [1905Daemon][get_wireless_interfaces] interface[11] = rax3 [1905Daemon][get_wireless_interfaces] interface[12] = rax4 [1905Daemon][get_wireless_interfaces] interface[13] = apclix0 [1905Daemon][set_bss_config_priority_by_str] bss intf(ra0) priority=1 [1905Daemon][set_bss_config_priority_by_str] bss intf(ra1) priority=2 [1905Daemon][set_bss_config_priority_by_str] bss intf(ra2) priority=3 [1905Daemon][set_bss_config_priority_by_str] bss intf(ra3) priority=4 [1905Daemon][set_bss_config_priority_by_str] bss intf(ra4) priority=5 [1905Daemon][set_bss_config_priority_by_str] bss intf(apcli0) priority=6 [1905Daemon][set_bss_config_priority_by_str] bss intf(rax0) priority=7 [1905Daemon][set_bss_config_priority_by_str] bss intf(rax1) priority=8 [1905Daemon][set_bss_config_priority_by_str] bss intf(rax2) priority=9 [1905Daemon][set_bss_config_priority_by_str] bss intf(rax3) priority=10 [1905Daemon][set_bss_config_priority_by_str] bss intf(rax4) priority=11 [1905Daemon][set_bss_config_priority_by_str] bss intf(apclix0) priority=12 cmdu_init set send buffer size 360448 cmdu_init set recv buffer size 360448 [mapd][mapd_init][1467]DB NAME=./client_db.txt [mapd][mapd_init][1474]Man Daemon XX version: v2.0.2 [ 69.492465] ra3: ===> mbss_virtual_if_open [ 69.496606] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT [ 69.503131] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP [ 69.509416] wifi_sys_open(), wdev idx = 3 [ 69.513632] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 69.519454] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 69.525334] phy_oper_init(): operate TxStream = 2, RxStream = 2 [ 69.531515] Caller: wlan_operate_init+0x104/0x118 [ 69.536372] [ 69.536372] phy_mode=78, ch=9, wdev_type=1 [ 69.541983] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 69.545946] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 69.553666] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 69.557558] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 69.561850] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open: wdev_idx=3 [ 69.566499] AP inf up for ra_3(func_idx) OmacIdx=18 [ 69.571452] AsicRadioOnOffCtrl(): DbdcIdx=0 RadioOn [ 69.576886] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp-----------------> [ 69.581802] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp: AutoChannelBootup[0] = 1 [ 69.587865] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 69.591830] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 69.595615] ap_run_at_boot() : ACS is disable !! [ 69.601085] ===> APStartUpForMbss(caller:ap_inf_open+0x178/0x1d4), mbss_idx:3, CfgMode:177 [ 69.609415] LedMode is 0 [ 69.611984] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 2,Status is 1,BandIdx is 0 [ 69.618028] [PMF]APPMFInit:: apidx=3, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0 [ 69.624104] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 69.628340] [ 69.628340] phy_mode=78, ch=9, wdev_type=1 [ 69.633980] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 69.637853] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 69.645640] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 69.649611] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 69.653820] Enable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=1) [ 69.659427] ap_link_up(caller:APStartUpForMbss+0x440/0x6c8), wdev(3) [ 69.665930] wifi_sys_linkup, wdev idx = 3 [ 69.670090] WPAPSK Key length(0) error, required 8 ~ 64 characters!(keyStr=) [ 69.680321] wtc_acquire_groupkey_wcid: Found a non-occupied wtbl_idx:283 for WDEV_TYPE:1 [ 69.680321] LinkToOmacIdx = 12, LinkToWdevType = 1 [ 69.693359] TRTableInsertMcastEntry:band0 group_idx[3]=3 [ 69.698814] wifi_sys_linkup:wdev(type=3,func_idx=1,wdev_idx=3),BssIndex(4) [ 69.705823] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_up: wdev_idx=3 [ 69.710514] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=9, ucCentChSeg0=11, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=1, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 69.721723] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 8320, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 8320 [ 69.734720] do_map_set_ctl==>cmd(1905) [ 69.738208] StaRecUpdateTxProc(), set u4TxProcFlag = 0 to keep vlan tag [ 69.740386] UpdateBeaconHandler, BCN_UPDATE_INIT, OmacIdx = 12 (ra0) [ 69.740393] bcn_buf_init():BcnPkt is allocated!, bcn offload=1 [ 69.740700] MtCmdTxPowerSKUCtrl: tx_pwr_sku_en: 0, BandIdx: 0 [ 69.740729] MtCmdTxBfBackoffCtrl: fgTxBFBackoffEn: 0, BandIdx: 0 [ 69.740753] MtCmdTxPowerPercentCtrl: fgTxPowerPercentEn: 1, BandIdx: 0 [ 69.740791] TxCCKStreamCtrl: set wrong parameters [ 69.748539] set muru_update_he_cfg()!!!! [ 69.748559] PrintSrCmd: [ 69.748559] u1CmdSubId = 1, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 69.748559] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 69.748592] PrintSrCmd: [ 69.748592] u1CmdSubId = 5, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 69.748592] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 69.748622] PrintSrCmd: [ 69.748622] u1CmdSubId = 3, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 69.748622] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 69.748646] PrintSrCmd: [ 69.748646] u1CmdSubId = 23, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 69.748646] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 69.748710] apidx 3 for WscUUIDInit [ 69.748715] Generate UUID for apidx(3) [ 69.748962] br-lan: port 7(ra3) entered forwarding state [ 69.749006] br-lan: port 7(ra3) entered forwarding state [ 69.749055] extif_set_dev(ra3) [ 69.749597] extif_put_dev(ra3) [ 69.866863] do_map_set_ctl==>almac(bc:e0:01:98:92:e6) [ 69.872465] ra3: ===> mbss_virtual_if_close [1905Daemon][cmd[ 69.876730] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DOWN u_init] br mac a[ 69.884795] ap_link_down(caller:ap_inf_close+0x40/0x138), wdev(3) ddr FFFFFFBC:FFF[ 69.892467] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(3) bss not ready (state:2, caller:ap_link_down+0xa0/0x100)!! FFFE0:01:FFFFFF9[ 69.902549] wifi_sys_linkdown(), wdev idx = 3 8:FFFFFF92:FFFFF[ 69.908182] wifi_sys_linkdown:wdev(type=1,func_idx=3,wdev_idx=3),BssIndex(4) FE6_1905_interfa[ 69.917053] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_down: wdev_idx=3 ce_open_sock set[ 69.923971] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=9, ucCentChSeg0=11, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=1, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 send buffer siz[ 69.935216] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 0, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 0 e 360448 _1905_interface_open_sock set recv buf[ 69.950892] wifi_sys_close, wdev idx = 3 fer size 360448[ 69.956360] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_close: wdev_idx=3 [1905Daemon][ll[ 69.962120] LedMode is 0 dpdu_init] creat[ 69.965884] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 1,Status is 2,BandIdx is 0 e lldpdu on eth0[ 69.973161] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DEINIT .1-sock(33) succ[ 69.981539] br-lan: port 7(ra3) entered disabled state [ 69.981730] handle_map_command Traffic Seperation(0) [ 69.981758] set wan(BC:E0:01:98:92:E7) to disable vlan tag check successfully ess [1905Daemon[ 69.999874] handle_map_command Traffic Seperation(1) ][lldpdu_init] create lldpdu on eth0.2-sock(34) success [1905Daemon][lldpdu_init] create lldpdu on ra0-sock(35) success [1905Daemon][lldpdu_init] create lldpdu on ra1-sock(36) success [1905Daemon][lldpdu_init] create lldpdu on ra2-sock(37) success [1905Daemon][lldpdu_init] create lldpdu on ra3-sock(38) success [1905Daemon][lldpdu_init] create lldpdu on ra4-sock(39) success [1905Daemon][lldpdu_init] create lldpdu on apcli0-sock(40) success [1905Daemon][lldpdu_init] create lldpdu on rax0-sock(41) success [1905Daemon][lldpdu_init] create lldpdu on rax1-sock(42) success [1905Daemon][lldpdu_init] create lldpdu on rax2-sock(43) success [1905Daemon][lldpdu_init] create lldpdu on rax3-sock(44) success [1905Daemon][lldpdu_init] create lldpdu on rax4-sock(45) success [1905Daemon][lldpdu_init] create lldpdu on apclix0-sock(46) success [1905Daemon][switch_read_config_file] lan_vid=1; [1905Daemon][parse_arl_setting_by_str] lan vid[0]=1 [1905Daemon][switch_read_config_file] wan_vid=2; [1905Daemon][parse_arl_setting_by_str] wan vid[0]=2 [1905Daemon][switch_layer_init] use default cpu port(6) [1905Daemon][eth_layer_port_init] MAX_LAN_PORT_NUM=5 [1905Daemon][eth_layer_port_init] init eth_data[0]=0 [1905Daemon][eth_layer_port_init] init eth_data[1]=1 [1905Daemon][eth_layer_port_init] init eth_data[2]=2 [1905Daemon][eth_layer_port_init] init eth_data[3]=3 [1905Daemon][eth_layer_port_init] init eth_data[4]=4 vid fid portmap s-tag 1 0 1111--1- 0 vid fid portmap s-tag 2 0 ----1-1- 0 [1905Daemon][eth_layer_port_init] lan_port=0000004f, wan_port=00000050 [1905Daemon][eth_layer_port_init] assign eth_data[0]=0 [1905Daemon][eth_layer_port_init] assign eth_data[1]=1 [1905Daemon][eth_layer_port_init] assign eth_data[2]=2 [1905Daemon][eth_layer_port_init] assign eth_data[3]=3 [1905Daemon][eth_layer_port_init] lan_finished=0 j=4 [1905Daemon][eth_layer_port_init] assign eth_data[4]=4 wan_port = true [1905Daemon][update_mapfilter_wan_tag] set wan(eth0.2) to enable ts vlan tag check [1905Daemon][main] p1905_Manager Daemon Running [1905Daemon][lldp_process] receive 802.1 bridge discovery fail [1905Daemon][lldp_process] receive 802.1 bridge discovery fail [1905Daemon][lldp_process] receive 802.1 bridge discovery fail [1905Daemon][lldp_process] receive 802.1 bridge discovery fail [1905Daemon][lldp_process] receive 802.1 bridge discovery fail [1905Daemon][lldp_process] receive 802.1 bridge discovery fail [ 70.307887] ra4: ===> mbss_virtual_if_open [ 70.312005] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT [ 70.318484] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP [ 70.324783] wifi_sys_open(), wdev idx = 4 [ 70.328910] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 70.334686] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 70.340445] phy_oper_init(): operate TxStream = 2, RxStream = 2 [ 70.346605] Caller: wlan_operate_init+0x104/0x118 [ 70.351378] [ 70.351378] phy_mode=78, ch=9, wdev_type=1 [ 70.357044] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 70.360939] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 70.368668] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 70.372534] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 70.376729] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open: wdev_idx=4 [ 70.381202] AP inf up for ra_4(func_idx) OmacIdx=18 [ 70.386150] AsicRadioOnOffCtrl(): DbdcIdx=0 RadioOn [ 70.391329] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp-----------------> [ 70.396258] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp: AutoChannelBootup[0] = 1 [ 70.401999] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 70.405891] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 70.409554] ap_run_at_boot() : ACS is disable !! [ 70.415043] ===> APStartUpForMbss(caller:ap_inf_open+0x178/0x1d4), mbss_idx:4, CfgMode:177 [ 70.423349] LedMode is 0 [ 70.425885] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 2,Status is 1,BandIdx is 0 [ 70.431807] [PMF]APPMFInit:: apidx=4, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0 [ 70.437819] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 70.442006] [ 70.442006] phy_mode=78, ch=9, wdev_type=1 [ 70.447615] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 70.451459] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 70.459144] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 70.463018] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 70.467116] Enable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=1) [ 70.472663] ap_link_up(caller:APStartUpForMbss+0x440/0x6c8), wdev(4) [ 70.479052] wifi_sys_linkup, wdev idx = 4 [ 70.483153] WPAPSK Key length(0) error, required 8 ~ 64 characters!(keyStr=) [ 70.493216] wtc_acquire_groupkey_wcid: Found a non-occupied wtbl_idx:283 for WDEV_TYPE:1 [ 70.493216] LinkToOmacIdx = 12, LinkToWdevType = 1 [ 70.506195] TRTableInsertMcastEntry:band0 group_idx[4]=4 [ 70.511526] wifi_sys_linkup:wdev(type=4,func_idx=1,wdev_idx=4),BssIndex(4) [ 70.518559] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_up: wdev_idx=4 [ 70.523155] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=9, ucCentChSeg0=11, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=1, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 70.534237] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 8320, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 8320 [ 70.550484] StaRecUpdateTxProc(), set u4TxProcFlag = 0 to keep vlan tag [ 70.559267] UpdateBeaconHandler, BCN_UPDATE_INIT, OmacIdx = 12 (ra0) [ 70.565682] bcn_buf_init():BcnPkt is allocated!, bcn offload=1 [ 70.571797] MtCmdTxPowerSKUCtrl: tx_pwr_sku_en: 0, BandIdx: 0 [ 70.577684] MtCmdTxBfBackoffCtrl: fgTxBFBackoffEn: 0, BandIdx: 0 [ 70.583753] MtCmdTxPowerPercentCtrl: fgTxPowerPercentEn: 1, BandIdx: 0 [ 70.590337] TxCCKStreamCtrl: set wrong parameters [ 70.601501] set muru_update_he_cfg()!!!! [ 70.605483] PrintSrCmd: [ 70.605483] u1CmdSubId = 1, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 70.605483] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 70.619585] PrintSrCmd: [ 70.619585] u1CmdSubId = 5, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 70.619585] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 70.633662] PrintSrCmd: [ 70.633662] u1CmdSubId = 3, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 70.633662] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 70.647751] PrintSrCmd: [ 70.647751] u1CmdSubId = 23, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 0, u1Status = 0 [ 70.647751] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 70.662041] apidx 4 for WscUUIDInit [ 70.665570] Generate UUID for apidx(4) [ 70.669540] br-lan: port 8(ra4) entered forwarding state [ 70.674954] br-lan: port 8(ra4) entered forwarding state [1905Daemon][eth_layer_port_data_update_and_notify] port [0] DOW[ 70.988340] ra4: ===> mbss_virtual_if_close N [1905Daemon][[ 70.993070] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DOWN update_topology_[ 71.000879] ap_link_down(caller:ap_inf_close+0x40/0x138), wdev(4) tree] root leaf [ 71.008529] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(4) bss not ready (state:2, caller:ap_link_down+0xa0/0x100)!! not exist, could[ 71.018690] wifi_sys_linkdown(), wdev idx = 4 not update topo[ 71.024436] wifi_sys_linkdown:wdev(type=1,func_idx=4,wdev_idx=4),BssIndex(4) logy tree [1905[ 71.032955] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_down: wdev_idx=4 Daemon][eth_laye[ 71.039929] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=9, ucCentChSeg0=11, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=1, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 r_port_data_upda[ 71.051380] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 0, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 0 te_and_notify] port [1] DOWN [1905Daemon][updat[ 71.067040] wifi_sys_close, wdev idx = 4 e_topology_tree][ 71.072469] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_close: wdev_idx=4 root leaf not e[ 71.078256] LedMode is 0 xist, could not [ 71.081971] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 1,Status is 2,BandIdx is 0 update topology [ 71.089318] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DEINIT tree [1905Daemo[ 71.097613] br-lan: port 8(ra4) entered disabled state n][eth_layer_port_data_update_and_notify] port [2] DOWN [1905Daemon][update_topology_tree] root leaf not exist, could not update topology tree [1905Daemon][eth_layer_port_data_update_and_notify] port [3] DOWN [1905Daemon][update_topology_tree] root leaf not exist, could not update topology tree [1905Daemon][eth_layer_port_data_update_and_notify] port [4] DOWN [1905Daemon][update_topology_tree] root leaf not exist, could not update topology tree [1905Daemon][eth_layer_port_data_update_and_notify] switch data not found by port index(5) [1905Daemon][eth_layer_port_data_update_and_notify] switch data not found by port index(6) [1905Daemon][lldp_process] receive 802.1 bridge discovery fail [ 71.413110] rax2: ===> mbss_virtual_if_open [ 71.417315] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT [ 71.423813] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP [ 71.430092] wifi_sys_open(), wdev idx = 8 [ 71.434273] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 71.440018] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 71.445822] phy_oper_init(): operate TxStream = 2, RxStream = 2 [ 71.451969] Caller: wlan_operate_init+0x104/0x118 [ 71.456800] [ 71.456800] phy_mode=177, ch=157, wdev_type=1 [ 71.462721] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 71.466567] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 71.474252] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 71.478094] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 71.482442] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open: wdev_idx=8 [ 71.486931] AP inf up for ra_8(func_idx) OmacIdx=18 [ 71.491838] AsicRadioOnOffCtrl(): DbdcIdx=1 RadioOn [ 71.497067] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp-----------------> [ 71.501947] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp: AutoChannelBootup[1] = 1 [ 71.507741] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 71.511619] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 71.515354] ap_run_at_boot() : ACS is disable !! [ 71.520788] ===> APStartUpForMbss(caller:ap_inf_open+0x178/0x1d4), mbss_idx:8, CfgMode:177 [ 71.529110] LedMode is 0 [ 71.531647] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 2,Status is 1,BandIdx is 1 [ 71.537623] [PMF]APPMFInit:: apidx=8, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0 [ 71.543625] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 71.547809] [ 71.547809] phy_mode=177, ch=157, wdev_type=1 [ 71.553677] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 71.557523] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 71.565209] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 71.569050] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 71.573197] Enable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=1) [ 71.578651] ap_link_up(caller:APStartUpForMbss+0x440/0x6c8), wdev(8) [ 71.585089] wifi_sys_linkup, wdev idx = 8 [ 71.589163] WPAPSK Key length(0) error, required 8 ~ 64 characters!(keyStr=) [ 71.599243] wtc_acquire_groupkey_wcid: Found a non-occupied wtbl_idx:283 for WDEV_TYPE:1 [ 71.599243] LinkToOmacIdx = 12, LinkToWdevType = 1 [ 71.612255] TRTableInsertMcastEntry:band1 group_idx[8]=8 [ 71.617595] wifi_sys_linkup:wdev(type=8,func_idx=1,wdev_idx=8),BssIndex(4) [ 71.624628] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_up: wdev_idx=8 [ 71.629180] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=157, ucCentChSeg0=155, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=2, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 71.640528] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 8320, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 8320 [ 71.656861] StaRecUpdateTxProc(), set u4TxProcFlag = 0 to keep vlan tag [ 71.665696] UpdateBeaconHandler, BCN_UPDATE_INIT, OmacIdx = 12 (ra0) [ 71.672052] bcn_buf_init():BcnPkt is allocated!, bcn offload=1 [ 71.678110] MtCmdTxPowerSKUCtrl: tx_pwr_sku_en: 0, BandIdx: 1 [ 71.683993] MtCmdTxBfBackoffCtrl: fgTxBFBackoffEn: 0, BandIdx: 1 [ 71.690013] MtCmdTxPowerPercentCtrl: fgTxPowerPercentEn: 1, BandIdx: 1 [ 71.703755] set muru_update_he_cfg()!!!! [ 71.707689] PrintSrCmd: [ 71.707689] u1CmdSubId = 1, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 71.707689] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 71.721780] PrintSrCmd: [ 71.721780] u1CmdSubId = 5, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 71.721780] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 71.735877] PrintSrCmd: [ 71.735877] u1CmdSubId = 3, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 71.735877] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 71.750031] PrintSrCmd: [ 71.750031] u1CmdSubId = 23, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 71.750031] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 71.764584] apidx 8 for WscUUIDInit [ 71.768183] Generate UUID for apidx(8) [ 71.772184] br-lan: port 12(rax2) entered forwarding state [ 71.777838] br-lan: port 12(rax2) entered forwarding state [ 71.783458] extif_set_dev(rax2) [ 71.787272] extif_put_dev(rax2) [ 71.792100] rax2: ===> mbss_virtual_if_close [ 71.796437] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DOWN [1905Daemon][lld[ 71.796485] ap_link_down(caller:ap_inf_close+0x40/0x138), wdev(8) p_process] recei[ 71.796618] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(8) bss not ready (state:2, caller:ap_link_down+0xa0/0x100)!! ve 802.1 bridge [ 71.796622] wifi_sys_linkdown(), wdev idx = 8 discovery fail [ 71.796634] wifi_sys_linkdown:wdev(type=1,func_idx=8,wdev_idx=8),BssIndex(4) [ 71.796757] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_down: wdev_idx=8 [1905Daemon][lld[ 71.797804] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=157, ucCentChSeg0=155, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=2, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 p_process] recei[ 71.797813] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 0, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 0 ve 802.1 bridge [ 71.800520] wifi_sys_close, wdev idx = 8 discovery fail[ 71.800608] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_close: wdev_idx=8 [ 71.800747] LedMode is 0 [1905Daemon][lld[ 71.800753] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 1,Status is 2,BandIdx is 1 p_process] recei[ 71.800766] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DEINIT ve 802.1 bridge [ 71.801037] br-lan: port 12(rax2) entered disabled state discovery fail [ 71.802104] rax3: ===> mbss_virtual_if_open [ 71.802109] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT [ 71.802115] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP [ 71.802127] wifi_sys_open(), wdev idx = 9 [ 71.802306] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 71.802313] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 [ 71.802353] phy_oper_init(): operate TxStream = 2, RxStream = 2 [ 71.802555] Caller: wlan_operate_init+0x104/0x118 [ 71.802569] [ 71.802569] phy_mode=177, ch=157, wdev_type=1 [ 71.802580] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 71.802599] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 71.802617] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 71.802623] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 71.804685] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open: wdev_idx=9 [ 71.804890] AP inf up for ra_9(func_idx) OmacIdx=18 [ 71.804935] AsicRadioOnOffCtrl(): DbdcIdx=1 RadioOn [ 71.805214] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp-----------------> [ 71.805222] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp: AutoChannelBootup[1] = 1 [ 71.805359] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 71.805517] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 71.805523] ap_run_at_boot() : ACS is disable !! [ 71.805557] ===> APStartUpForMbss(caller:ap_inf_open+0x178/0x1d4), mbss_idx:9, CfgMode:177 [ 71.805561] LedMode is 0 [ 71.805566] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 2,Status is 1,BandIdx is 1 [ 71.805578] [PMF]APPMFInit:: apidx=9, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0 [ 71.805703] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 71.805707] [ 71.805707] phy_mode=177, ch=157, wdev_type=1 [ 71.805709] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 71.805717] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 71.805719] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 71.805722] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 71.805732] Enable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=1) [ 71.805758] ap_link_up(caller:APStartUpForMbss+0x440/0x6c8), wdev(9) [ 71.805762] wifi_sys_linkup, wdev idx = 9 [ 71.805798] WPAPSK Key length(0) error, required 8 ~ 64 characters!(keyStr=) [ 71.808743] wtc_acquire_groupkey_wcid: Found a non-occupied wtbl_idx:283 for WDEV_TYPE:1 [ 71.808743] LinkToOmacIdx = 12, LinkToWdevType = 1 [ 71.808752] TRTableInsertMcastEntry:band1 group_idx[9]=9 [ 71.808778] wifi_sys_linkup:wdev(type=9,func_idx=1,wdev_idx=9),BssIndex(4) [ 71.808832] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_up: wdev_idx=9 [ 71.808853] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=157, ucCentChSeg0=155, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=2, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 71.808862] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 8320, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 8320 [ 71.812989] StaRecUpdateTxProc(), set u4TxProcFlag = 0 to keep vlan tag [ 71.815192] UpdateBeaconHandler, BCN_UPDATE_INIT, OmacIdx = 12 (ra0) [ 71.815198] bcn_buf_init():BcnPkt is allocated!, bcn offload=1 [ 71.815250] MtCmdTxPowerSKUCtrl: tx_pwr_sku_en: 0, BandIdx: 1 [ 71.815313] MtCmdTxBfBackoffCtrl: fgTxBFBackoffEn: 0, BandIdx: 1 [ 71.815336] MtCmdTxPowerPercentCtrl: fgTxPowerPercentEn: 1, BandIdx: 1 [ 71.823072] set muru_update_he_cfg()!!!! [ 71.823086] PrintSrCmd: [ 71.823086] u1CmdSubId = 1, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 71.823086] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 71.823132] PrintSrCmd: [ 71.823132] u1CmdSubId = 5, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 71.823132] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 71.823148] PrintSrCmd: [ 71.823148] u1CmdSubId = 3, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 71.823148] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 71.823179] PrintSrCmd: [ 71.823179] u1CmdSubId = 23, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 71.823179] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 71.823268] apidx 9 for WscUUIDInit [ 71.823272] Generate UUID for apidx(9) [ 71.823488] br-lan: port 13(rax3) entered forwarding state [ 71.823536] br-lan: port 13(rax3) entered forwarding state [ 71.823591] extif_set_dev(rax3) [ 71.824153] extif_put_dev(rax3) [ 71.826650] rax3: ===> mbss_virtual_if_close [ 71.826658] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DOWN [ 71.826701] ap_link_down(caller:ap_inf_close+0x40/0x138), wdev(9) [ 71.826830] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(9) bss not ready (state:2, caller:ap_link_down+0xa0/0x100)!! [ 71.826834] wifi_sys_linkdown(), wdev idx = 9 [ 71.826846] wifi_sys_linkdown:wdev(type=1,func_idx=9,wdev_idx=9),BssIndex(4) [ 71.826961] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_down: wdev_idx=9 [ 71.828526] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=157, ucCentChSeg0=155, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=2, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 71.828535] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 0, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 0 buf : [ 71.831227] wifi_sys_close, wdev idx = 9 [ 71.831315] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_close: wdev_idx=9 [ 71.831460] LedMode is 0 [ 71.831466] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 1,Status is 2,BandIdx is 1 [ 71.831478] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DEINIT attach failed[ 71.831754] br-lan: port 13(rax3) entered disabled state [ 71.832884] rax4: ===> mbss_virtual_if_open [ 71.832890] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_INIT [ 71.832895] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_UP [ 71.832927] wifi_sys_open(), wdev idx = 10 [mapd][mapd_init[ 71.833052] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 0, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 ][1490]Failed to[ 71.833057] ucAction = 0, ucBandIdx = 1, ucSmthIntlBypass = 0 connect to WAPP[ 71.833075] phy_oper_init(): operate TxStream = 2, RxStream = 2 [ 71.833297] Caller: wlan_operate_init+0x104/0x118 [ 71.833303] [ 71.833303] phy_mode=177, ch=157, wdev_type=1 [ 71.833305] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 71.833312] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 71.833314] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 71.833317] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 71.835054] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_open: wdev_idx=10 [ 71.835251] AP inf up for ra_a(func_idx) OmacIdx=18 [ 71.835287] AsicRadioOnOffCtrl(): DbdcIdx=1 RadioOn [ 71.835597] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp-----------------> [ 71.835604] ApAutoChannelAtBootUp: AutoChannelBootup[1] = 1 [ 71.835718] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 71.835875] MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0) [ 71.835881] ap_run_at_boot() : ACS is disable !! [ 71.835912] ===> APStartUpForMbss(caller:ap_inf_open+0x178/0x1d4), mbss_idx:10, CfgMode:177 [ 71.835916] LedMode is 0 [ 71.835921] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 2,Status is 1,BandIdx is 1 [ 71.835932] [PMF]APPMFInit:: apidx=10, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0 [ 71.836052] Caller: SetCommonHT+0x100/0x170 [ 71.836057] [ 71.836057] phy_mode=177, ch=157, wdev_type=1 [ 71.836059] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapInfo, [ 71.836066] ldpc=1,ch_width=1,gf=0,sgi20=1,sgi40=1,tx_stbc=1,rx_stbc=1,amsdu_size=1 [ 71.836068] ht_cap: ht_cap->HtCapParm, [ 71.836071] mdpu_density=5, ampdu_factor=3 [ 71.836081] Enable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=1) [ 71.836107] ap_link_up(caller:APStartUpForMbss+0x440/0x6c8), wdev(10) [ 71.836111] wifi_sys_linkup, wdev idx = 10 [ 71.836149] WPAPSK Key length(0) error, required 8 ~ 64 characters!(keyStr=) [ 71.839092] wtc_acquire_groupkey_wcid: Found a non-occupied wtbl_idx:283 for WDEV_TYPE:1 [ 71.839092] LinkToOmacIdx = 12, LinkToWdevType = 1 [ 71.839101] TRTableInsertMcastEntry:band1 group_idx[10]=10 [ 71.839126] wifi_sys_linkup:wdev(type=10,func_idx=1,wdev_idx=10),BssIndex(4) [ 71.839180] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_up: wdev_idx=10 [ 71.839203] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=157, ucCentChSeg0=155, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=2, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 71.839211] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 8320, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 8320 [ 71.843322] StaRecUpdateTxProc(), set u4TxProcFlag = 0 to keep vlan tag [ 71.845394] UpdateBeaconHandler, BCN_UPDATE_INIT, OmacIdx = 12 (ra0) [ 71.845400] bcn_buf_init():BcnPkt is allocated!, bcn offload=1 [ 71.845451] MtCmdTxPowerSKUCtrl: tx_pwr_sku_en: 0, BandIdx: 1 [ 71.845515] MtCmdTxBfBackoffCtrl: fgTxBFBackoffEn: 0, BandIdx: 1 [ 71.845538] MtCmdTxPowerPercentCtrl: fgTxPowerPercentEn: 1, BandIdx: 1 [ 71.853460] set muru_update_he_cfg()!!!! [ 71.853478] PrintSrCmd: [ 71.853478] u1CmdSubId = 1, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 71.853478] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 71.853498] PrintSrCmd: [ 71.853498] u1CmdSubId = 5, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 71.853498] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 0 [ 71.853531] PrintSrCmd: [ 71.853531] u1CmdSubId = 3, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 71.853531] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 71.853561] PrintSrCmd: [ 71.853561] u1CmdSubId = 23, u1ArgNum = 0, u1DbdcIdx = 1, u1Status = 0 [ 71.853561] u1DropTaIdx = 0, u1StaIdx = 0, u4Value = 1 [ 71.853643] apidx 10 for WscUUIDInit [ 71.853647] Generate UUID for apidx(10) [ 71.853878] br-lan: port 14(rax4) entered forwarding state [ 71.853930] br-lan: port 14(rax4) entered forwarding state [ 71.870798] rax4: ===> mbss_virtual_if_close [ 71.870808] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DOWN [ 71.870853] ap_link_down(caller:ap_inf_close+0x40/0x138), wdev(10) [ 71.870970] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(10) bss not ready (state:2, caller:ap_link_down+0xa0/0x100)!! [ 71.870974] wifi_sys_linkdown(), wdev idx = 10 [ 71.870988] wifi_sys_linkdown:wdev(type=1,func_idx=10,wdev_idx=10),BssIndex(4) [ 71.871121] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_link_down: wdev_idx=10 [ 71.872171] (bssUpdateChannel), ucPrimCh=157, ucCentChSeg0=155, ucCentChSeg1=0, BW=2, ucHetbRU26Disable=0, ucHetbAllDisable=1 [ 71.872180] bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO), CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 0, CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 0 [ 71.874873] wifi_sys_close, wdev idx = 10 [ 71.874963] hw_ctrl_flow_v2_close: wdev_idx=10 [ 71.875167] LedMode is 0 [ 71.875173] LedMode is 1, LED_CMD is 1,Status is 2,BandIdx is 1 [ 71.875186] RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle -> CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_VIRTUAL_INF_DEINIT [ 71.875469] br-lan: port 14(rax4) entered disabled state [ 73.119580] Enable GAS service for MBSSID[0] [ 73.123990] Unknow Parameter:8 [ 73.127157] Unknow Parameter:0 [ 73.130455] Unknow Parameter:1 [ 73.133617] Unknow Parameter:2 [ 73.136699] Unknow Parameter:3 [ 73.141328] Enable GAS service for MBSSID[6] [ 73.145973] Unknow Parameter:8 [ 73.149161] Unknow Parameter:0 [ 73.152349] Unknow Parameter:1 [ 73.155452] Unknow Parameter:2 [ 73.158519] Unknow Parameter:3 [ 73.161647] Set_AP_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_IE: Unknown OUIType = 16 [ 73.167320] Set_AP_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_IE: Unknown OUIType = 9 [ 73.172940] set_wapp_cmm_ie: Unknown IE(EID = 111) [ 73.177792] set_wapp_cmm_ie: Unknown IE(EID = 110) [ 73.182690] Set_AP_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_IE: Unknown OUIType = 16 [ 73.188298] Set_AP_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_IE: Unknown OUIType = 9 [ 73.193933] set_wapp_cmm_ie: Unknown IE(EID = 111) [ 73.198796] set_wapp_cmm_ie: Unknown IE(EID = 110) [ 73.209566] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc ra0 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x0 [ 73.221313] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc ra0 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x20 [ 73.240341] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc ra1 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x0 [ 73.251963] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc ra1 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x20 [ 73.271063] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc ra2 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x0 [ 73.282809] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc ra2 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x20 [ 73.296262] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(2) bss not ready (state:0, caller:wnm_handle_command+0xf0/0x1cc)!! [ 73.306146] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(2) bss not ready (state:0, caller:Set_Dot11kRRM_Enable+0xe0/0xfc)!! [ 73.321186] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc ra3 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x0 [ 73.332943] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc ra3 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x20 [ 73.346339] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(3) bss not ready (state:0, caller:wnm_handle_command+0xf0/0x1cc)!! [ 73.356066] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(3) bss not ready (state:0, caller:Set_Dot11kRRM_Enable+0xe0/0xfc)!! [ 73.371157] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc ra4 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x0 [ 73.382948] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc ra4 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x20 [ 73.396372] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(4) bss not ready (state:0, caller:wnm_handle_command+0xf0/0x1cc)!! [ 73.406107] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(4) bss not ready (state:0, caller:Set_Dot11kRRM_Enable+0xe0/0xfc)!! [mapd][mapd_init][1496]Succesfully connected to WAPPD [ 73.421564] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc rax0 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x0 [ 73.433466] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc rax0 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x20 [ 73.452646] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc rax1 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x0 [ 73.464524] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc rax1 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x20 [ 73.484051] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc rax2 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x0 [ 73.495879] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc rax2 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x20 [ 73.509417] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(8) bss not ready (state:0, caller:wnm_handle_command+0xf0/0x1cc)!! [ 73.519251] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(8) bss not ready (state:0, caller:Set_Dot11kRRM_Enable+0xe0/0xfc)!! [ 73.534613] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc rax3 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x0 [ 73.546470] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc rax3 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x20 [ 73.560743] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(9) bss not ready (state:0, caller:wnm_handle_command+0xf0/0x1cc)!! [ 73.570454] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(9) bss not ready (state:0, caller:Set_Dot11kRRM_Enable+0xe0/0xfc)!! [ 73.585862] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc rax4 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x0 [ 73.597776] Set_Fh_Bss_Proc rax4 wdev->MAPCfg.DevOwnRole 0x20 [ 73.611236] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(10) bss not ready (state:0, caller:wnm_handle_command+0xf0/0x1cc)!! [ 73.621022] UpdateBeaconHandler, wdev(10) bss not ready (state:0, caller:Set_Dot11kRRM_Enable+0xe0/0xfc)!! _1905_Init set send buffer size [ 73.640253] do_map_set_ctl==>cmd(1905) 360448 _1905_In[ 73.644922] do_map_set_ctl==>almac(bc:e0:01:98:92:e8) it set recv buffer size 360448 [1905Daemon][_1905_interface_attach] daemon _1905_client attached \x00map_daemon [mapd][mapd_init][1505]Succesfully connected to 1905 [mapd][mapd_init][1512]Wapp wireless interface init success [1905Daemon][common_info_init] reset almac to bc:e0:01:98:92:e8 [mapd][mapd_init_steer_params][1223]ChPlanningChUtilThresh_24G=70 [mapd][mapd_init_steer_params][1229]ChPlanningChUtilThresh_5GL=80 [mapd][mapd_init_steer_params][1234]ChPlanningEDCCAThresh_24G=200 [mapd][mapd_init_steer_params][1239]ChPlanningEDCCAThresh_5GL=200 [mapd][mapd_init_steer_params][1244]ChPlanningOBSSThresh_24G=200 [mapd][mapd_init_steer_params][1249]ChPlanningOBSSThresh_5GL=200 [mapd][mapd_init_steer_params][1254]ChPlanningR2MonitorTimeoutSecs=300 [mapd][mapd_init_steer_params][1259]ChPlanningR2MonitorProhibitSecs=900 [mapd][mapd_init_steer_params][1264]ChPlanningR2MetricReportingInterval=10 [mapd][mapd_init_steer_params][1269]ChPlanningR2MinScoreMargin=10 [mapd][mapd_init_steer_params][1276]MetricRepIntv=10 [mapd][mapd_client_db_read][63]Failed to open DB file './client_db.txt', error: No such file or directory [mapd][create_1905_device][3738]one 1905 device created [mapd][topo_srv_init_own_1905_info][3706]topo_srv_init_own_1905_info, is_1905_exist:1 [0] ifname:ra0 mac bc:e0:01:98:92:e8type=00, band=1 [1] ifname:ra1 mac be:e0:01:18:92:e8type=00, band=1 [2] ifname:ra2 mac be:e0:01:28:92:e8type=00, band=1 [3] ifname:ra3 mac be:e0:01:38:92:e8type=00, band=1 [4] ifname:ra4 mac be:e0:01:48:92:e8type=00, band=1 [5] ifname:apcli0 mac ba:e0:01:98:92:e8type=01, band=1 [6] ifname:rax0 mac be:e0:01:68:92:e8type=00, band=4 [7] ifname:rax1 mac be:e0:01:78:92:e8type=00, band=4 [8] ifname:rax2 mac be:e0:01:88:92:e8type=00, band=4 [9] ifname:rax3 mac be:e0:01:98:92:e8type=00, band=4 [10] ifname:rax4 mac be:e0:01:a8:92:e8type=00, band=4 [11] ifname:apclix0 mac b6:e0:01:98:92:e8type=01, band=4 [mapd][update_apcli_info_in1905][492]peer_radio not found corresponding to identifier [mapd][find_bhlink_bw_ch][5394]bw not connected 1, radio->channel 9 [mapd][chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class][1762]Op Class not found in Global OpClass Table mapd_ASSERT FAILED '0' chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class src/channelMon/chan_mon.c:1763 [mapd][find_bhlink_bw_ch][5394]bw not connected 255, radio->channel 157 [mapd][topo_srv_parse_wapp_scan_capab][1095]-------------> ScanCapab - hexdump(len=310): 02 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 03 3c 00 00 00 01 51 0d 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 03 3c 00 00 00 02 73 04 24 28 2c 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7d 05 95 99 9d a1 a5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [mapd][topo_srv_update_cac_cap][149]MY device CAC Mode = 0 [mapd][topo_srv_update_cac_cap][149]MY device CAC Mode = 0 CACCapab - hexdump(len=26): 52 55 01 00 00 00 00 01 01 02 00 00 00 41 01 81 01 32 00 00 02 8a 01 81 01 72 [mapd][topo_srv_parse_wapp_r2_ap_cap][1114]-------------> R2ApCap - hexdump(len=4): 06 00 70 02 [mapd][topo_srv_update_channel_preference][6441]radio mac 00:00:00:00:01:01 [mapd][chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class][1762]Op Class not found in Global OpClass Table mapd_ASSERT FAILED '0' chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class src/channelMon/chan_mon.c:1763 [mapd][topo_srv_update_metric_rep_intv_cap][5586]dev->metric_rep_interval: 60 [1905Daemon][create_oper_bss] create operational bss(be:e0:01:68:92:e8)almac(bc:e0:01:98:92:e8) ssid=Netis-BH-cfe40f-5G [mapd][find_bhlink_bw_ch][5394]bw not connected 1, radio->channel 9 [1905Daemon][create_oper_bss] create operational bss(be:e0:01:78:92:e8)almac(bc:e0:01:98:92:e8) ssid=Netis-9892E6-5G [mapd][chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class][1762]Op Class not found in Global OpClass Table mapd_ASSERT FAILED '0' chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class src/channelMon/chan_mon.c:1763 [1905Daemon][create_oper_bss] create operational bss(be:e0:01:88:92:e8)almac(bc:e0:01:98:92:e8) ssid=HT_AP8 [mapd][chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class][1762]Op Class not found in Global OpClass Table mapd_ASSERT FAILED '0' chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class src/channelMon/chan_mon.c:1763 [1905Daemon][create_oper_bss] create operational bss(be:e0:01:98:92:e8)almac(bc:e0:01:98:92:e8) ssid=HT_AP9 [mapd][chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class][1762]Op Class not found in Global OpClass Table mapd_ASSERT FAILED '0' chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class src/channelMon/chan_mon.c:1763 [1905Daemon][create_oper_bss] create operational bss(be:e0:01:a8:92:e8)almac(bc:e0:01:98:92:e8) ssid=HT_AP: [mapd][chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class][1762]Op Class not found in Global OpClass Table mapd_ASSERT FAILED '0' chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class src/channelMon/chan_mon.c:1763 [mapd][chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class][1762]Op Class not found in Global OpClass Table mapd_ASSERT FAILED '0' chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class src/channelMon/chan_mon.c:1763 [mapd][chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class][1762]Op Class not found in Global OpClass Table mapd_ASSERT FAILED '0' chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class src/channelMon/chan_mon.c:1763 [mapd][find_bhlink_bw_ch][5394]bw not connected 255, radio->channel 157 [mapd][topo_srv_update_channel_preference][6441]radio mac 00:00:00:00:01:01 [mapd][chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class][1762]Op Class not found in Global OpClass Table mapd_ASSERT FAILED '0' chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class src/channelMon/chan_mon.c:1763 [mapd][topo_srv_update_metric_rep_intv_cap][5586]dev->metric_rep_interval: 60 [1905Daemon][handle_retry_message_queue] resend_message Operating Channel Report to eth0.1 almac=00:00:00:00:00:00 premid=37549 retry_cnt_left=2 [1905Daemon][handle_retry_message_queue] resend_message Operating Channel Report to eth0.1 almac=00:00:00:00:00:00 premid=37548 retry_cnt_left=2 [1905Daemon][send_802_1_bridge_discovery_msg] error reason(Network is down) [1905Daemon][send_802_1_bridge_discovery_msg] error reason(Network is down) [1905Daemon][send_802_1_bridge_discovery_msg] error reason(Network is down) [1905Daemon][send_802_1_bridge_discovery_msg] error reason(Network is down) [1905Daemon][send_802_1_bridge_discovery_msg] error reason(Network is down) [1905Daemon][send_802_1_bridge_discovery_msg] error reason(Network is down) [mapd][topo_srv_update_channel_preference][6441]radio mac 00:00:00:00:01:00 [mapd][topo_srv_update_metric_rep_intv_cap][5586]dev->metric_rep_interval: 60 [mapd][find_bhlink_bw_ch][5394]bw not connected 1, radio->channel 9 [mapd][chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class][1762]Op Class not found in Global OpClass Table mapd_ASSERT FAILED '0' chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class src/channelMon/chan_mon.c:1763 [mapd][chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class][1762]Op Class not found in Global OpClass Table mapd_ASSERT FAILED '0' chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class src/channelMon/chan_mon.c:1763 [mapd][chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class][1762]Op Class not found in Global OpClass Table mapd_ASSERT FAILED '0' chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class src/channelMon/chan_mon.c:1763 [mapd][chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class][1762]Op Class not found in Global OpClass Table mapd_ASSERT FAILED '0' chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class src/channelMon/chan_mon.c:1763 [mapd][chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class][1762]Op Class not found in Global OpClass Table mapd_ASSERT FAILED '0' chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class src/channelMon/chan_mon.c:1763 [1905Daemon][create_oper_bss] create operational bss(bc:e0:01:98:92:e8)almac(bc:e0:01:98:92:e8) ssid=Netis-BH-cfe40f [1905Daemon][create_oper_bss] create operational bss(be:e0:01:18:92:e8)almac(bc:e0:01:98:92:e8) ssid=Netis-9892E6 [1905Daemon][create_oper_bss] create operational bss(be:e0:01:28:92:e8)almac(bc:e0:01:98:92:e8) ssid=HT_AP2 [1905Daemon][create_oper_bss] create operational bss(be:e0:01:38:92:e8)almac(bc:e0:01:98:92:e8) ssid=HT_AP3 [1905Daemon][create_oper_bss] create operational bss(be:e0:01:48:92:e8)almac(bc:e0:01:98:92:e8) ssid=HT_AP4 [mapd][chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class][1762]Op Class not found in Global OpClass Table mapd_ASSERT FAILED '0' chan_mon_get_bw_from_op_class src/channelMon/chan_mon.c:1763 [mapd][find_bhlink_bw_ch][5394]bw not connected 255, radio->channel 157 [mapd][topo_srv_update_channel_preference][6441]radio mac 00:00:00:00:01:00 [mapd][topo_srv_update_metric_rep_intv_cap][5586]dev->metric_rep_interval: 60 [mapd][topo_srv_update_radio_config_status][8654]radio (157) config_status set as 0 [mapd][topo_srv_update_radio_config_status][8654]radio (9) config_status set as 0 [mapd][hopcnt_to_controller][78]DEV AL-MAC bc:e0:01:98:92:e8 [mapd][ap_selection_update_vend_ie][203]con Connect=0, root_distance=0 [mapd][ap_selection_update_vend_ie][215]failed to find any bh entry [mapd][mapd_read_conf[ 75.362949] handle_map_command Dynamic Load Balance(0) ig_file][5657]la[ 75.368877] mapfilter: Stop drop the specific ip packets now !! n interface is eth0.1 [mapd][mapd_read_config_file][5663]wan interface is eth0.2 [mapd][mapd_read_config_file][5668]device role is 2 [mapd][ch_planning_set_user_preff_ch][2356] channel 0 [mapd][ch_planning_set_user_preff_ch][2356] channel 0 [mapd][ch_planning_set_user_preff_ch][2356] channel 0 ChPlanningIni[ 75.402341] ----->free map device rcu 8ca4c388 tTimeout=120Ntwr[ 75.408696] ----->free map device rcu 8c4c1c88 kOptConnectWaitT[ 75.408710] ----->free map device rcu 8c495c88 ime=45NtwrkOptDi[ 75.408715] ----->free map device rcu 8b31af88 sconnectWaitTime[ 75.408720] ----->free map device rcu 8b31a088 =45[mapd][mapd_r[ 75.408725] ----->free map device rcu 8c94c088 ead_config_file][ 75.408730] ----->free map device rcu 8cba7908 [5936]BandSwitch[ 75.408776] ----->free map device rcu 8cba7008 Time = 120 2G[ 75.408781] ----->free map device rcu 8cba7408 ScanThreshold=-[ 75.408786] ----->free map device rcu 8cba7388 755G ScanThresho[ 75.408790] ----->free map device rcu 8cba7108 ld=-75[mapd][map[ 75.408795] ----->free map device rcu 8cba7608 d_read_config_fi[ 75.408800] ----->free map device rcu 8cba7708 le][5680]Channel Planning Enabled =1 [mapd][mapd_read_config_file][5691]Channel Planning R2 Enabled =1 , R1 ch_planning_enabled 1 NetworkOptimizationEnabled=1[mapd][mapd_read_config_file][5915]AutoBHSwitching = 1 DhcpCtl=0 [mapd][mapd_read_config_file][5834]disable [mapd][mapd_read_config_file][5838] dhcp_ctl in config file is : disable ! [mapd][mapd_read_config_file][5942]ThirdPartyConnection = 0 [mapd][mapd_read_config_file][5999]Default max_allowed_scan = 5 [mapd][mapd_read_config_file][6007]bh_steer_timeout = 120 NtwrkOptPostCACTriggerTime=25NetworkOptPrefer5Gover2G=0NetworkOptPrefer5Gover2GRetryCnt=0[mapd][mapd_read_config_file][5700]Channel Planning R2 Enabled_bw =1 NtwrkOptDataCollectionTime=300[mapd][mapd_read_config_file][6043]going to check 1905 map version [mapd][mapd_read_config_file][6054]for 1905 cfg [mapd][mapd_read_config_file][6063]it is R2 [mapd][mapd_read_config_file][6066]1905dev own is R2 [mapd][mapd_read_config_file][6087]Network Optimization Enable 1 [mapd][mapd_read_config_file][6089]conn 45 dis 45 [mapd][mapd_read_config_file][6092]Init 75 [mapd][mapd_read_config_file][6119]apclix0 BH priority = 1 [mapd][mapd_read_config_file][6128]apcli0 BH priority = 2 [mapd][mapfilter_init][1373]ETH ifname:eth0.1 mac 92:ec:01:d9:3c:27type=02, band=0 [mapd][mapfilter_init][1391] Name=ra0 MAC bc:e0:01:98:92:e8 [mapd][mapfilter_init][1391] Name=ra1 MAC be:e0:01:18:92:e8 [mapd][mapfilter_init][1391] Name=ra2 MAC be:e0:01:28:92:e8 [mapd][mapfilter_init][1391] Name=ra3 MAC be:e0:01:38:92:e8 [mapd][mapfilter_init][1391] Name=ra4 MAC be:e0:01:48:92:e8 [mapd][mapfilter_init][1391] Name=apcli0 MAC ba:e0:01:98:92:e8 [mapd][mapfilter_init][1391] Name=rax0 MAC be:e0:01:68:92:e8 [mapd][mapfilter_init][1391] Name=rax1 MAC be:e0:01:78:92:e8 [mapd][mapfilter_init][1391] Name=rax2 MAC be:e0:01:88:92:[ 75.640624] [ 75.640624] Set_Led_Proc ==> arg = 00-00-00-00-02-00-00-06 e8 [mapd][mapfi[ 75.648229] [ 75.648229] Set_Led_Proc lter_init][1391][ 75.653562] 00 Name=rax3 MAC b[ 75.656677] 00 e:e0:01:98:92:e8[ 75.659584] 00 [mapd][mapfilt[ 75.662661] 00 er_init][1391] N[ 75.665668] 02 ame=rax4 MAC be:[ 75.668708] 00 e0:01:a8:92:e8 [ 75.671749] 00 [mapd][mapfilter[ 75.674841] 06 _init][1391] Name=apclix0 MAC b6:e0:01:98:92:e8 [mapd][mapd_init][1546]role(2),[ 75.684040] [ 75.684040] Set_Led_Proc ==> arg = 01-00-00-00-02-00-00-05 cancel drop fla[ 75.691827] [ 75.691827] Set_Led_Proc g to mapfilter [ 75.697273] 01 [mapd][network_o[ 75.700252] 00 pt_init][556]con[ 75.703329] 00 n 45 dis 45 [ma[ 75.706338] 00 pd][topo_srv_han[ 75.709378] 02 dle_topology_eve[ 75.712454] 00 nt][4454]recv TO[ 75.715466] 00 POLOGY_response [ 75.718506] 05 from bc:e0:01:98:92:e8, len :362 [mapd][topo_srv_handle_topology_event][4596]recv TOPOLOGY_response from bc:e0:01:98:92:e8 neighbor found(0) [mapd][topo_serv_update_remote_peers][2970]no Neighbors for bc:e0:01:98:92:e8 [mapd][topo_srv_manage_bh_links][472]bh_state=0 num_up_eth_bh_links_to_c=0 num_up[ 75.747793] mapfilter: Stop drop the specific ip packets now !! _wifi_bh_links_to_c=0 [mapd][topo_srv_manage_bh_links][486]As per topodb, no Connectivity to Controller [mapd][topo_srv_manage_bh_links][602]bh_state=0 /usr/bin/mesh_event mesh.bh_rssi MESH_DOWN setting up led system setting up led power setting up led lan setting up led wan [mapd][topo_srv_handle_topology_event][4454]recv TOPOLOGY_response from bc:e0:01:98:92:e8, len :546 [mapd][topo_srv_handle_topology_event][4596]recv TOPOLOGY_response from bc:e0:01:98:92:e8 neighbor found(0) [mapd][topo_serv_update_remote_peers][2970]no Neighbors for bc:e0:01:98:92:e8 [mapd][topo_srv_manage_bh_links][472]bh_state=0 num_up_eth_bh_links_to_c=0 num_up_wifi_bh_links_to_c=0 [mapd][topo_srv_manage_bh_links][486]As per topodb, no Connectivity to Controller [mapd][topo_srv_manage_bh_links][602]bh_state=0 [1905Daemon][handle_retry_message_queue] resend_message Operating Channel Report to eth0.1 almac=00:00:00:00:00:00 premid=37553 retry_cnt_left=2 [1905Daemon][handle_retry_message_queue] resend_message Operating Channel Report to eth0.1 almac=00:00:00:00:00:00 premid=37550 retry_cnt_left=1 [1905Daemon][handle_retry_message_queue] resend_message Operating Channel Report to eth0.1 almac=00:00:00:00:00:00 premid=37551 retry_cnt_left=1 [1905Daemon][handle_retry_message_queue] resend_message Operating Channel Report to eth0.1 almac=00:00:00:00:00:00 premid=37554 retry_cnt_left=1 [1905Daemon][handle_retry_message_queue] resend_message Operating Channel Report to eth0.1 almac=00:00:00:00:00:00 premid=37555 retry_cnt_left=0 [1905Daemon][handle_retry_message_queue] resend_message Operating Channel Report to eth0.1 almac=00:00:00:00:00:00 premid=37556 retry_cnt_left=0 [ 89.784602] [ 89.784602] Set_Led_Proc ==> arg = 00-00-00-00-02-00-00-06 [ 89.791857] [ 89.791857] Set_Led_Proc [ 89.795981] 00 [ 89.797669] 00 [ 89.799329] 00 [ 89.800987] 00 [ 89.802679] 02 [ 89.804346] 00 [ 89.806006] 00 [ 89.807665] 06 [ 89.815397] [ 89.815397] Set_Led_Proc ==> arg = 01-00-00-00-02-00-00-05 [ 89.822544] [ 89.822544] Set_Led_Proc [ 89.826555] 01 [ 89.828214] 00 [ 89.829872] 00 [ 89.831530] 00 [ 89.833235] 02 [ 89.834901] 00 [ 89.836562] 00 [ 89.838220] 05 [1905Daemon][handle_retry_message_queue] resend_message Operating Channel Report to eth0.1 almac=00:00:00:00:00:00 premid=37557 retry_cnt_left=0 BusyBox v1.25.1 () built-in shell (ash) _________ / /\ _ ___ ___ ___ / LE / \ | | | __| \| __| / DE / \ | |__| _|| |) | _| /________/ LE \ |____|___|___/|___| \ \ DE / \ LE \ / ----------------------------------------------------------- \ DE \ / Reboot (17.01-SNAPSHOT, r0-0a973e7) \________\/ ----------------------------------------------------------- === WARNING! ===================================== There is no root password defined on this device! Use the "passwd" command to set up a new password in order to prevent unauthorized SSH logins. -------------------------------------------------- root@Netis-N6:/#

[ 0.000000] Linux version 5.15.162 (builder@buildhost) (mipsel-openwrt-linux-musl-gcc (OpenWrt GCC 12.3.0 r24012-d8dd03c46f) 12.3.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.40.0) #0 SMP Mon Jul 15 22:14:18 2024 [ 0.000000] SoC Type: MediaTek MT7621 ver:1 eco:3 [ 0.000000] printk: bootconsole [early0] enabled [ 0.000000] CPU0 revision is: 0001992f (MIPS 1004Kc) [ 0.000000] MIPS: machine is netis N6 [ 0.000000] Initrd not found or empty - disabling initrd [ 0.000000] VPE topology {2,2} total 4 [ 0.000000] Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes. [ 0.000000] Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes [ 0.000000] MIPS secondary cache 256kB, 8-way, linesize 32 bytes. [ 0.000000] Zone ranges: [ 0.000000] Normal [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000fffffff] [ 0.000000] Movable zone start for each node [ 0.000000] Early memory node ranges [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000fffffff] [ 0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000fffffff] [ 0.000000] percpu: Embedded 12 pages/cpu s17808 r8192 d23152 u49152 [ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: s17808 r8192 d23152 u49152 alloc=12*4096 [ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [0] 1 [0] 2 [0] 3 [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 64960 [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyS0,115200 rootfstype=squashfs,jffs2 [ 0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes, linear) [ 0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes, linear) [ 0.000000] Writing ErrCtl register=00000000 [ 0.000000] Readback ErrCtl register=00000000 [ 0.000000] mem auto-init: stack:off, heap alloc:off, heap free:off [ 0.000000] Memory: 249028K/262144K available (7317K kernel code, 628K rwdata, 884K rodata, 1272K init, 225K bss, 13116K reserved, 0K cma-reserved) [ 0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=32, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=4, Nodes=1 [ 0.000000] rcu: Hierarchical RCU implementation. [ 0.000000] Tracing variant of Tasks RCU enabled. [ 0.000000] rcu: RCU calculated value of scheduler-enlistment delay is 10 jiffies. [ 0.000000] NR_IRQS: 256 [ 0.000000] clocksource: GIC: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0xcaf478abb4, max_idle_ns: 440795247997 ns [ 0.000004] sched_clock: 64 bits at 880MHz, resolution 1ns, wraps every 4398046511103ns [ 0.008073] Calibrating delay loop... 586.13 BogoMIPS (lpj=2930688) [ 0.066216] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301 [ 0.071651] Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes, linear) [ 0.078871] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes, linear) [ 0.090747] rcu: Hierarchical SRCU implementation. [ 0.096292] smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ... [ 0.101794] Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes. [ 0.101828] Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes [ 0.101843] MIPS secondary cache 256kB, 8-way, linesize 32 bytes. [ 0.101891] CPU1 revision is: 0001992f (MIPS 1004Kc) [ 0.161100] Synchronize counters for CPU 1: done. [ 0.193767] Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes. [ 0.193795] Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes [ 0.193808] MIPS secondary cache 256kB, 8-way, linesize 32 bytes. [ 0.193843] CPU2 revision is: 0001992f (MIPS 1004Kc) [ 0.252767] Synchronize counters for CPU 2: done. [ 0.283565] Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes. [ 0.283596] Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes [ 0.283609] MIPS secondary cache 256kB, 8-way, linesize 32 bytes. [ 0.283647] CPU3 revision is: 0001992f (MIPS 1004Kc) [ 0.338001] Synchronize counters for CPU 3: done. [ 0.367895] smp: Brought up 1 node, 4 CPUs [ 0.377326] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 19112604462750000 ns [ 0.387139] futex hash table entries: 1024 (order: 3, 32768 bytes, linear) [ 0.394233] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem [ 0.401199] NET: Registered PF_NETLINK/PF_ROUTE protocol family [ 0.407878] thermal_sys: Registered thermal governor 'step_wise' [ 0.414375] FPU Affinity set after 11720 emulations [ 0.434920] clocksource: Switched to clocksource GIC [ 0.441504] NET: Registered PF_INET protocol family [ 0.446608] IP idents hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes, linear) [ 0.455025] tcp_listen_portaddr_hash hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes, linear) [ 0.463322] Table-perturb hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes, linear) [ 0.471040] TCP established hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes, linear) [ 0.478683] TCP bind hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes, linear) [ 0.485788] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 2048) [ 0.492250] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes, linear) [ 0.498776] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes, linear) [ 0.506153] NET: Registered PF_UNIX/PF_LOCAL protocol family [ 0.511777] PCI: CLS 0 bytes, default 32 [ 0.518286] workingset: timestamp_bits=14 max_order=16 bucket_order=2 [ 0.530732] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher [ 0.536584] jffs2: version 2.2 (NAND) (SUMMARY) (LZMA) (RTIME) (CMODE_PRIORITY) (c) 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc. [ 0.547717] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 251) [ 0.559620] mt7621_gpio 1e000600.gpio: registering 32 gpios [ 0.565799] mt7621_gpio 1e000600.gpio: registering 32 gpios [ 0.571887] mt7621_gpio 1e000600.gpio: registering 32 gpios [ 0.578178] mt7621-pci 1e140000.pcie: host bridge /pcie@1e140000 ranges: [ 0.584954] mt7621-pci 1e140000.pcie: No bus range found for /pcie@1e140000, using [bus 00-ff] [ 0.593693] mt7621-pci 1e140000.pcie: MEM 0x0060000000..0x006fffffff -> 0x0060000000 [ 0.601829] mt7621-pci 1e140000.pcie: IO 0x001e160000..0x001e16ffff -> 0x0000000000 [ 0.964926] mt7621-pci 1e140000.pcie: pcie2 no card, disable it (RST & CLK) [ 0.971824] mt7621-pci 1e140000.pcie: PCIE0 enabled [ 0.976720] mt7621-pci 1e140000.pcie: PCIE1 enabled [ 0.981534] PCI coherence region base: 0x60000000, mask/settings: 0xf0000002 [ 0.988777] mt7621-pci 1e140000.pcie: PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00 [ 0.995092] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff] [ 1.000498] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x60000000-0x6fffffff] [ 1.007359] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0000-0xffff] [ 1.013511] pci 0000:00:00.0: [0e8d:0801] type 01 class 0x060400 [ 1.019463] pci 0000:00:00.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0x00000000-0x7fffffff] [ 1.025692] pci 0000:00:00.0: reg 0x14: [mem 0x60600000-0x6060ffff] [ 1.031937] pci 0000:00:00.0: supports D1 [ 1.035877] pci 0000:00:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D3hot [ 1.042510] pci 0000:00:01.0: [0e8d:0801] type 01 class 0x060400 [ 1.048583] pci 0000:00:01.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0x00000000-0x7fffffff] [ 1.054793] pci 0000:00:01.0: reg 0x14: [mem 0x60610000-0x6061ffff] [ 1.061127] pci 0000:00:01.0: supports D1 [ 1.065092] pci 0000:00:01.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D3hot [ 1.073059] pci 0000:01:00.0: [14c3:7916] type 00 class 0x000280 [ 1.079101] pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0x00000000-0x000fffff 64bit pref] [ 1.086315] pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 0x18: [mem 0x00000000-0x00003fff 64bit pref] [ 1.093461] pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 0x20: [mem 0x00000000-0x00000fff 64bit pref] [ 1.100795] pci 0000:01:00.0: supports D1 D2 [ 1.105023] pci 0000:01:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D2 D3hot D3cold [ 1.111590] pci 0000:01:00.0: 2.000 Gb/s available PCIe bandwidth, limited by 2.5 GT/s PCIe x1 link at 0000:00:00.0 (capable of 4.000 Gb/s with 5.0 GT/s PCIe x1 link) [ 1.127768] pci 0000:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01-ff] [ 1.132936] pci 0000:00:00.0: bridge window [io 0x0000-0x0fff] [ 1.139045] pci 0000:00:00.0: bridge window [mem 0x60000000-0x600fffff] [ 1.145789] pci 0000:00:00.0: bridge window [mem 0x60100000-0x602fffff pref] [ 1.152919] pci_bus 0000:01: busn_res: [bus 01-ff] end is updated to 01 [ 1.159826] pci 0000:02:00.0: [14c3:7915] type 00 class 0x000280 [ 1.165857] pci 0000:02:00.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0x00000000-0x000fffff 64bit pref] [ 1.173014] pci 0000:02:00.0: reg 0x18: [mem 0x00000000-0x00003fff 64bit pref] [ 1.180233] pci 0000:02:00.0: reg 0x20: [mem 0x00000000-0x00000fff 64bit pref] [ 1.187533] pci 0000:02:00.0: supports D1 D2 [ 1.191718] pci 0000:02:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D2 D3hot D3cold [ 1.198364] pci 0000:02:00.0: 2.000 Gb/s available PCIe bandwidth, limited by 2.5 GT/s PCIe x1 link at 0000:00:01.0 (capable of 4.000 Gb/s with 5.0 GT/s PCIe x1 link) [ 1.214563] pci 0000:00:01.0: PCI bridge to [bus 02-ff] [ 1.219795] pci 0000:00:01.0: bridge window [io 0x0000-0x0fff] [ 1.225839] pci 0000:00:01.0: bridge window [mem 0x60300000-0x603fffff] [ 1.232542] pci 0000:00:01.0: bridge window [mem 0x60400000-0x605fffff pref] [ 1.239756] pci_bus 0000:02: busn_res: [bus 02-ff] end is updated to 02 [ 1.246365] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 0: no space for [mem size 0x80000000] [ 1.252885] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 0: failed to assign [mem size 0x80000000] [ 1.259840] pci 0000:00:01.0: BAR 0: no space for [mem size 0x80000000] [ 1.266411] pci 0000:00:01.0: BAR 0: failed to assign [mem size 0x80000000] [ 1.273280] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0x60000000-0x600fffff] [ 1.280055] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 9: assigned [mem 0x60100000-0x602fffff pref] [ 1.287223] pci 0000:00:01.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0x60300000-0x603fffff] [ 1.293926] pci 0000:00:01.0: BAR 9: assigned [mem 0x60400000-0x605fffff pref] [ 1.301136] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 1: assigned [mem 0x60600000-0x6060ffff] [ 1.307878] pci 0000:00:01.0: BAR 1: assigned [mem 0x60610000-0x6061ffff] [ 1.314577] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 7: assigned [io 0x0000-0x0fff] [ 1.320663] pci 0000:00:01.0: BAR 7: assigned [io 0x1000-0x1fff] [ 1.326726] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x60100000-0x601fffff 64bit pref] [ 1.334383] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 2: assigned [mem 0x60200000-0x60203fff 64bit pref] [ 1.342112] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 4: assigned [mem 0x60204000-0x60204fff 64bit pref] [ 1.349806] pci 0000:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01] [ 1.354684] pci 0000:00:00.0: bridge window [io 0x0000-0x0fff] [ 1.360771] pci 0000:00:00.0: bridge window [mem 0x60000000-0x600fffff] [ 1.367505] pci 0000:00:00.0: bridge window [mem 0x60100000-0x602fffff pref] [ 1.374652] pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x60400000-0x604fffff 64bit pref] [ 1.382385] pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 2: assigned [mem 0x60500000-0x60503fff 64bit pref] [ 1.390090] pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 4: assigned [mem 0x60504000-0x60504fff 64bit pref] [ 1.397784] pci 0000:00:01.0: PCI bridge to [bus 02] [ 1.402661] pci 0000:00:01.0: bridge window [io 0x1000-0x1fff] [ 1.408744] pci 0000:00:01.0: bridge window [mem 0x60300000-0x603fffff] [ 1.415484] pci 0000:00:01.0: bridge window [mem 0x60400000-0x605fffff pref] [ 1.425828] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 16 ports, IRQ sharing enabled [ 1.438505] printk: console [ttyS0] disabled [ 1.442819] 1e000c00.uartlite: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x1e000c00 (irq = 19, base_baud = 3125000) is a 16550A [ 1.451881] printk: console [ttyS0] enabled [ 1.460170] printk: bootconsole [early0] disabled [ 1.473747] nand: device found, Manufacturer ID: 0xc8, Chip ID: 0xd1 [ 1.480175] nand: ESMT PSU1GA30DT [ 1.483484] nand: 128 MiB, SLC, erase size: 128 KiB, page size: 2048, OOB size: 64 [ 1.491062] mt7621-nand 1e003000.nand: ECC strength adjusted to 4 bits [ 1.500298] Signature found at block 1023 [0x07fe0000] [ 1.505471] NMBM management region starts at block 960 [0x07800000] [ 1.516377] First info table with writecount 0 found in block 960 [ 1.536016] Second info table with writecount 0 found in block 963 [ 1.542275] NMBM has been successfully attached [ 1.546933] 4 fixed-partitions partitions found on MTD device mt7621-nand [ 1.554048] Creating 4 MTD partitions on "mt7621-nand": [ 1.559317] 0x000000000000-0x000000080000 : "u-boot" [ 1.573450] 0x000000080000-0x000000100000 : "Config" [ 1.587475] 0x000000100000-0x000000180000 : "Factory" [ 1.602314] 0x000000180000-0x000007800000 : "firmware" [ 3.426957] 2 fixed-partitions partitions found on MTD device firmware [ 3.433500] Creating 2 MTD partitions on "firmware": [ 3.438523] 0x000000000000-0x000000400000 : "kernel" [ 3.506305] 0x000000400000-0x000007680000 : "ubi" [ 5.408829] mt7530-mdio mdio-bus:1f: MT7530 adapts as multi-chip module [ 5.426279] mtk_soc_eth 1e100000.ethernet eth0: mediatek frame engine at 0xbe100000, irq 21 [ 5.439288] mtk_soc_eth 1e100000.ethernet wan: mediatek frame engine at 0xbe100000, irq 21 [ 5.449766] i2c_dev: i2c /dev entries driver [ 5.458038] NET: Registered PF_INET6 protocol family [ 5.466087] Segment Routing with IPv6 [ 5.469838] In-situ OAM (IOAM) with IPv6 [ 5.473846] NET: Registered PF_PACKET protocol family [ 5.479048] bridge: filtering via arp/ip/ip6tables is no longer available by default. Update your scripts to load br_netfilter if you need this. [ 5.492636] 8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8 [ 5.503038] mt7530-mdio mdio-bus:1f: MT7530 adapts as multi-chip module [ 5.535233] mt7530-mdio mdio-bus:1f: configuring for fixed/rgmii link mode [ 5.543021] mt7530-mdio mdio-bus:1f: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control rx/tx [ 5.545779] mt7530-mdio mdio-bus:1f lan4 (uninitialized): PHY [mt7530-0:00] driver [MediaTek MT7530 PHY] (irq=23) [ 5.563934] mt7530-mdio mdio-bus:1f lan3 (uninitialized): PHY [mt7530-0:01] driver [MediaTek MT7530 PHY] (irq=24) [ 5.577123] mt7530-mdio mdio-bus:1f lan2 (uninitialized): PHY [mt7530-0:02] driver [MediaTek MT7530 PHY] (irq=25) [ 5.590327] mt7530-mdio mdio-bus:1f lan1 (uninitialized): PHY [mt7530-0:03] driver [MediaTek MT7530 PHY] (irq=26) [ 5.603281] DSA: tree 0 setup [ 5.610218] UBI: auto-attach mtd5 [ 5.613571] ubi0: attaching mtd5 [ 8.549423] ubi0: scanning is finished [ 8.571456] ubi0: attached mtd5 (name "ubi", size 114 MiB) [ 8.577014] ubi0: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes [ 8.583883] ubi0: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048 [ 8.590661] ubi0: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096 [ 8.597637] ubi0: good PEBs: 916, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0 [ 8.603626] ubi0: user volume: 2, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128 [ 8.610855] ubi0: max/mean erase counter: 3/1, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1726396424 [ 8.619985] ubi0: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 916, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 19 [ 8.629229] ubi0: background thread "ubi_bgt0d" started, PID 310 [ 8.631261] block ubiblock0_0: created from ubi0:0(rootfs) [ 8.640768] ubiblock: device ubiblock0_0 (rootfs) set to be root filesystem [ 8.648031] clk: Disabling unused clocks [ 8.660948] VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly on device 254:0. [ 8.672577] Freeing unused kernel image (initmem) memory: 1272K [ 8.678552] This architecture does not have kernel memory protection. [ 8.685010] Run /sbin/init as init process [ 8.689094] with arguments: [ 8.689099] /sbin/init [ 8.689105] with environment: [ 8.689109] HOME=/ [ 8.689114] TERM=linux [ 9.157881] init: Console is alive [ 9.161823] init: - watchdog - [ 10.000038] kmodloader: loading kernel modules from /etc/modules-boot.d/* [ 10.060757] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs [ 10.066516] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub [ 10.072057] usbcore: registered new device driver usb [ 10.089129] xhci-mtk 1e1c0000.xhci: supply vbus not found, using dummy regulator [ 10.096922] xhci-mtk 1e1c0000.xhci: supply vusb33 not found, using dummy regulator [ 10.104778] xhci-mtk 1e1c0000.xhci: xHCI Host Controller [ 10.110208] xhci-mtk 1e1c0000.xhci: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 [ 10.122912] xhci-mtk 1e1c0000.xhci: hcc params 0x01401198 hci version 0x96 quirks 0x0000000000290010 [ 10.132152] xhci-mtk 1e1c0000.xhci: irq 20, io mem 0x1e1c0000 [ 10.138203] xhci-mtk 1e1c0000.xhci: xHCI Host Controller [ 10.143532] xhci-mtk 1e1c0000.xhci: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2 [ 10.151060] xhci-mtk 1e1c0000.xhci: Host supports USB 3.0 SuperSpeed [ 10.158814] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 10.162811] hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected [ 10.168096] usb usb2: We don't know the algorithms for LPM for this host, disabling LPM. [ 10.177600] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 10.181554] hub 2-0:1.0: 1 port detected [ 10.195006] kmodloader: done loading kernel modules from /etc/modules-boot.d/* [ 10.212387] init: - preinit - [ 11.078538] random: jshn: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read) [ 11.202874] random: jshn: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read) [ 11.249865] random: jshn: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read) [ 11.584086] mtk_soc_eth 1e100000.ethernet eth0: configuring for fixed/rgmii link mode [ 11.597001] mtk_soc_eth 1e100000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control rx/tx [ 11.605309] mt7530-mdio mdio-bus:1f lan1: configuring for phy/gmii link mode [ 11.613028] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready [ 13.813803] UBIFS (ubi0:1): Mounting in unauthenticated mode [ 13.819935] UBIFS (ubi0:1): background thread "ubifs_bgt0_1" started, PID 473 [ 13.903385] UBIFS (ubi0:1): recovery needed [ 14.145891] UBIFS (ubi0:1): recovery completed [ 14.150546] UBIFS (ubi0:1): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 0, volume 1, name "rootfs_data" [ 14.158409] UBIFS (ubi0:1): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes [ 14.168380] UBIFS (ubi0:1): FS size: 107675648 bytes (102 MiB, 848 LEBs), max 859 LEBs, journal size 5332992 bytes (5 MiB, 42 LEBs) [ 14.180227] UBIFS (ubi0:1): reserved for root: 4952683 bytes (4836 KiB) [ 14.186846] UBIFS (ubi0:1): media format: w5/r0 (latest is w5/r0), UUID 208F07CC-0565-4ED3-8828-9338C5161BEC, small LPT model [ 14.209141] mount_root: switching to ubifs overlay [ 14.236209] urandom-seed: Seeding with /etc/urandom.seed [ 14.389302] procd: - early - [ 14.392504] procd: - watchdog - [ 15.028106] procd: - watchdog - [ 15.034836] procd: - ubus - [ 15.133824] random: ubusd: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read) [ 15.144366] random: ubusd: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read) [ 15.152897] random: ubusd: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read) [ 15.167494] procd: - init - [ 16.088307] kmodloader: loading kernel modules from /etc/modules.d/* [ 16.305759] Loading modules backported from Linux version v6.1.97-0-g7753af06eebfb [ 16.313336] Backport generated by backports.git v6.1.97-1-0-g2431d56e [ 16.538677] pci 0000:00:00.0: enabling device (0006 -> 0007) [ 16.544367] mt7915e_hif 0000:01:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002) [ 16.551499] pci 0000:00:01.0: enabling device (0006 -> 0007) [ 16.557303] mt7915e 0000:02:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002) [ 16.830155] mt7915e 0000:02:00.0: HW/SW Version: 0x8a108a10, Build Time: 20220929104113a [ 16.830155] [ 17.167063] mt7915e 0000:02:00.0: WM Firmware Version: ____000000, Build Time: 20220929104145 [ 17.205530] mt7915e 0000:02:00.0: WA Firmware Version: DEV_000000, Build Time: 20220929104205 [ 17.269902] urngd: v1.0.2 started. [ 17.372572] mt7915e 0000:02:00.0: eeprom load fail, use default bin [ 17.381910] mt7915e 0000:02:00.0: registering led 'mt76-phy0' [ 17.396942] mt7915e 0000:02:00.0: registering led 'mt76-phy1' [ 17.750782] random: jshn: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read) [ 18.071223] random: crng init done [ 18.074650] random: 31 urandom warning(s) missed due to ratelimiting [ 22.714845] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2 [ 22.721433] NET: Registered PF_PPPOX protocol family [ 22.750627] wireguard: WireGuard 1.0.0 loaded. See for information. [ 22.758501] wireguard: Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Jason A. Donenfeld <>. All Rights Reserved. [ 22.777767] kmodloader: done loading kernel modules from /etc/modules.d/* [ 23.501838] mtdblock: MTD device 'Factory' is NAND, please consider using UBI block devices instead. [ 24.896740] mtdblock: MTD device 'Factory' is NAND, please consider using UBI block devices instead. [ 32.155101] mtk_soc_eth 1e100000.ethernet eth0: Link is Down [ 32.192691] mtk_soc_eth 1e100000.ethernet eth0: configuring for fixed/rgmii link mode [ 32.201124] mtk_soc_eth 1e100000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control rx/tx [ 32.210407] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready [ 32.224808] mt7530-mdio mdio-bus:1f lan1: configuring for phy/gmii link mode [ 32.234660] br-lan: port 1(lan1) entered blocking state [ 32.240202] br-lan: port 1(lan1) entered disabled state [ 32.248215] device lan1 entered promiscuous mode [ 32.252896] device eth0 entered promiscuous mode [ 32.301118] mt7530-mdio mdio-bus:1f lan2: configuring for phy/gmii link mode [ 32.310121] br-lan: port 2(lan2) entered blocking state [ 32.315520] br-lan: port 2(lan2) entered disabled state [ 32.323634] device lan2 entered promiscuous mode [ 32.345200] mt7530-mdio mdio-bus:1f lan3: configuring for phy/gmii link mode [ 32.356315] br-lan: port 3(lan3) entered blocking state [ 32.361613] br-lan: port 3(lan3) entered disabled state [ 32.370686] device lan3 entered promiscuous mode [ 32.396074] mt7530-mdio mdio-bus:1f lan4: configuring for phy/gmii link mode [ 32.406748] br-lan: port 4(lan4) entered blocking state [ 32.412111] br-lan: port 4(lan4) entered disabled state [ 32.421317] device lan4 entered promiscuous mode [ 32.458486] mtk_soc_eth 1e100000.ethernet wan: PHY [mdio-bus:04] driver [MediaTek MT7530 PHY] (irq=POLL) [ 32.468118] mtk_soc_eth 1e100000.ethernet wan: configuring for phy/rgmii link mode [ 35.940430] br-lan: port 5(phy0-ap0) entered blocking state [ 35.946205] br-lan: port 5(phy0-ap0) entered disabled state [ 35.952447] device phy0-ap0 entered promiscuous mode [ 36.471460] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): phy0-ap0: link becomes ready [ 36.478851] br-lan: port 5(phy0-ap0) entered blocking state [ 36.484495] br-lan: port 5(phy0-ap0) entered forwarding state [ 36.492429] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): br-lan: link becomes ready [ 36.675181] mtk_soc_eth 1e100000.ethernet wan: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control rx/tx [ 36.683583] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wan: link becomes ready [ 37.000292] br-lan: port 6(phy1-ap0) entered blocking state [ 37.006068] br-lan: port 6(phy1-ap0) entered disabled state [ 37.012533] device phy1-ap0 entered promiscuous mode [ 37.018335] br-lan: port 6(phy1-ap0) entered blocking state [ 37.023989] br-lan: port 6(phy1-ap0) entered forwarding state [ 37.031412] br-lan: port 6(phy1-ap0) entered disabled state [ 38.315159] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): phy1-ap0: link becomes ready [ 38.322184] br-lan: port 6(phy1-ap0) entered blocking state [ 38.327866] br-lan: port 6(phy1-ap0) entered forwarding state

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  • Last modified: 2025/02/08 05:24
  • by csharper2005