How to prepare buildbot for major release

These are collected notes of the steps we've done during preparation of buildbot infrastructure for 21.02 release.

usign -G -c "Public usign key for 22.03 release builds" -s secret.key -p public.key
usign -F -p public.key
mv public.key openwrt/keyring.git/usign/2f8b0b98e08306bf

Add usign secret.key to ansible/inventories/openwrt-secrets.yml:

  1. Add new key info to signatures page
ansible-playbook --diff -i inventories/prod buildworker.yml --tags cfg,recreate-slave --limit fsf-02,fsf-04,osuosl-vm-03,osuosl-vm-04,truecz-01,truecz-02,buildmaster
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  • Last modified: 2024/11/06 09:03
  • by ynezz