DDNS client configuration
See also: DDNS client documentation
- Due to functional extensions not all settings are supported in all OpenWrt releases.
- You find notes in description about supported release if not available in all releases.
- Keep in mind, that ddns-scripts are designed to support ONE host or IP protocol version per section.
- Including BB 14.07 ddns-scripts only support update of IPv4 addresses.
- Starting ddns-scripts 2.7.6 (trunk) option naming will change for better functional grouping.
- Updating ddns-scripts to newer versions will do the renaming inside existing config files during update automatically.
- Additionally some options will be also available globally so they need not be defined for every service section.
- Options defined inside service section overwrite global section settings.
The file /etc/config/ddns
holds the configuration for ddns-scripts package.
You find the newest version of full documented ddns.sample_config at GitHub.
Using all defaults the minimum settings are:
for IPv4 address
config service "myddns_ipv4" option service_name "example.org" option domain "yourhost.example.org" option username "your_username" option password "your_password" option interface "wan" option ip_source "network" option ip_network "wan"
for IPv6 address
Supported since CC 15.05
config service "myddns_ipv6" option use_ipv6 "1" option service_name "example.org" option domain "yourhost.example.org" option username "your_username" option password "your_password" option interface "wan6" option ip_source "network" option ip_network "wan6"
Section "service"
You need to define a “service” section for every DDNS provider and Host you want to feed.
Same if you want to feed IPv4- and IPv6-address to your DDNS provider. (Since CC 15.05)
Name (old) | Name (new) | Type | Required | Default | Description |
enabled | boolean | yes | '0' | disable(0) / enable(1) this service section. | |
interface | network name | yes | (none) | The DDNS scripts use the Linux hotplug events system. When this specified network interface comes up, a related ifup hotplug event will cause DDNS script to start to monitor (and update) the external IP address of . Select the WAN interface that will have the external IP address to use in the DDNS registration. | |
use_ipv6 | boolean | no | '0' | Including BB 14.07 no support of IPv6 protocol. Since CC 15.05 decide if you want to update/send your current IPv4(0) or IPv6(1) address. |
service_name | string | yes(*) | (none) | Which DDNS online service do you use? Choose one from /usr/lib/ddns/services file.Since CC 15.05 if option use_ipv6 is enabled(1) choose a service from /usr/lib/ddns/services_ipv6 file.The latest versions can be downloaded from Github.com (*) If your DDNS provider is not listed there, remove this option and use 'option update_url ' or since CC 15.05 'option update_script ' instead. |
update_url | string | yes(*) | (none) | Have a look at DDNS providers configuration help. Use the their URL here. (*) Remove this option, if 'option service_name ' is set. |
update_script | string | no | (none) | Since CC 15.05 /path/to/update_script.sh If your DDNS provider doesn't work with ddns-scripts, because there are additional parameters or other special thinks to be done, then you could write your own script to send updates to your DDNS provider. Have a look into update_sample.sh 'option service_name ' and use either this option OR 'option update_url '. |
domain | string | yes | (none) | The DNS name / Hostname to update (this name must already be registered with the DDNS provider) ddns-scripts use it to compare local IP with registered IP.ddns-scripts use 'option lookup_host ' (see below) to detect your registered IP.So this option can be used for special multihost update configurations supported by some providers. |
username | string | yes(*) | (none) | Username of your DDNS providers account Have a look at DDNS providers help, because some providers are using different information as “username” for DDNS updates (i.e. hostname). Look at DDNS client for additional information. (*)If your DDNS provider don't need this information being send for update, put in an “X” instead. |
password | string | yes(*) | (none) | Password of your DDNS providers account Have a look at DDNS providers help, because some providers are using different information as “password” for DDNS updates (i.e. tokenid). e.g. for afraid.org, put your 25 character random TOKEN here in the password field. Look at DDNS client for additional information. (*)If your DDNS provider don't need this information being send for update, put in an “X” instead. |
use_https | boolean | no | '0' | disable(0) / enable(1) the use of HTTPS for secure communication with your DDNS provider. Some providers having problems, when not sending updates via HTTPS. You must NOT specify 'http“s”:', simply use 'http:' in update_url above, if used.Look at DDNS client for additional information. |
cacert | string | no(*) | (none) | /path/to/certificates directory or /path/to/certificate.crt file.Package “ca-certificates” installs certificates to /etc/ssl/certs directory.Look at DDNS client for additional information. (*)required, if option use_https set to '1' (enabled) since CC 15.05 a value 'IGNORE' is supported. |
ip_source | string | yes | 'network' | Defines the source to determine you local IP send to the DDNS provider. Valid values are: - 'network' uses/needs 'option ip_network '- 'web' uses/needs 'option ip_url '- 'interface' uses/needs 'option ip_interface '- 'script' uses/needs 'option ip_script 'See details below. |
ip_network | string | no(*) | 'wan' | Specify a network from your /etc/config/network file (e.g. “wan”) with the “ip_network” option. If you specify “wan”, you will send update with whatever the IP for your wan is.(*)required, if option ip_source set to 'network' |
ip_url | string | no(*) | (none) | Detects the current local IP from specified webside that response with the IP address of calling host. If you are behind a firewall/NAT this is the best option since none of the local networks or interfaces will have the external IP. The correct URL might depend on the DDNS provider being used. Check with the DDNS providers's documentation to determine, if they offer this feature and, if so, what the correct URL is. Sample: http://checkip.dyndns.org/ or http://checkipv6.dyndns.org/ (*)required, if value of option ip_source set to 'web' |
ip_interface | string | no(*) | (none) | Specify a locally installed physical (hardware) interfaces (e.g. 'eth1') to detect your current IP address, independent from network they configured to. (*)required, if value of option ip_source set to 'interface' |
ip_script | string | no(*) | (none) | Useful, if you want to write your own script to detect your current local IP. Put in full path '/path/to/script.sh'. Have a look into getlocalip_sample.sh and Get IP from modem scripts collection (*)required, if value of option ip_source set to 'script' |
check_interval | number | no | '10' | Defines the time interval to check if local IP has changed. Accepted unit values: 'seconds' 'minutes' 'hours'. |
check_unit | string | no | 'minutes' | ||
force_interval | number | no | '72' | Force to send an update to service provider, if no IP change was detected. Consult DDNS providers documentation, if your DDNS entry might timeout. Accepted unit values: 'minutes' 'hours' 'days' since CC 15.05 a value '0' is supported. This will stop script execution after one successful update. |
force_unit | string | no | 'hours' | ||
retry_interval | number | no | '60' | If error happen on detecting, sending or updating, the script will retry the relevant action. Here you define the time to wait before retry is started. Accepted unit values: 'seconds' 'minutes' |
retry_unit | string | no | 'seconds' | ||
retry_max_count | number | no | '0' | Since CC 15.05 (23→master, retry_count renamed to retry_max_count ) Number of retries before the script terminates execution, when communication errors happen. |
use_syslog | boolean | no | '0' | Since BB 14.07 disable(0) / enable(1) logging events to syslog. Since CC 15.05 Level of events logged to syslog: 0 == disable 1 == info, notice, warning, errors 2 == notice, warning, errors 3 == warning, errors 4 == errors |
use_logfile | boolean | no | '1' | Since CC 15.05 disable(0) / enable(1) logging to log file. You find the file per default in /var/log/ddns/[sectionname].log The path can be modified for all log files in section 'ddns ' (see below) |
dns_server | string | no | (none) | Since CC 15.05 Normally the current (in the internet) registered ip is detected using the local defined name lookup policies (i.e. /etc/resolve.conf etc.) Specify here a DNS server to be used instead of the defaults. You can use FQDN, hostname or IP address. |
force_dnstcp | boolean | no | '0' | Since CC 15.05 disable(0) / enable(1) DNS requests via TCP protocol. By default every DNS call is made via UDP protocol. Some internet provider offer modems, caching UDP DNS requests. They redirect every request to external servers to local modem cache. To force the usage of TCP for DNS requests enable this option. |
proxy | string | no | (none) | Since CC 15.05 If a Proxy is need to access HTTP/HTTPS pages on the WEB, it can be configured here also for sending updates to the DDNS provider. If you configured option use_https '1 ' above, you need to setup your HTTPS proxy here, otherwise your HTTP proxy.option ip_source 'web ' above) because this request is also send via the configured proxy.Syntax: [user:password@]proxy:port IPv6 address must be in squared brackets '[...]' |
force_ipversion | boolean | no | '0' | Since CC 15.05 disable(0) / enable(1) this option. Normally the system decide by various settings mostly compiled into the software, if it prefers IPv4 or IPv6 communication. Some DDNS providers update their DDNS record by using the IP address you send the update from. Then you need to force the usage of the IP version you want to update or you want to force it for other reasons depending on your environment. |
bind_network | string | no | (none) | Since CC 15.05 Network to use for communication when detecting IP and sending updates. Wget will bind to the IP and cURL to physical interface of given network. |
lookup_host | string | yes | (none) | Since DD Option domain (see above) is no longer used to get the registered ip. Configure here the host you like to get registered ip for. This is useful if updating multiple hosts in one configuration section. | |
rec_id | string | no | (none) | Since DD If this is set and the service is CloudFlare, updates the specified record (useful when there are multiple records for the same domain). Determined automatically when not set (but in case of multiple records for the same domain one will be arbitrarily chosen). | |
is_glue | boolean | no | '0' | Since DD This option is mandatory if the ddns record is a glue record and the registered ip should be compared against the glue record. This option requires bind host and does only work if the dns_server option is used. The dns_server value has to be the dns server where the glue record is defined. |
Section "ddns"
Supported since CC 15.05
It is NOT recommended for casual users to change this settings.
Only section name “global” is supported
This settings are used by
and corresponding luci-app-ddns
Name (old) | Name (new) | Values | Required | Default | Description |
allow_local_ip | upd_privateip | boolean | no | '0' | disallow(0) / allow(1) to send Private/Special IP's to the DDNS provider blocked IPv4: 0/8, 10/8, 100.64/10, 127/8, 169.254/16, 172.16/12, 192.168/16 blocked IPv6: ::/32, f000::/4 |
date_format | ddns_dateformat | string | no | '%F %R' | set date format to use for display date in logfiles and LuCI WebUI. For supported codes look here. |
run_dir | ddns_rundir | string | no | '/var/run/ddns' | Set directory to use for '*.pid ' and '*.update ' files.There are separate files for every running service section. |
log_dir | ddns_logdir | string | no | '/var/log/ddns' | Set directory to use for '*.log ' files.There are separate files for every running service section, if option use_logfile set to '1' (enable) (see above). |
log_lines | ddns_loglines | number | no | '250' | Set number of lines stored in .log file before auto truncated. |
use_curl | boolean | no | '0' | If Wget and cURL package are installed, Wget is used for communication by default. Set to '1' will use cURL instead. |
Issues and known bugs
Wget 1.x does not work correctly when using multiple WAN interfaces (like with with mwan). Issue 8277
Reason: wget 1.x does not bind to an interface it can only change the IP address (bind-address)
Fix: use curl via use_curl
(Untested) wget2 (not released as of March 2021) has bind-interface support
Since somewhere June 2021 OpenDNS gives an error “badauth” when using Wget 1.x or uclient-fetch (the default for OpenWRT 21.02.0).
Reason: in order to work properly with OpenDNS, Wget 1.x requires the --auth-no-challenge option in its command line.
Fix: Install and use curl via use_curl = 1 option in the Global section