
There is little point in merely uninstalling OpenWrt, what you actually want to do, is to replace OpenWrt with the original firmware. You are here, because the wiki-page for your device, does not help you with that. So, first have a look at the flash.layout

To replace OpenWrt with the original firmware, you most probably do not have to change the boot partition, or the partition containing specific information like NVRAM or ART. Even if you overwrote the bootloader when you installed OpenWrt on your device.

You can use the program mtd for this:

cd /tmp
wget http://www.example.org/original_firmware.bin
mtd -r write /tmp/original_firmware.bin firmware

OpenWrt has no built-in “pleasantries” to prevent you from going back to original firmware. But sometimes you need to be careful, see e.g. back.to.original.firmware.

If you get a error message on the above mtd command like “no valid command given” you are using an old version of mtd which doesn't support the -r or -e parameters.

Download a newer statically compiled version

cd /tmp
wget http://www.freewrt.org/downloads/tools/mtd-static
chmod a+x mtd.static
wget http://www.example.org/original.trx
./mtd.static -e linux -r write original.trx linux

TIP: PLEASE READ - Common mistakes thread section 2 also. It describes when you should use the



FIXME Only flash a trx never flash a bin file? If you only have a Linksys


firmware file, this is not a problem, simply cut off the header before using the commands below:

dd bs=32 skip=1 if=original.bin of=original.trx

TIP: If your replacement firmware has a web interface, remember to flush your browser cache, sessions etc. This will avoid misleading 404 errors.

To flash the original firmware back again via the bootloader, please follow the procedures already described in Installing OpenWrt. They are basically the same.

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  • Last modified: 2018/06/07 15:34
  • by tmomas