Etherwake configuration

See also: Wake on LAN configuration, Scheduling tasks

The configuration file /etc/config/etherwake is provided by the etherwake package and defines hosts to wake when starting the /etc/init.d/etherwake init script. Install the package luci-app-wol to provide the web interface.

There are two sections setup and target defined for the configuration. Multiple wake on lan targets may exist in the file.

config 'etherwake' 'setup'
	option 'pathes' '/usr/bin/etherwake /usr/bin/ether-wake'
	option 'sudo' 'off'
	option 'interface' ''
	option 'broadcast' 'off'

Below is a listing of the parameters defined for this section.

Name Type Required Default Description
pathes path ??? (none) path to etherwake binary (typo is normal)
sudo boolean no off Etherwake usually requires sudo
interface string yes (none) On which interface to send the WOL packages
broadcast boolean no off ???
config 'target'
	option 'name' 'example' 	 # name for the target
	option 'mac' '11:22:33:44:55:66' # mac address to wake up 	
	option 'password' 'AABBCCDDEEFF' # password in hex without any delimiters
	option 'wakeonboot' 'off'	 # wake up on system start, defaults to off

Below is a listing of the parameters defined for this section.

Name Type Required Default Description
name string no (none) name of the target
mac MAC address yes (none) Specifies the MAC address of the host to wake
password string no (none) Send given SecureON password when waking the host
wakeonboot boolean no off Don't send WOL packet when booting OpenWrt
config 'etherwake' 'setup'
	option 'pathes' '/usr/bin/etherwake'
	option 'sudo' 'on'
	option 'interface' 'eth0.2'
	option 'broadcast' 'on'

config 'target'
	option 'name' 'popeye'
	option 'mac' '00:22:33:44:55:66'
	option 'password' 'AABBCCDDEEFF'   # password in hex without any delimiters
	option 'wakeonboot' 'off'
# Syntax
/etc/init.d/etherwake start <target>
# Wake up "popeye"
/etc/init.d/etherwake start popeye
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  • Last modified: 2021/08/15 20:00
  • by vgaetera