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- Arcadyan VGV7510KW22 (o2 Box 6431)
- ====== Arcadyan VGV7510KW22 (o2 Box 6431) ====== The internal Arcadyan model number is VGV7510KW22, though it is better known as "o2 Box 6431". OpenWrt support i... enwrtupgradeurl"], "filterColumns": {"brand": "^Arcadyan / Astoria$", "model": "VGV7510KW22"} } --> ==== Easy and exhaustive way but without... ing gluon directly, but it showed that the device arcadyan_vgv7510kw22-brn can't be upgraded with arcadyan_vgv7510kw22-nor image). Therefore a 16MB firmware image is c
- Arcadyan ARV7506PW11 (Alice IAD 4421 / o2 Box 4421)
- ... done" -> **or it gets bricked** -> see: [[toh:arcadyan:vgv7510kw22#booting_via_uart|Booting via uart]] - reset -... snapshots/targets/lantiq/xway/openwrt-lantiq-xway-arcadyan_arv7506pw11-initramfs-kernel.bin|openwrt-lantiq-xway-arcadyan_arv7506pw11-initramfs-kernel.bin]] Linux debian: - [[toh:arcadyan:arv7506pw11#flash_u-boot_serial|flash u-boot]] (i