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OpenWrt フェイルセーフ
108 Hits, Last modified:
ny hardware button of the router. At least [[toh:tp-link:tl-wdr4300_v1#failsafe.mode|one TP-Link router]] seems to respond better to repeatedly clicking the button //before... t precise on which port to listen. In the case of TL-WR1043ND, it's the WAN port. If you find a contradictory example, it will be necessarry to... confirmation message appears (not always, for the TL-WR1043ND no message comes). * On some router models (e.g. TP-LINK models), the SYS led blinks very quickly If you are using a **trunk** snaps
  • Last modified: 2024/04/10 13:49
  • by ynezz