Table of Contents

Extending the router ports with a managed switch with VLANs

Prerequired knowledge

See Switch documentation and Network documentation.

Explanation of the need

You have a powerful machine running OpenWrt. Powerful here means: a device able to process the amount of network packets created by your activities by a big margin. Like you create a flow of 50 Mbit and your device is able to process until 800 Mbit.

The problem is: somehow you have several WAN connections (maybe using mwan3), or several internal connections for whatever reasons and the device does not have enough Ethernet ports.

You can extend the Ethernet ports of the device using a managed switch (and it means that you have a bit of money/resources and you are in a homeoffice or small office scenario).

Configuring a managed switch with VLANs

The technology that enables an OpenWrt based device to be extended in terms of ports is VLAN.


Some tips (normally a decent explanation of how the VLAN works is included in the switch's manufacturer manual):

An untagged port, with VID X, in a switch assign the VLAN tag X to incoming packets. When the packet is leaving the untagged port, and was tagged with the VID X, the VLAN tag is removed. This helps, for example, to communicate between tagged and untagged ports. A packet without VID, going inside an untagged port, gets the VID X and can be routed out other ports belonging to the same VID (apart from bridged ports).

A tagged port, with VID Y, accepts only packets tagged with the VID Y in input, while let packets tagged with VID Y going out to the port. Note that one port could be untagged only once, while can be tagged with several VID.

With a brief schema you have:

internal stack of the switch  +  External network                                                                                                        
                              |                                                           internal stack of the switch  +  External network              
                              |                                                                                         |                                
                              | Tagged port with VID Y, X and Z                                                         |                                
                              |                                                                                         |                                
 packet with VID Y            |                                                                                         | Untagged port with VID W       
                              |                                                                                         |                                
             +--------------------------------------->                                      gets the VID W afterwards   |           packet with no VID   
                              |                                                                        <--------------------------------------+          
 packet with VID X            |                                                                                         |                                
                              |                                                                                         |                                
             +--------------------------------------->                                     packet with VID W            |                                
                              |                                                                                         |        No VID afterwards       
 packet with VID Z            |                                                                 +-------------------------------------------->           
                              |                                                                                         |                                
             +--------------------------------------->                                                                  |                                
                              |                                                                 keep the VID            |               packet with VID W
                              |           packet with VID Y                                      <----------------------------------------------+        
             <--------------------------------------+                                                                   +                                
                              |           packet with VID X                                                                                              
                              |           packet with VID Z                                                                                              
 packet with VID W            |                                                                                                                          
                           XX |                                                                                                                          
      +--------------------XX |                                                                                                                          
                           XX |                                                                                                                          
                              |  XX           packet with VID W                                                                                          
                              |  XX-------------------+                                                                                                  
                              +  XX                                                                                                                      


So, imagine to have a 16 ports switch, we want to extend our router with 8 ports. We choose the first 8.

So the ports 9-16 of the switch will retain the VID 1, and be untagged, with the VID 1 used also for management.

Then we create the VID 100 to assign it to trunks or hybrid ports (a trunk is a port that is assigned to all the VLAN IDs, and hybrid port is a port assigned to some VIDs).

Then we assign:

  1. The port 1 to the VID 101 untagged.
  2. The port 2 to the VID 102 untagged.
  3. ...
  4. The port 7 to the VID 107 untagged.
  5. The port 8 to the VID 100 untagged and VID 101 to 107 tagged.

This because we want that the packets coming from the port 1 to the port 7 can pass through the port 8, and the tagged packets coming from the port 8 can pass through the ports 1 to 7, without tag (because other devices could not recognize the tag or reject the packet if tagged).

Configuring an OpenWrt router

Now we want to make use of this. For example, let's say that we connect to the port 1 of the switch the modem for the wan connection 'wan', and on the port 2 the modem for the wan connection 'wan2'.

With programmable switch

On a TP-Link TL-WDR3600 we have something like this:

# /etc/config/network
config switch
        option name  'eth0'
        option reset '1'
        option enable_vlan '1'
## Port: internet
config disabled_switch_vlan
        option device 'eth0'
        option vlan   '1'
        option ports  '0t 1'
        list comment  'port internet, eth0.1'
        list comment  'we cannot have an untagged port'
config switch_vlan
        option device 'eth0'
        option vlan   '101'
        option ports  '0t 1t'
        list comment  'port internet, eth0.101'
config switch_vlan
        option device 'eth0'
        option vlan   '102'
        option ports  '0t 1t'
        list comment  'port internet, eth0.102'
config interface 'wan'
        option ifname           eth0.101
        option proto            'dhcp'
        option disabled_type    'bridge'
        list comment            'mwan3 does not like bridges, as far as the documentation goes'
        option peerdns          0
        option metric           10
config interface 'wan2'
        option ifname           eth0.102
        option proto            'dhcp'
        option disabled_type    'bridge'
        list comment            'mwan3 does not like bridges, as far as the documentation goes'
        option peerdns          0
        option metric           20

Without programmable switch

On a routerOS metarouter or a x86 device with have something similar to this.

# /etc/config/network
config interface 'wan'
        option ifname           eth0.101
        option proto            'dhcp'
        option disabled_type    'bridge'
        list comment            'mwan3 does not like bridges, as far as the documentation goes'
        option peerdns          0
        option metric           10
config interface 'wan2'
        option ifname           eth0.102
        option proto            'dhcp'
        option disabled_type    'bridge'
        list comment            'mwan3 does not like bridges, as far as the documentation goes'
        option peerdns          0
        option metric           20


In this way you have your extended router with way more ports, overcoming the limits of the table of hardware that actually does not offer any device with more than 5 gigabit ports easy to install (the Mikrotik ones are a bit complicated to install).

The limits to take care of are: how much traffic will pass through a port, normally for SOHO even combining multiple WANs it should not exceed 200-300 Mbit, and the processing power of the device itself (that will be under stress already for checking the vlan tag) with OpenWrt (that sometimes cannot use hardware acceleration),

But this could enable the usage of very powerful devices with just 2 ports, for example.

Practical applications for productive work

How to configure the managed switch with VLAN allowed

Reserving and grouping ports in rows or 'nibbles'

So the idea is to reserve some ports in a managed switch with VLANs to configure them as extension for a OpenWrt based gateway. A point that should not be underestimated is how to choose and reserve ports for specific roles. For now we can decide to divide the role of the ports in two main groups: external connection and internal connections. This because if we do not reserve enough ports, in case of small expansion of the network needs, we end up on a switch that has a minefield (and no clear structure) of VLANs. Furthermore consider that we are going to use one gigabit port as connection to the router, therefore we expect that the traffic on every port is way less than one gigabit, else we have congestion. In our case the traffic generated between logical networks is less than 50 Mbit on average, even if a gigabit port has to channel several logical networks it will be enough. Of course the solution is not extremely scalable but for small networks (the ones covered by us), it is way enough.

So for example 'external connections' are the WAN connections, and currently we can assume that is unlikely that we will deploy more than 3 wan connections (mostly we deploy 2 wan, and in the case we upgrade the single wan connection). Therefore we can define 4 ports for the wan connections. Why 4? Three ports are needed for connecting Ethernet cables to the modem provided by the ISP, one port will be the port that will send the data to the gateway, the port will be either a trunk or a hybrid port.

The same applies for internal connections. We should see the port on the switch as 'managed ports' by the router (through VLANs), so even internal network ports should be defined. For internal networks the number of assigned port should be a bit 'expansion proof' since internal necessities can arise and we want to have a standard that does not change every moment.

The internal logical network that is likely that could be covered are: voip, lan, lan2 (another company or an old network), wifi. So mostly 4. We can put a bit of margin, because creating an internal need is way more cheap than creating another contract for wan connection, so let's extend to 7, so we have 8 port used (one has to go to the router).

Now it is about grouping. Mostly we will use switches with 16 ports until 48, and those normally have 2 rows of Ethernet ports. One way is to use rows, one way is to use nibbles (that are rectangular grouping). We will see later how to use nibbles, because using a row of N contiguous ports it is the simpler way.

Assigning VLANS

We decide to assign to external ports VLAN PVID starting from 101 to 199 (consider that we have until 4095), while we can assign 201 to 299 for internal ports. While the hybrid/trunk ports will have 100 or 200.

With a 24 port switch like an hp 1810-24 j9803A we can use 12 ports like this (note that we assign the logical network numbers following the numbers of the device for easy of maintenance. This is one of the small factor in our 'parametric standard'):

port 1 - wan1
PVID 101
port 3 - wan3
PVID 103
port 5 - lan1
PVID 201
port 7 - lan3
PVID 203
port 9 - lan5
PVID 205
port 11 - lan7
PVID 207
port 2 - wan2
PVID 102
port 4 to the wan 'collector' port on the router
PVID 100
tagged VID 101,102,103
port 6 - lan2
PVID 202
port 8 - lan4
PVID 204
port 10 - lan6
PVID 206
port 12 to the LAN 'collector' port on the router
PVID 200
tagged VID 201,202,203,204,205,206,207

You can see the rectangular grouping called also 'nibble'. An advantage of not using 'trunk' ports over 'hybrid' is that we separated neatly the groupings and we do not risk that a port is sending data also to an unwanted port.

Example configuration

An example of configuration to use part of the managed switch configuration.

# Copyright (C) 2006
config interface loopback
        option ifname   lo
        option proto    static
        option ipaddr
        option netmask
#eth0 lan1
#eth1 lan2
#eth2 lan3
config interface rescue
        option ifname   eth0
        option type     bridge
        option proto    static
        option ipaddr
        option netmask
        list comment 'for rescuing and management operations'
config interface wan
        option ifname   eth1.101
        option no_type_with_mwan3       1
        option 'proto'          'static'
        option 'ipaddr'         ''
        option 'netmask'        ''
        option 'gateway'        ''
        option metric           10
config interface wan2
        option ifname   eth1.102
        option no_type_with_mwan3       1
        option 'proto'          'static'
        option 'ipaddr'         ''
        option 'netmask'        ''
        option 'gateway'        ''
        option metric           20
config interface wan3
        option ifname   eth1.103
        option proto    dhcp
        option metric   30
config interface lan
        option ifname   eth2.201
        option proto    static
        option ipaddr
        option netmask
config interface lan_gw
        option ifname   eth2.201
        option proto    static
        option ipaddr
        option netmask
config interface lan_gw2
        option ifname   eth2.201
        option proto    static
        option ipaddr
        option netmask
config interface lan_old
        option ifname   eth2.201
        option proto    static
        option ipaddr
        option netmask
config interface lan_old_g
        option ifname   eth2.201
        option proto    static
        option ipaddr
        option netmask
config interface voip
        option ifname   eth2.202
        option proto    static
        option ipaddr
        option netmask
config interface voip_gw
        option ifname   eth2.202
        option proto    static
        option ipaddr
        option netmask
config interface wlan
        option ifname   eth2.203
        option type     bridge
        option proto    static
        option ipaddr
        option netmask
config interface wlan_gw
        option ifname   eth2.203
        option proto    static
        option ipaddr
        option netmask
config interface vpn0
        option ifname   tun0
        option proto    none
config interface vpn1
        option ifname   tun1
        option proto    none
config interface vpn2
        option ifname   tun2
        option proto    none
config interface vpn3
        option ifname   tun3
        option proto    none
config interface vpn4
        option ifname   tun4
        option proto    none
config interface vpn5
        option ifname   tun5
        option proto    none
config route
        list comment 'routing all possible private addresses to VPN server'
        list comment 'with different metric'
        option interface        lan
        option target 
        option netmask
        option gateway
        option metric           100
config route
        list comment 'routing all possible private addresses to VPN server'
        list comment 'with different metric'
        option interface        lan
        option target 
        option netmask
        option gateway
        option metric           100
config route
        list comment 'routing all possible private addresses to VPN server'
        list comment 'with different metric'
        option interface        lan
        option target 
        option netmask
        option gateway
        option metric           100