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strongSwan IPsec Configuration via UCI

Linux Charon IPsec daemon can be configured through /etc/config/ipsec.

Note: this has been updated to the swanctl-based configuration, and is current as of 5.9.5 packaging. For previous versions, use the Wiki's page history functionality.



Type Name Type Required Default Description
option zone string no vpn Firewall zone. Has to match the defined firewall zone
list listen string yes (none) Interface that accept VPN traffic (empty for all interfaces, multiple lines for several interfaces)
option debug number no 0 Trace level: 0 is least verbose, 4 is most - logs visible from output of logread -f


Contains tunnel definition.

enabledbooleanyes(none)Configuration is enabled or not
gatewayipaddryes(none)IP address or FQDN name of the tunnel remote endpoint, or permitted subnets that peers can initiate this configuration from (analogue to local_leftip)
local_gatewayipaddrno(none)IP address or FQDN of the tunnel local endpoint
local_sourceipipaddrno(none)Virtual IP(s) to request in IKEv2 configuration payloads requests, or in IKEv1 mode config (enables sending them/initiating it instead of quick mode)
local_ipipaddrno(none)Local address(es) to use in IKE negotiation when initiating; for responding, enumerates addresses we can negotiate from (and may by subnets or CIDRs)
local_identifierstringno(none)Local identifier for IKE (phase 1)
remote_identifierstringno(none)Remote identifier for IKE (phase 1)
authentication_methodstringyes(none)IKE authentication (phase 1). Only allowed value ath the moment is psk
pre_shared_keystringno(none)The preshared key for the tunnel if authentication is psk
crypto_proposallistyes(none)List of IKE (phase 1) proposals to use for authentication (see below)
tunnellistyes(none)Name of ESP/AH (phase 2) section (see below)
keyingtriesintegerno3Number of retransmissions to attempt during initial negotiation
dpddelayintervalno30sLiveness interval for IKE
inactivityintervalno(none)Interval before closing an inactive CHILD_SA
fragmentationstringnoyesUse IKE fragmentation (maybe “yes”, “accept”, “force”, or “no”)
mobikestringnoyesEnable MOBIKE on IKEv2
local_certstringno(none)List of cert pathnames to use for authentication
local_keystringno(none)List of private key pathnames to use with above certificates
ca_certstringno(none)List of names of CA certificates that need to lie in remote peer's certificate's path of trust
rekeytimeintervalno(none)IKEv2 interval to refresh keying material; also used to compute lifetime
overtimeintervalno(none)Limit on time to complete rekeying/reauthentication (defaults to 10% of rekeytime)
keyexchangestringnoikev2Version of IKE to negotiation (“ikev1”, “ikev2”, or “ike” for both)


Definition of encryption proposals. Derived from strongSwan cipher suites

encryption_algorithmstringyes(none)Encryption method (aes128, aes192, aes256, 3des)
hash_algorithmstringyes(none)Hash algorithm (md5, sha1, sha2, ...) not permitted when an AEAD algorithm is used
dh_groupstringyes(none)Diffie-Hellman exponentiation (modp768, modp1024, ...)
prf_algorithmstringno(none)Pseudo-Random Functions to use with IKE (prfmd5, prfsha1, prfsha256, ...); not applicable to ESP


Contains network defintion per tunnel.

local_subnetlistyes(none)Local network(s) one per line
remote_subnetlistyes(none)Remote network(s) one per line
local_natsubnetno(none)NAT range for tunnels with overlapping IP addresses
crypto_proposallistyes(none)List of ESP (phase two) proposals
startactionstringnorouteAction on initial configuration load (none, start, route)
updownstringno(none)Path to script to run on CHILD_SA up/down events
lifetimeintervalno(none)Maximum duration of the CHILD_SA before closing (defaults to 110% of rekeytime)
rekeytimeintervalno(none)Duration of the CHILD_SA before rekeying
dpdactionstringno(none)Action done when DPD timeout occurs (may be “none”, “clear”, “hold”, “restart”, “trap”, or “start”)
closeactionstringnorouteAction done when CHILD_SA is closed (may be “add”, “route”, “start”, “none”, or “trap”)
if_idstringno(none)XFRM interface ID set on input and output interfaces (should be coordinated with “ifid” values in route entries on “xfrm” interfaces)
prioritystringno(none)Priority of the CHILD_SA
ipcompboolnofalseEnable ipcomp compression
hw_offloadboolnofalseEnable H/W offload

Local configuration for /etc/config/ipsec:

config 'ipsec'
  # useful so traffic isn't sourced from internal addresses,
  # which would then requiring NATting and port 4500, etc.
  list 'interface' 'wan'
  option 'zone' 'vpn'
config 'remote' 'acme'
  option 'enabled' '1'
  # address of wan device
  option 'local_ip' ''
  # peer has routable DHCP'd address which changes
  option 'gateway' 'any'
  option 'authentication_method' 'pubkey'
  option 'local_identifier' 'C=US, O=Acme Corporation, CN=headquarters'
  option 'remote_identifier' 'C=US, O=Acme Corporation, CN=soho'
  option 'local_cert' 'headquarters.crt'
  option 'local_key' 'headquarters.key'
  option 'ca_cert' 'acme.crt'
  option 'rekeytime' '4h'
  option 'keyingtries' '0'
  option 'mobike' '0'
  option 'fragmentation' '1'
  list   'crypto_proposal' 'ike_proposal'
  list   'tunnel' 'tun_soho'
config 'crypto_proposal' 'ike_proposal'
  option 'encryption_algorithm' 'aes256gcm'
  # no hash_algorithm allowed with AEAD
  option 'dh_group' 'modp3072'
  option prf_algorithm 'prfsha512'
# we don't specify subnets because we're going to use XFRM-interfaced based routes instead
config 'tunnel' 'tun_soho'
  list   'local_subnet' ''
  list   'remote_subnet' ''
  option 'if_id' '357'
  option 'rekeytime' '1h'
  # other end is behind NAT or we'd use 'route' to initiate
  option 'startaction' 'none'
  option 'closeaction' 'none'
  list   'crypto_proposal' 'esp_proposal'
config 'crypto_proposal' 'esp_proposal'
  option 'encryption_algorithm' 'aes256gcm'
  # no hash_algorithm with allowed with AEAD
  option 'dh_group' 'modp3072'

and to support XFRM-based interfaces with associated routing, we put the following into /etc/config/network:

config 'interface' 'xfrm0'
  option 'ifid' '357'
  option 'tunlink' 'wan'
  option 'mtu' '1438'
  option 'zone' 'vpn'
  option 'proto' 'xfrm'
  # useful if you want to run Bonjour/mDNS across VPN tunnels
  option 'multicast' 'true'
config 'interface' 'xfrm0_s'
  option 'ifname' '@xfrm0'
  option 'proto' 'static'
  option 'ipaddr' ''
config 'route'
  option 'interface' 'xfrm0'
  option 'target' ''
  option 'source' ''

Lastly, /etc/config/firewall requires:

config 'zone'
  option 'name' 'vpn'
  option 'network' 'xfrm0'
  option 'input' 'ACCEPT'
  option 'output' 'ACCEPT'
  option 'forward' 'ACCEPT'
  option 'mtu_fix' '1'
config 'forwarding'
  option 'src' 'lan'
  option 'dest' 'vpn'
config 'forwarding'
  option 'src' 'vpn'
  option 'dest' 'lan'
config 'rule'
  option 'name' 'Allow-IPSec-ESP'
  option 'src' 'wan'
  option 'proto' 'esp'
  option 'family' 'ipv4'
  option 'target' 'ACCEPT'
config 'rule'
  option 'name' 'Allow-ISP-ISAKMP'
  option 'src' 'wan'
  option 'src_port' '500'
  option 'dest_port' '500'
  option 'proto' 'udp'
  option 'family' 'ipv4'
  option 'target' 'ACCEPT'

Lastly generate the certificates for both ends on the hub:

root@HQ:~# gencerts -s US "Acme Corporation" headquarters soho
Generated as headquarters-certs.tar.gz
Generated as soho-certs.tar.gz
root@HQ:~# tar ztvf headquarters-certs.tar.gz 
-r--r--r-- 0/0      1870 2021-06-17 19:01:38 swanctl/x509ca/acme.crt
-r--r--r-- 0/0      1923 2021-06-17 19:01:53 swanctl/x509/headquarters.crt
-r-------- 0/0      3243 2021-06-17 19:01:53 swanctl/private/headquarters.key
root@HQ:~# tar ztvf soho-certs.tar.gz 
-r--r--r-- 0/0      1870 2021-06-17 19:01:38 swanctl/x509ca/acme.crt
-r--r--r-- 0/0      1903 2021-06-17 19:02:04 swanctl/x509/soho.crt
-r-------- 0/0      3243 2021-06-17 19:02:04 swanctl/private/soho.key

Note that the filenames in headquarters.tar.gz correspond to local_cert, local_key, and ca_cert above. Similarly, the certificate's subject corresponds to the local_identifier:

root@HQ:~# openssl x509 -in /etc/swanctl/x509/headquarters.crt -noout -subject
subject=C = US, O = Acme Corporation, CN = headquarters

As these files are present on the headquarters firewall already, you can remove headquarters.tar.gz. You can also remove:


as these are only needed on the remote end (SoHo).

Now copy the soho-certs.tar.gz file over to the SoHo router, and unpack it with:

root@SoHo:~# tar -zxf soho-certs.tar.gz -C /etc

Lastly, configure /etc/config/ipsec on the SoHo router:

config 'ipsec'
  option 'zone' 'vpn'
  listen 'interface' 'wan'
config 'remote' 'headquarters'
  option 'enabled' '1'
  option 'local_ip' '%any'
  option 'gateway' ''
  option 'local_identifier' 'C=US, O=Acme Corporation, CN=soho'
  option 'remote_identifier' 'C=US, O=Acme Corporation, CN=headquarters'
  option 'authentication_method' 'pubkey'
  option 'fragmentation' '1'
  option 'local_cert' 'soho.crt'
  option 'local_key' 'soho.key'
  option 'ca_cert' 'acme.crt'
  option 'rekeytime' '4h'
  option 'keyingtries' '0'
  option 'mobike' 0
  list 'crypto_proposal' 'ike_proposal'
  list 'tunnel' 'tun_headquarters'
config 'crypto_proposal' 'ike_proposal'
  option 'encryption_algorithm' 'aes256gcm128'
  # no hash_algorithm allowed with AEAD
  option 'dh_group' 'modp3072'
  option 'prf_algorithm' 'prfsha512'
config tunnel 'tun_headquarters'
  list   'local_subnet' ''
  list   'remote_subnet' ''
  option 'if_id' '308'
  option 'rekeytime' '1h'
  option 'startaction' 'trap'
  option 'closeaction' 'none'
  option 'dpdaction' 'restart'
  list 'crypto_proposal' 'esp_proposal'
config 'crypto_proposal' 'esp_proposal'
  option 'encryption_algorithm' 'aes256gcm128'
  # no hash_algorithm allowed with AEAD
  option 'dh_group' 'modp3072'

Now modify /etc/config/firewall as above, and /etc/config/network as:

config 'interface' 'xfrm0'
  option 'ifid' '308'
  option 'tunlink' 'wan'
  option 'mtu' '1438'
  option 'zone' 'vpn'
  option 'proto' 'xfrm'
  # useful if you want to run Bonjour/mDNS across VPN tunnels
  option 'multicast' 'true'
config 'interface' 'xfrm0_s'
  option 'ifname' '@xfrm0'
  option 'proto' 'static'
  option 'ipaddr' ''
config 'route'
  option 'interface' 'xfrm0'
  option 'target' ''
  # assuming lan has the address
  option 'source' ''

And when this is all done, on both ends do:

root@HQ:~# /etc/init.d/swanctl enable
root@HQ:~# /etc/init.d/swanctl restart