This wiki page is currently a work in progress and information is currently in the process of being transferred from the community forum.
Main Website:
Documentation :
Release info:
OpenWrt Forum thread:
CrowdSec Forum thread:
CrowdSec Web-console:
CrowdSec has already made some tutorials on their blog:
Crowdsec is an open-source and lightweight software that allows you to detect peers with malevolent behaviors and block them from accessing your systems at various level (infrastructural, system, application).
To achieve this, CrowdSec reads logs from different sources (files, streams ...) to parse, normalize and enrich them before matching them to threats patterns called scenarios.
- Package crowdsec Main program bundle.
- Package crowdsec-firewall-bouncer - will fetch new and old decisions from a CrowdSec API to add them in a blacklist used by supported firewalls.
For installing the crowdsec-firewall-bouncer, installation of the crowdsec main package is not required. The bouncer just needs a 'local Crowdsec API' to connect to.
The CrowdSec main package requires a lot of space. Thus you may want to run your CrowdSec installation on a dedicated device in your network (maybe a Raspberry Pi) and only install the firewall bouncer on the OpenWrt device.
Crowdsec main package
opkg install crowdsec
As OpenWrt does not have systemctl but initd you must use
/etc/init.d/crowdsec reload
service crowdsec reload
to reload crowdsec.
Follow crowdsec documentation now it is installed.
Keep in mind that the crowdsec package is only in charge of the “detection”, and won't block anything on its own. You need to deploy a bouncer to “apply” decisions.
Check status
You can read the main log at /var/log/crowdsec.log
Crowdsec firewall bouncer
You can install a bouncer like this :
opkg install crowdsec-firewall-bouncer
After installation and before you can use the CrowdSec firewall bouncer you need to configure.
As OpenWrt does not have systemctl but initd you must use
/etc/init.d/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer reload
service crowdsec-firewall-bouncer reload
to reload the bouncer.
The configuration of the crowdsec-firewall-bouncer is a uci configuration file and found in /etc/config/crowdsec.
config bouncer option enabled '0' option ipv4 '1' option ipv6 '1' option api_url 'http://localhost:8080/' option api_key '' option deny_action 'drop' option deny_log '0' option log_prefix 'crowdsec: ' option log_level 'info' option filter_input '1' option filter_forward '1' list interface 'eth1'
Name | Type | Default | Option | Description |
enabled | boolean | 0 | required | |
ipv4 | boolean | 1 | optional | Enable filtering on Ipv4 addresses. |
ipv6 | boolean | 1 | optional | Enable filtering on Ipv6 addresses. |
api_url | url | http://localhost:8080/ | required | The url of the Crowdsec local API for the bouncer to connect to. |
api_key | string | | required | The api key for the bouncer as generated when the bouncer is registered to the Crowdsec local API. |
deny_action | string | drop | optional | The nftables deny action for blocked ips. Can be drop or reject. |
deny_log | boolean | 0 | optional | Enables logging of blocked ips to system log. |
log_prefix | string | crowdsec: | optional | The prefix for the log messages of blocked ips in system log. |
log_level | string | info | optional | The log level for the bouncer's log (/var/log/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.log) |
filter_input | boolean | 1 | optional | Enables the filtering of the input chain. Useful in case of services running on the OpenWrt device itself. |
filter_forward | boolean | 1 | optional | Enables the filtering of the forward chain. Useful in case of services running on devices in your network. |
interface | string | eth1 | required | The interface name of the wan interface. This is a list option and can be used multiple times to apply blocking on other interfaces like additional wan or vpn interfaces. |
Check status
You can read the firewall bouncer log at /var/log/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.log
You can test the crowdsec-firewall-bouncer configuration status with the following command:
cs-firewall-bouncer -t -c /tmp/etc/crowdsec/bouncers/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.yaml
then you'll must see a line like this one in the log:
cat /var/log/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.log
time="15-01-2022 08:20:30" level=info msg="config is valid"
To check the bouncers status, use the main crowdsec client tool, cscli. If you haven't installed Crowdsec main package on your OpenWrt device you can do so on any other device (preferrably the local API) you have Crowdsec cscli installed.
cscli default output:
cscli is the main command to interact with your crowdsec service, scenarios & db. It is meant to allow you to manage bans, parsers/scenarios/etc, api and generally manage you crowdsec setup. Usage: cscli [command] Available Commands: alerts Manage alerts bouncers Manage bouncers [requires local API] capi Manage interaction with Central API (CAPI) collections Manage collections from hub completion Generate completion script config Allows to view current config console Manage interaction with Crowdsec console ( dashboard Manage your metabase dashboard container [requires local API] decisions Manage decisions explain Explain log pipeline help Help about any command hub Manage Hub hubtest Run functional tests on hub configurations lapi Manage interaction with Local API (LAPI) machines Manage local API machines [requires local API] metrics Display crowdsec prometheus metrics. parsers Install/Remove/Upgrade/Inspect parser(s) from hub postoverflows Install/Remove/Upgrade/Inspect postoverflow(s) from hub scenarios Install/Remove/Upgrade/Inspect scenario(s) from hub simulation Manage simulation status of scenarios version Display version and exit. Flags: -c, --config string path to crowdsec config file (default "/etc/crowdsec/config.yaml") -o, --output string Output format : human, json, raw. --debug Set logging to debug. --info Set logging to info. --warning Set logging to warning. --error Set logging to error. --trace Set logging to trace. -h, --help help for cscli Use "cscli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
cscli bouncers list
a sample working output will be:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME IP ADDRESS VALID LAST API PULL TYPE VERSION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crowdsec-firewall-bouncer-LK1HD1Vx ✔️ 2022-01-15T08:28:02+01:00 crowdsec-firewall-bouncer v0.0.21-openwrt-0.0.21-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You can view your global status health:
cscli metrics
Sample output:
INFO[17-10-2021 10:36:19 AM] Local Api Metrics: +----------------------+--------+--------+ | ROUTE | METHOD | HITS | +----------------------+--------+--------+ | /v1/alerts | GET | 3 | | /v1/decisions/stream | GET | 108456 | | /v1/watchers/login | POST | 6 | +----------------------+--------+--------+ INFO[17-10-2021 10:36:19 AM] Local Api Machines Metrics: +--------------------------------------------------+------------+--------+------+ | MACHINE | ROUTE | METHOD | HITS | +--------------------------------------------------+------------+--------+------+ | db3e872e345f48848d0d85ab5c529947GWkbyXJtyNnJziiS | /v1/alerts | GET | 3 | +--------------------------------------------------+------------+--------+------+ INFO[17-10-2021 10:36:19 AM] Local Api Bouncers Metrics: +------------------------------+----------------------+--------+--------+ | BOUNCER | ROUTE | METHOD | HITS | +------------------------------+----------------------+--------+--------+ | cs-firewall-bouncer-LeCzIx9V | /v1/decisions/stream | GET | 108456 | +------------------------------+----------------------+--------+--------+
You can verify the process is up wit default system command like ps:
ps | grep crowdsec
cscli decisions list
sample output:
+-------+----------+------------------+--------------------------------------+--------+---------+------------------+--------+--------------------+----------+ | ID | SOURCE | SCOPE:VALUE | REASON | ACTION | COUNTRY | AS | EVENTS | EXPIRATION | ALERT ID | +-------+----------+------------------+--------------------------------------+--------+---------+------------------+--------+--------------------+----------+ | 15136 | crowdsec | Ip: | crowdsecurity/http-crawl-non_statics | ban | FR | Free Mobile SAS | 57 | 2h47m27.230010039s | 215 | +-------+----------+------------------+--------------------------------------+--------+---------+------------------+--------+--------------------+----------+
You can manage banned ip with
cscli decision
. Check the actually banned IPs list:
cscli decisions list No active decisions
Manually add an IP to the ban list:
cscli decisions add --ip --duration 1h INFO[26-07-2021 08:40:29 AM] Decision successfully added
Check the banned IP list:
cscli decisions list +------+--------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------+--------+---------+----+--------+-----------------+----------+ | ID | SOURCE | SCOPE:VALUE | REASON | ACTION | COUNTRY | AS | EVENTS | EXPIRATION | ALERT ID | +------+--------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------+--------+---------+----+--------+-----------------+----------+ | 4203 | cscli | Ip: | manual 'ban' from | ban | | | 1 | 59m55.64019484s | 55 | | | | | '50c75c1635bd4935b1be5d95ae5f860epTkK2cAbb6nzI1fJ' | | | | | | | +------+--------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------+--------+---------+----+--------+-----------------+----------+
Check nftables status
If you use nftables, you can use specific commands like:
nft list tables
nft list table crowdsec
nft list chains
nft list ruleset
cscli can also be used to check these alerts with:
cscli alerts list
sample output:
+------+------------------------------+----------------------+---------+----+-----------+--------------------------------+ | ID | VALUE | REASON | COUNTRY | AS | DECISIONS | CREATED AT | +------+------------------------------+----------------------+---------+----+-----------+--------------------------------+ | 1051 | crowdsec/community-blocklist | update : +728/-0 IPs | | | ban:728 | 2021-10-17 09:20:26 +0200 | | | | | | | | +0200 | | 1050 | crowdsec/community-blocklist | update : +727/-0 IPs | | | ban:1 | 2021-10-17 07:20:26 +0200 | | | | | | | | +0200 |
To enable email notifications plugins, since OpenWrt Package v...v you must; modify:
smtp_host: # eg value smtp_username: #Replace this with your actual username smtp_password: theSECRETpassword #Replace this with your actual password smtp_port: 587 # Common values are any of [25, 465, 587, 2525] auth_type: login # Valid choices are either of "none", "crammd5", "login", "plain" sender_email: # eg: email_subject: CrowdSec Notification receiver_emails: - # - # - encryption_type: ssltls # eg valid choices are either "ssltls" or "none"
You must restart the CrowdSec service to enable the modifications with the command:
service crowdsec restart
To update the hub components available use the command:
cscli hub update
To view the local used list of components use the command:
cscli hub list
sample output:
INFO[06-02-2022 10:16:20 PM] Loaded 41 collecs, 47 parsers, 57 scenarios, 3 post-overflow parsers POSTOVERFLOWS -------------------------------------- NAME 📦 STATUS VERSION LOCAL PATH -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- PARSERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME 📦 STATUS VERSION LOCAL PATH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crowdsecurity/sshd-logs ✔️ enabled 1.7 /etc/crowdsec/parsers/s01-parse/sshd-logs.yaml crowdsecurity/iptables-logs ✔️ enabled 0.2 /etc/crowdsec/parsers/s01-parse/iptables-logs.yaml crowdsecurity/whitelists ✔️ enabled 0.2 /etc/crowdsec/parsers/s02-enrich/whitelists.yaml crowdsecurity/geoip-enrich ✔️ enabled 0.2 /etc/crowdsec/parsers/s02-enrich/geoip-enrich.yaml crowdsecurity/http-logs ✔️ enabled 0.7 /etc/crowdsec/parsers/s02-enrich/http-logs.yaml crowdsecurity/syslog-logs ✔️ enabled 0.8 /etc/crowdsec/parsers/s00-raw/syslog-logs.yaml crowdsecurity/nextcloud-logs ✔️ enabled 0.1 /etc/crowdsec/parsers/s01-parse/nextcloud-logs.yaml crowdsecurity/dateparse-enrich ✔️ enabled 0.2 /etc/crowdsec/parsers/s02-enrich/dateparse-enrich.yaml crowdsecurity/nginx-proxy-manager-logs ✔️ enabled 0.1 /etc/crowdsec/parsers/s01-parse/nginx-proxy-manager-logs.yaml ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME 📦 STATUS VERSION LOCAL PATH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ crowdsecurity/iptables ✔️ enabled 0.1 /etc/crowdsec/collections/iptables.yaml crowdsecurity/linux ✔️ enabled 0.2 /etc/crowdsec/collections/linux.yaml crowdsecurity/base-http-scenarios ✔️ enabled 0.5 /etc/crowdsec/collections/base-http-scenarios.yaml crowdsecurity/nextcloud ✔️ enabled 0.2 /etc/crowdsec/collections/nextcloud.yaml crowdsecurity/nginx-proxy-manager ✔️ enabled 0.1 /etc/crowdsec/collections/nginx-proxy-manager.yaml crowdsecurity/sshd ✔️ enabled 0.2 /etc/crowdsec/collections/sshd.yaml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCENARIOS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME 📦 STATUS VERSION LOCAL PATH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crowdsecurity/http-open-proxy ✔️ enabled 0.2 /etc/crowdsec/scenarios/http-open-proxy.yaml ltsich/http-w00tw00t ✔️ enabled 0.1 /etc/crowdsec/scenarios/http-w00tw00t.yaml crowdsecurity/http-crawl-non_statics ✔️ enabled 0.2 /etc/crowdsec/scenarios/http-crawl-non_statics.yaml crowdsecurity/iptables-scan-multi_ports ✔️ enabled 0.1 /etc/crowdsec/scenarios/iptables-scan-multi_ports.yaml crowdsecurity/http-sensitive-files ✔️ enabled 0.2 /etc/crowdsec/scenarios/http-sensitive-files.yaml crowdsecurity/http-generic-bf ✔️ enabled 0.1 /etc/crowdsec/scenarios/http-generic-bf.yaml crowdsecurity/ssh-slow-bf ✔️ enabled 0.2 /etc/crowdsec/scenarios/ssh-slow-bf.yaml crowdsecurity/http-backdoors-attempts ✔️ enabled 0.2 /etc/crowdsec/scenarios/http-backdoors-attempts.yaml crowdsecurity/nextcloud-bf ✔️ enabled 0.1 /etc/crowdsec/scenarios/nextcloud-bf.yaml crowdsecurity/ssh-bf ✔️ enabled 0.1 /etc/crowdsec/scenarios/ssh-bf.yaml crowdsecurity/http-path-traversal-probing ✔️ enabled 0.2 /etc/crowdsec/scenarios/http-path-traversal-probing.yaml crowdsecurity/http-bad-user-agent ✔️ enabled 0.4 /etc/crowdsec/scenarios/http-bad-user-agent.yaml crowdsecurity/http-probing ✔️ enabled 0.2 /etc/crowdsec/scenarios/http-probing.yaml crowdsecurity/http-xss-probing ✔️ enabled 0.2 /etc/crowdsec/scenarios/http-xss-probing.yaml crowdsecurity/http-sqli-probing ✔️ enabled 0.2 /etc/crowdsec/scenarios/http-sqli-probing.yaml --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To view the server list of available components from the CrowdSec hub, use the command:
cscli hub list -a
install the nextcloud community collection from the CrowdSec HUB with the command:
cscli collections install crowdsecurity/nextcloud
Then add the default path of your nextcloud.log file to the CrowdSec acquis.yaml config file:
--- filenames: # - /var/www/nextcloud/data/nextcloud.log # Dockerized NextCloud - /srv/docker/volumes/nc_gnextcloud_data/_data/nextcloud.log labels: type: Nextcloud
You must restart the CrowdSec service to enable the modifications with the command:
service crowdsec restart
Nginx Proxy Manager
install the nextcloud community collection from the CrowdSec HUB with the command:
cscli collections install crowdsecurity/nginx-proxy-manager
Then add the default path of your nextcloud.log file to the CrowdSec acquis.yaml config file:
--- filenames: # - ~/data/logs/*.log # Dockerized NGINX PROXY MANAGER - /srv/NGINX/data/nginx-proxy-manager/logs/*.log labels: type: nginx-proxy-manager
You must restart the CrowdSec service to enable the modifications with the command:
service crowdsec restart
Tweaks & Good to know
Call version to check the binary version installed;
cscli version
2022/02/07 09:45:21 version: v1.3.0-openwrt-1.3.0-4 2022/02/07 09:45:21 Codename: alphaga 2022/02/07 09:45:21 BuildDate: 2022-02-06_20:54:43 2022/02/07 09:45:21 GoVersion: 1.17.6 2022/02/07 09:45:21 Constraint_parser: >= 1.0, <= 2.0 2022/02/07 09:45:21 Constraint_scenario: >= 1.0, < 3.0 2022/02/07 09:45:21 Constraint_api: v1 2022/02/07 09:45:21 Constraint_acquis: >= 1.0, < 2.0
Call metrics to check the health and status;
cscli metrics
Sample output:
INFO[07-02-2022 09:45:23 AM] Buckets Metrics: +--------------------------------------+---------------+-----------+--------------+--------+---------+ | BUCKET | CURRENT COUNT | OVERFLOWS | INSTANCIATED | POURED | EXPIRED | +--------------------------------------+---------------+-----------+--------------+--------+---------+ | crowdsecurity/http-bad-user-agent | - | 1 | 5 | 6 | 4 | | crowdsecurity/http-crawl-non_statics | - | - | 24 | 47 | 24 | | crowdsecurity/http-probing | - | 2 | 19 | 44 | 17 | | crowdsecurity/http-sensitive-files | - | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------------+-----------+--------------+--------+---------+ INFO[07-02-2022 09:45:23 AM] Acquisition Metrics: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+--------------+----------------+------------------------+ | SOURCE | LINES READ | LINES PARSED | LINES UNPARSED | LINES POURED TO BUCKET | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+--------------+----------------+------------------------+ | file:/srv/NGINX/data/nginx-proxy-manager/logs/default-host_access.log | 39 | 37 | 2 | 67 | | file:/srv/NGINX/data/nginx-proxy-manager/logs/fallback_access.log | 40 | 28 | 12 | 31 | | file:/srv/NGINX/data/nginx-proxy-manager/logs/proxy-host-1_access.log | 3 | - | 3 | - | | file:/srv/docker/volumes/nc_gnextcloud_data/_data/nextcloud.log | 4390 | - | 4390 | - | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+--------------+----------------+------------------------+ INFO[07-02-2022 09:45:23 AM] Parser Metrics: +----------------------------------------------+------+--------+----------+ | PARSERS | HITS | PARSED | UNPARSED | +----------------------------------------------+------+--------+----------+ | child-crowdsecurity/http-logs | 195 | 114 | 81 | | child-crowdsecurity/nextcloud-logs | 8780 | - | 8780 | | child-crowdsecurity/nginx-proxy-manager-logs | 153 | 65 | 88 | | crowdsecurity/dateparse-enrich | 65 | 65 | - | | crowdsecurity/geoip-enrich | 65 | 65 | - | | crowdsecurity/http-logs | 65 | 44 | 21 | | crowdsecurity/nextcloud-logs | 4390 | - | 4390 | | crowdsecurity/nginx-proxy-manager-logs | 82 | 65 | 17 | | crowdsecurity/non-syslog | 4472 | 4472 | - | | crowdsecurity/whitelists | 65 | 65 | - | +----------------------------------------------+------+--------+----------+ INFO[07-02-2022 09:45:23 AM] Local Api Metrics: +----------------------+--------+------+ | ROUTE | METHOD | HITS | +----------------------+--------+------+ | /v1/alerts | GET | 1 | | /v1/alerts | POST | 2 | | /v1/decisions/stream | GET | 4150 | | /v1/watchers/login | POST | 5 | +----------------------+--------+------+ INFO[07-02-2022 09:45:23 AM] Local Api Machines Metrics: +----------+------------+--------+------+ | MACHINE | ROUTE | METHOD | HITS | +----------+------------+--------+------+ | STARGATE | /v1/alerts | POST | 2 | | STARGATE | /v1/alerts | GET | 1 | +----------+------------+--------+------+ INFO[07-02-2022 09:45:23 AM] Local Api Bouncers Metrics: +---------------------------+----------------------+--------+------+ | BOUNCER | ROUTE | METHOD | HITS | +---------------------------+----------------------+--------+------+ | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | /v1/decisions/stream | GET | 4150 | +---------------------------+----------------------+--------+------+
Alerts Clean All
If needed, you can reset all blacklisted IPs with the following command:
cscli alerts delete --all
Alerts history list
Alerts listing;
cscli alerts list
Sample output:
+----+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------+-----------+--------------------------------+ | ID | VALUE | REASON | COUNTRY | AS | DECISIONS | CREATED AT | +----+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------+-----------+--------------------------------+ | 19 | crowdsecurity/community-blocklist | update : +8933/-0 IPs | | | ban:8933 | 2022-02-07 07:11:45 +0000 UTC | | 18 | crowdsecurity/community-blocklist | update : +8909/-0 IPs | | | ban:19 | 2022-02-07 05:11:45 +0000 UTC | | 17 | Ip: | crowdsecurity/http-bad-user-agent | DE | 24940 Hetzner Online GmbH | ban:1 | 2022-02-07 03:17:55.4087026 | | | | | | | | +0000 UTC | | 16 | crowdsecurity/community-blocklist | update : +8851/-0 IPs | | | ban:9 | 2022-02-07 03:11:45 +0000 UTC | | 15 | Ip: | crowdsecurity/http-probing | CN | 45090 Shenzhen Tencent | ban:1 | 2022-02-07 01:21:12.57294468 | | | | | | Computer Systems Company | | +0000 UTC | | | | | | Limited | | | | 14 | crowdsecurity/community-blocklist | update : +8811/-0 IPs | | | ban:12 | 2022-02-07 01:11:45 +0000 UTC | | 13 | crowdsecurity/community-blocklist | update : +8758/-0 IPs | | | ban:9 | 2022-02-06 23:11:45 +0000 UTC | | 12 | crowdsecurity/community-blocklist | update : +8600/-0 IPs | | | ban:21 | 2022-02-06 19:52:17 +0000 UTC | | 11 | crowdsecurity/community-blocklist | update : +8427/-0 IPs | | | ban:42 | 2022-02-06 12:35:44 +0000 UTC | | 10 | crowdsecurity/community-blocklist | update : +8407/-0 IPs | | | ban:10 | 2022-02-06 10:35:43 +0000 UTC | | 9 | crowdsecurity/community-blocklist | update : +8379/-0 IPs | | | ban:12 | 2022-02-06 08:35:45 +0000 UTC | | 8 | crowdsecurity/community-blocklist | update : +8354/-0 IPs | | | ban:8 | 2022-02-06 06:35:44 +0000 UTC | | 7 | crowdsecurity/community-blocklist | update : +8327/-0 IPs | | | ban:6 | 2022-02-06 04:35:43 +0000 UTC | | 6 | crowdsecurity/community-blocklist | update : +8295/-0 IPs | | | ban:12 | 2022-02-06 02:35:43 +0000 UTC | | 5 | crowdsecurity/community-blocklist | update : +8275/-0 IPs | | | ban:7 | 2022-02-06 00:35:44 +0000 UTC | | 4 | crowdsecurity/community-blocklist | update : +8252/-0 IPs | | | ban:17 | 2022-02-05 22:35:47 +0000 UTC | | 3 | crowdsecurity/community-blocklist | update : +8206/-0 IPs | | | ban:7 | 2022-02-05 20:34:47 +0000 UTC | | 2 | crowdsecurity/community-blocklist | update : +8182/-0 IPs | | | ban:2 | 2022-02-05 19:01:14 +0000 UTC | | 1 | crowdsecurity/community-blocklist | update : +6488/-0 IPs | | | ban:9 | 2022-02-05 16:55:48 +0000 UTC | +----+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------+-----------+--------------------------------+
Alerts inspect item
cscli alerts inspect 15
################################################################################################ - ID : 15 - Date : 2022-02-07T01:21:19Z - Machine : STARGATE - Simulation : false - Reason : crowdsecurity/http-probing - Events Count : 11 - Scope:Value: Ip: - Country : CN - AS : Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited - Begin : 2022-02-07 01:21:12.57294468 +0000 UTC - End : 2022-02-07 01:21:17.285319 +0000 UTC
cscli alerts inspect 17
################################################################################################ - ID : 17 - Date : 2022-02-07T03:18:02Z - Machine : STARGATE - Simulation : false - Reason : crowdsecurity/http-bad-user-agent - Events Count : 2 - Scope:Value: Ip: - Country : DE - AS : Hetzner Online GmbH - Begin : 2022-02-07 03:17:55.4087026 +0000 UTC - End : 2022-02-07 03:18:00.62557932 +0000 UTC
cscli config show
Sample output:
Global: - Configuration Folder : /etc/crowdsec - Data Folder : /srv/crowdsec/data - Hub Folder : /etc/crowdsec/hub - Simulation File : /etc/crowdsec/simulation.yaml - Log Folder : /var/log/ - Log level : info - Log Media : file Crowdsec: - Acquisition File : /etc/crowdsec/acquis.yaml - Parsers routines : 1 cscli: - Output : human - Hub Branch : - Hub Folder : /etc/crowdsec/hub Local API Server: - Listen URL : - Profile File : /etc/crowdsec/profiles.yaml - Database: - Type : sqlite - Path : /srv/crowdsec/data/crowdsec.db - Flush age : 7d - Flush size : 5000
cscli config backup /srv/crowdsec/backup/202202071120
Sample output:
cscli config backup /srv/crowdsec/backup/202202071120 INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] Starting configuration backup INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] Saved simulation to /srv/crowdsec/backup/202202071120/simulation.yaml INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] Saved default yaml to /srv/crowdsec/backup/202202071120/config.yaml INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] Saved online API credentials to /srv/crowdsec/backup/202202071120/online_api_credentials.yaml INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] Saved local API credentials to /srv/crowdsec/backup/202202071120/local_api_credentials.yaml INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] Saved profiles to /srv/crowdsec/backup/202202071120/profiles.yaml INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] saving, version:0.2, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/geoip-enrich type=parsers INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] saving, version:0.2, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/dateparse-enrich type=parsers INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] saving, version:0.1, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/nginx-proxy-manager-logs type=parsers INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] saving, version:0.8, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/syslog-logs type=parsers INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] saving, version:1.7, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/sshd-logs type=parsers INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] saving, version:0.7, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/http-logs type=parsers INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] saving, version:0.2, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/iptables-logs type=parsers INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] saving, version:0.2, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/whitelists type=parsers INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] saving, version:0.1, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/nextcloud-logs type=parsers INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] Wrote 9 entries for parsers to /srv/crowdsec/backup/202202071120/parsers//upstream-parsers.json file=crowdsecurity/tcpdump-logs type=parsers INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] Wrote 0 entries for postoverflows to /srv/crowdsec/backup/202202071120/postoverflows//upstream-postoverflows.json file=crowdsecurity/seo-bots-whitelist type=postoverflows INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] saving, version:0.1, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/iptables-scan-multi_ports type=scenarios INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] saving, version:0.4, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/http-bad-user-agent type=scenarios INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] saving, version:0.2, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/ssh-slow-bf type=scenarios INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] saving, version:0.2, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/http-backdoors-attempts type=scenarios INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] saving, version:0.2, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/http-open-proxy type=scenarios INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:37 AM] saving, version:0.1, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/ssh-bf type=scenarios INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:38 AM] saving, version:0.1, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/http-generic-bf type=scenarios INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:38 AM] saving, version:0.2, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/http-sensitive-files type=scenarios INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:38 AM] saving, version:0.1, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/nextcloud-bf type=scenarios INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:38 AM] saving, version:0.1, up-to-date:true file=ltsich/http-w00tw00t type=scenarios INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:38 AM] saving, version:0.2, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/http-xss-probing type=scenarios INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:38 AM] saving, version:0.2, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/http-probing type=scenarios INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:38 AM] saving, version:0.2, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/http-path-traversal-probing type=scenarios INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:38 AM] saving, version:0.2, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/http-sqli-probing type=scenarios INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:38 AM] saving, version:0.2, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/http-crawl-non_statics type=scenarios INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:38 AM] Wrote 15 entries for scenarios to /srv/crowdsec/backup/202202071120/scenarios//upstream-scenarios.json file=crowdsecurity/thinkphp-cve-2018-20062 type=scenarios INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:38 AM] saving, version:0.2, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/sshd type=collections INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:38 AM] saving, version:0.1, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/nginx-proxy-manager type=collections INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:38 AM] saving, version:0.1, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/iptables type=collections INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:38 AM] saving, version:0.2, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/nextcloud type=collections INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:38 AM] saving, version:0.5, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/base-http-scenarios type=collections INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:38 AM] saving, version:0.2, up-to-date:true file=crowdsecurity/linux type=collections INFO[07-02-2022 11:17:38 AM] Wrote 6 entries for collections to /srv/crowdsec/backup/202202071120/collections//upstream-collections.json file=crowdsecurity/wordpress type=collections
External tools
A new external script for CrowdSec specific actions was added in
You can load it with: </code> . /usr/lib/crowdsec/scripts/ </code>
Then, internal function can be called like;
sample output:
INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:16 AM] Wrote new 277818 bytes index to /etc/crowdsec/hub/.index.json WARN[07-02-2022 08:39:17 AM] crowdsecurity/syslog-logs : overwrite WARN[07-02-2022 08:39:17 AM] crowdsecurity/geoip-enrich : overwrite WARN[07-02-2022 08:39:17 AM] crowdsecurity/dateparse-enrich : overwrite WARN[07-02-2022 08:39:17 AM] crowdsecurity/sshd-logs : overwrite WARN[07-02-2022 08:39:17 AM] crowdsecurity/ssh-bf : overwrite WARN[07-02-2022 08:39:17 AM] crowdsecurity/ssh-slow-bf : overwrite WARN[07-02-2022 08:39:17 AM] crowdsecurity/sshd : overwrite WARN[07-02-2022 08:39:17 AM] crowdsecurity/sshd : overwrite WARN[07-02-2022 08:39:18 AM] crowdsecurity/linux : overwrite INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:18 AM] /etc/crowdsec/collections/sshd.yaml already exists. INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:18 AM] /etc/crowdsec/collections/linux.yaml already exists. INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:18 AM] Enabled crowdsecurity/linux INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:18 AM] Run 'sudo systemctl reload crowdsec' for the new configuration to be effective. WARN[07-02-2022 08:39:18 AM] crowdsecurity/iptables-logs : overwrite WARN[07-02-2022 08:39:18 AM] crowdsecurity/iptables-scan-multi_ports : overwrite WARN[07-02-2022 08:39:18 AM] crowdsecurity/iptables : overwrite INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:18 AM] /etc/crowdsec/collections/iptables.yaml already exists. INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:18 AM] Enabled crowdsecurity/iptables INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:18 AM] Run 'sudo systemctl reload crowdsec' for the new configuration to be effective. WARN[07-02-2022 08:39:19 AM] crowdsecurity/whitelists : overwrite INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:19 AM] Enabled crowdsecurity/whitelists INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:19 AM] Run 'sudo systemctl reload crowdsec' for the new configuration to be effective. INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] Upgrading collections INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/base-http-scenarios : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/nginx-proxy-manager : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/linux : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/nextcloud : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/iptables : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/sshd : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] All collections are already up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] Upgrading parsers INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/nextcloud-logs : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/nginx-proxy-manager-logs : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/http-logs : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/iptables-logs : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/geoip-enrich : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/sshd-logs : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/whitelists : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/dateparse-enrich : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/syslog-logs : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] All parsers are already up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] Upgrading scenarios INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/http-open-proxy : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/ssh-bf : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] ltsich/http-w00tw00t : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/nextcloud-bf : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/http-xss-probing : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/http-probing : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/http-path-traversal-probing : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/http-generic-bf : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/http-sqli-probing : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/iptables-scan-multi_ports : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/http-bad-user-agent : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/http-crawl-non_statics : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/http-sensitive-files : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/ssh-slow-bf : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] crowdsecurity/http-backdoors-attempts : up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] All scenarios are already up-to-date INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] Upgrading postoverflows INFO[07-02-2022 08:39:20 AM] No postoverflows installed, nothing to upgrade
This tool will be extended for automating usability...
actually, it contains these functions:
cs_prepare # to check the necessary directories... cs_init # to prepare the config file with modified settings... cs_register # to check the LAPI and CAPI registering status and register the local host... cs_hub # to update hub, install collections from hub, and upgrade from hub...
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