
Description for the UCI configuration file /etc/config/p910nd.

For installations instructions and more see: p910nd.server. You can run more than one printer at the same time by adding additional sections.

The default configuration is (list all configured printers):

uci show p910nd

Description of the options in the p910nd config file /etc/config/p910nd:

Option Type Default Description
enabled boolean 0 1: Enable the printer; 0: Disable the printer
device device path /dev/usb/lp0 The device your printer is connected to (e.g. /dev/usb/lp0, /dev/printers/0 for LPT under Linux 2.4; /dev/lp0 for USB under Linux 2.6)
port number (0-9) 0 The p910nd listening TCP port (9100 + port)
bidirectional boolean 1 1: Turn on bidirectional copying; 0: Turn off bidirectional copying
bind IP address unknown The IP address to listen on (typically the same as LAN)

Note: Enabling the service might not work as expected (not starting the service at boot time) on current Barrier Breaker versions (as of 2014.05.13), see this issue.

# Add a printer
uci -q delete p910nd.prn1
uci set p910nd.prn1=p910nd
uci set p910nd.prn1.device=/dev/usb/lp1
uci set p910nd.prn1.port=1
uci set p910nd.prn1.bidirectional=1
uci set p910nd.prn1.enabled=1
uci commit p910nd
/etc/init.d/p910nd restart
# Delete the printer prn1
uci delete p910nd.prn1
uci commit p910nd
/etc/init.d/p910nd restart
  • Under Linux 2.4, the device name for the printer would be of the form /dev/usb/lpn, where n is usually 0 for the first printer.
  • Under Linux 2.6, the device name for the printing would be of the form /dev/lpn
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  • Last modified: 2019/08/26 10:50
  • by vgaetera