Table of Contents

Terminate UART Console

w/o Kernel Rebuild

If needing to utilize the terminal for RAW data/Modem data, reconfigure /dev/tty via the coreutils-stty module.

  1. Add kernel.printk = 0 4 1 7 to /etc/sysctl.d/:
     echo "kernel.printk = 0 4 1 7" > /etc/sysctl.d/10-printk.conf
  2. Edit /etc/inittab:
    1. Comment out lines starting with ttyS0:*, ttyATH0:* and ::askconsole:*
      sed -i -r -e "s/^((ttyS0|ttyATH0|::askconsole):.*)/#\0/" /etc/inittab
  3. Reboot

With Kernel Rebuild

  1. Modify Kernel config in <buildroot>/target/linux/ar71xx/config-x.xx: (x.xx = kernel version)
    1. Terminates Kernel console output early:

    2. Terminates Kernel console output later in boot process:
      1. Add loglevel=0 to CONFIG_CMDLINE=“rootfstype=squashfs,jffs2 noinitrd”
        sed -i -r -e 's/(CONFIG_CMDLINE=".*)(")/\1 loglevel=0\2/' target/linux/ar71xx/config-x.xx
  2. Recompile Kernel:
    make target/linux/{clean,prepare} V=s QUILT=1 && make V=s
  3. Flash recompiled image