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Using OpenWrt/LEDE to build a LAMP/WordPress dev server on a travel router @docs:guide-user:services:webserver
9 Hits, Last modified:
how-to documents how I got WordPress running on a GL.inet MT300A I bought for £27 on Amazon. Much of my account re... s little point. I used lede-17.01.4-ramips-mt7620-gl-mt300a-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin from this site and follow... . Now's the time to set that new password! NOTE: GL.inet state that you can use the reset button to r... eagre storage provided by the average router. The MT300A offers only 16Mb, but that's enough for LEDE plus
Smartphone Bluetooth Tethering @docs:guide-user:hardware:bluetooth
6 Hits, Last modified:
_configuration|overlay]] file systems and a [[toh:gl.inet:gl-mt300a|MT-300A]] with both [[ A Extender Cable]] which I connected to my [[toh:gl.inet:gl-mt300a|MT-300A]] OpenWrt router and Bluetooth dongle. =
  • Last modified: 2024/12/09 08:19
  • by kanjimonster