MediaTek / Ralink

Target Subtarget SoC MIPS Cores Threads Max clock RAM Ant Devices
ramips RT288x RT2880 4KEc 1 1 300 MHz SDR 2T3R see ToH
RT3x5x/RT5350 RT3050 24KEc 1 1 384 MHz SDR 2T2R see ToH
RT3052 24KEc 1 1 384 MHz SDR 2T2R see ToH
RT3350 24KEc 1 1 384 MHz SDR 1T1R see ToH
RT3352 24KEc 1 1 400 MHz SDR/DDR2 2T2R see ToH
RT5350 24KEc 1 1 500 MHz SDR 1T1R see ToH
RT3662/RT3883 RT3662 74Kc 1 1 500 MHz SDR/DDR2 2T3R see ToH
RT3883 74Kc 1 1 500 MHz SDR/DDR2 3T3R see ToH
RT6856 RT6856 34KEc 1 ? 700 MHz DDR2 n/a see ToH
MT7620 MT7620a 24KEc 1 1 600 Mhz DDR2 2T2R see ToH
MT7620n 24KEc 1 1 600 Mhz SDR/DDR1/2 2T2R see ToH
MT7621 MT7621AT 1004Kc 2 4 880 MHz DDR2/3 n/a see ToH
MT7621DAT 1004Kc 2 4 880 MHz integrated 128MB DDR3 n/a see ToH
MT7621NT 1004Kc 1 2 880 MHz DDR2 n/a see ToH
MT7621ST 1004Kc 1 2 880 MHz DDR2/3 n/a see ToH
MT7628 MT7628 24kec 1 1 580 MHz DDR1/2 2T2R see ToH
MT7688 MT7688 24kec 1 1 580 MHz DDR1/2 1T1R see ToH
  • RT6856
    • Not supported
  • MT7620 vs. RT5350
    • Chips are similar on the software layer
    • MT7620 is the successor, it's “faster and better”
    • Both use the rt2800soc driver.
    • No hardware support for 802.11w thus limiting WPA3 speed to ~14 Mbps. Use WPA2 for full throughput.
  • MT7621
  • MT7628
    • MT7628A: Full function with external DRAM
    • MT7628K: Embedded 8MB DRAM and L-shape
    • MT7628N: Same as MT7628A, but without PCle and IoT modes
    • MT7628DAN: 64MB integrated RAM
    • Chip uses a driver from the mt76 family. 802.11w is hardware accelerated.

New MediaTek SoCs are released under the much more performant Filogic line:

  • Use quad core and hybrid core ARM architecture
  • Includes support for DSA and hardware acceleration for flow offloading (HFO) and wireless offloading (WED)
  • Depending on SoC includes Wi-Fi 6 and/or 7 under the mt76 driver family
  • 802.11w and WPA3 included in hardware
  • Used in many devices such as OpenWrt One
  • See Filogic link under Devices below for supported targets

On MT7620A and likely other Ralink based SOCs, the RGMII delay is set with the Port I control register in the GSW (gigabit switch) subsystem. For boards with Uboot and an available console the register can be read with the command:

  md 0x10117014 1

The following bits tell you the OEM bootloader / chip defaults:

BIT(2)RX no delay
BIT(3)TX delay

For a complete explanation, look for the register 0x7014 in the MT7620 Programming Guide. For example:

10117014: 1f08000c

c -→ 1100 -→ TX delay only

8 -→ PHY_BASE address

1f -→ internal PHYs disabled

Remember to read bits from right to left. For example 1f08000c in binary becomes 00011111000010000000000000001100

0001 1111 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 1100
   |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |   
  28   24   20   16   12    8    4    0



  • RT63260 is a integrated single-chip solution combining AFE (Analog Front End) and an ADSL2/2+ wired ADSL modem application together on one chip. It includes a 32-bit network processor and a Discrete Multi-Tone (DMT) engine for ADSL.
    • Combine with RT63087 AFE (Analog Front-End) for VDSL2
  • RT63368 incorporates a MIPS 34Kc CPU and a DMT (Discrete Multi-Tone)-engine for VDSL2
    • Combine with RT63087 AFE (Analog Front-End) for VDSL2
  • RT65168 incorporates a MIPS 34Kc CPU and a DMT (Discrete Multi-Tone)-engine for VDSL2
    • Combine with RT63095 AFE (Analog Front-End) for VDSL2
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  • Last modified: 2025/01/18 16:12
  • by namiltd