Privoxy is a non-caching web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for enhancing privacy, modifying web page data and HTTP headers, controlling access, and removing ads and other obnoxious Internet junk. Privoxy has a flexible configuration and can be customized to suit individual needs and tastes. It has application for both stand-alone systems and multi-user networks.
Use opkg to install the privoxy package.
opkg update opkg install privoxy vi /etc/config/privoxy /etc/init.d/privoxy enable /etc/init.d/privoxy start
Since OpenWrt Chaos Calmer (trunk) there is also available a corresponding LuCI application to support setting of Privoxy configuration via Web-GUI.
Require Privoxy v3.0.22 package
Change the listen-address in /etc/config/privoxy
to your router ip address such as listen-address
You need change default setting permit-access
to something else if you use a different subnet.
Last you need start up the proxy server with command /etc/init.d/privoxy start
To have it start on boot, enable the init script with /etc/init.d/privoxy enable
You'll need to add the proxy information to your internet browser to use it.
Since OpenWrt Chaos Calmer (trunk) / Privoxy v3.0.22 the
file is no longer used
The configuration was moved to the UCI configuration /etc/config/privoxy
All Privoxy configuration variables are still supported.
Due to UCI does not support variables names with “-” this needs to be replaced by “_”
Sample: privoxy “listen-address” must be UCI “listen_address”
If you add entries please use:
* option for options with one parameter (option confdir)
* list for options with multiple parameters (list listen_address)
* special handling for debug option: privoxy option “debug 1024” must be UCI “option debug_1024 '1' “
Please see sample below
Below is an example of the /etc/privoxy/config
file (deprecated--see below for current version)
confdir /etc/privoxy logdir /var/log filterfile default.filter logfile privoxy actionsfile match-all.action # Actions that are applied to all sites and maybe overruled later on. actionsfile default.action # Main actions file listen-address toggle 0 enable-remote-toggle 1 enable-remote-http-toggle 0 enable-edit-actions 1 enforce-blocks 0 buffer-limit 4096 forwarded-connect-retries 0 accept-intercepted-requests 0 allow-cgi-request-crunching 0 split-large-forms 0 keep-alive-timeout 300 socket-timeout 300 permit-access debug 1 # show each GET/POST/CONNECT request #debug 4096 # or Startup banner and warnings #debug 8192 # or Errors - *we highly recommended enabling this* #admin-address #proxy-info-url
Below is an example of the current /etc/config/privoxy
file used since Privoxy v3.0.22
config privoxy 'privoxy' option confdir '/etc/privoxy' option logdir '/var/log' option logfile 'privoxy.log' list filterfile 'default.filter' # list filterfile 'user.filter' list actionsfile 'match-all.action' list actionsfile 'default.action' # list actionsfile 'user.action' # list listen_address '' list listen_address '' option toggle '0' option enable_remote_toggle '1' option enable_remote_http_toggle '0' option enable_edit_actions '1' option enforce_blocks '0' option buffer_limit '4096' option forwarded_connect_retries '0' option accept_intercepted_requests '0' option allow_cgi_request_crunching '0' option split_large_forms '0' option keep_alive_timeout '300' option socket_timeout '300' list permit_access '' option debug_1 '0' option debug_512 '1' option debug_1024 '0' option debug_4096 '1' option debug_8192 '1'