OpenWrt as DomU in Debian Xen4 in a private network
Based on this other wiki article: xen
The main point of this howto is the network configuration. We are using a dummy0 device from dom0 to communicate with domU openwrt nodes. So the domU network will be isolated from the real one. If we want to provide internet to nodes, we can use NAT from dom0.
- Install Debian Squeeze on the computer
- Install Xen (package version could vary)
aptitude install linux-image-2.6.32-5-xen-amd64 xen-hypervisor-4.0-amd64 xen-tools xen-utils-4.0 bridge-utils
- Update grub2 and reboot
mv /etc/grub.d/10_linux /etc/grub.d/50_linux update-grub2 reboot
- Configure file
(network-script network-custom) (vif-script vif-custom)
And comment the rest about network and vif
- Create the scripts
#!/bin/sh dir=$(dirname "$0") "$dir/network-route" "$@" netdev=eth0 "$dir/network-bridge" "$@" netdev=dummy0
#!/bin/sh dir=$(dirname "$0") IFNUM=$(echo ${vif} | awk -F. '{ print $2 }') if [[ "$IFNUM" == "0" ]] ; then "$dir/vif-route" "$@" else "$dir/vif-bridge" "$@" fi
- Configure networking in
auto dummy0 iface dummy0 inet static address netmask
- Compile OpenWrt for x86 and XEN target (consult OpenWrt Buildroot – Usage)
- Example of xen domU configuration
memory = 256 name = "25" kernel = "/root/VM/25/openwrt-x86-xen_domu-vmlinuz" disk = ["file:///root/VM/25/openwrt-x86-xen_domu-rootfs-ext4.img,xvda2,w"] vif = [ 'mac=00:16:3E:6:11:2' ] vcpus = 1 on_reboot = 'restart' on_crash = 'destroy' root = '/dev/xvda2 rw'
- Start domU
xm create xen_domU.conf -c
Script to manage nodes
Using this system you will be able to create as nodes you need using just one command.
Create needed directories
cd /root/ mkdir VM mkdir config mkdir images
Create this two files:
- config/network
config interface loopback option ifname lo option proto static option ipaddr option netmask config interface lan option ifname eth0 option proto static option ipaddr 192.168.1.#ID option netmask
- config/template.conf
memory = 256 name = "#ID" kernel = "/root/VM/#PROFILE/#ID/kernel.img" disk = ["file:///root/VM/#PROFILE/#ID/fs.img,xvda2,w"] vif = [ 'mac=00:16:3E:#R1:#R2:#R3' ] vcpus = 1 on_reboot = 'restart' on_crash = 'destroy' root = '/dev/xvda2 rw'
Put these two images from OpenWrt buildroot inside images directory
mv openwrt-x86-xen_domu-rootfs-ext4.img images/fs.img mv openwrt-x86-xen_domu-vmlinuz images/kernel.img
Copy this script to /root/
#!/bin/bash CONFIG="config/template.conf" NETWORK="config/network" IMAGE_DIR="images" IMAGE_FS="fs.img" IMAGE_KR="kernel.img" VM_DIR="VM" MNT="/mnt" CURRENT_PROFILE=".xmn_profile" PROFILE="default" function new_node { R1=`echo $RANDOM%16 | bc` R2=`echo $RANDOM%16 | bc` R3=`echo $RANDOM%16 | bc` ID=`echo $RANDOM%100 | bc` mkdir -p $VM_DIR/$PROFILE/$ID cat $CONFIG | sed -e s/#ID/$ID/g -e s/#PROFILE/$PROFILE/g \ -e s/#R1/$R1/g -e s/#R2/$R2/g -e s/#R3/$R3/g > $VM_DIR/$PROFILE/$ID/xen.conf cp -f $IMAGE_DIR/$PROFILE/$IMAGE_FS $VM_DIR/$PROFILE/$ID/ cp -f $IMAGE_DIR/$PROFILE/$IMAGE_KR $VM_DIR/$PROFILE/$ID/ config_network $ID start_node $ID } function rm_node { read -p "Are you sure you want do destroy node $1? [y|N] " q [ "$q" == "y" ] && rm -rf $VM_DIR/$PROFILE/$1 } function rm_all { read -p "Are you sure you want do destroy all nodes from profile $PROFILE? [y|N] " q [ "$q" == "y" ] && { stop_all ; rm -rf $VM_DIR/$PROFILE/*; } } function multiple_node { [ -z "$1" ] && { echo "Please, specify the number of nodes you wan to create"; exit 1;} for i in $(seq 1 $1); do echo "Creating node $i" new_node sleep 3 done } function config_network { mount $VM_DIR/$PROFILE/$1/$IMAGE_FS $MNT -o loop [ $? -ne 0 ] && { echo "Cannot mount image!"; exit 1;} cat $NETWORK | sed s/#ID/$1/g > /mnt/etc/config/network umount $MNT } function dom0_network { ip tuntap add mode tap brctl addbr br0 brctl addif br0 tap0 ifconfig tap0 promisc ifconfig br0 } function start_node { xm create $VM_DIR/$PROFILE/$1/xen.conf if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "New node with ID $1 has been created" else echo "Some problem starting node, check previous log" fi } function list_nodes { ls $VM_DIR/$PROFILE/ } function start_all { for m in $(ls $VM_DIR/$PROFILE/); do start_node $m done } function stop_node { xm destroy $1 2>/dev/null } function stop_all { for m in $(ls $VM_DIR/$PROFILE/); do xm destroy $m 2>/dev/null done } function new_profile { profile="$1" [ -z "$profile" ] && { echo "You must specify profile name" ; help; } [ -d "$VM_DIR/$profile" ] && { echo "Profile $profile exists, please remove it"; exit 1; } mkdir -p $VM_DIR/$profile mkdir -p $IMAGE_DIR/$profile cp -f $IMAGE_DIR/$IMAGE_FS $IMAGE_DIR/$profile/ cp -f $IMAGE_DIR/$IMAGE_KR $IMAGE_DIR/$profile/ echo "New profile $profile successful created. Now you can use it: $0 profile $profile" } function profile { profile="$1" [ -z "$profile" ] && { echo "You must specify profile name" ; help; } [ ! -d "$VM_DIR/$profile" ] && { echo "This profile does not exist, please create it using: $0 new_profile $profile"; exit 1; } echo "$profile" > $CURRENT_PROFILE echo "Active profile is now $profile" } function rm_profile { [ -z "$1" ] && help read -p "Are you sure you want do destroy profile $1? [y|N] " q [ "$q" == "y" ] && { rm -rf $VM_DIR/$1; rm -rf $IMAGE_DIR/$1; } echo "Profile $1 removed" } function show_profile { echo "Current profile is: $PROFILE" } function list_profiles { ls $VM_DIR/ } function help { echo "Usage: $0 option [arguments]" echo "" echo "Available options are:" echo "" echo " profile <name> : Select profile <name>" echo " new_profile <name> : Create a new profile <name>" echo " show_profile : Show current profile" echo " list_profiles : List all available profiles" echo " rm_profile <name> : Remove profile <name> and all related files" echo "" echo " new_node : Create a new node" echo " rm_node <ID> : Remove the node with name ID" echo " rm_all : Remove all nodes from current profile" echo " multiple_node <#n> : Create #n nodes" echo " list_nodes : List all nodes from current profile" echo "" echo " start_node <#n> : Start node with ID #n" echo " start_all : Start all nodes from current profile" echo " stop_node <#n> : Stop node with ID #n" echo " stop_all : Stop all nodes" echo "" echo "The images used for new virtual machines are placed in $IMAGE_DIR/[CURRENT_PROFILE]/" exit 0 } [ -z "$1" ] && help [ -f "$CURRENT_PROFILE" ] && PROFILE="$(cat $CURRENT_PROFILE)" $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
Now you can execute it using bash to see help
root@p4u:~# bash Usage: ./ option [arguments] Available options are: profile <name> : Select profile <name> new_profile <name> : Create a new profile <name> show_profile : Show current profile list_profiles : List all available profiles rm_profile <name> : Remove profile <name> and all related files new_node : Create a new node rm_node <ID> : Remove the node with name ID rm_all : Remove all nodes from current profile multiple_node <#n> : Create #n nodes list_nodes : List all nodes from current profile start_node <#n> : Start node with ID #n start_all : Start all nodes from current profile stop_node <#n> : Stop node with ID #n stop_all : Stop all nodes The images used for new virtual machines are placed in images/[CURRENT_PROFILE]/
For instance, to create 10 nodes just use:
./ new_profile p4u ./ profile p4u ./ multiple_node 10
You can see them using “xm list”. The name (ID), is the last IP digit for each one, so node 67 will be