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- Ubiquiti NanoStation M2 / Loco M2 @toh:ubiquiti
- AR7240 or Ar7241 and then flash the corresponding Ubiquiti **BULLET** M image! This is a one eth port only unit and i... s: ==== Flashing vi... b and after proceed with the next steps\\ {{media:ubiquiti:nanom2-downgrade.png?600|Flashing via AirOS web g... ubnt-nano-m-squashfs-factory.bin image:\\ {{media:ubiquiti:nanostation_loco_m2.png?600|Flashing via AirOS we
- Ubiquiti Nanostation M5 / Loco M5 @toh:ubiquiti
- ====== Ubiquiti Nanostation M5 / Loco M5====== <WRAP center round important 50%> Warning! There are two versions of NanoStation: **x... k in progress [[ | in this openwrt forum thread]... onnectivity was fixed in OpenWrt 17.01.| In 2014 Ubiquiti released a new model of Nanostation M5 devices (old boards use ar724x chip while new ones are using ar934x chip). New Ubiquiti Nanostation M5 [[|firmware page]] devices use **xw** firmware image
- russellsenior @user
- Ubiquiti RouterStation * Ubiquiti AirRouter * Ubiquiti Bullet 2 * Ubiquiti NanoStation 2 * Ubiquiti NanoStation 5 * Ubiquiti Bullet M2HP * Ubiquiti Bullet M5HP * Ubiquiti NanoStation Loco M2 * Ubiquiti NanoStation M900 * Ubiquiti PowerBeam M2 * Ubiquiti PowerBeam M5 * Ubiquiti Rocket M5 I also have a few Linksys
- Ubiquiti Bullet M2 / M5 @toh:ubiquiti
- ====== Ubiquiti Bullet M2 / M5 ====== <WRAP center round important 50%> Warning! There are two versions of Ubiquiti Bullet: **xm** and **xw**. The old **xm** version has l... _url", "deviceid"], "filterColumns": {"model": "Bullet M"} } --> **WARNING**: On the Bullet M2 xw, OpenWrt 21.02.1 never turns the Ethernet port on. TFTP can b
- OpenWrt v24.10.0-rc1 Changelog @releases:24.10
- f5992]]'' **<nowiki>ath79:</nowiki>** <nowiki>add Ubiquiti Rocket M XW as alternate name to Bullet M XW</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>... iki>qca9563: Amplifi Router HD: add DEVICE_VENDOR Ubiquiti</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+1</c... 9:</nowiki>** <nowiki>Upstream b53 DSA driver for Ubiquiti EdgeSwitch 8XP</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><c... wiki>mediatek:</nowiki>** <nowiki>add support for Ubiquiti UniFi 6 LR v3</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><co
- OpenWrt v18.06.0 Changelog @releases:18.06
- nowiki>ar71xx:</nowiki>** <nowiki>add support for Ubiquiti Litebeam M5</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+78</... lor>//\\ \\ === #296 === **Description:** <nowiki>Ubiquiti Bullet M 10/100 ethernet interface comes up as gigabit, ... lor>//\\ \\ === #582 === **Description:** <nowiki>bullet M image has XM.v6.0.0-OpenWrt-… as version</nowik... 71xx:</nowiki>** <nowiki>change image version for ubiquiti devices</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #2
- OpenWrt v18.01.0-rc2 Changelog (WIP) @releases:18.06
- nowiki>ar71xx:</nowiki>** <nowiki>add support for Ubiquiti Litebeam M5</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+78</... lor>//\\ \\ === #296 === **Description:** <nowiki>Ubiquiti Bullet M 10/100 ethernet interface comes up as gigabit, ... lor>//\\ \\ === #582 === **Description:** <nowiki>bullet M image has XM.v6.0.0-OpenWrt-… as version</nowik... 71xx:</nowiki>** <nowiki>change image version for ubiquiti devices</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #2
- Ubiquiti AirGrid @toh:ubiquiti
- Mechanical ===== The unit is a derivative of the Bullet M5 product. Where the Bullet M5 terminates with a male N connector, the AirGrid M... nsion cylinder in case of 17 x 24" grid {{:media:ubiquiti:airgrid_m5.jpg?700|}} ===== Feed principle ===== The pick u... would be more appropriate. ===== OpenWrt ===== Ubiquiti's firmware applies the Madwifi driver. An OpenWrt... eed observed in communication between two Airgrid M5 units, one with OpenWrt with ath9k and the other
- OpenWrt v18.01.0-rc1 Changelog (WIP) @releases:18.06
- nowiki>ar71xx:</nowiki>** <nowiki>add support for Ubiquiti Litebeam M5</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+78</... lor>//\\ \\ === #296 === **Description:** <nowiki>Ubiquiti Bullet M 10/100 ethernet interface comes up as gigabit, ... lor>//\\ \\ === #582 === **Description:** <nowiki>bullet M image has XM.v6.0.0-OpenWrt-… as version</nowik... 71xx:</nowiki>** <nowiki>change image version for ubiquiti devices</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #2
- OpenWrt v23.05.3 Changelog @releases:23.05
- 02172]]'' **<nowiki>ath79:</nowiki>** <nowiki>add Ubiquiti Rocket M XW as alternate name to Bullet M XW</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>... atek:</nowiki>** <nowiki>filogic: add support for Ubiquiti UniFi 6 Plus (U6+)</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</colo
- OpenWrt 23.05.3 - Service Release - 25. March 2024 @releases:23.05
- * mediatek: TP-Link EAP225v5 * mediatek: Ubiquiti UniFi 6 Plus * mediatek: Zbtlink ZBT-Z8102AX ... ips: Z-ROUTER ZR-2660 * ath79: Nanostation Loco M5 XW: Fix read only jffs2 partition * ath79: TP-L... DR4300: Fix spurious reboot hangs * ath79: ubnt-bullet-m-xw: fix Ethernet PHY traffic * ipq807x: edgec
- OpenWrt 23.05.3 - 稳定版发布 - 2024 年 3 月 25 日 @zh:releases:23.05
- * mediatek: TP-Link EAP225v5 * mediatek: Ubiquiti UniFi 6 Plus * mediatek: Zbtlink ZBT-Z8102AX ... ips: Z-ROUTER ZR-2660 * ath79: Nanostation Loco M5 XW: 修复只读 jffs2 分区问题 * ath79: TP-Link TL-WDR3600 and TL-WDR4300: 修复意外重启挂起问题 * ath79: ubnt-bullet-m-xw: 修复以太网 PHY 流量问题 * ipq807x: edgecore EAP102