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- OpenWrt v21.02.0 Changelog @releases:21.02
- /nowiki>** <nowiki>add PoE passthrough switch for Ubiquiti Nanostation (XM/XW)</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+6</... <nowiki>ath79:</nowiki>** <nowiki>add support for Ubiquiti NanoStation Loco M (XW)</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+39<... <nowiki>ath79:</nowiki>** <nowiki>add support for Ubiquiti Nanostation Loco M (XM)</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><colo... 9:</nowiki>** <nowiki>add missing reset-gpios for NanoStation Loco M (XW)</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+1</
- OpenWrt v21.02.0-rc1 Changelog @releases:21.02
- /nowiki>** <nowiki>add PoE passthrough switch for Ubiquiti Nanostation (XM/XW)</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+6</... <nowiki>ath79:</nowiki>** <nowiki>add support for Ubiquiti NanoStation Loco M (XW)</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+39<... <nowiki>ath79:</nowiki>** <nowiki>add support for Ubiquiti Nanostation Loco M (XM)</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><colo... 9:</nowiki>** <nowiki>add missing reset-gpios for NanoStation Loco M (XW)</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+1</
- Ubiquiti NanoStation M2 / Loco M2 @toh:ubiquiti
- s: ==== Flashing via AirOS web gui ==... ubnt-nano-m-squashfs-factory.bin image:\\ {{media:ubiquiti:nanostation_loco_m2.png?600|Flashing via AirOS web gui}}\\ an... x300|}} **Nanostation Loco M2 (XM):** {{:media:ubiquiti:nanostation_loco_m2_xm_casing_parts.jpg?200|}} {{:media:ubiquiti:nanostation_loco_m2_xm_board_top.jpg?200|}} ==== Old boards vs ne
- OpenWrt v19.07.0 Changelog @releases:19.07
- <nowiki>ath79:</nowiki>** <nowiki>Add support for Ubiquiti Nanostation M (XW)</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+48<... /nowiki>** <nowiki>add PoE passthrough switch for Ubiquiti Nanostation (XM/XW)</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+6</
- Ubiquiti Nanostation M5 / Loco M5 @toh:ubiquiti
- ====== Ubiquiti Nanostation M5 / Loco M5====== <WRAP center round important 50%> Warning! There are two versions of NanoStation: **xm** and **xw**. **Downgrade procedure fails** for devices wit... k in progress [[ | in this openwrt forum thre... Hardware ^ | xm | - | 14.07 | ar724x | | | xw | 2014 | 14.07 - for Nanostation M5 | ar9342 | | | ::: | ::: | 14.07 - for Nanosta
- OpenWrt v19.07.0-rc1 Changelog @releases:19.07
- <nowiki>ath79:</nowiki>** <nowiki>Add support for Ubiquiti Nanostation M (XW)</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+48<... <nowiki>ath79:</nowiki>** <nowiki>align naming of Ubiquiti Nanostation M</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+6<... </nowiki>** <nowiki>add SUPPORTED_DEVICES to ubnt_nanostation-m-xw</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+1</c... /nowiki>** <nowiki>fix SUPPORTED_DEVICES for ubnt_nanostation-m</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+1<
- Common Procedures for Ubiquiti Products @toh:ubiquiti
- P. ===== OpenWrt installation on XW boards ===== Ubiquiti devices with XW boards do not have the limitation that those base... mation on the [[|OpenWrt Forum]]. ===== Open
- Ubiquiti NanoBeam M2 and M5 @toh:ubiquiti
- > system type : Atheros AR9342 rev 2 machine : Ubiquiti Nanostation M XW processor : 0 cpu model : MIPS 74Kc V4.12 BogoM... ===== Images of NBE-M5-300 Board ===== {{media:ubiquiti:powerbeam300-m5-front.jpg?600|NBE-M5-300 front}} {{media:ubiquiti:powerbeam300-m5-back.jpg?600|NBE-M5-300 back}} ===== Images of NBE-M5-16 Board ===== {{:media:ubiquiti:nanobeam-m5-16:pcb.jpg?400|}} ===== Tags ===== [
- OpenWrt v19.07.2 Changelog @releases:19.07
- <nowiki>ath79:</nowiki>** <nowiki>add support for Ubiquiti NanoStation Loco M (XW)</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+39<... 2660e6]]'' <nowiki>Revert "ath79: add support for Ubiquiti NanoStation Loco M (XW)"</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #f00>-39... <nowiki>ath79:</nowiki>** <nowiki>add support for Ubiquiti NanoStation Loco M (XW)</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+39<... 9:</nowiki>** <nowiki>add missing reset-gpios for NanoStation Loco M (XW)</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+1</
- LEDE v17.01.0 Changelog @releases:17.01
- r71xx:</nowiki>** <nowiki>set GPIO reset line for Ubiquiti NanoStation Loco XW</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+17</... ramips:</nowiki>** <nowiki>fix DEVICE_PACKAGES of Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><col... i>** <nowiki>add support for the HSR tuner of the Ubiquiti UAP Outdoor+</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><col
- LEDE v17.01.0-rc1 Changelog @releases:17.01
- r71xx:</nowiki>** <nowiki>set GPIO reset line for Ubiquiti NanoStation Loco XW</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+17</... ramips:</nowiki>** <nowiki>fix DEVICE_PACKAGES of Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><col... i>** <nowiki>add support for the HSR tuner of the Ubiquiti UAP Outdoor+</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><col
- OpenWrt v19.07.0-rc2 Changelog @releases:19.07
- /nowiki>** <nowiki>add PoE passthrough switch for Ubiquiti Nanostation (XM/XW)</nowiki> //<color #ccc>(</color><color #282>+6</
- OpenWrt 23.05.3 - Service Release - 25. March 2024 @releases:23.05
- re G720 * ramips: Z-ROUTER ZR-2660 * ath79: Nanostation Loco M5 XW: Fix read only jffs2 partition * ath79: TP-Link... ix spurious reboot hangs * ath79: ubnt-bullet-m-xw: fix Ethernet PHY traffic * ipq807x: edgecore E
- OpenWrt 23.05.3 - 稳定版发布 - 2024 年 3 月 25 日 @zh:releases:23.05
- re G720 * ramips: Z-ROUTER ZR-2660 * ath79: Nanostation Loco M5 XW: 修复只读 jffs2 分区问题 * ath79: TP-Link TL-WDR3600 an... d TL-WDR4300: 修复意外重启挂起问题 * ath79: ubnt-bullet-m-xw: 修复以太网 PHY 流量问题 * ipq807x: edgecore EAP102: 修复
- OpenWrt 19.07.2 - Service Release - 6 March 2020 @releases:19.07
- evices * Add support for more devices in ath79: Ubiquiti Nanostation Loco M (XM & XW), Picostation M (XM) * Add support for Luxul AB