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- ALFA Network Hornet-UB (8MB/32MB version) @toh:alfa_network
- ====== ALFA Network Hornet-UB (8MB/32MB version) ====== {{section>meta:infobox:432_warning#infobox_for_dataentr... voila case opened. ==== Pictures ==== {{}} {{}} ==== Serial ==== ^ J1 ... connected. This will likely brick it. | {{|}} ==== JTAG ====
- ALFA Network AP121 @toh:alfa_network
- ====== ALFA Network AP121 ====== {{section>meta:infobox:432_warning#infobox_for_dataentries&noheader&nofooter&n... ditbutton}} For a detailed description see [[toh:alfa_network:hornet-ub]]. The Hornet UB is the baseboard of the AP121U, which is the AP121 with an USB jack. The AP121 ... url", "deviceid"], "filterColumns": {"brand": "^ALFA Network$", "model": "^AP121$"} } --> ===== Hardware Hig... dem", "usbports"], "filterColumns": {"brand": "^ALFA Network$", "model": "^AP121$"} } --> ===== Installation