Samba is a free open-source implementation of SMB that provides network file and print services for clients running Windows, Linux, and macOS. The version included in the OpenWrt feeds is samba4
. Ksmbd is a kernel server alternative for SMBv3 protocol which has less features but may offer more performance.
To share a connected USB or eSATA drive (HDD, SSD, Flash) on your network first install the USB drivers and filesystem your drive is formattted to. For NTFS also see writable_ntfs. If yours is not listed below there are many available, in LuCI filter System → Software for “kmod-fs”. Some common examples:
USB: kmod-usb3 kmod-usb-storage-uas usbutils block-mount mount-utils luci-app-hd-idle
Filesystems: kmod-fs-ext4 kmod-fs-exfat kmod-fs-ntfs3
A device with at least 128MB RAM is recommended. Having less RAM will have issues, adding 128-256MB swap might help.
1. Install luci-app-samba4
. Any dependencies, such as samba4-server, are installed automatically.
- Alternatively install via SSH:
opkg update && opkg install luci-app-samba4
- Optional check available version using
opkg list | grep -i samba
2. Configure Samba in LuCI on the Services → Network Shares page. It is recommended that you use LuCI for the initial configuration and only edit /etc/samba/smb.conf.template
if needed via LuCI Edit Template tab, or from the shell. Basic LuCI configuration example is provided below:
- Interface: lan
- Workgroup: WORKGROUP
- Enable Extra Tuning: checked (uncheck if using Apple Time Machine)
- Shared Directories: click Add
- Name: name the shared folder
- Path: /mnt/sda1 (enter mount point for your external drive, click Path→ if you need to mount it)
- Browseable: checked
- Read-only: unchecked
- Force Root: checked (caution: use if your LAN is secure, otherwise set user accounts described in sections below and enter under 'Allowed users')
- Allow guests: checked (unless using a user account as described above)
- Create Mask: 0666
- Directory Mask: 0777
- Save and Apply
3. Basic installation is complete. You can now read/write shares on your LAN. For example, access a share named 'storage' hosted on your router default IP in Windows File Explorer via: \\\storage\
4. For automatic network discovery on Windows: opkg install wsdd2
. Note this may need separate configuration.
Windows, Linux, and macOS include SMB support in their file browsers. Android (like OpenWrt is also Linux-based) can browse shares with apps like X-plore, or for media playback with VLC or Kodi. If your OS is missing support, simply install an app.
Advanced usage
The basic configuration from the LuCI page described above should work well for most users. For further configuration keep reading and see samba
After modifying any of the config files, restart the Samba server so that your changes take effect:
service samba4 restart
When Samba is restarted this way, the file /etc/samba/smb.conf
is (re)created from to the uci configuration file and /etc/samba/smb.conf.template
Per user security
- Create Samba user(s) by first manually adding entries to
- Use
smbpasswd -a username
to create and assign a password for samba for that user (note that command write them to/etc/samba/smbpasswd
Select a value for the uid/gid that is >=1000 to avoid possible collisions with system reserved values of <1000.
Example entry for /etc/passwd
foo:x:1001:1001:smb user:/dev/null:/bin/false
Example entry for /etc/group
Set up shared directories permissions according to your needs using chown
and chmod
Any unknown usernames used for authentication against Samba are mapped to a guest login silently by default.
Custom configuration surpassing the UCI configuration
SMB is the built-in way to share network resources between computers running Windows, even in a professional environment. Thus Samba can be very complicated to configure, especially if using Active Directory! It is also not the protocol of choice to accomplish this task in a Linux or Mac environment.
So, if for whatever reasons above configuration does not give you desired access to your shares, you can of course circumvent the uci system and hack the original Samba configuration files instead or in addition.
There may be entries which do not have a counterpart in UCI and thus can only be configured that way.
Just bear in mind, that the uci config will overwrite the values configured with it (but not the whole configuration) at every boot up! If you want configure Samba directly with /etc/samba/smb.conf
instead of /etc/config/samba
, it is possible to make changes to the smb.conf survive a reboot using the procedure below.
First, prevent OpenWrt from starting Samba at boot time, thus overwriting /etc/samba/smb.conf
with the settings in the uci file /etc/config/samba
service samba4 disable
Then add the following lines to /etc/rc.local to allow smbd and nmbd to start at boot time, using /etc/samba/smb.conf
as the configuration file
smbd -D nmbd -D
Now edit your /etc/samba/smb.conf
all you like without worrying they will be lost the next time you reboot!
Configuration as an Apple Time Machine Disk
The LuCI interface can be used to easily setup a share intended to be used as an Apple Time Machine Disk.
- Interface: lan (or whatever interface is to be used)
- Workgroup: WORKGROUP (or whatever name you wish)
- Enable Extra Tuning: unchecked (this as it introduces features that are incompatible with current versions of MacOSX).
- Force synchronous I/o: unchecked
- Enable macOS compatible shares: checked
- Allow legacy (insecure) protocols/authentication: unchecked
- Disable netbios: unchecked
- Shared Directories: click Add
- Name: enter a name for the shared folder (e.g. router name)
- Path: /mnt/sda1 (enter mount point for your drive, click Path→ if you still need to mount a drive)
- Browseable: checked
- Read-only: unchecked
- Force Root: checked (caution: use if your LAN is secure, otherwise set user accounts described in sections below and enter under 'Allowed users')
- Allow users: define a user, see per_user_security
- Allow guests: unchecked
- Inherit owner: unchecked
- Create Mask: 0600
- Directory Mask: 0700
- Vfs objects: unchecked
- Apple Time-machine share: checked
- Time-machine size in GB: can be left blank or max size can be defined
- Save and Apply
- Is Samba running?
ps aux
should showsmbd -D
andnmbd -D
. - Is the partition you want to share mounted? In LuCI check System → Mount Points or
. - Does Samba have read/write access to the partition?
- Is your Samba configuration complete?
- Do you have the filesystem installed the mounted drive is using?
- Does your firewall allow clients to access the service on your router?
Check access to shares
Some hints in advance:
- If you installed all needed packages, configured Samba per UCI and it still does not work, have a look at the file /etc/samba/smb.conf.template.
- Change the entry security from
, restart the daemons and try accessing: In windows explorer type\\router_ip
in the address bar. - In nautilus or dolphin press <CTRL>+<L> and type
into the address bar.
Instead of looking up the whole configuration step by step, you maybe want to have a look at Example Network Configurations. Chapter 1: No-Frills Samba Servers. Notice that you can already achieve a great deal of security by neatly setting up the Firewall Documentation.
Start on boot
After installing the packages described in Installation, Samba will start on boot. This can be confirmed in the LuCI System → Startup page. If there is an issue, follow the same procedure as with most OpenWrt packages: The first command will create a symlink /etc/rc.d/S60samba
, the second will only start samba right now.
service samba4 enable
service samba4 start
Browsing shares fails
When Samba is configured, the shares are set browse-able, but they still don't appear when browsing the network, then it may be that local master = yes
is missing from /etc/samba/smb.conf.template
Also check if preferred master = yes
is in /etc/samba/smb.conf.template
Cannot write to a Samba share
If you cannot write to the share, Samba may not have the proper permissions to write to the shared folder.
Some have reported success by modifying the permissions and owner of the folder:
chmod -R 777 /mnt/sda1 chown -R nobody /mnt/sda1
If you are sharing a drive mounted wish fstab, you may need to modify /etc/config/fstab to include 'umask=000' in the options section.
config 'mount' option 'options' 'rw,umask=000' option 'enabled_fsck' '0' option 'enabled' '1' option 'device' '/dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1' option 'target' '/mnt/usbdisk' option 'fstype' 'vfat'
More info here:
International characters support
If you need to read/write files and folders with accented characters.
sed -i -e "/unix charset/s/ISO-8859-1/UTF-8/" /etc/samba/smb.conf.template
Test results - many devices released over the late 2010s became fast enough to saturate gigabit LAN connections for Samba shares, thus testing on 2.5Gbps links are now a better check on device capability. Many things will affect performance including CPU and RAM speed, USB/eSATA bus implementation, drive type and filesystem, Samba/Ksmbd version, irqbalance settings, other running tasks, etc. A short list below is pulled from various Forum posts:
- WRT3200ACM (2016 device) - USB3 external drive, formatted NTFS, 1Gb LAN port, OpenWrt 23.05. Read: 100 MB/s, write: 105 MB/s.
- GL-MT6000 (2023 device) - USB3 external drive, formatted exFAT, 1Gb LAN port, OpenWrt 24.10-snapshot. Read: 90 MB/s, write: 115 MB/s.
- N100 (2023 device) - USB3 external drive, formatted exFAT, 1Gb LAN port, OpenWrt 24.10-snapshot. Read: 120 MB/s, write: 115 MB/s.
Firewall configuration - for slower devices throughput may improve by disabling netfilter conntrack for Samba if you use NAT:
uci -q delete firewall.samba_nsds_nt uci set firewall.samba_nsds_nt="rule" uci set"NoTrack-Samba/NS/DS" uci set firewall.samba_nsds_nt.src="lan" uci set firewall.samba_nsds_nt.dest="lan" uci set firewall.samba_nsds_nt.dest_port="137-138" uci set firewall.samba_nsds_nt.proto="udp" uci set"NOTRACK" uci -q delete firewall.samba_ss_nt uci set firewall.samba_ss_nt="rule" uci set"NoTrack-Samba/SS" uci set firewall.samba_ss_nt.src="lan" uci set firewall.samba_ss_nt.dest="lan" uci set firewall.samba_ss_nt.dest_port="139" uci set firewall.samba_ss_nt.proto="tcp" uci set"NOTRACK" uci -q delete firewall.samba_smb_nt uci set firewall.samba_smb_nt="rule" uci set"NoTrack-Samba/SMB" uci set firewall.samba_smb_nt.src="lan" uci set firewall.samba_smb_nt.dest="lan" uci set firewall.samba_smb_nt.dest_port="445" uci set firewall.samba_smb_nt.proto="tcp" uci set"NOTRACK" uci commit firewall service firewall restart
Remote Access
For remote access configure your firewall as per below. See port explanation. Use caution here, as you may eventually expose your network to security concerns. Samba and many other packages are not always updated to the latest CVEs between releases. This is not needed for LAN access to your shares, file sharing such as SMB and NAS are typically best used for LAN access for this reason.
uci -q delete firewall.samba_nsds uci set firewall.samba_nsds="rule" uci set"Allow-Samba/NS/DS" uci set firewall.samba_nsds.src="lan" uci set firewall.samba_nsds.dest_port="137-138" uci set firewall.samba_nsds.proto="udp" uci set"ACCEPT" uci -q delete firewall.samba_ss uci set firewall.samba_ss="rule" uci set"Allow-Samba/SS" uci set firewall.samba_ss.src="lan" uci set firewall.samba_ss.dest_port="139" uci set firewall.samba_ss.proto="tcp" uci set"ACCEPT" uci -q delete firewall.samba_smb uci set firewall.samba_smb="rule" uci set"Allow-Samba/SMB" uci set firewall.samba_smb.src="lan" uci set firewall.samba_smb.dest_port="445" uci set firewall.samba_smb.proto="tcp" uci set"ACCEPT" uci commit firewall service firewall restart
Network discovery with Windows
Install wsdd2:
opkg update && opkg install wsdd2
Network discovery with Apple
Apple Spotlight connections was resolved in 2023 versions of Samba4. Some older versions of macOS (e.g. Yosemite) have problems discovering SMB network shares broadcasted by each client over the LAN, you can set up a WINS server on your router which will help them out.
A WINS server is a central name server analogous to DNS but for a local network. This service will discover SMB shares then make them available over WINS. Macs will connect to WINS to receive the list of network shares, hopefully with more success than discovering network shares themselves.
Edit the UCI template (/etc/samba/smb.conf.template
) instead of directly changing /etc/samba/smb.conf
so as to maintain compatibility with UCI and LuCI.
Log into LuCI, go to Services > Network Shares, go to the Edit Template tab, and add or change the following entries in the “[global]” section in the template.
[global] domain master = yes local master = yes name resolve order = wins lmhosts hosts bcast os level = 99 preferred master = yes wins support = yes
Save & Apply the changes.
You can also configure dnsmasq to broadcast the WINS server address via DHCP:
uci add_list dhcp.lan.dhcp_option="44,$(uci get network.lan.ipaddr)"
uci commit dhcp
service dnsmasq restart
SMB network shares should appear in Network home a few minutes after rebooting the Mac.