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Cron 和 crontab

Cron allows to run jobs (programs, scripts) at specified times.

中文翻译Cron 软件允许你指定时间来运行你的任务(程序,或者脚本)。

OpenWrt comes with a cron system by default, provided by busybox.


You can edit the current config with:


crontab -e 

This will open /etc/crontabs/root file in vi editor. See editing guide for details.


:!: There should be a end-of-line character on the last line of the crontab file. If in doubt, just leave an empty line at the end.


To see the current crontab:


crontab -l

Each line is a separate task written in the specification:


* * * * * command to execute
- - - - -
| | | | |
| | | | ----- Day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday =0)
| | | ------- Month (1 - 12)
| | --------- Day (1 - 31)
| ----------- Hour (0 - 23)
------------- Minute (0 - 59)


* * * * * 需要执行的命令
- - - - -
| | | | |
| | | | ----- 一星期中的第几天 (0 - 6) (其中0表示星期日)
| | | ------- 月份 (1 - 12)
| | --------- 一个月中的第几天 (1 - 31)
| ----------- 一天中的第几小时 (0 - 23)
------------- 一小时中的第几分钟 (0 - 59)

Examples of time specification:


*/5 * * * * 每5分钟执行一次
12 */3 * * * 每过3个小时后的第12分钟执行一次
57 11 15 1,6,12 * 在1、6、12月中的15豪,当天的11点57分各执行一次
25 6 * * 1-5 工作日期间(周1到周5),每天早上6点25分执行一次
0 0 4,12,26 * * 每月的第4、12、26日,晚上12点执行一次
5,10 9,14 10 * 0,4 每周日、周四的早上9:05, 早上9:10, 下午2:05 以及下午2:10各执行一次

:!: 0 (zero) is treated as Sunday. If you set the day of the week to 7, busybox will go bonkers and run your command every day.

中文翻译:!: 再次提醒0就是星期天。 如果你将要设置的星期几,设置为7(也就是说超出0-6的范围),busybox就立即秀逗了,它会每天都执行这个定时任务。

See also:


You can read log messages with:


logread -e cron

Not all messages are logged, to increase logging change cronloglevel property in /etc/config/system


A simple solution for some hard-to-solve problems (memory leak, performance degradation, ...) is to reboot the router periodically, for instance every night.


However, this is not as simple as it seems, because the router usually does not have a real-time clock. This could lead to a never-ending loop of reboots.


In the boot process the clock is initially set by sysfixtime to the most recent timestamp of any file found in /etc. The most recent file is possibly a status file or config file, modified maybe 30 seconds before the reboot initiated by cron. So, in the boot process the clock gets set backwards a few seconds to that file's timestamp. Then cron starts and notices a few seconds later that the required boot moment has again arrived and reboots again... (At the end of the boot process ntpd starts, and it may also take a while before ntpd gets and sets the correct time, so cron may start the reboot in between.)

中文翻译:在启动的时候,当前系统的时间使用“sysfixtime”程序来设置;设定依据是在/etc目录下,使用最近被修改的文件的时间。 它可能是一个状态文件,或者配置文件,可能在cron定时任务需要重启系统前30秒刚做了修改。 所以,如果在重启系统的时候,将系统时间设置为这个文件的修改时间的前若干秒钟的话, 当cron软件开始计时的时候,马上又会发现cron设置的重启时间又要到了,接着又开始重启了……(译者注:这里说的是如果简单的设置这个时间,就有可能出现反复重启的怪圈) (另外可能的情况是:因为启动流程的最后ntpd的时间服务启动了,这个软件得需要一阵子才能获取并且设置正确的时间,所以这段时间内,cron定时重启任务又被触发重启了。)

One solution for cron is to use a delay and touch a file in /etc before reboot.


# Reboot at 4:30am every day
# Note: To avoid infinite reboot loop, wait 70 seconds
# and touch a file in /etc so clock will be set
# properly to 4:31 on reboot before cron starts.
30 4 * * * sleep 70 && touch /etc/banner && reboot


# 每天上午4:30执行重启
# 注意: 为了防止循环重启的怪圈,需要推迟70秒钟执行重启
# 在/etc目录下touch修改一个文件的时间属性,并且设置
# 为上午4:31然后再执行cron的重启任务.
30 4 * * * sleep 70 && touch /etc/banner && reboot

:!: On many platforms shutdown does not work; it will just halt the CPU but it won't power off the device. There is usually no programmable circuitry to actually power off the unit. reboot does work, in case you should want to reboot the router periodically.

中文翻译:!: 在一些平台上“shutdown”命令是没有的;它仅仅是停止CPU的运行,而不会重启设备。 这通常是因为这样的设备没有去执行断电的电路。

However, a more flexible approach is to use use the watchcat package.

中文翻译:即便这样,也还是可以使用一种更为灵活的方法,通过使用watchcat软件包来使用 。 安装命令如下:

opkg update
opkg install watchcat

If you have Daylight saving time you could write yourself a nice alarm clock ;-) When DST starts in central Europe, clocks advance from 02:00 CET to 03:00 CEST on last Sunday in March. Six day before that, you could make your WOL wake you 10 minutes earlier. Later won't work, you'll be late ;-) When DST ends in central Europe, clocks retreat from 03:00 CEST to 02:00 CET on last Sunday in October.

中文翻译:如果你所在的地区使用“夏令时”Daylight saving time,你可以自己动手写一个合适的闹钟程序;) 假设你在欧洲中部使用“夏令时”,那么时钟在每年3月份,就要提前从中欧时间的2点,变成了3点的中欧夏令时时间。 在此之前的6天,你可以把自己的网络唤醒闹钟每天提前10分钟。 如果没生效的话,估计你上班就要迟到了;)

#min hour day month dayofweek command
59 05 * * 1 /usr/bin/wol -h xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx # Mo
#crontab must (as fstab) end with the last line as space or a comment


#分 时 日 月 星 执行命令
59 05 * * 1 /usr/bin/wol -h xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx # Mo

LongGenxing 20191103 第一次翻译

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  • Last modified: 2020/05/16 16:23
  • by huangzulin