Openwrt as metarouter is highly experimental but is also very promising, therefore if someone knows useful resources, please contribute! This should be valid for the entire openwrt wiki in general.
One obvious resource is the mikrotik forum and related searches
on it. For example with google openwrt metarouter
Discussion about patching the openwrt sources to get the metarouter image working:
The metarouter image is based on a 'proper patch' for building the openwrt sources, so everyone can build its own version. The point is that (a) publishing the compiled packages online is not for everyone (b) providing the right procedure to build a mips/ppc version of openwrt is not for everyone. Therefore providing mirror of already compiled packages or informations (for example in this wiki) is highly reccomended - as in every open source/community project.
Editing /etc/opkg.conf
src/gz packages #src/gz packages dest root / dest ram /tmp lists_dir ext /var/opkg-lists option overlay_root /overlay
), and the CPU stays on an average of 40%. Could be that the test setup was limiting the system somehow, maybe due to the overhead in processing the IRQ request, like: when the IRQ is processed natively one can send more data, while with the hypervisor one can send less data, but then it is strange that both the flow from 2 wan connections goes through one lan connection without problems.metarouter disable <metarouter_name> ; ping count=2 ; metarouter enable <metarouter_name>