Paket tablosu
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Paketler tablosu
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Sınıf | ↓ Ad | Versiyon | Bağımlılıklar | ...........................................Tanım........................................... | Dosya boyutu | Yüklü boyut | Lisans | Bakıcı | Hata raporu | Kaynak kod |
network | 464xlat | 13 | libc, kmod-nat46, ip | 464xlat provides support to deploy limited IPv4 access services to mobile and wireline IPv6-only edge networks without encapsulation (RFC6877) | 5kB | 4kB | GPL-2.0 | Hans Dedecker | Bug reports | Sources |
network | 464xlat | 13 | libc, kmod-nat46, ip | packages:pkgdata:464xlat, 464xlat provides support to deploy limited IPv4 access services to mobile and wireline IPv6-only edge networks without encapsulation (RFC6877) | 5kB | 4kB | GPL-2.0 | Hans Dedecker | packages:pkgdata:464xlat, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:464xlat, Sources |
network | 6in4 | 28 | libc, kmod-sit, uclient-fetch | Provides support for 6in4 tunnels in /etc/config/network. Refer to for configuration details. | 2kB | 1kB | GPL-2.0 | Jo-Philipp Wich | Bug reports | Sources |
network | 6in4 | 28 | libc, kmod-sit, uclient-fetch | packages:pkgdata:6in4, Provides support for 6in4 tunnels in /etc/config/network. Refer to for configuration details. | 2kB | 1kB | GPL-2.0 | Jo-Philipp Wich | packages:pkgdata:6in4, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:6in4, Sources |
network | 6rd | 12 | libc, librt, libpthread, kmod-sit | Provides support for 6rd tunnels in /etc/config/network. Refer to for configuration details. | 4kB | 3kB | GPL-2.0 | Steven Barth | Bug reports | Sources |
network | 6rd | 12 | libc, librt, libpthread, kmod-sit | packages:pkgdata:6rd, Provides support for 6rd tunnels in /etc/config/network. Refer to for configuration details. | 4kB | 3kB | GPL-2.0 | Steven Barth | packages:pkgdata:6rd, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:6rd, Sources |
network | 6to4 | 13 | libc, kmod-sit | Provides support for 6to4 tunnels in /etc/config/network. Refer to configuration details. | 1kB | 1kB | GPL-2.0 | Jo-Philipp Wich | Bug reports | Sources |
network | 6to4 | 13 | libc, kmod-sit | packages:pkgdata:6to4, Provides support for 6to4 tunnels in /etc/config/network. Refer to configuration details. | 1kB | 1kB | GPL-2.0 | Jo-Philipp Wich | packages:pkgdata:6to4, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:6to4, Sources |
network | UDPspeeder | 20210116.0-3 | libc, libstdcpp6, librt, libatomic1 | A Tunnel which Improves your Network Quality on a High-latency Lossy Link by using Forward Error Correction,for All Traffics(TCP/UDP/ICMP) | 72kB | 71kB | MIT | Nishant Sharma | Bug reports | Sources |
utilities | ack | 3.7.0+perl5.28-1 | libc, perl, perl-ack | A grep-like source code search tool | 23kB | 22kB | Artistic-2.0 | Tianling Shen | Bug reports | Sources |
utilities | ack | 3.7.0+perl5.28-1 | libc, perl, perl-ack | packages:pkgdata:ack, A grep-like source code search tool | 23kB | 22kB | Artistic-2.0 | Tianling Shen | packages:pkgdata:ack, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:ack, Sources |
utilities---filesystem | acl | 2.3.1-1 | libc, libacl | Access control list support This package provides ACL manipulation utilities - chacl - getfacl - setfacl | 18kB | 17kB | LGPL-2.1 GPL-2.0 | Maxim Storchak | Bug reports | Sources |
utilities---filesystem | acl | 2.3.1-1 | libc, libacl | packages:pkgdata:acl, Access control list support This package provides ACL manipulation utilities - chacl - getfacl - setfacl | 18kB | 17kB | LGPL-2.1 GPL-2.0 | Maxim Storchak | packages:pkgdata:acl, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:acl, Sources |
network | acme | 3.0.6-3 | libc, wget-ssl, ca-bundle, openssl-util, socat | A client for issuing Letsencrypt certificates. | 54kB | 53kB | GPL-3.0-only | Toke Høiland-Jørgensen | Bug reports | Sources |
network | acme | 3.0.6-3 | libc, wget-ssl, ca-bundle, openssl-util, socat | packages:pkgdata:acme, A client for issuing Letsencrypt certificates. | 54kB | 53kB | GPL-3.0-only | Toke Høiland-Jørgensen | packages:pkgdata:acme, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:acme, Sources |
network | acme-dnsapi | 3.0.6-3 | libc, acme | This package provides DNS API integration for ACME (Letsencrypt) client. | 149kB | 148kB | GPL-3.0-only | Toke Høiland-Jørgensen | Bug reports | Sources |
network | acme-dnsapi | 3.0.6-3 | libc, acme | packages:pkgdata:acme-dnsapi, This package provides DNS API integration for ACME (Letsencrypt) client. | 149kB | 148kB | GPL-3.0-only | Toke Høiland-Jørgensen | packages:pkgdata:acme-dnsapi, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:acme-dnsapi, Sources |
utilities | acpica-unix | 20211217-1 | libc | Open Source utilities for ACPI including the ACPICA Machine Language (AML) interpreter, a simulator, test suites, and a compiler to translate ACPI Source Language (ASL) into AML. At this time, only acpidump is bundled; more might be added later. | 879kB | 882kB | GPL-2.0 | Philip Prindeville | Bug reports | Sources |
utilities | acpica-unix | 20211217-1 | libc | packages:pkgdata:acpica-unix, Open Source utilities for ACPI including the ACPICA Machine Language (AML) interpreter, a simulator, test suites, and a compiler to translate ACPI Source Language (ASL) into AML. At this time, only acpidump is bundled; more might be added later. | 879kB | 882kB | GPL-2.0 | Philip Prindeville | packages:pkgdata:acpica-unix, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:acpica-unix, Sources |
utilities | acpid | 2.0.32-3 | libc, kmod-input-evdev | The ACPI Daemon (acpid) With Netlink Support | 21kB | 20kB | GPL-2.0-or-later | Thomas Heil | Bug reports | Sources |
utilities | acpid | 2.0.32-3 | libc, kmod-input-evdev | packages:pkgdata:acpid, The ACPI Daemon (acpid) With Netlink Support | 21kB | 20kB | GPL-2.0-or-later | Thomas Heil | packages:pkgdata:acpid, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:acpid, Sources |
libraries | acsccid | 1.1.8-2 | libc, libusb-1.0-0, libpcsclite | PCSC driver for ACS USB CCID (Chip/Smart Card Interface Devices) smart card readers and ICCD (Integrated Circuit(s) Card Devices). | 48kB | 47kB | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Vincent JARDIN | Bug reports | Sources |
libraries | acsccid | 1.1.8-2 | libc, libusb-1.0-0, libpcsclite | packages:pkgdata:acsccid, PCSC driver for ACS USB CCID (Chip/Smart Card Interface Devices) smart card readers and ICCD (Integrated Circuit(s) Card Devices). | 48kB | 47kB | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Vincent JARDIN | packages:pkgdata:acsccid, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:acsccid, Sources |
utilities | adb | android.5.0.2_r1-3 | libc, zlib, libopenssl1.1, libpthread | Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile command line tool that lets you communicate with an emulator instance or connected Android-powered device. | 62kB | 61kB | Henryk Heisig | Bug reports | Sources | |
network---wwan | adb-enablemodem | 2017-03-05-1 | libc, librt, libpthread, adb | Enable modem via adb | 1kB | 0kB | OpenWrt team | Bug reports | Sources | |
network---wwan | adb-enablemodem | 2017-03-05-1 | libc, librt, libpthread, adb | packages:pkgdata:adb-enablemodem, Enable modem via adb | 1kB | 0kB | OpenWrt team | packages:pkgdata:adb-enablemodem, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:adb-enablemodem, Sources | |
network | adblock | 4.1.5-8 | libc, jshn, jsonfilter, coreutils, coreutils-sort, ca-bundle, opkg | Powerful adblock solution to block ad/abuse domains via dnsmasq, unbound, named or kresd. The script supports many domain blacklist sites plus manual black- and whitelist overrides. Please see for further information. | 20kB | 19kB | GPL-3.0-or-later | Dirk Brenken | Bug reports | Sources |
network | adblock | 4.1.5-8 | libc, jshn, jsonfilter, coreutils, coreutils-sort, ca-bundle, opkg | packages:pkgdata:adblock, Powerful adblock solution to block ad/abuse domains via dnsmasq, unbound, named or kresd. The script supports many domain blacklist sites plus manual black- and whitelist overrides. Please see for further information. | 20kB | 19kB | GPL-3.0-or-later | Dirk Brenken | packages:pkgdata:adblock, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:adblock, Sources |
network | addrwatch | 1.0.2-3 | libc, libpcap1, libevent2-7 | This is a tool similar to arpwatch. It main purpose is to monitor network and log discovered ethernet/ip pairings. Addrwatch is extremely useful in networks with IPv6 autoconfiguration (RFC4862) enabled. It allows to track IPv6 addresses of hosts using IPv6 privacy extensions (RFC4941). This contains the main addrwatch program. | 24kB | 23kB | GPL-3.0-or-later | Ondrej Caletka | Bug reports | Sources |
network | addrwatch | 1.0.2-3 | libc, libpcap1, libevent2-7 | packages:pkgdata:addrwatch, This is a tool similar to arpwatch. It main purpose is to monitor network and log discovered ethernet/ip pairings. Addrwatch is extremely useful in networks with IPv6 autoconfiguration (RFC4862) enabled. It allows to track IPv6 addresses of hosts using IPv6 privacy extensions (RFC4941). This contains the main addrwatch program. | 24kB | 23kB | GPL-3.0-or-later | Ondrej Caletka | packages:pkgdata:addrwatch, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:addrwatch, Sources |
network | addrwatch-mysql | 1.0.2-3 | libc, addrwatch, libmariadb3 | This is a tool similar to arpwatch. It main purpose is to monitor network and log discovered ethernet/ip pairings. Addrwatch is extremely useful in networks with IPv6 autoconfiguration (RFC4862) enabled. It allows to track IPv6 addresses of hosts using IPv6 privacy extensions (RFC4941). This contains the MySQL output module. | 16kB | 15kB | GPL-3.0-or-later | Ondrej Caletka | Bug reports | Sources |
network | addrwatch-mysql | 1.0.2-3 | libc, addrwatch, libmariadb3 | packages:pkgdata:addrwatch-mysql, This is a tool similar to arpwatch. It main purpose is to monitor network and log discovered ethernet/ip pairings. Addrwatch is extremely useful in networks with IPv6 autoconfiguration (RFC4862) enabled. It allows to track IPv6 addresses of hosts using IPv6 privacy extensions (RFC4941). This contains the MySQL output module. | 16kB | 15kB | GPL-3.0-or-later | Ondrej Caletka | packages:pkgdata:addrwatch-mysql, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:addrwatch-mysql, Sources |
network | addrwatch-stdout | 1.0.2-3 | libc, addrwatch | This is a tool similar to arpwatch. It main purpose is to monitor network and log discovered ethernet/ip pairings. Addrwatch is extremely useful in networks with IPv6 autoconfiguration (RFC4862) enabled. It allows to track IPv6 addresses of hosts using IPv6 privacy extensions (RFC4941). This contains the stdout output module. | 2kB | 1kB | GPL-3.0-or-later | Ondrej Caletka | Bug reports | Sources |
network | addrwatch-stdout | 1.0.2-3 | libc, addrwatch | packages:pkgdata:addrwatch-stdout, This is a tool similar to arpwatch. It main purpose is to monitor network and log discovered ethernet/ip pairings. Addrwatch is extremely useful in networks with IPv6 autoconfiguration (RFC4862) enabled. It allows to track IPv6 addresses of hosts using IPv6 privacy extensions (RFC4941). This contains the stdout output module. | 2kB | 1kB | GPL-3.0-or-later | Ondrej Caletka | packages:pkgdata:addrwatch-stdout, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:addrwatch-stdout, Sources |
network | addrwatch-syslog | 1.0.2-3 | libc, addrwatch | This is a tool similar to arpwatch. It main purpose is to monitor network and log discovered ethernet/ip pairings. Addrwatch is extremely useful in networks with IPv6 autoconfiguration (RFC4862) enabled. It allows to track IPv6 addresses of hosts using IPv6 privacy extensions (RFC4941). This contains the syslog output module. | 3kB | 2kB | GPL-3.0-or-later | Ondrej Caletka | Bug reports | Sources |
network | addrwatch-syslog | 1.0.2-3 | libc, addrwatch | packages:pkgdata:addrwatch-syslog, This is a tool similar to arpwatch. It main purpose is to monitor network and log discovered ethernet/ip pairings. Addrwatch is extremely useful in networks with IPv6 autoconfiguration (RFC4862) enabled. It allows to track IPv6 addresses of hosts using IPv6 privacy extensions (RFC4941). This contains the syslog output module. | 3kB | 2kB | GPL-3.0-or-later | Ondrej Caletka | packages:pkgdata:addrwatch-syslog, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:addrwatch-syslog, Sources |
network | adguardhome | 0.107.21-1 | libc, ca-bundle | Free and open source, powerful network-wide ads and trackers blocking DNS server. | 10899kB | 10920kB | GPL-3.0-only | Dobroslaw Kijowski | Bug reports | Sources |
network | adguardhome | 0.107.21-1 | libc, ca-bundle | packages:pkgdata:adguardhome, Free and open source, powerful network-wide ads and trackers blocking DNS server. | 10899kB | 10920kB | GPL-3.0-only | Dobroslaw Kijowski | packages:pkgdata:adguardhome, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:adguardhome, Sources |
utilities---filesystem | afuse | 0.4.1-1 | libc, libfuse1, fuse-utils | Automounting file system implemented in user-space using FUSE. It implements the most basic functionality that can be expected by an automounter; that is it manages a directory of virtual directories. If one of these virtual directories is accessed and is not already automounted, afuse will attempt to mount a filesystem onto that directory. If the mount succeeds the requested access proceeds as normal, otherwise it will fail with an error. | 13kB | 12kB | GPL-2.0-or-later | Michal Hrusecky | Bug reports | Sources |
utilities---filesystem | afuse | 0.4.1-1 | libc, libfuse1, fuse-utils | packages:pkgdata:afuse, Automounting file system implemented in user-space using FUSE. It implements the most basic functionality that can be expected by an automounter; that is it manages a directory of virtual directories. If one of these virtual directories is accessed and is not already automounted, afuse will attempt to mount a filesystem onto that directory. If the mount succeeds the requested access proceeds as normal, otherwise it will fail with an error. | 13kB | 12kB | GPL-2.0-or-later | Michal Hrusecky | packages:pkgdata:afuse, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:afuse, Sources |
utilities---terminal | agetty | 2.37.4-1 | libc, librt | agetty opens a tty port, prompts for a login name and invokes the /bin/login command | 22kB | 21kB | GPL-2.0-only | OpenWrt team | Bug reports | Sources |
utilities---terminal | agetty | 2.37.4-1 | libc, librt | packages:pkgdata:agetty, agetty opens a tty port, prompts for a login name and invokes the /bin/login command | 22kB | 21kB | GPL-2.0-only | OpenWrt team | packages:pkgdata:agetty, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:agetty, Sources |
network---ip-addresses-and-names | aggregate | 1.6-2 | libc | takes a list of prefixes in conventional format on stdin, and performs two optimisations to reduce the length of the prefix list. It removes any supplied prefixes which are supurfluous because they are already included in another supplied prefix (e.g., would be removed if was also supplied), and identifies adjacent prefixes that can be combined under a single, shorter-length prefix (e.g., and can be combined into the single prefix | 4kB | 3kB | ISC | Nikil Mehta | Bug reports | Sources |
network---ip-addresses-and-names | aggregate | 1.6-2 | libc | packages:pkgdata:aggregate, takes a list of prefixes in conventional format on stdin, and performs two optimisations to reduce the length of the prefix list. It removes any supplied prefixes which are supurfluous because they are already included in another supplied prefix (e.g., would be removed if was also supplied), and identifies adjacent prefixes that can be combined under a single, shorter-length prefix (e.g., and can be combined into the single prefix | 4kB | 3kB | ISC | Nikil Mehta | packages:pkgdata:aggregate, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:aggregate, Sources |
network | ahcpd | 0.53-3 | libc, ip, librt | Ahcpd is a daemon for configuring an IPv6 network using the Ad-Hoc Configuration Protocol (AHCP). AHCP is designed for wireless mesh networks, where IPv6 autoconfiguration and DHCPv6 do not work, but may also be used on wired networks. | 23kB | 22kB | MIT | Gabriel Kerneis | Bug reports | Sources |
network | ahcpd | 0.53-3 | libc, ip, librt | packages:pkgdata:ahcpd, Ahcpd is a daemon for configuring an IPv6 network using the Ad-Hoc Configuration Protocol (AHCP). AHCP is designed for wireless mesh networks, where IPv6 autoconfiguration and DHCPv6 do not work, but may also be used on wired networks. | 23kB | 22kB | MIT | Gabriel Kerneis | packages:pkgdata:ahcpd, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:ahcpd, Sources |
firmware | aircard-pcmcia-firmware | 20230804-1 | libc | Sierra Wireless Aircard 555/7xx/8×0 firmware | 1kB | 0kB | Felix Fietkau | Bug reports | Sources | |
firmware | aircard-pcmcia-firmware | 2017-09-06-a61ac5cf-1 | libc, libssp | packages:pkgdata:aircard-pcmcia-firmware, Sierra Wireless Aircard 555/7xx/8×0 firmware | 1kB | 0kB | Felix Fietkau | packages:pkgdata:aircard-pcmcia-firmware, Bug reports | packages:pkgdata:aircard-pcmcia-firmware, Sources | |
network---wireless | aircrack-ng | 1.6-3 | libc, libpcap1, libpcre, libpthread, libstdcpp6, libopenssl1.1, libnl-core200, libnl-genl200, zlib | WLAN tools for breaking 802.11 WEP/WPA keys | 442kB | 443kB | GPL-2.0-or-later | Rick Farina | Bug reports | Sources |
network---wireless | airmon-ng | 1.6-3 | libc, librt, libpthread, wireless-tools, ethtool, procps-ng | Bash script designed to turn wireless cards into monitor mode. | 13kB | 13kB | GPL-2.0-or-later | Rick Farina | Bug reports | Sources |
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