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OpenVPN 基础
- 如何在OpenWrt上配置运行OpenVPN服务器.
- 生成易于在不同的客户端设备间导入导出的OpenVPN客户端配置文件(profiles).
- 客户端的设置参考OpenVPN client,更多OpenVPN的高级特性的调整参考OpenVPN extras.
- 使用加密的网络连接模式来增强安全性和私密性
- 避免在客户端发生的数据泄露(Data leak)和流量欺骗(Traffic spoofing)
- 绕过地区性限制
- 摆脱针对客户端侧的内容审查和过滤
- 在访问局域网内服务的同时,避免通过端口映射将指定端口提供的服务直接暴露向公共网络
1. 防火墙
Consider VPN network as private and assign VPN interface to LAN zone to minimize firewall setup. Allow access to VPN server from WAN zone.
# Configure firewall uci set firewall.@zone[0].device="tun0" uci -q delete firewall.vpn uci set firewall.vpn="rule" uci set"Allow-OpenVPN" uci set firewall.vpn.src="wan" uci set firewall.vpn.dest_port="1194" uci set firewall.vpn.proto="udp" uci set"ACCEPT" uci commit firewall service firewall restart
2. PKI(公钥基础设施)
# Install packages opkg update opkg install openvpn-easy-rsa # Configuration parameters export EASYRSA_PKI="/etc/easy-rsa/pki" export EASYRSA_REQ_CN="vpnca" # Remove and re-initialize the PKI directory easyrsa --batch init-pki # Generate DH parameters # May take a while to complete (~25m on WRT3200ACM) easyrsa --batch gen-dh # Create a new CA easyrsa --batch build-ca nopass # Generate a key pair and sign locally for vpnserver easyrsa --batch build-server-full vpnserver nopass # Generate a key pair and sign locally for vpnclient easyrsa --batch build-client-full vpnclient nopass
3. VPN服务器的配置
# Install packages opkg update opkg install openvpn-openssl # Generate TLS PSK EASYRSA_PKI="/etc/easy-rsa/pki" openvpn --genkey --secret "${EASYRSA_PKI}/tc.pem" # Configuration parameters VPN_DEV="$(uci get firewall.@zone[0].device)" VPN_POOL="" VPN_DNS="${VPN_POOL%.* *}.1" VPN_DOMAIN="$(uci get dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].domain)" EASYRSA_PKI="/etc/easy-rsa/pki" DH_KEY="$(cat "${EASYRSA_PKI}/dh.pem")" TC_KEY="$(sed -e "/^#/d;/^\w/N;s/\n//" "${EASYRSA_PKI}/tc.pem")" CA_CERT="$(openssl x509 -in "${EASYRSA_PKI}/ca.crt")" NL=$'\n' # Configure VPN server grep -l -r -e "TLS Web Server Authentication" "${EASYRSA_PKI}/issued" \ | sed -e "s/^.*\///;s/\.\w*$//" \ | while read VPN_ID do VPN_CONF="/etc/openvpn/${VPN_ID}.conf" VPN_CERT="$(openssl x509 -in "${EASYRSA_PKI}/issued/${VPN_ID}.crt")" VPN_KEY="$(cat "${EASYRSA_PKI}/private/${VPN_ID}.key")" cat << EOF > "${VPN_CONF}" verb 3 user nobody group nogroup dev ${VPN_DEV} port 1194 proto udp server ${VPN_POOL} topology subnet client-to-client keepalive 10 120 persist-tun persist-key push "dhcp-option DNS ${VPN_DNS}" push "dhcp-option DOMAIN ${VPN_DOMAIN}" push "redirect-gateway def1" push "persist-tun" push "persist-key" <dh>${NL}${DH_KEY}${NL}</dh> <tls-crypt>${NL}${TC_KEY}${NL}</tls-crypt> <ca>${NL}${CA_CERT}${NL}</ca> <cert>${NL}${VPN_CERT}${NL}</cert> <key>${NL}${VPN_KEY}${NL}</key> EOF chmod "u=rw,g=,o=" "${VPN_CONF}" done service openvpn restart
See also: Instance management, Dual-stack gateway
4. 客户端的配置文件(profiles)
为VPN客户端生成配置文件(profiles)。 如果需要,也可以设置 DDNS client。
# Fetch WAN IP address source /lib/functions/ network_find_wan NET_IF network_get_ipaddr VPN_SERV "${NET_IF}" # Fetch FQDN from DDNS client VPN_FQDN="$(uci -q get "$(uci -q show ddns \ | sed -n -e "/\.enabled='1'$/s//.lookup_host/p" \ | sed -n -e "1p")")" if [ -n "${VPN_FQDN}" ] then VPN_SERV="${VPN_FQDN}" fi # Configuration parameters VPN_CONF="/etc/openvpn/vpnserver.conf" VPN_PORT="$(sed -n -e "/^port\s/s///p" "${VPN_CONF}")" VPN_PROTO="$(sed -n -e "/^proto\s/s///p" "${VPN_CONF}")" VPN_DEV="$(sed -n -e "/^dev\s/s///p" "${VPN_CONF}")" EASYRSA_PKI="/etc/easy-rsa/pki" TC_KEY="$(sed -e "/^#/d;/^\w/N;s/\n//" "${EASYRSA_PKI}/tc.pem")" CA_CERT="$(openssl x509 -in "${EASYRSA_PKI}/ca.crt")" NL=$'\n' # Generate VPN client profiles grep -l -r -e "TLS Web Client Authentication" "${EASYRSA_PKI}/issued" \ | sed -e "s/^.*\///;s/\.\w*$//" \ | while read VPN_ID do VPN_CONF="/etc/openvpn/${VPN_ID}.ovpn" VPN_CERT="$(openssl x509 -in "${EASYRSA_PKI}/issued/${VPN_ID}.crt")" VPN_KEY="$(cat "${EASYRSA_PKI}/private/${VPN_ID}.key")" cat << EOF > "${VPN_CONF}" verb 3 dev ${VPN_DEV%%[0-9]*} nobind client remote ${VPN_SERV} ${VPN_PORT} ${VPN_PROTO} auth-nocache remote-cert-tls server <tls-crypt>${NL}${TC_KEY}${NL}</tls-crypt> <ca>${NL}${CA_CERT}${NL}</ca> <cert>${NL}${VPN_CERT}${NL}</cert> <key>${NL}${VPN_KEY}${NL}</key> EOF chmod "u=rw,g=,o=" "${VPN_CONF}" done ls /etc/openvpn/*.ovpn
Perform OpenWrt backup. Extract client profiles from the archive and import them to your clients.
See also: Client fixes, Recommended clients
traceroute traceroute6
检查客户端的公网IP地址: *
确保在客户端一侧没有DNS leak。 *
Delegate a public IPv6 prefix to the IPv6 VPN network to use IPv6 by default. *
Collect and analyze the following information.
# Restart services service log restart; service openvpn restart; sleep 10 # Log and status logread -e openvpn; netstat -l -n -p | grep -e openvpn # Runtime configuration pgrep -f -a openvpn ip address show; ip route show table all ip rule show; ip -6 rule show; nft list ruleset # Persistent configuration uci show network; uci show firewall; uci show openvpn head -n -0 /etc/openvpn/*.conf