WRTnode 1

As WRTnode may have a serie of open hardware dev boards, when WRTnode means a board, it's the first board of WRTnode team released.

For more information, please go the official board page

Install OpenWrt (generic explanation)

FIXME Please add the installation procedure here.

uart speed is 115200

To get to the terminal hit 4 right after powering the device.

U-Boot 1.1.3 - Modified by Manfeel (Jul  8 2014 - 18:53:13)

Board: Ralink APSoC 

 __  __             ______        _  
|  \/  |           |  ____|      | | 
| \  / | __ _ _ __ | |__ ___  ___| | 
| |\/| |/ _` | '_ \|  __/ _ \/ _ \ | 
| |  | | (_| | | | | | |  __/  __/ | 
|_|  |_|\__,_|_| |_|_|  \___|\___|_| 

DRAM:  64 MB
relocate_code Pointer at: 83f64000
enable ephy clock...done. rf reg 29 = 5
SSC disabled.
spi_wait_nsec: 28 
spi device id: ef 40 18 0 0 (40180000)
find flash: W25Q128FV
raspi_read: from:30000 len:1000 
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

Ralink UBoot Version:
ASIC 7620_MP (Port5<->None)
DRAM component: 512 Mbits DDR, width 16
DRAM bus: 16 bit
Total memory: 64 MBytes
Flash component: SPI Flash
Date:Jul  8 2014  Time:18:53:13
icache: sets:512, ways:4, linesz:32 ,total:65536
dcache: sets:256, ways:4, linesz:32 ,total:32768 

 ##### The CPU freq = 600 MHZ #### 
 estimate memory size =64 Mbytes
MT7620 gpio init : wps / reset pin
WRTNode LED init.

Please choose the operation: 
   1: Load system code to SDRAM via TFTP. 
   2: Load system code then write to Flash via TFTP. 
   3: Boot system code via Flash (default).
   4: Entr boot command line interface.
   7: Load Boot Loader code then write to Flash via Serial. 
   9: Load Boot Loader code then write to Flash via TFTP. 

or long press RESET/WPS button to enter web failsafe mode.
before LEDON:

You choosed 4
raspi_read: from:40028 len:6 

4: System Enter Boot Command Line Interface.

U-Boot 1.1.3 - Modified by Manfeel (Jul  8 2014 - 18:53:13)

MT7620 # printenv
bootcmd=run usbargs;usb start;fatload usb 0 0x80c00000 uimage;bootm 0x80c00000
usbargs=setenv bootargs root=8:2 rootdelay=5 rootfstype=ext4 rw eth=${ethaddr} console=ttyS0,${baudrate}

Environment size: 323/4092 bytes
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  • Last modified: 2024/02/12 08:58
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