fw4 Filtering traffic with IP sets by DNS
This guide creates a set of IP addresses for traffic filtering and is an equivalent of dns_ipset based on nftables/fw4 which is the default starting from OpenWrt 22.03.
Avoid a direct connection to the IP address bypass of DNS based filtering of a website or with DoH. The general use case is a traffic restriction to be applied for SmartTV, IoT and other devices for which you want to enforce limited Internet access.
To achieve this, a set of IP addresses is created from a list of allowed or denied domains. A firewall rule to allow or deny traffic to those IP address is then created. The below example refers to the allow case for a specific interface called wildlan.
- You need a firewall zone without forwarding to wan, so that no traffic to the Internet is allowed by default. Below, this firewall zone is referenced as wildlan
- dig and grep are installed (only for Case 2)
- A standard fw4 configuration with inet fw4 table
This wiki covers two cases, based on the dnsmasq running version. Case 1 applies only to dnsmasq 2.87 or greater.
[CASE 1] Command-line instructions
Install dnsmasq-full as follows
opkg update; cd /tmp/ && opkg download dnsmasq-full; opkg install ipset libnettle8 libnetfilter-conntrack3; opkg remove dnsmasq; opkg install dnsmasq-full --cache /tmp/; rm -f /tmp/dnsmasq-full*.ipk;
Confirm dnsmasq is running with
opkg list-installed dns*
A valid result looks like dnsmasq-full - 2.88-1
In /etc/hotplug.d/iface/20-firewall, add the below code to create the nft set in which we will save the IP addresses, the proposed code is ipv4 only but can be extended to cover ipv6.
# Filter wildlan by IP addresses ## Create a set for "inet fw4" table with name "allowlist" that can include "ipv4_addr" nft add set inet fw4 allowlist { type ipv4_addr \;} nft insert rule inet fw4 forward_wildlan ip daddr @allowlist accept
The wildlan zone has no access to Internet unless the target IP address is listed in allowlist. With dnsmasq 2.87, resolved IPs can be automatically added to a set.
Edit /etc/dnsmasq.conf with
# The IP address corresponding to allowed.url URLs will be saved in the nftset (/4# filters for ipv4) nftset=/first.allowed.urls/4#inet#fw4#allowlist nftset=/second.allowed.urls/4#inet#fw4#allowlist ...
Looking to the case in which you want to ensure that only IP addresses resolved via your DNS are allowed, then use # wildcard. This make sense if you want avoid access via direct IP without a filter for specific URLs.
The relevant IP address of the allowed URLs can be listed with the below command, the set will anyhow remain empty till any of the allowed URLs is resolved via dnsmasq.
nft list set inet fw4 allowlist
[CASE 2] Command-line instructions
This applies only to OpenWrt 22.03, OpenWrt 22.03.1 and OpenWrt 22.03.2 that have an older release of dnsmasq. In this case we cannot use dnsmasq to automatically fill the IP addresses in the set, so this must be done via a script.
In /etc/hotplug.d/iface/20-firewall, add the below code to create the nft set in which we will save the IP addresses, the proposed code is ipv4 only but can be extended to cover ipv6.
# Filter wildlan by IP addresses ## Create a set for "inet fw4" table with name "allowlist" that can include "ipv4_addr" nft add set inet fw4 allowlist { type ipv4_addr \;} ## Add element to "allowlist" from file urls.txt for address in $(dig a -f /etc/sets-ipdns/wildlan-urls.list +short | grep -v '\.$'); do nft add element inet fw4 allowlist {$address timeout 24h} done nft insert rule inet fw4 forward_wildlan ip daddr @allowlist accept
The list of domains to which traffic will be allowed shall be included in a the custom file /etc/sets-ipdns/wildlan-urls.list. To create the file:
cd /etc mkdir sets-ipdns cd sets-ipdns vim wildlan-urls.list
List inside vim the domain names that shall be allowed.
Based on this forward chain, only the traffic with destination to the IP addresses included in @allowlist will be allowed.
The /etc/hotplug.d/iface/20-firewall is executed at any change of any interface (so mostly at boot time), so that @allowlist will be filled with IP addresses only at that stage. That set shall be periodically updated for two reasons: 1. The IP addresses may change 2. In case of DNS Load Balancing, the same DNS query will result in different IP addresses (all valid) based on time of request.
In the Scheduled Task in Luci or in /etc/crontabs/root, configure a script to update the sets every 15 minutes.
15 * * * * /etc/sets-ipdns/update-sets.sh
In the /etc/sets-ipdns/update-sets.sh
## Add element to "allowlist" from file urls.txt for address in $(dig a -f /etc/sets-ipdns/wildlan-urls.list +short | grep -v '\.$'); do nft add element inet fw4 allowlist {$address timeout 24h} done
Enable the script and reboot
chmod +x /etc/sets-ipdns/update-sets.sh reboot
After reboot, verify the content of the @allowlist and the result should be a list of ipv4 addresses.
nft list set inet fw4 allowlist
The final crosscheck is to verify that addresses listed in /etc/sets-ipdns/wildlan-urls.list can be accessed, no other domains should be accessible unless the same IP address is shared between multiple domains (that happen with CDNs).
In CASE 1 any URL and sub-URL that is listed will be allowed, rather in CASE 2 only the exact listed URL will be allowed. This make CASE 2 functionally working only for services that doesn't use multiple sub-URLs.
In CASE 2 the script will periodically query the DNS with all domains included in /etc/sets-ipdns/wildlan-urls.list so that list should be reasonably small.
Further Improvements
The command line instructions that are included in /etc/hotplug.d/iface/20-firewall trigger a rebuild of the firewall configuration at each change of any interface. This is not triggered when a UCI/LUCI firewall change is applied. So at any change in the firewall configuration, the rebuild will not involve the custom rules included in /etc/hotplug.d/iface/20-firewall. As a result, connectivity of devices that rely on this will be lost.
The rules will be reapplied at next change in status of any interface, that could also be triggered on purpose to rebuild the rules.
If in the next released is included a custom file for NFT commands that is triggered at any firewall rebuild, this problem will be solved.