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Inventel Livebox 1
98 Hits, Last modified:
01L \\ 1 internal phy + {{:media:datasheets:bcm5325_pinout.png?linkonly|BCM5325}} | DV4210, DV3210 \\ DV... y in the serial port| ==== Flash-chip ==== (NOR 56/48-Pin Standard TSOP) <code>Query identification string... G testpoints: \\ {{:media:inventel:livebox_jtag-30pin3.jpg?500|JTAG-30pin}} \\ **Photo of PCB with markings** ... pg?150x100|}} | | {{:media:inventel:livebox_spi_pinout2.jpg?150x100|}} | This is the SPI pinout, and some gpios.
  • Last modified: 2024/09/03 12:02
  • by stokito