OpenWrtのインストール (基礎)
OpenWrtのインストール方法は、ほとんど各デバイスに依存します。詳細なインストール手順は各デバイスページにあるでしょう:Table of Hardware。もしあなたが探している情報がこのページになければ、こちらのページも参照してみてください →flash.layout。
OpenWrtのインストールに失敗した場合、こちらの情報が参考になるでしょう →generic.debrick。
OpenWrtをルーターの不揮発性メモリにインストールする: このページで説明しますオプション2:
オリジナル・ファームウェアのWEBインタフェースをブラウザで開き、“ファームウェア・アップグレード” ページにOpenWrtのファームウェアイメージをアップロードします。おしまい。
Sometimes the upgrade functionality of the original firmware contains some mechanism to make sure you do not inadvertently flash a wrong firmware-file. If that is the case, it will prevent you from installing OpenWrt this way.
2. ブートローダとイーサネットを使用してインストール
To facilitate exactly this, namely to allow flashing of a firmware, most if not all bootloaders contain a build-in functionality for this purpose. Some contain a TFTP-client, others a TFTP-server, others a FTP-client and some even a FTP-server. You need to know:
- the preset IP address in the bootloader (this is not necessarily the same IP address the device has after it has booted the original firmware!)
- which of the above protocols is used
- whether the bootloader acts as client or as server
- the preset port number for the service, if not default
- the interface you need to connect to
- possibly a user name and a password to login
- it is useful to know the time window you have after starting the device to obtain a connection to it, e.g. a 1 sec time windows 5 sec after start
Once you know all of the above parameters, you may proceed:
- install the corresponding software on your PC (i.e. in case the bootloader contains a FTP-server, you need a FTP-client)
- give your PC a static IP address in the same network as pre-configured in the bootloader
- connect your PC with the correct port
- power cycle the device
- obtain a connection to the bootloader
- follow specific procedures to overwrite original firmware with OpenWrt firmware file
- Do not overwrite or alter the bootloader until explicitly instructed to do so!
Sometimes even the bootloader prevents you from flashing a non-OEM firmware, e.g. the Inventel DV4210 (AKA Livebox)
Time window:
To be able to use the entire time window, the connection between host and router needs to be established quickly. To make this as quick possible, you could disable auto-negotiation of your NIC and especially disable media sensing of your OS.
Specific Howtos
3. ブートローダとシリアルポートを使用してインストール
4. JTAGからインストール
5. install a ramdisk-image into main memory
This step shows you howto upload a new ramdisk image to the device. The existing firmware on the flash remains unchanged! You require a working serial cable to do the ramdisk upload.
- specifically select the RAMDISK option to make OpenWrt Buildroot create a ramdisk-image for you to upload
- connect an ethernet cable between your computer and one of the LAN ports (doesn't matter which, just so long as it's not the WAN port) of the WNDR3700.
- connect your serial cable to the header on the WNDR3700 and set your local terminal program (eg. minicom) to
- 115200 bps 8N1
- no software flow control
- no hardware flow control.
- set your computer's ethernet port to use the IP address
- set up a TFTP server on your local computer to respond to requests on the interface. Make sure that the ramdisk image (openwrt-ar71xx-uImage-lzma.bin) is in the directory used by the TFTP server.
- Fix the header for the ramdisk image so that it's recognized by the u-Boot firmware. Use the wndr3700.c program that was posted by *aorlinsk* on the forums here and run it from the TFTP server's data directory. I've also reproduced the code here just in case:
./wndr3700 openwrt-ar71xx-uImage-lzma.bin openwrt-fixed.out
- power up the board. When it gets to the message asking you to press any key to interrupt the normal bootup sequence, press a key on the serial console (or just hold down the enter key from first bootup until you get to a prompt):
- enter the following into the serial console:
setenv ipaddr setenv serverip setenv bootargs 'board=WNDR3700' tftpboot 80800000 openwrt-fixed.out bootm
(if you forget the bootargs piece below, the board will boot and look normal, but it won't be able to bring up any of the network interfaces!)
- The system should boot!
Concrete examples: wnr2000, ...
Don't forgett to consult the other Generic Basic Howtos for OpenWrt.