Конфигурация в fstab
Fstab это сокращение от file systems table (таблица системных файлов), это главный конфигурационный файл определяющий какие устройства или файловые системы куда монтируются. Это файл читается в момент загрузки системы и анализируется для определения что и куда монтировать. В данном файле могут описываться так же специальные файловые системы для примера как swap-раздел (раздел дополнительной виртуальной памяти см. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Подкачка_страниц). Так же в данном файле могут находится описания для автоматизации подключения файловых систем, монтирование которых происходит или в ручном режиме или недоступных на момент загрузки системы. Созданная или измененная конфигурация через графический интерфейс uci может содержать все необходимые опции и ключи и это файл находится в
Пакет block-mount
(смотри block_mount ) содержит несколько скриптов для осуществления применения (монтирования) данной конфигурации из fstab. Для примера, block-mount имеет скрипты для монтирования в процесс загрузки системы или скрипт который запускается при подключении USB-устройства хранения данных конфигурация которого описана в fstab. Он так содержит скрипт загрузки Extroot. Эта статья объясняет, как конфигурация UCI Fstab долженая быть настроена.
Изучите примечание Notes прежде чем продолжить. Так же прочитайте storage для общей информации о раздела устройств, создании файловой системы и монтирования файловой системы.
Файловые системы BTRFS, JFS, UBI, XFS и возможно другие (F2FS...) не поддерживаются в /etc/config/fstab. Для их монтирования необходимо использовать отдельные скрипты.
![]() | В сборке r36988 пакет block-mount был изменен. Для работы с fstab новый пакет block-mount содержит команду block для упрощения монтирования. Новый пакет ubox который устанавливается автоматически по зависимость от block-mount заменяет функционал монтирования. Вы можете запустить block <info|mount|umount|detect> . |
Начальная конфигурация
Установка пакетов
Пакет block-mount
требуется для работы fstab. Его функциональность теперь предоставляется ubox
. Он создан для поддержки стандарта конфигурации init.d:
- Установка
opkg update opkg install block-mount
Автоматическое создание fstab
После сборки r36988, когда устанавливается block-mount
, вы может использовать новую утилиту block
. Вызовите block detect
для получения простой конфигурации uci в файл. Далее вы можете ее изменить на свое усмотрение.
Для быстрого создания fstab можно использовать:
block detect > /etc/config/fstab
Далее отредактируйте ваш fstab в редакторе vi. Для понимания как работает редактор смотрите vi:
vi /etc/config/fstab
Если точка монтирования “корень” /
то вы начнете использовать extroot в процессе загрузки. Так же смотрите Extroot. Запустите block info
для получения актуальных uuid доступных файловых систем. Так же смотри : block_mount для технических подробностей о процессе монтирования и использованных скриптах и командах.
Enable fstab at Boot
- enable (make it start automatically on every boot up)
/etc/init.d/fstab enable
- and start (right now)
/etc/init.d/fstab start
Whenever you change your configuration, restart this to make it take effect:
/etc/init.d/fstab restart
As of, or before 2014-04-14, running:
/etc/init.d/fstab start|restart
results in the following error message:
this file has been obseleted. please call "/sbin/block mount" directly
. Need to document the [b]new[b] proper way of doing things for Barrier Breaker.
The configuration file consists of mount sections defining file systems to be mounted and swap partitions to be activated.
Example Configuration
A sample configuration looks as follows:
#### Global options config 'global' # mount swap devices that don't have their own config section option anon_swap '0' # mount block devices that don't have their own config section option anon_mount '0' # automatically mount block devices when they appear option auto_swap '1' # automatically mount swap devices when they appear option auto_mount '1' # wait X seconds before trying to mount root devices on boot option delay_root '0' # run e2fsck on device prior to a mount option check_fs '0' #### Mount sections. Note that partitions/devices can either be defined it by their device file, mount point or UUID (or more at the same time). # a swap partition config 'swap' option device 'sda1' option uuid 'd3c87695-886f-4579-ae94-0a3bb3eb6046' # a swap file config 'swap' option device '/mnt/shared/swap' # a swap device by label (mkswap -L swap /dev/sdb2) config 'swap' option label 'swap' # a pivot overlay device (ext4) for extroot config 'mount' option target '/overlay' option uuid '998d4bfc-81b5-469a-be2a-999ed2b81d88' # and a data partition (vfat) config 'mount' option target '/data' option uuid 'e10e-6812'
the sections below are often related to old versions before trunk r36988.
There is one global
section named automount
which defines the hotplug automounting behaviour.
This example is included by default:
config 'global' 'automount'
option 'from_fstab' '1'
option 'anon_mount' '1'
The automount
section contains these settings:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
from_fstab | boolean | no | 1 | Whether to use mount sections when doing hotplug mounts |
anon_mount | boolean | no | 1 | When using hotplug mounts, whether to automatically mount filesystems not defined in a mount section under /mnt/$device |
There is one global
section named autoswap
which defines the hotplug auto swap behaviour.
This example is included by default:
config 'global' 'autoswap'
option 'from_fstab' '1'
option 'anon_swap' '0 ' |
The autoswap
section contains these settings:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
from_fstab | boolean | no | 1 | Whether to use swap sections when doing hotplug swap on |
anon_swap | boolean | no | 0 | When using hotplug swapon, whether to automatically swapon devices not defined in a swap section |
Mounting Filesystem
Each mount
section defines a filesystem to be mounted at boot. Filesystems must be formatted before they can be used.
section can not be renamed by user (such as “storage” instead of “mount”).
This example is included by default:
config 'mount'
option 'target' '/home'
option 'device' '/dev/sda1'
option 'fstype' 'ext4'
option 'options' 'rw,sync'
option 'enabled' '0'
option 'enabled_fsck' '0 ' |
The mount
section contains these settings:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
device | string | yes or uuid or label | (none) | Device (partition) to mount the filesystem from. If uuid or label are specified, they are used, rather than device . |
uuid | string | yes or device or label | (none) | UUID of device (partition) to mount the filesystem from, as shown by blkid . If uuid is present in the mount section, it is used in preference to label or device . |
label | string | yes or device or uuid | (none) | LABEL of device (partition) to mount the filesystem from, as shown by blkid . If uuid is present in the mount section, it takes precedence. label takes precedence over device . |
enabled | boolean | no | 1 | Whether to mount this filesystem automatically at boot. |
fstype | string | no | auto | Type of the filesystem (i.e. ext3 ). remote file systems |
options | string | no | rw | Mount options for this filesystem. |
target | string | yes | (none) | Target directory to mount the filesystem onto. After trunk r25787 specifying '/overlay ' here means this filesystem will be mounted as the overlay-based rootfs, while after trunk r26109 specifying '/ ' here means the filesystem will be mounted as regular rootfs (that is not overlay-based) (see extroot). Neither '/ ' nor '/overlay ' aplies to Backfire. |
enabled_fsck | boolean | no | 0 | Whether to automatically check for/repair errors before mounting the filesystem. |
is_rootfs | boolean | no | 0 | »Please read the particular article extroot_configuration for this functionality!«![]() Before r25787 it is required for block-extroot mounts |
Adding Swap Partitions
Each swap
section defines a swap partition to be activated at boot.
Swap partitions must be formatted before they can be used and the
package needs to be installed!
Swap partitions must be first defined (i.e. formatted and hex type 82 (LINUX_SWAP) selected as its partition type) using the
mkswap /dev/device
This example is included by default:
config 'swap'
option 'device' '/dev/sda2'
option 'enabled' '0 ' |
The swap
section contains these settings:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
device | string | yes or uuid or label | (none) | Device (partition) to mount the swap from. uuid and label take precedence |
uuid | string | yes or device or label | (none) | UUID of device (partition) to mount the swap from, as shown by blkid. If uuid is present in the mount section, it is used in preference to label or device . |
label | string | yes or device or uuid | (none) | LABEL of device (partition) to mount the swap from, as shown by blkid. If uuid is present in the mount section, it takes precedence. label takes precedence over device . |
enabled | boolean | no | 1 | Whether to activate this swap partition automatically at boot. |
The right amount of SWAP
If you ask people or search the net, you will find as a general rule of thumb double RAM for machines with 512MiB of RAM or less than, and same amount as RAM for machines with more. But this very rough estimate does apply for your embedded device! Be aware that there are exactly two differences between RAM and SWAP, that matter: the access time and the price. A CUPS spooling server will run just fine, when only SWAP is available, whereas some applications may perform very poorly when their data it stored on the SWAP rather then being kept in the “real” RAM. The decision which data is kept in the RAM and which is stored on the SWAP is made by the system. As explained here Debian Forum (german) since Kernel 2.6 you can define the swapiness
of your system:
root@OpenWrt:~# sysctl -w vm.swappiness=60 root@OpenWrt:~# echo 60 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
In contrast to other operating systems, Linux makes ample use of memory, so that your system runs smoother and more efficiently. If memory is then needed by an application, the system will unload stuff again, and make memory available. For OpenWrt, let us just say to use as much SWAP-Space as needed by your applications running. If this should not perform well, because of the poor access time, it would not help to decrease the amount of SWAP, but only to run fewer services at the same time or increase the amount of RAM with a soldering iron
OpenWrt vanilla will run just fine, with no SWAP at all. But after you installed a couple of applications, you could try to mount a SWAP-Partition and see what is does for you. Do not worry, you can not brake anything by doing that. The manual commands are swapon /dev/sdaX
to mount respectivly swapoff /dev/sdaX
to unmount. Type in free
to see the usage of memory:
root@OpenWrt:~# free total used free shared buffers Mem: 29484 28540 944 0 1116 Swap: 524280 2336 521944 Total: 553764 30876 522888
In this example there is 32MiB of RAM and 512MiB of SWAP. SWAP is a SWAP-formated 512MiB-Partition on a large USB-Harddisk. In this example, only 2MiB of swap are being used! And you do not see here, that actually a TMPFS-Directory is allowed to use as much as half the RAM. Use df
to see that:
root@OpenWrt:~# df Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/root 1280 1280 0 100% /rom tmpfs 14744 116 14628 1% /tmp <= //Up to 14MiB of RAM may be used here, the// tmpfs 512 0 512 0% /dev //tmpfs directories grow and shrink with usage!// /dev/mtdblock3 5440 4988 452 92% /overlay mini_fo:/overlay 1280 1280 0 100% / /dev/sda2 2709204 86276 2485284 3% /mnt/sda2 /dev/sda3 7224600 147320 6710196 2% /mnt/sda3
In this example, it would probably perform better, to mount the /tmp-directory on the USB-Harddisk and not use TMPFS at all, rather than using a 512MiB-Swap Partition. But you can also see, that overlay
has only 8% space left to install programs on. So in this example it would be even better to use the extroot option. See extroot_configuration
for that.
Supersizing /tmp directory
If you want to store large amount of data in your /tmp
folder you may hit size limit of tmpfs partitions, which is by default 50 % of your RAM. Because your RAM size is limited and probably better utilized by applications, you want the files in /tmp
to be moved to swap as soon as applications need more RAM for themself.
- We will remove the limit of 50 % of RAM. You can set
parameter to the size of your swap.- temporarily:
mount -t tmpfs -o remount,rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,size=256M tmpfs /tmp
- permanently in
:config 'mount' option 'target' '/tmp' option 'device' 'tmpfs' option 'fstype' 'tmpfs' option 'options' 'remount,rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,size=256M' option 'enabled_fsck' '0' option 'enabled' '1'
- And we will set
files to be more likely swapped than applications in RAM.- temporarily:
echo 5 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
- permanently:
sysctl -w vm.swappiness=5
You can revert the changes by:
mount -t tmpfs -o remount,rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,size=50% tmpfs /tmp
echo 60 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
sysctl -w vm.swappiness=60
Sleep before startup
I installed the packages, enabled the fstab, and changed my fstab config file. When I restart, the drive does NOT show up. I can issue an /etc/init.d/fstab start
and I get an error that it can't find a file (/tmp/fstab
) but the drive mounts. I took the advice from this posting https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=27210 and put “sleep 15” in the start function of the /etc/init.d/fstab
file. (I'm using a USB stick) That fixed the problem.
start() {
sleep 15
config_load fstab
mkdir -p /var/lock
lock /var/lock/fstab.lck
#echo '# WARNING: this is an auto generated file, please use uci to set defined filesystems' > /etc/fstab
lock -u /var/lock/fstab.lck
config_foreach do_mount mount
config_foreach do_swapon swap
} |
Fstab does not mount partition on boot
Symptoms: You can mount your partition with mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /mnt -o rw,sync
, but fstab won't mount it automatically on reboot. You are using Backfire or older version.
Solution: Despite you have installed block-mount
try to install block-hotplug
opkg update opkg install block-hotplug
Note: This may or may not apply also to block-extroot
. This problem should not occur in Attitude Adjustment.
block-mount : Scripts used to mount and check block devices (file systems and swap), as well as hotplug scripts to automount and check block devices when hotplug event (e.g. from plugging in a device) occurs. Also includes preinit scripts for mounting a block device as the root filesystem. This allows one to have the root filesystem on devices other than the built in flash device. |
![]() | As of trunk r26314 block-extroot and block-hotplug have been merged with block-mount , they're still separate in Backfire. |
![]() | In the OpenWrt 'Backfire' 10.03 release there is a bug. Solution is: vi /etc/init.d/fstab and put a # in front of the line: echo '# WARNING: this is an auto generated file, please use UCI to set defined filesystems' > /etc/fstab
This creates the file ln -s /tmp/fstab /etc/fstab It will create a symlink to the /tmp/fstab file, fixing the bug completely. |
![]() | In the OpenWrt 'Backfire' 14.07 release, the tmpfs resize option via fstab config does not work |
UUID or Label mount
- remove mount, umount provided by BusyBox
rm /bin/mount rm /bin/umount
- install mount-utils
opkg update opkg install mount-utils
- find UUID or Label
blkid /dev/sda1
- mount a disk
mount LABEL=xxx /mnt mount UUID=xxx /mnt