Table of Contents


BitTorrent (protocol)

BitTorrent Client Software

Name Version Dependencies Size Description
aria2 1.35.0 libc, zlib, libstdcpp6, libopenssl1.1, libsqlite30 842.038 aria2 is a lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source command-line download utility. It can be configured via LuCi web interface app and it comes with its own web GUI for URI downloadings
transmission-daemon 2.40-1 libcurl, libopenssl, libpthread, libevent2, librt 182.225 Transmission is a simple BitTorrent client. It features a very simple, intuitive interface on top on an efficient, cross-platform back-end. This package contains the daemon itself.
See →/etc/config/transmission to configure it
transmission-remote 2.40-1 189.729 CLI remote interface for transmission.
transmission-cli 2.40-1 transmission-daemon 709.887 CLI utilities for transmission.
transmission-web 2.40-1 transmission-daemon 138.156 Webinterface resources for transmission.
rtorrent 0.9.8-2 libc, libcurl4, libncurses6, libpthread, libopenssl1.1, libstdcpp6, zlib 562.281 rTorrent is a BitTorrent client for ncurses, using the LibTorrent library. The client and library is written in C + + with emphasis on speed and efficiency, while delivering equivalent features to those found in GUI based clients in an ncurses client.
rtorrent-rpc 0.9.8-2 libc, libcurl4, libncurses6, libpthread, libopenssl1.1, libstdcpp6, zlib, xmlrpc-c-server 558.708 rTorrent is a BitTorrent client for ncurses, also has a built-in daemon mode, clients can control it via XML-RPC. LuCI based client: luci-app-rtorrent
ctorrent dnh3.3.2-5 uclibcxx, libopenssl 86.767 CTorrent is a BitTorrent client written in the C programming language, known to be a very robust and mature programming language, which produces fast and optimized application. This package is built with OpenSSL support.
ctorrent-nossl dnh3.3.2-5 uclibcxx 86.720 CTorrent is a BitTorrent client written in the C programming language, known to be a very robust and mature programming language, which produces fast and optimized application. This package is built with builtin (Steve Reid's public-domain) SHA-1 support
deluge* Deluge is written in Python and should be available since R20178.
Deluge is broken in OpenWrt: 6888 deluge needs rblibtorrent, which is broken and won't probably be fixed anytime soon
btpd 0.16-2 BTPD is a bittorrent client consisting of a daemon and client commands, which can be used to read and/or manipulate the daemon state. The daemon is capable of running several torrents simultaneously and only uses one tcp port. It's fairly low on resource usage and should be perfect for file distribution sites. Efficient downloads and ease of use makes this client a good choice for the casual user as well.

BitTorrent Tracker Software

Name Version Dependencies Size Description
cbtt 20060727-2 libc, libpthread, uclibcxx, zlib Bittorrent tracker