Конфигурация межсетевого экрана
Конфигурация межсетевого экрана 1) находится в файле /etc/config/firewall
Для пакетной фильтрации, NAT и искажения пакетов (mangling, манглинг) OpenWrt использует netfilter. с Для упрощения настройки файрволл UCI предоставляет абстрагированный от подсистемы ядра iptables
интерфейс конфигурации, что является вполне достаточным в большинстве случаев, но в то же время этот интерфейс сохраняет возможность пользователю - когда это необходимо - самостоятельно определить необходимые нестандартные правила iptables
. Файрволл UCI отображает один и более интерфейсов 2) в специальные зоны 3), которые используются для для описания правил по-умолчанию для данного интерфейса, правил пересылки пакетов между интерфейсами 4), а также дополнительные правила, которые не подпадают под первые два типа. В конфигурационном файле правила по-умолчанию идут первыми, но вступают в силу последними. Система netfilter является системой фильтрации с последовательной 5) обработкой, в которой пакеты последовательно, по цепочке, обрабатываются различными правилами. Первое совпавшее 6) правило выполняется, но оно часто выполняет переход на другую цепочку правил, по которой движется пакет пока не встретит команды ACCEPT 7) или DROP/REJECT 8). Правила с такими командами выполняются последними в цепочке правил, поэтому правила по-умолчанию вступят в силу последними, а более конкретные правила будут проверяться в первую очередь. Зоны также используются для конфигурации маскарадинга 9), также известного как NAT 10), а также для конфигурации правил переадресации портов, более известных как редирект 11).
Зоны должны всегда отображаться на один или несколько интерфейсов, что в конечном счете приводит к их отображению на физическое устройство; поэтому зоны не могут быть использованы для конкретных сетей (подсетей), и генерируемые правила iptables
работают исключительно с пакетами на интерфейсах.
The difference is that interfaces can be used to reach destinations not part of their own subnet, when their subnet contains another gateway. Usually however, forwarding is done between lan and wan interfaces, with the router serving as 'edge' gateway to the internet. The default configuration of UCI Firewall provides for such a common setup.
) и его зависимости (уже инсталлированы)iptables
(уже инсталлированы)iptables-mod-?
(опционально), см. OPKG Netfilter Packages.
Ниже обзор типов секций которые могут быть определены в конфигурации файрволла.
Минимальная конфигурация файрволла
A minimal firewall configuration for a router usually consists of one defaults section, at least two zones (lan
and wan
) and one forwarding to allow traffic from lan
to wan
. (The forwarding section is not strictly required when there are no more than two zones as the rule can then be set as the 'global default' for that zone.)
Значения "по-умолчанию"
Секция defaults
12) определяет глобальные установки файрвола, которые не принадлежат каким-либо конкретным зонам.
В этой секции определяются следующие опции:
Имя | Тип | Обязательная опция | Значение “по-умолчанию” | Описание |
input | string | нет | REJECT | Set policy for the INPUT chain of the filter table. |
output | string | нет | REJECT | Set policy for the OUTPUT chain of the filter table. |
forward | string | нет | REJECT | Set policy for the FORWARD chain of the filter table. |
drop_invalid | boolean | нет | 0 | Drop invalid packets (e.g. not matching any active connection). |
syn_flood | boolean | нет | 0 | Enable SYN flood protection (obsoleted by synflood_protect setting). |
synflood_protect | boolean | нет | 0 | Enable SYN flood protection. |
synflood_rate | string | нет | 25 | Set rate limit (packets/second) for SYN packets above which the traffic is considered a flood. |
synflood_burst | string | нет | 50 | Set burst limit for SYN packets above which the traffic is considered a flood if it exceeds the allowed rate. |
tcp_syncookies | boolean | нет | 1 | Enable the use of SYN cookies. |
tcp_ecn | boolean | нет | 0 | |
tcp_westwood | boolean | нет | 0 | |
tcp_window_scaling | boolean | нет | 1 | Enable TCP window scaling. |
accept_redirects | boolean | нет | 0 | |
accept_source_route | boolean | нет | 0 | |
custom_chains | boolean | нет | 1 | |
disable_ipv6 | boolean | нет | 0 | Disable IPv6 firewall rules. |
Секция zone
группирует один или несколько интерфейсов, или IP-диапазонов для использования как источник - source, или назначение - destination, для пересылки трафика между интерфейсами - forwardings, создания правил - rules, и перенаправлений - redirects. Маскировка внутренних сетей (NAT - masquerading) для исходящего трафика также управляется на основе зон. К сведению! Маскирование задаётся на интерфейсе, из которого замаскированный трафик будет исходить.
- правило INPUT для зоны описывает, что произойдёт с трафиком, входящим в роутер через интерфейсы этой зоны.
- правило OUTPUT для зоны описывает, что произойдёт с трафиком, исходящим от самого роутера через интерфейсы этой зоны.
- правило FORWARD для зоны описывает, что произойдёт с трафиком, проходящим между различными интерфейсами внутри этой зоны.
Ниже представлены параметры, используемые в секции zone
Имя | Тип | Требуются? | Default | Описание |
name | zone name | yes | (none) | уникальное имя зоны |
network | list | no | (none) | Список интерфейсов прикреплённых к этой зоне. Если параметр опущен и нет других extra*. опций, подсетей (subnets), или устройств (devices), имя зоны будет использовано как имя интерфейса, прикреплённого к зоне. |
masq | boolean | no | 0 | Описывает, должен ли маскироваться исходящий (outgoing) тафик зоны. Обычно так делается на wan-зонах. |
masq_src | list of subnets | no | | Маскирует только заданную внутреннюю подсеть. При указании ! перед префиксом сети, будут маскироваться все сети кроме этой. допустимо указание нескольких сетей. |
masq_dest | list of subnets | no | | Предпиывает маскировку только для заданных dest-сетей. При указании ! перед префиксом сети, будут маскироваться все сети кроме этой. допустимо указание нескольких сетей. |
conntrack | boolean | no | 1 если используется маскировка, 0 иначе | Принудительно включает трэкинг соединений для этой зоны (см. заметки по connection tracking) |
mtu_fix | boolean | no | 0 | разрешает MSS clamping для исходящего трафика зоны |
input | string | no | DROP | Стандартная политика (ACCEPT , REJECT , DROP ) для входящего трафика зоны. |
forward | string | no | DROP | Стандартная политика (ACCEPT , REJECT , DROP ) для forwarded трафика зоны. |
output | string | no | DROP | Стандартная политика (ACCEPT , REJECT , DROP ) для исходящего трафика зоны. |
family | string | no | any | семейство протоколов (ipv4 , ipv6 or any ) для генерации iptables rules. |
log | boolean | no | 0 | Стимулирует запись в лог событий reject и drop для трафика этой зоны. |
log_limit | string | no | N * 10/minute | Ограничивает количество сообщений в логе за интервал времени. |
device | list | no | (none) | Список низкоуровневых сетевых интерфейсов, привязанных к этой зоне. Если указать, для примера, ppp+ , этому будут соответствовать любой PPP-интерфейс. Поддерживается только Firewall v2, версии 58 или выше |
subnet | list | no | (none) | Список IP-подсетей, привязанных к этой зоне. Поддерживается только Firewall v2, версии 58 или выше. |
extra | string | no | (none) | Дополнительные аргументы, переданные напрямую iptables. Эти параметры будут переданы и source и destination правилам классификации, поэтому опциям, зависящим от направления, таким как --dport не должны использоваться здесь. - В этом случае надо использовать extra_src и extra_dest параметры. Поддерживается только Firewall v2, версии 58 или выше. |
extra_src | string | no | Value of extra | Дополнительные аргументы, для классификации source-правил, переданные напрямую iptables. Поддерживается только Firewall v2, версии 58 или выше. |
extra_dest | string | no | Value of extra | Дополнительные аргументы, для классификации destination-правил, переданные напрямую iptables. Поддерживается только Firewall v2, версии 58 или выше. |
The forwarding
sections control the traffic flow between zones and may enable MSS clamping for specific directions. Only one direction is covered by a forwarding
rule. To allow bidirectional traffic flows between two zones, two forwardings are required, with src
and dest
reversed in each.
Below is a listing of allowed option within forwardings:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
src | zone name | yes | (none) | Specifies the traffic source zone. Must refer to one of the defined zone names |
dest | zone name | yes | (none) | Specifies the traffic destination zone. Must refer to one of the defined zone names |
mtu_fix | | | 0 | zone sections in 8.09.2+) |
family | string | no | any | Protocol family (ipv4 , ipv6 or any ) to generate iptables rules for. |
The iptables rules generated for this section rely on the state match which needs connection tracking to work.
At least one of the src
or dest
zones needs to have connection tracking enabled through either the masq
or the conntrack
Port forwardings (DNAT) are defined by redirect
sections. All incoming traffic on the specified source zone which matches the given rules will be directed to the specified internal host.
Redirects are also commonly known as “port forwarding”, and “virtual servers”.
The options below are valid for redirects:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
src | zone name | yes for DNAT target | (none) | Specifies the traffic source zone. Must refer to one of the defined zone names. For typical port forwards this usually is wan |
src_ip | ip address | no | (none) | Match incoming traffic from the specified source ip address |
src_dip | ip address | yes for SNAT target | (none) | For DNAT, match incoming traffic directed at the given destination ip address. For SNAT rewrite the source address to the given address. |
src_mac | mac address | no | (none) | Match incoming traffic from the specified mac address |
src_port | port or range | no | (none) | Match incoming traffic originating from the given source port or port range on the client host |
src_dport | port or range | no | (none) | For DNAT, match incoming traffic directed at the given destination port or port range on this host. For SNAT rewrite the source ports to the given value. |
proto | protocol name or number | yes | tcp udp | Match incoming traffic using the given protocol |
dest | zone name | yes for SNAT target | (none) | Specifies the traffic destination zone, must refer to one of the defined zone names. |
dest_ip | ip address | yes for DNAT target | (none) | For DNAT, redirect matched incoming traffic to the specified internal host. For SNAT, match traffic directed at the given address. |
dest_port | port or range | no | (none) | For DNAT, redirect matched incoming traffic to the given port on the internal host. For SNAT, match traffic directed at the given ports. |
ipset | string | no | (none) | If specified, match traffic against the given ipset. The match can be inverted by prefixing the value with an exclamation mark |
mark | string | no | (none) | If specified, match traffic against the given firewall mark, e.g. 0xFF to match mark 255 or 0x0/0x1 to match any even mark value. The match can be inverted by prefixing the value with an exclamation mark, e.g. !0x10 to match all but mark #16. |
start_date | date (yyyy-mm-dd ) | no | (always) | If specifed, only match traffic after the given date (inclusive). |
stop_date | date (yyyy-mm-dd ) | no | (always) | If specified, only match traffic before the given date (inclusive). |
start_time | time (hh:mm:ss ) | no | (always) | If specified, only match traffic after the given time of day (inclusive). |
stop_time | time (hh:mm:ss ) | no | (always) | If specified, only match traffic before the given time of day (inclusive). |
weekdays | list of weekdays | no | (always) | If specified, only match traffic during the given week days, e.g. sun mon thu fri to only match on sundays, mondays, thursdays and fridays. The list can be inverted by prefixing it with an exclamation mark, e.g. ! sat sun to always match but on saturdays and sundays. |
monthdays | list of dates | no | (always) | If specified, only match traffic during the given days of the month, e.g. 2 5 30 to only match on every 2nd, 5th and 30rd day of the month. The list can be inverted by prefixing it with an exclamation mark, e.g. ! 31 to always match but on the 31st of the month. |
utc_time | boolean | no | 0 | Treat all given time values as UTC time instead of local time. |
target | string | no | DNAT | NAT target (DNAT or SNAT ) to use when generating the rule |
family | string | no | any | Protocol family (ipv4 , ipv6 or any ) to generate iptables rules for. |
reflection | boolean | no | 1 | Disables NAT reflection for this redirect if set to 0 - applicable to DNAT targets. |
reflection_src | string | no | internal | The source address to use for NAT-reflected packets if reflection is 1 . This can be internal or external , specifying which interface’s address to use. Applicable to DNAT targets. |
limit | string | no | (none) | Maximum average matching rate; specified as a number, with an optional /second , /minute , /hour or /day suffix. Example: 3/hour . |
limit_burst | integer | no | 5 | Maximum initial number of packets to match, allowing a short-term average above limit |
extra | string | no | (none) | Extra arguments to pass to iptables. Useful mainly to specify additional match options, such as -m policy --dir in for IPsec. |
Sections of the type rule
can be used to define basic accept or reject rules to allow or restrict access to specific ports or hosts.
Up to Firewall v2, version 57 and below the rules behave like redirects and are tied to the given source zone and match incoming traffic occuring there.
In later versions the rules are defined as follows:
- If
are given, the rule matches forwarded traffic - If only
is given, the rule matches incoming traffic - If only
is given, the rule matches outgoing traffic - If neither
are given, the rule defaults to an outgoing traffic rule
Valid options for this section are:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
src | zone name | yes ( optional since Firewall v2, version 58 and above) | (none) | Specifies the traffic source zone. Must refer to one of the defined zone names. |
src_ip | ip address | no | (none) | Match incoming traffic from the specified source ip address |
src_mac | mac address | no | (none) | Match incoming traffic from the specified mac address |
src_port | port or range | no | (none) | Match incoming traffic from the specified source port or port range, if relevant proto is specified. |
proto | protocol name or number | no | tcp udp | Match incoming traffic using the given protocol. Can be one of tcp , udp , udplite , icmp , esp , ah , sctp , or all or it can be a numeric value, representing one of these protocols or a different one. A protocol name from /etc/protocols is also allowed. The number 0 is equivalent to all . |
dest | zone name | no | (none) | Specifies the traffic destination zone. Must refer to one of the defined zone names, or * for any zone. If specified, the rule applies to forwarded traffic; otherwise, it is treated as input rule. |
dest_ip | ip address | no | (none) | Match incoming traffic directed to the specified destination ip address. With no dest zone, this is treated as an input rule! |
dest_port | port or range | no | (none) | Match incoming traffic directed at the given destination port or port range, if relevant proto is specified. |
ipset | string | no | (none) | If specified, match traffic against the given ipset. The match can be inverted by prefixing the value with an exclamation mark |
mark | mark/mask | no | (none) | If specified, match traffic against the given firewall mark, e.g. 0xFF to match mark 255 or 0x0/0x1 to match any even mark value. The match can be inverted by prefixing the value with an exclamation mark, e.g. !0x10 to match all but mark #16. |
start_date | date (yyyy-mm-dd ) | no | (always) | If specifed, only match traffic after the given date (inclusive). |
stop_date | date (yyyy-mm-dd ) | no | (always) | If specified, only match traffic before the given date (inclusive). |
start_time | time (hh:mm:ss ) | no | (always) | If specified, only match traffic after the given time of day (inclusive). |
stop_time | time (hh:mm:ss ) | no | (always) | If specified, only match traffic before the given time of day (inclusive). |
weekdays | list of weekdays | no | (always) | If specified, only match traffic during the given week days, e.g. sun mon thu fri to only match on sundays, mondays, thursdays and fridays. The list can be inverted by prefixing it with an exclamation mark, e.g. ! sat sun to always match but on saturdays and sundays. |
monthdays | list of dates | no | (always) | If specified, only match traffic during the given days of the month, e.g. 2 5 30 to only match on every 2nd, 5th and 30rd day of the month. The list can be inverted by prefixing it with an exclamation mark, e.g. ! 31 to always match but on the 31st of the month. |
utc_time | boolean | no | 0 | Treat all given time values as UTC time instead of local time. |
target | string | yes | DROP | Firewall action (ACCEPT , REJECT , DROP , MARK , NOTRACK ) for matched traffic |
set_mark | mark/mask | yes for target MARK | (none) | Zeroes out the bits given by mask and ORs value into the packet mark. If mask is omitted, 0xFFFFFFFF is assumed |
set_xmark | Zeroes out the bits given by mask and XORs value into the packet mark. If mask is omitted, 0xFFFFFFFF is assumed | |||
family | string | no | any | Protocol family (ipv4 , ipv6 or any ) to generate iptables rules for. |
limit | string | no | (none) | Maximum average matching rate; specified as a number, with an optional /second , /minute , /hour or /day suffix. Example: 3/hour . |
limit_burst | integer | no | 5 | Maximum initial number of packets to match, allowing a short-term average above limit |
extra | string | no | (none) | Extra arguments to pass to iptables. Useful mainly to specify additional match options, such as -m policy --dir in for IPsec. |
It is possible to include custom firewall scripts by specifying one or more include
sections in the firewall configuration.
There is only one possible parameter for includes:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
enabled | boolean | no | 1 | Allows to disable the corresponding include without having to delete the section |
type | string | no | script | Specifies the type of the include, can be script for traditional shell script includes or restore for plain files in iptables-restore format |
path | file name | yes | /etc/firewall.user | Specifies a shell script to execute on boot or firewall restarts |
family | string | no | any | Specifies the address family (ipv4 , ipv6 or any ) for which the include is called |
reload | boolean | no | 0 | Specifies whether the include should be called on reload - this is only needed if the include injects rules into internal chains |
Includes of type script
may contain arbitary commands, for example advanced iptables rules or tc commands required for traffic shaping.
Since custom iptables rules are meant to be more specific than the generic ones, you must make sure to use -I
(insert) instead of -A
(append) so that the rules appear before the default rules.
IP Sets
The UCI firewall version 3 supports referencing or creating ipsets to simplify matching of huge address or port lists without the need for creating one rule per item to match,
The following options are defined for ipsets:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
enabled | boolean | no | 1 | Allows to disable the declaration fo the ipset without the need to delete the section. |
external | string | no | (none) | If the external option is set to a name, the firewall will simply reference an already existing ipset pointed to by the name. If the external option is unset, the firewall will create the ipset on start and destroy it on stop. |
name | string | yes if external is unset no if external is set | (none) if external is unset value of external if external is set | Specifies the firewall internal name of the ipset which is used to reference the set in rules or redirects. |
family | string | no | ipv4 | Protocol family (ipv4 or ipv6 ) to create ipset for. Only applicable to storage types hash and list , the bitmap type implies ipv4 . |
storage | string | no | varies | Specifies the storage method (bitmap , hash or list ) used by the ipset, the default varies depending on the used datatypes (see match option below). In most cases the storage method can be automatically inferred from the datatype combination but in some cases multiple choices are possible (e.g. bitmap:ip vs. hash:ip ). |
match | list of direction/type tuples | yes | (none) | Specifies the matched data types (ip , port , mac , net or set ) and their direction (src or dest ). The direction is joined with the datatype by an underscore to form a tuple, e.g. src_port to match source ports or dest_net to match destination CIDR ranges. |
iprange | IP range | yes for storage type bitmap with datatype ip | (none) | Specifies the IP range to cover, see ipset(8). Only applicable to the hash storage type. |
portrange | Port range | yes for storage type bitmap with datatype port | (none) | Specifies the port range to cover, see ipset(8). Only applicable to the hash storage type. |
netmask | integer | no | 32 | If specified, network addresses will be stored in the set instead of IP host addresses. Value must be between 1 and 32 , see ipset(8). Only applicable to the bitmap storage type with match ip or the hash storage type with match ip . |
maxelem | integer | no | 65536 | Limits the number of items that can be added to the set, only applicable to the hash and list storage types. |
hashsize | integer | no | 1024 | Specifies the initial hash size of the set, only applicable to the hash storage type. |
timeout | integer | no | 0 | Specifies the default timeout for entries added to the set. A value of 0 means no timeout. |
Possible Storage / Match Combinations
The table below outlines the possible combinations of storage methods and matched datatypes as well as the usable IP address family. The order of the datatype matches is significant.
Family | Storage | Match | Notes |
ipv4 | bitmap | ip | Requries iprange option |
ipv4 | bitmap | ip mac | Requires iprange option |
ipv4 | bitmap | port | Requires portrange option |
any | hash | ip | - |
any | hash | net | - |
any | hash | ip port | - |
any | hash | net port | - |
any | hash | ip port ip | - |
any | hash | ip port net | - |
- | list | set | Meta type to create a set-of-sets |
IPv6 notes
As described above, the option family
is used for distinguishing between IPv4, IPv6 and both protocols. However the family is inferred automatically if IPv6 addresses are used, e.g.
config rule option src wan option src_ip fdca:f00:ba3::/64 option target ACCEPT
... is automatically treated as IPv6 only rule.
Similar, such a rule:
config rule option src wan option dest_ip option target REJECT
... is detected as IPv4 only.
Rules without IP addresses are automatically added to iptables and ip6tables, unless overridden by the family option. Redirect rules (portforwards) are always IPv4 (for now) since there is no IPv6 DNAT support (yet).
Как разрешить доступ к порту
Изначально, файрволл настроен пропускать вест трафик LAN и блокировать весь входящий WAN-трафик кроме портов, используемых для NAT и портов, открытых для созданных изнутри сессий. Чтобы открыть для доступа с WAN порт, добавьте секцию rule:
config rule option src wan option dest_port 22 option target ACCEPT option proto tcp
Этот пример разрешает всем доступ по ssh к вашему роутеру.
Как разрешить доступ к порту из определённой сети
Если вы хотите, чтобы доступ по порту был открыт только с определённого адреса, или подсети, вам надо в правиле указать параметр src_ip. В этом поле можно указывать, как одиночный IP-адрес, так и подсеть с маской. config rule
option src wan option src_ip option dest_port 22 option target ACCEPT option proto tcp
Этот пример разрешает доступ к вашему роутеру по SSH (порт 22) с подсети
Forwarding ports (Destination NAT/DNAT)
This example forwards http (but not HTTPS) traffic to the webserver running on
config redirect option src wan option src_dport 80 option proto tcp option dest_ip
This other example forwards one arbitrary port that you define to a box running ssh.
config 'redirect' option 'name' 'ssh' option 'src' 'wan' option 'proto' 'tcp udp' option 'src_dport' '5555' option 'dest_ip' '' option 'dest_port' '22' option 'target' 'DNAT' option 'dest' 'lan'
Source NAT (SNAT)
Source NAT changes an outgoing packet so that it looks as though the OpenWrt system is the source of the packet.
Define source NAT for UDP and TCP traffic directed to port 123 originating from the host with the IP address The source address is rewritten to
config redirect option src lan option dest wan option src_ip option src_dip option dest_port 123 option target SNAT
When used alone, Source NAT is used to restrict a computer's access to the internet, but allow it to access a few services by forwarding what appear to be a few local services, e.g. NTP, to the internet. While DNAT hides the local network from the internet, SNAT hides the internet from the local network.
Source NAT and destination NAT are combined and used dynamically in IP masquerading to make computers with private (192.168.x.x, etc.) IP address appear on the internet with the OpenWrt router's public WAN ip address.
True destination port forwarding
Most users won't want this. Its usage is similar to SNAT, but as the the destination IP address isn't changed, machines on the destination network need to be aware that they'll receive and answer requests from a public IP address that isn't necessarily theirs. Port forwarding in this fashion is typically used for load balancing.
config redirect option src wan option src_dport 80 option dest lan option dest_port 80 option proto tcp
Block access to a specific host
The following rule blocks all connection attempts to the specified host address.
config rule option src lan option dest wan option dest_ip option target REJECT
Block access to the Internet using MAC
The following rule blocks all connection attempts from the client to the Internet.
config rule option src lan option dest wan option src_mac 00:00:00:00:00:00 option target REJECT
Block access to the Internet for specific IP on certain times
The following rule blocks all connection attempts to the internet from on weekdays between 21:00pm and 09:00am.
The package iptables-mod-ipopt
must be installed to provide xt_time
config rule option src lan option dest wan option src_ip option extra '-m time --weekdays Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri --timestart 21:00 --timestop 09:00' option target REJECT
Using firewall v3 and later the example becomes:
config rule option src lan option dest wan option src_ip option start_time 21:00 option stop_time 09:00 option weekdays 'mon tue wed thu fri' option target REJECT
Restricted forwarding rule
The example below creates a forward rule rejecting traffic from lan to wan on the ports 1000-1100.
config rule option src lan option dest wan option dest_port 1000-1100 option proto 'tcp udp' option target REJECT
Simple output rule
The example below creates an output rule which prevents the router from pinging the address
Only supported by the Firewall v2, version 58 and above
config rule option dest wan option dest_ip option proto icmp option target REJECT
Transparent proxy rule (same host)
The rule below redirects all outgoing HTTP traffic from lan through a proxy server listening at port 3128 on the router itself.
config redirect option src lan option proto tcp option src_dport 80 option dest_port 3128 option dest_ip
Transparent proxy rule (external)
The following rule redirects all outgoing HTTP traffic from lan through an external proxy at listening on port 3128. It assumes the OpenWrt lan address to be - this is needed to masquerade redirected traffic towards the proxy.
config redirect option src lan option proto tcp option src_ip ! option src_dport 80 option dest_ip option dest_port 3128 option target DNAT config redirect option dest lan option proto tcp option src_dip option dest_ip option dest_port 3128 option target SNAT
Simple DMZ rule
The following rule redirects all WAN ports for all protocols to the internal host
config redirect option src wan option proto all option dest_ip
IPSec passthrough
This example enables proper forwarding of IPSec traffic through the wan.
# AH protocol config rule option src wan option dest lan option proto ah option target ACCEPT # ESP protocol config rule option src wan option dest lan option proto esp option target ACCEPT
For some configurations you also have to open port 500/UDP.
# ISAKMP protocol config rule option src wan option dest lan option proto udp option src_port 500 option dest_port 500 option target ACCEPT
Zone declaration for non-UCI interfaces
This example declares a zone which maches any Linux network device whose name begins with “ppp”.
Only supported by the Firewall v2, version 58 and above
config zone option input ACCEPT option output ACCEPT option forward REJECT option device 'ppp+'
Zone declaration for a specific subnet and protocol
This example declares a zone which maches any TCP stream in the
Only supported by the Firewall v2, version 58 and above
config zone option input ACCEPT option output ACCEPT option forward REJECT option subnet '' option extra '-p tcp'
Zone declaration for a specific protocol and port
This example declares a zone which maches any TCP stream from and to port 22
Only supported by the Firewall v2, version 58 and above
config zone option input ACCEPT option output ACCEPT option forward REJECT option extra_src '-p tcp --sport 22' option extra_dest '-p tcp --dport 22'
Manual iptables rules
Traditional iptables rules, in the standard iptables unix command form, can be specified in an external file and included in the firewall config file. It is possible to include multiple files this way.
config include option path /etc/firewall.user config include option path /etc/firewall.vpn
The syntax for the includes is Linux standard, and therefore different from UCI's; its documentation can be found in netfilter.
Firewall management
After a configuration change, firewall rules are rebuilt by executing /etc/init.d/firewall restart
; calling /etc/init.d/firewall stop
will flush all rules and set the policies to ACCEPT on all standard chains.
To manually start the firewall, call /etc/init.d/firewall start
The firewall can be permananently disabled by executing /etc/init.d/firewall disable
Note that disable
does not flush the rules, so it might be required to issue a stop
Use enable
to activate the firewall again.
Temporarily disable firewall
Run /etc/init.d/firewall stop
to flush all rules and set the policies to ACCEPT.
To restart the firewall, run /etc/init.d/firewall start
Hotplug hooks (8.09.2+)
In addition to includes it is possible to let the firewall execute hotplug handlers when interfaces are added to a zone or removed from it. This is useful to create rules for interfaces with dynamic ip configurations (dhcp, pppoe) on the fly.
Each time an interface is added or removed from a zone, all scripts in the /etc/hotplug.d/firewall/
directory are executed. Scripts must be named in the form NN-name
with NN
being a numeric index between 00
and 99
. The name
can be freely choosen.
Once a handler script is invoked, the information about the event is passed through the environment. The table below lists defined variables and their meaning.
Variable | Description |
ACTION | Type of the event: add if an interface was added, remove if it was removed |
ZONE | Name of the firewall zone the interface was added to |
INTERFACE | OpenWrt name of the interface, for example “lan” or “wan” - corresponds to the interfaces defined in /etc/config/network |
DEVICE | The physical interface involved, for example “eth0” or “ppp0” |
Implications of DROP vs. REJECT
The decision whether to drop or to reject traffic should be done on a case-by-case basis. Many people see dropping traffic as a security advantage over rejecting it because it exposes less information to a hypothetical attacker. While dropping slightly increases security, it can also complicate the debugging of network issues or cause unwanted side-effects on client programs.
If traffic is rejected, the router will respond with an ICMP error message (“destination port unreachable”) causing the connection attempt to fail immediately. This also means that for each connection attempt a certain amount of response traffic is generated. This can cause harm if the firewall is “attacked” with many simultaneous connection attempts; the resulting “backfire” of ICMP responses can clog up all available bandwidth and make the connection unusable (DoS).
When connection attempts are dropped the client is not aware of the blocking and will continue to re-transmit its packets until the connection eventually times out. Depending on the way the client software is implemented, this could result in frozen or hanging programs that need to wait until a timeout occurs before they're able to continue.
- less information is exposed
- less attack surface
- client software may not cope well with it (hangs until connection times out)
- may complicate network debugging (where was traffic dropped and why)
- may expose information (like the ip at which traffic was actually blocked)
- client software can recover faster from rejected connection attempts
- network debugging easier (routing and firewall issues clearly distinguishable)
Note on connection tracking (NOTRACK)
By default, the firewall will disable connection tracking for a zone if no masquerading is enabled. This is achieved by generating NOTRACK firewall rules matching all traffic passing via interfaces referenced by the firewall zone. The purpose of NOTRACK is to speed up routing and save memory by circumventing resource intensive connection tracking in cases where it is not needed. You can check if connection tracking is disabled by issuing iptables -t raw -vnL
, it will list all rules, check for NOTRACK target.
NOTRACK will render certain ipables extensions unusable, for example the MASQUERADE target or the state match will not work!
If connection tracking is required, for example by custom rules in /etc/firewall.user
, the conntrack
option must be enabled in the corresponding zone to disable NOTRACK. It should appear as option 'conntrack' '1'
in the right zone in /etc/config/firewall
For further information see http://security.maruhn.com/iptables-tutorial/x4772.html .
How to delete a rule
If you made a mistake you can delete a rule this way.
First, issue this command to find the index of the rule:
# iptables -L -t raw --line-numbers
Now to delete, e.g. the third rule from chain OUTPUT, execute:
# iptables -t raw -D OUTPUT 3
Debug generated rule set
It is possible to observe the iptables commands generated by the firewall program, this is useful to track down iptables errors during firewall restarts or to verify the outcome of certain uci rules.
In order to see the rules as they're executed, run the fw
command with the FW_TRACE
environment variable set to 1
# FW_TRACE=1 fw reload
To direct the output to a file for later inspection, use the command below:
# FW_TRACE=1 fw reload 2>/tmp/iptables.log
If you are using the firewall3, you can enable debug mode using the -d
# fw3 -d reload 2>/tmp/iptables.log
Furthermore it is also possible to print the to-be generated ruleset using the print
command in conjunction with the -4
and -6
# fw3 -4 print > /tmp/ipv4.rules # fw3 -6 print > /tmp/ipv6.rules
Packet flow
INPUT (destined to router)
Table | Chain | Type | Description |
raw | PREROUTING | system | |
notrack | internal | Internal chain for NOTRACK rules | |
mangle | PREROUTING | system | |
fwmark | internal | Internal chain for MARK rules | |
nat | PREROUTING | system | |
delegate_prerouting | internal | Internal chain to hold toplevel prerouting rules, dispatches traffic to the corresponding zone_name_prerouting chains |
prerouting_rule | user | Container chain for custom user prerouting rules (firewall.user) | |
zone_name_prerouting | internal | Per-zone container chains for DNAT (port forwarding) rules | |
prerouting_name_rule | user | Per-zone container chains for custom user prerouting rules (firewall.user) | |
mangle | INPUT | system | |
filter | INPUT | system | |
delegate_input | internal | Internal chain to hold toplevel input rules, dispatches traffic to the corresponding zone_name_input chains |
input_rule | user | Container chain for custom user input rules (firewall.user) | |
syn_flood | internal | Internal chain to match and drop syn flood attempts | |
zone_name_input | internal | Per-zone container chains for input rules | |
input_name_rule | user | Per-zone container chains for custom user input rules (firewall.user) |
OUTPUT (originating from router)
Table | Chain | Type | Description |
raw | OUTPUT | system | |
mangle | OUTPUT | system | |
nat | OUTPUT | system | |
filter | OUTPUT | system | |
delegate_output | internal | Internal chain to hold toplevel output rules, dispatches traffic to the corresponding zone_name_output chains |
output_rule | user | Container chain for custom user output rules (firewall.user) | |
zone_name_output | internal | Per-zone container chains for output rules | |
output_name_rule | user | Per-zone container chains for custom user output rules (firewall.user) | |
mangle | POSTROUTING | system | |
nat | POSTROUTING | system | |
delegate_postrouting | internal | Internal chain to hold toplevel postrouting rules, dispatches traffic to the corresponding zone_name_postrouting chains |
postrouting_rule | user | Container chain for custom user postrouting rules (firewall.user) | |
zone_name_postrouting | internal | Per-zone container chains for postrouting rules (masq, snat) | |
postrouting_name_rule | user | Per-zone container chains for custom user postrouting rules (firewall.user) |
FORWARD (relayed through router)
Table | Chain | Type | Description |
raw | PREROUTING | system | |
notrack | internal | Internal chain for NOTRACK rules | |
mangle | PREROUTING | system | |
fwmark | internal | Internal chain for MARK rules | |
nat | PREROUTING | system | |
delegate_prerouting | internal | Internal chain to hold toplevel prerouting rules, dispatches traffic to the corresponding zone_name_prerouting chains |
prerouting_rule | user | Container chain for custom user prerouting rules (firewall.user) | |
zone_name_prerouting | internal | Per-zone container chains for DNAT (port forwarding) rules | |
prerouting_name_rule | user | Per-zone container chains for custom user prerouting rules (firewall.user) | |
mangle | FORWARD | system | |
mssfix | internal | Internal chain to hold for TCPMSS rules (mtu_fix) | |
filter | FORWARD | system | |
delegate_forward | internal | Internal chain to hold toplevel forward rules, dispatches traffic to the corresponding zone_name_forward chains |
forwarding_rule | user | Container chain for custom user forward rules (firewall.user) | |
zone_name_forward | internal | Per-zone container chains for output rules | |
forwarding_name_rule | user | Per-zone container chains for custom user forward rules (firewall.user) | |
mangle | POSTROUTING | system | |
nat | POSTROUTING | system | |
delegate_postrouting | internal | Internal chain to hold toplevel postrouting rules, dispatches traffic to the corresponding zone_name_postrouting chains |
postrouting_rule | user | Container chain for custom user postrouting rules (firewall.user) | |
zone_name_postrouting | internal | Per-zone container chains for postrouting rules (masq, snat) | |
postrouting_name_rule | user | Per-zone container chains for custom user postrouting rules (firewall.user) |