Installing OpenWrt via TFTP

Go back to generic.flashing

TFTP is a very simple protocol; simple enough to be implemented in small boot loaders. The basic idea is as follows:

  1. Router is powered on
  2. Bootloader prepares startup of firmware code
  3. For a few seconds it initializes the wired lan ports
    • This doesn't happen instantly but a short time during startup/boot
    • The network settings are not always the same as OpenWrt's defaults
  4. It then either:
    • Tries to connect to a TFTP server on a predetermined IP address to download a firmware image, OR
    • Listens for incoming TFTP client requests to upload a new flash image
  5. Behavior thereafter varies by boot loader

This section describes actions that might damage your device or firmware. Proceed with care!

You must determine whether your hardware's bootloader has a TFTP client or server to understand which section below applies to your device.

Consult your specific model's OpenWrt Wiki devicepage for details on necessary settings, IP addresses to use, and the TFTP type offered if any.

Important Information!
TFTP server & client tools (based on the TFTP protocol) employ no access controls while allowing light-weight file transfer between networked devices.
Do not leave TFTP services running longer than needed and use a firewall to restrict access to the local subnet.

If your device is of the type that has a boot loader with a TFTP client that tries to download an image in recovery mode, then you must run a TFTP server to host the new firmware. Detailed instructions are given on the Setting up a TFTP server for TFTP Recovery/Install wiki page.

FIXME Move this section showing how to configure a TFTP server to tftpserver

RouterBoards have a TFTP and DHCP clients running in their RouterBoot bootloader. See : Common Procedures for Mikrotik RouterBoard for details.

Bash script to set static IP address, run DHCP server and run TFTP server (exemple for Mikrotik).

Note: Don't forget to change USER, NETDEV, IP/DHCP IP-range and file name/folder path for your needs.

ip address flush dev $NETDEV
ip address add dev $NETDEV
dnsmasq -i $NETDEV --dhcp-range=, \
--dhcp-boot=openwrt-ar71xx-mikrotik-vmlinux-initramfs.elf \
--enable-tftp --tftp-root=/home/$USER/openwrt -d -u $USER -p0 -K --log-dhcp --bootp-dynamic

FIXME Move this section showing how to configure a TFTP server to tftpserver

For example the bootloader implementation of the DIR-300 redboot contains a TFTP client. Two steps:

  1. first you install and start a TFTP server (or daemon) on your host and place the image(s) to be flashed in the <root directory> of this software (you may be required to do this as root).

Possible directories can be

  • /var/lib/tftpboot
  • /srv/tftp
  • You can probably find the directory by running
    sudo find / -type d -name '*tftp*'


sudo apt-get install tftpd-hpa tftp
sudo cp ~/uboot/arch/arm/boot/uboot.img /var/lib/tftpboot
  1. Test the server:
      tftp localhost
    tftp> get uboot.img
    tftp> quit
      cmp /var/lib/tftpboot/uboot.img uboot.img
      # no output other then a prompt means it worked correctly
  2. connect to the bootloader, and tell it to get the images on your harddisk via its TFTP client (in case of the DIR-300 you obtain a connection via telnet on the non-default port 9000). Example:
    telnet 9000
    Redboot> load uboot.img
  3. after successful installation of OpenWrt, do not forget to deactivate the TFTP server again!

FIXME Move this section showing how to configure a TFTP server to tftpserver

In case of the xxx Step 3 from Example 1 above is not applicable. There is no console to login to, the bootloader will automatically try to get a firmware over TFTP from a pre-configured IP address at every boot.

FIXME Move this section showing how to configure a TFTP server to tftpserver

Note: places a pleasing GUI on top of the native OSX tftpd. There's a writeup of using at tftpserver. If you prefer to use the command-line, read on...

OS X Lion comes with a tftpd but its disabled by default. Like most services in OS X, tftpd is controlled by launchctl. The configuration with which the daemon is lauched is in /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/tftp.plist and the the identifier is

before you make changes to the config run:

sudo launchctl unload -F /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/tftp.plist


sudo launchctl load -F /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/tftp.plist

to stop tftpd run:

sudo launchctl stop

to start tftpd run:

sudo launchctl start

Here is an example config file that will work:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Differences from the default include removing this, to enable the service:


Add this to the ProgramArguments array to make it log to /var/log/syslog.log


Place the openwrt image file you want to serve in:


Notice that even after running launchctl start you will not see tftpd running when executing ps aux | grep tftpd because of the way launchctl works. tftpd is in fact not running but launchctl will launch it as soon as it is required.

In some cases, when the output on the serial console is grabbled you can still act on faith and executer the following commands, which will work in most cases:

setenv ipaddr
setenv serverip
tftpboot 0x80000000 openwrt-xxx-generic-xxx-squashfs-factory.bin
erase 0x9f020000 +0x332004
cp.b 0x80000000 0x9f020000 0x332004
boot.m 0x9f020000

tftpd on MacOS 10.4 "Tiger"

FIXME Move this section showing how to configure a TFTP server to tftpserver

tftpd works out-of-the-box also on the old 10.4. Maybe the tftp dir is not yet created but this is just a mkdir. Get a root shell and issue these commands:

bash-4.2$ sudo bash
bash-4.2# mkdir -p /private/tftpboot/
bash-4.2# cp /path/to/openwrt-image /private/tftpboot/
bash-4.2# launchctl load -F /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/tftp.plist 
bash-4.2# ps axu|grep ftp
root     23494   0.0  0.0    27696    152  ??  Ss    4:34PM   0:00.00 launchctl load -F /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/tftp.plist
root     23496   0.0  0.0    38604      4  p3  R+    4:34PM   0:00.00 grep ftp
bash-4.2# launchctl start
bash-4.2# ps axu|grep ftp
root     23494   0.0  0.0    27696    152  ??  Ss    4:34PM   0:00.00 launchctl load -F /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/tftp.plist
root     23498   0.0  0.0    27244    464  ??  Ss    4:34PM   0:00.01 /usr/libexec/launchproxy /usr/libexec/tftpd -i /private/tftpboot
root     23500   0.0  0.0    38604      4  p3  R+    4:34PM   0:00.00 grep ftp
bash-4.2# tftp   ### just testing
tftp> get openwrt-ar71xx-generic-hornet-ub-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
Received 7270950 bytes in 2.7 seconds

The basic procedure of using a tftp client to upload a new firmware to your router:

  1. Unplug the power to your router
  2. Plug the Ethernet connection from your computer (acting as tftp client) into a LAN port on your model. See your model's OpenWrt wiki devicepage for details on which port to use
  3. Start your tftp client on your computer
  4. Give it the router's address (specific to model and bootloader, see your model's wiki page)
  5. Set mode to octet/binary
  6. Tell the client to resend the file until it succeeds
  7. “put” the file
  8. Plug-in your router while having the tftp client running and constantly probing for a connection
  9. The tftp client will receive an ack from the bootloader and starts sending the firmware
  • :!: Please be patient, the reflashing occurs after the firmware has been transferred. In most cases the router will automatically reboot itself. Some models do not reboot so wait at least 15 minutes before power cycling them.
  • :!: Note that the bootloader usually does not use the IP address or MAC address stored in nvram, it will revert to a bootloader default instead. See your model's wiki documentation for specifics.
  • :!: Put a hub or switch between the router and the computer, this will make sure that the local computer link is up before the boot_wait period is passed. This is a requirement to make TFTP work on computers where the local link is brought up too late and is usually simpler than trying to force the link to stay up instead.
  • On routers with a DMZ LED, OpenWrt will light the DMZ LED while booting, after the bootup scripts are finished it will turn off the DMZ LED.

The TFTP commands vary across different implementations. Here are some examples:

The network link must be up and established during power up. One way to ensure this happens is to use a switch or hub in-between your computer and the device you are flashing as this will leave the link established when you power off the device.

Another option is to disable network manager in Linux (or use a distro/LiveCD that doesn't have it). Some commands that may disable it (depends on the distribution of Linux used):

  • /etc/init.d/networking stop
  • /etc/init.d/network stop
  • /etc/init.d/NetworkManager stop
  • service networking stop
  • service network stop
  • service NetworkManager stop
  • systemctl stop NetworkManager

Preparation Steps

  1. Configure a static IP to match your *bootloaders* network
    • ip address add ipv4.x.y.z/24 dev eth0
    • See your device model's OpenWrt wiki device page for specific settings
  2. Preconfigure an ARP entry to increase your changes of catching the TFTP window
    • arp -s ipv4.x.y.1 02:aa:bb:cc:dd:20
      • Check your device model's OpenWrt wiki devicepage for correct IP and MAC addresses
Using atftp

Click to display ⇲

Click to hide ⇱

As a single command-line:

atftp --trace --option "timeout 1" --option "mode octet" --put --local-file openwrt-xxx-x.x-xxx.bin IPv4.x.y.z

Step by step:

connect IPv4.x.y.z
mode octet
timeout 1
put openwrt-xxx-x.x-xxx.bin
Using netkit's tftp

Click to display ⇲

Click to hide ⇱

As a single command-line:

echo -e "binary\nrexmt 1\ntimeout 60\ntrace\nput openwrt-xxx-x.x-xxx.bin\n" | tftp IPv4.x.y.z

Step by step:

tftp IPv4.x.y.z
rexmt 1
timeout 60
Packet tracing on.
tftp> put openwrt-xxx-x.x-xxx.bin

Setting “rexmt 1” will cause the tftp client to constantly retry to send the file to the given address. As advised above, plug in your box after typing the commands, and as soon as the bootloader starts to listen, your client will successfully connect and send the firmware.

Some devices will also respond to ping while others do not.

Note: for some versions of the CFE bootloader, the last line may need to be “put openwrt-xxx-x.x-xxx.bin code.bin”. If this does not work try other variations instead of code.bin - e.g. openwrt-g-code.bin or openwrt-gs-code.bin.

One CFE version only worked after renaming the '....bin' file to 'code.bin'. From Linux Ubuntu I then used the command 'tftp -m binary -c put code.bin' and the transfer process came to life.

Using curl

Click to display ⇲

Click to hide ⇱

curl -T openwrt-xxx-x.x-xxx.bin tftp://IPv4.x.y.z


ip address add dev enp0s2; arp -s 02:aa:bb:cc:dd:20; curl -T openwrt-tftp.bin tftp://
using tftpd-hpa

On Mac OS X, you should be able to flash the router with the command line tftp client, which behaves identically to netkit's tftp above.

Some people have had problems with the command line tftp client, however, and recommend using MacTFTP Client instead:

  • Download, install, and open MacTFTP
  • Choose Send
  • Address: Your bootloaders IP address
  • Choose the openwrt-xxx-x.x-xxx.bin file
  • Click on start while applying power to the WRT54G

Many Macs will disable the Ethernet card when the router is powered off and will take too long to re-enable the card, causing the TFTP transfer to fail with an “Invalid Password” error. Many people have had success if they manually configure their network card (in the “Ethernet” tab of “Built-in Ethernet” in System Preferences' Network panel) to:

  • Configure: Manual (Advanced)
  • Speed: 10 BaseT/UTP
  • Duplex: full-duplex

Alternatively, you can connect the router to the Mac via a hub or switch; see the troubleshooting section for more information.

There are multiple tftp clients that you can choose from.

TFTP command line client short Instructions

  • Open a command window (cmd.exe) as administrator
  • Install the Windows tftp client:
    Dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:TFTP /All
  • Upload the new firmware file to the router:
    tftp -i //<bootloader IP tftp server address>// PUT OpenWrt-gs-code.bin
  • Now you may plug in the router (unplug it first if it was plugged).

Note that some bootloaders do not respond to ICMP ping.

  • Plug in your Windows network interface into the appropriate port on the device you will be flashing
  • Configure a static IP for your wired Ethernet interface to an appropriate IP address on the same subnet as your bootloader
    • Example: Your bootloader has an IP of (netmask of, so your Windows network configuration would use
    • See your device's OpenWrt wiki devicepage for specific settings that the router expects
  • Open an elevated command prompt
    • Start, Run, “cmd” on Windows 2000,XP,2003
    • Start, search on “cmd”, ctrl+shift+enter on Vista, 7, 2008, etc
      arp -s <bootloader's ip address> <bootloaders mac address> <your Windows static IP address>
    • Assists in avoiding delay in reaching tftp server on device
    • Windows MAC addresses use dashes instead of colons (ex: 00-00-00-00-00-00)
    • Windows 7 and other similar versions may require:
      netsh interface ipv4 add neighbors "Local Area Connection" <bootloaders ip address> <bootloaders mac address>
  • Disable Windows media sensing (shouldn't be necessary if you have a switch in the middle)
    netsh interface ipv4 set global dhcpmediasense=disabled
    netsh interface ipv6 set global dhcpmediasense=disabled
  • Disable Windows firewall and any other firewalls on your client machine (Most host firewalls do not block outbound traffic)
  • Unplug your router
  • Run your tftp program (chosen above)
  • Plug in router immediately after tftp program begins put attempts
  • Flash usually takes a few minutes. See your device's OpenWrt wiki devicepage for specifics
  • You will probably want to re-enable Windows media sensing and revert your other network changes

GUI TFTP clients

    1. Server is the IP address of your bootloader tftp server
    2. Password is typically blank
    3. Select the firmware file
    4. Set retries to 20 or more (most of the time you get it in 3)
    5. Click on Upgrade and it will constantly retry until it gets it
  • Windows 2000 and Windows XP and later have a built-in TFTP client that can be used to flash with OpenWrt firmware.

Don't forget about your firewall settings, if you use one. It is best to run the “put” command and then immediately apply power to the router, since the upload window is extremely short and very early in boot.

TFTP Error Reason
Code pattern is incorrect The firmware image you're uploading was intended for a different model.
Invalid Password The firmware has booted and you're connected to a password protected tftp server contained in the firmware, not the bootloader's tftp server.
Timeout Ping to verify the router is online
Try a different tftp client (some are known not to work properly)
Timeout Ping to the router works
NetworkManager (Linux) may still be running causing autosense. Try again with manual configuration.

Some machines will disable the ethernet when the router is powered off and not enable it until after the router has been powered on for a few seconds. If you're consistantly getting “Invalid Password” failures try connecting your computer and the router to a hub or switch. Doing so will keep the link up and prevent the computer from disabling its interface while the router is off.

Before you go searching for a hub to keep your link live, try setting your TCP/IP setting to a static IP (;; [gateway]) method instead of DHCP.

:!: If you can flash your router and after that it says “Boot program checksum is invalid” or “Invalid boot block on disk” on serial console try a different tftp client - atftp works well. This occurs with some netkit tftp packages and big firmwares.


FIXME would this be better to just exist in specific model's wiki pages?

FIXME should we create a page to list models with tftp support, noting which ones need the reset button trick?

On many routers, including the Asus WL-500g Premium v1 that I use, you flash an image by disconnecting power, press and hold down the reset button, and connect the power again. Wait a few seconds and the PWR LED will start to blink. Release the reset button. The device will now have a TFTP server running on

Note that many TP-Link models are reported to support the same trick, including the TL-WR740Nv4, TL-WDR4300v1, TL-WDR3600v1, TL-WR842NDv1, TL-WR841NDv8, TL-WR841Nv11, TL-WR841Nv12, TL-MR3020v1, TL-MR3220v2, TL-MR3420v2, TL-WR940Nv2, TL-WR941NDv5, TL-WR1042NDv1 and possibly any other TP-Link model that has a recent firmware upgrade from the manufacturer. For a summary and ongoing experiments, see:

You’ll have to use a Ethernet cable at this point. Connect it to LAN1-LAN4, not WAN. Configure your local machine on the 192.168.1.x/24 network, for example as The router will use

$ tftp
tftp> trace
Packet tracing on.
tftp> binary
tftp> put openwrt-brcm-2.4-squashfs.trx
sent WRQ <file=openwrt-brcm-2.4-squashfs.trx, mode=octet>
received ACK <block=0>
sent DATA <block=1, 512 bytes>
received ACK <block=1>
sent DATA <block=2, 512 bytes>
received ACK <block=2>
sent DATA <block=3, 512 bytes>
received ACK <block=3>
sent DATA <block=4, 512 bytes>
received ACK <block=4742>
sent DATA <block=4743, 512 bytes>
received ACK <block=4743>
sent DATA <block=4744, 512 bytes>
received ACK <block=4744>
sent DATA <block=4745, 0 bytes>
received ACK <block=4745>
Sent 2428928 bytes in 6.2 seconds
tftp> quit

Wait one minute and restart the box by disconnecting and reconnecting power. Some documentations claim that the device should restart by itself but I have never seen this happen, no matter how long I wait.

Check if your TFTP Server has sufficient access rights to files or directories. U-Boots TFTP Client / tftpboot can complain with:

## Error: 'Access violation' (2), starting again!
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  • Last modified: 2024/08/14 13:45
  • by rbeede